Day 2: 3 Success Mistakes All Perfectionists Make


Step 1: Watch The Video

Watch Day 2 of the Overcome Perfectionism Challenge now to discover 3 success mistakes all perfectionists make.

If you can relate to what I shared on Day 1 of the challenge, you need to be aware of these mistakes. I’ve made ALL of these mistakes in the past and they unknowingly held me back for years – and I don’t want the same to be true for you!

Make sure you take a photo of this page and post it to instagram stories (tagging me – @samlaurabrown) so I can cheer you on!

Step 2: Comment Below

After you’ve watched the video, leave a comment to let me know which of these 3 mistakes you’ve been making.

I’ll be reading every comment and can’t wait to hear what you learned!​ And I know you’re normally a lurker (most perfectionists are) but your comment doesn’t need to be perfect and this is a judgement-free zone. Quickly share something you learned from Day 2 below, it’ll help you get as much out of this challenge as possible!

Sam xx

P.S. It’s so important to remember that you’re not in this alone! There are hundreds of women in our Perfectionists Getting Shit Done community who are doing this work to overcome perfectionism too. We’re all in this together!

“Even though I am budgeting for my wedding, PGSD is something I’m not willing to cut. I have already gotten further on my goal than I ever have before, even though it’s something I’ve attempted several times in the past.” – Nicole