Episode 361: [Planning Series] How To Power Plan In 3 Simple Steps

Episode 361: [Planning Series] How To Power Plan In 3 Simple Steps

The only reason you’re not doing the things you know you need to do is because you haven’t been planning properly as a perfectionist.

The resistance, the procrastination, the overwhelm, the burnout, the struggle to focus – 90% of that automatically dissolves when you’re planning in a way that gets your perfectionist mindset on your side.

You don’t need more time for your business, you just need to learn how to plan properly as a perfectionist.

And anyone can learn.

In fact, learning Power Planning is just like learning to drive – it might be new at first but once you learn it, you put that skill on autopilot and get the benefits for a lifetime. 

I walk you through the 3 steps of Power Planning – including why each step works for perfectionists – in the third part of my planning series.

Listening in will help you follow through with your plans (even when navigating big life transitions), make execution 10x easier and more effective, and make you more productive without putting your personal life on hold.

If you NEVER follow through with your plans and you’re tired of getting in your own way in your business, this is for you.

Find the full episode transcript and show notes at samlaurabrown.com/episode361.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why planning properly makes execution 10x easier and more effective
  • The best time to learn Power Planning
  • The 3 steps of Power Planning and why they work
  • How to be more productive without putting your personal life on hold
  • Why you need a Growth Goal and what this means
  • Why Power Planning is so important when navigating big life transitions

Our final 2022 enrollment week for PGSD begins at 6am New York Time on 26 October 2022:

Perfectionists Getting Shit one is my program for perfectionist entrepreneurs. It will have planning properly as a perfectionist and doing the most important tasks in your business in a consistent, sustainable, productive and courageous way. And it provides the accountability to make your new-found productivity levels sustainable long-term, even if you prefer to lurk and learn from the shadows.
This will be our final enrollment week for PGSD in 2022. Enrollment will open at 6am New York Time on 26 October and close at 11:59pm New York Time on 1 November 2022. To find out more about the program and be the first to know when the doors open you can join the waitlist here: samlaurabrown.com/pgsd.

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Power Planning covers everything perfectionists must do to plan properly. Anyone can learn how, and I walk you through the 3 steps + why they work in the third part of my planning series. If you NEVER follow through on your plans, tune in today.



Hi, and welcome to another episode of The Perfectionism Project. A podcast full of perfectionism advice for entrepreneurs. My name is Sam Laura Brown, I help entrepreneurs release their perfectionism handbrake, so they can get out of their own way and build a fulfilling and profitable business. I’m the founder of the perfectionist getting shit done group coaching program, which is otherwise known as PGSD. And for even more perfectionism advice to help you with your business, you can follow me on Instagram @perfectionismproject.

Sam Laura Brown

Let’s talk about power planning, and how to plan properly as a perfectionist in three simple steps. So this episode is the third part in this five part series on how to plan properly. And so far we have covered the hidden reason your business isn’t growing fast enough. And we’ve also covered the five ways that your productivity will skyrocket when you are planning properly as a perfectionist. And so in this episode, we’re going to be covering how do you plan properly as a perfectionist? What does that involve? What are the steps, I’m going to be walking you through them, so that you know exactly what I mean? When I say planning properly as a perfectionist.

Now, I also want to make sure you know that perfection is getting shit done, which is my program for perfectionist entrepreneurs, is going to be open for enrollment for our final enrollment week of 2020. To on the 26th of October doors will be opening at 6am New York time and closing at 11:59pm New York time on the first of November. So I want to invite you in if you want to plan properly as a perfectionist and be someone who is able to get everything done without burning out.

So PGSD is going to have you showing up fully getting out of your own way getting into a growth mindset. And it provides you with the accountability there are three types of accountability inside PGSD provides you with the accountability, to make that a change, a transformation that is sustainable, long term, that it’s not just you do things a better way for a few weeks, and then you’re back to how you were that PGSD helps you take knowing and turn it into doing. It helps you like right now you’re smart, you know what you need to do to build your business, and you’re just not doing it. And we help you do it.

And not just do it for a few weeks, and then you burn out or fall off but become someone who is productive in the sense that you are doing things in a consistent, sustainable, productive, courageous way productive being effectively and efficiently. I talked about that a bit more in the previous episode, and that you no longer have this fear of burning out or how long is this gonna last. And the accountability, as I mentioned really helps turn that into something that becomes a long term change for you. It’s like learning to drive you learn at once you get the benefits of it forever.

That that’s what happens when you learn the PGSD process for getting into a growth mindset and out of your own way and getting the most important things done. So I want to invite you in doors are opening as I said, 26th of October you can go to samlaurabrown.com/pgsd to sign up once the doors open right now you can go there to find out more about it. And in Episode 364 That’s coming up very soon, I will be sharing more about perfectionist getting shit done, what it is who it’s for why it works. So definitely stay tuned for that episode as well. That episode will be released when you see it it means that the doors to PGSD are open for enrollment.

