Free 5 Day Overcome Perfectionism Challenge

I’m so glad you enjoyed my interview on the Love Unplugged Podcast. It was SO much fun talking to Jessica and sharing some of my best advice on how to overcome perfectionism. I hope you found it helpful!

There’s more to overcoming perfectionism than intellectually understanding that nobody’s perfect, so I’ve created a FREE 5-day challenge to help you get the best possible start to overcoming perfectionism.

In the challenge, I’ll teach you how to avoid the common success mistakes perfectionists make, become more productive every day, my complete 6-step process for overcoming perfectionism and SO much more.

Overcoming perfectionism change your life and I’m so happy to be your guide on this journey.

Join The Challenge

To join the FREE 5-day Overcome Perfectionism Challenge, click here or click the image below.

Be sure to check out our group coaching program Perfectionists Getting Shit Done, listen to our podcast The Perfectionism Project and follow me on Instagram if you’d like more on advice on how to beat procrastination, overcome perfectionism and become your best self.

Talk again soon,
Sam xx