365 DAYS OF PERSONAL GROWTH: My New Daily Vlog Series!

Just a quick little post today to let you know that my new daily vlog series has started over on my YouTube channel!

My new daily vlog, 365 Days of Personal Growth, is just me documenting my personal growth journey for 365 days (so it’s exactly what it sounds like… but just thought I’d explain haha).

And I wanted to do this because I always find it way more relatable and WAY more inspiring when people just share what they’re going through and how they’re figuring everything out, rather than telling me what they think I ‘should’ do. And I want to make more of the kinds of things I personally find helpful.

Also you guys always tell me you that the reason you love following me is because I share that haven’t got everything figured out and I feel like it’s going to be an amazing way to give you more of that (you’ll see just how much I haven’t got figured out and it’s A LOT).

Plus, for selfish reasons, I think documenting my personal growth journey is going to be a rewarding and challenging and interesting thing to do!

So in these videos, I’m going to be chatting openly and honestly about things like self-confidence, self-doubt, having my own business, my goals, body image and everything I’m learning as I try to figure out how to make the most of my twenties and be the best version of myself that I can possibly be!

You can watch Day 1 here! And if you like it, don’t forget to subscribe to my channel so you can follow along with my personal growth journey!

I hope you like it!

All my love,
Sam xx


Make sure you enter my giveaway if you haven’t already! It’s open worldwide and the lucky winner will get a prize that will help them on their own person growth journey:

A paperback copy of my 5 favourite personal development books:

and my online course Dream Habit: A 28-Day Habit Bootcamp For Perfectionists (valued at $197)!

The giveaway closes at midnight on Thursday, 30 September 2017 and the lucky winner will be announced and contacted on Friday, 1 October 2017.


Click here to enter – it only takes a minute!

Good luck!

Author: Sam Brown