You’re registered!

You’ve successfully registered for the Figure Your Life Out Masterclass – a free 3-part masterclass to help you figure out what to do with your life!

This powerful masterclass will bring you a sense of clarity and leave you feeling motivated, no matter how lost and overwhelmed you’re feeling right now.

To make the most of this masterclass, all you need to do is watch each of the 3 lessons, soak up the new knowledge and do the quick mini-assignments I’ll be giving you. It’s really as simple as that!

Step 1. Mark Your Calendar

The Masterclass gets started on Monday, 17 June 2019.

Below, I’ve included the date and time that I’ll be teaching each lesson live in the pop-up Facebook group – I recommend putting these in your calendar if you’re committed to making the most of this masterclass!

  • Lesson 1: 5pm EDT on Monday, 17 June 2019
  • Lesson 2: 5pm EDT on Wednesday, 19 June 2019
  • Lesson 3: 5pm EDT on Friday, 21 June 2019

Tip: If you need help converting this into your local timezone, click here.

Step 2. Join The Pop-Up Facebook Group

CLICK HERE to request access to the exclusive Facebook group for the masterclass.

And while we’re on the topic of Facebook groups, I know you might be a lurker when it comes to this kind of thing (me too!) but I HIGHLY recommend getting involved – it’ll truly make ALL the difference in terms of your results. And you signed up to get results, right?

If you’re not available to watch the lessons live, the replay will be there for you in the Facebook group when you’re ready! But make sure you watch ASAP – the masterclass recordings will only be up until 30 June 2019.

If you’re not a Facebook user…

I know Facebook isn’t for everyone, so I’ve set up a replay recording page where I’ll be uploading the replay of each lesson. If you’re not going to be joining the masterclass via Facebook, be sure to add this page to your bookmarks!

Step 3. Check your inbox

If you haven’t received a welcome email, make sure to add me as a contact and move the email from your spam/promotions folder to your inbox. Trust me – you don’t want to miss anything!

Can’t wait!
Sam xx