Keeping ourselves stuck so that we don’t ‘waste effort’ is a trap that many perfectionists fall into and in this episode of The Smart Twenties Podcast I’m going to help you learn more about exactly what this fear is, where it comes from and how to stop it from ruling your life.
In the episode I also recommend doing Tim Ferriss’ exercise called fear-setting. You can watch the YouTube video where I walk you through the whole process here.
Listen to the episode
And if you’d like to download the episode so you can listen to it later, just click here!
And if you’re ready to stop hiding behind your fears but have no idea where to start, I highly recommend you consider taking my online course Get Out Of Your Own Way!
My online course for procrastinators
Get Out Of Your Own Way is a self-paced online video course that gives you the tools and mindset shifts you need to stop procrastinating, follow through with all your plans and have the courage to finally pursue your dreams – even if your life is totally overwhelming and you have no idea what you want to do!
This course isn’t for everyone. And it won’t be for you if you’re looking for quick-fix procrastination tips (let’s be real – you’ve seen all those already and they haven’t worked) or you’re afraid to dig deep and uncover the real reasons you’ve been holding yourself back.
But if you’re ready to make a change and need someone to guide you through the very first step – it could be just the thing you need before the new year gets started!
Click here to learn more about the course!
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Sam xx