So in this episode, I’m going to be walking you through how to power plan in three steps. And really just sharing what that process involves and why it really works well for perfectionist so in the first episode in this series, I talked about how focusing on planning properly as a perfectionist like yes, there are so many things you could look at in your business. At any given point in time this there’s an endless amount of things we could be looking at marketing and building our team, all these things, but the biggest lever is learning how to plan properly.

And I quoted Abraham Lincoln, give me six hours to chop down a tree and I’ll spend the first four hours sharpening my axe that execution becomes so much easier and more effective when we have prepared when we have plan when we have like in our case, sharpening the axe provides the leverage it means that for the effort we put in we’re getting more out of it. That’s what we want to make sure we’re doing with our business that the time we’re putting into it. We’re getting more out than we’re putting in rather than the same amount out or even less like right now you might be feeling like I’m putting in so much time into my business and it doesn’t reflect it at all.

And like if I broke down my hourly rate like it would just be embarrassing to see what that is. And it’s just I like I’m working so hard and maybe you’re doing a lot of procrastinating or whatever like you feel like you’re wasting time but you’re spending so much mental energy on it you like it putting a lot of energy into this business, and yet it’s not paying off and I like don’t know what to be doing. Planning properly. Like that’s the leverage. That’s a biggest lever that you can pull. Because once you are planning probably as perfectionist, and I’ve talked about this that perfection is we can’t follow the same planning advice as everyone else when we do we get in our own way it turns out perfectionism handbrake on and are all or nothing mindset, our people pleasing we don’t know how to say no.

Or we say yes. Or we don’t want to say yes, that we procrastinate, we get overwhelmed, we burnout. And it’s not because there’s anything wrong with us. It’s not because there’s anything wrong with being a perfectionist, is because we haven’t been following planning advice that actually works for someone in the mindset that we’re currently in. And yes, we want to be working on getting into a growth mindset, which is what happens when we follow the PGSD process, which is to plan properly follow through 80% of time rest without guilt and repeat. We want to be getting into that mindset.

But we also want to be planning in a way that gets our perfectionist mindset on our side, so that we can work alongside ourselves instead of against ourselves. And I know from experience, how frustrating it is when you want to be productive when you know you have so much potential when you know your business has so much potential and you’re looking at everyone else’s business. And you’re like, I know my business could be like that, too. Even though you have the impostor syndrome and self doubt and all that you’re like, I just know, I am capable of so much more. And it feels like you’re on this hamster wheel. Maybe you’re on the content hamster wheel, like you’re just trying to do all the things but you’re not really getting anything done.

And there’s not really much to show for and you know, you should be further along, based on how much effort you’re putting into, but you don’t know, you just don’t know where you’re going wrong. It’s you just need to plan properly. That is the biggest lever that you can pull and the way that you can make sure that the time you’re putting into your business is going to be paying off. And this is particularly important. If you are right now navigating a transition where you’re getting more time in your day or less time in your day, or you’ve just been through that we’re just about to go through that.

So maybe for example, you are having children you are or needing to look after your children, you have a health issue, you have a full time job, like there’s something that is meaning that you’re not spending as much time in your business as you otherwise would be. Or maybe it’s the opposite of that. And previously, like you’ve had a restriction on it. So maybe you have been in that situation where you have the full time job or the kids to look after, or the health issue. And now that isn’t there anymore. And you suddenly met with like this full day, and you’ve been telling yourself for so long that you’ve had just had more time. And then you’re going to waste it if you don’t have this skill set of planning properly. So you want to really be focusing on this and developing this.

And just knowing that you learn it once you get it for a lifetime that it is going to initially take a bit of attention, like when you’re learning to drive that you need to check the mirrors and steer at the same time and not hit anything and like there’s things going on, but pretty damn quickly, you can put that on autopilot and you’re driving around. And you don’t even know how you got to where you were going. But you were driving by you were just able to do that without even having to think about it. And that’s what happens when we learn how to plan properly is that once we have that skill set, we’re able to benefit from it year after year after year.

And the sooner we learn it, the better. And as I said, especially if you’re navigating a transition in time right now, or you’re just about to or you just have, it’s more important now than ever. And also, it’s so powerful to learn this when you’re busy, too. Because if you like we want to often inside PGSD on a call. We want to like as perfectionist, we have this fantasy. If I could just go in a cabin in the woods for a week, then I would and we have you know whatever task it is or project or whatever we’ve been putting off, then I could just get it done.

If I could just like put my real life on pause on hold and go out there with no distractions when the reality is if you’re not planning properly, you’re just going to freeze that time feel super guilty about it. But we have this fantasy about if I could just put everything on, on pause on hold if I didn’t have life going on. But we know by now life is always going on. And as much as we like to fantasize about the cabin in the woods. I’ve fantasized about that or like I just wish I could move somewhere and I didn’t know anyone and I just moved like little bubble I could be in and we don’t need the cabin in the woods.

We don’t need to do that. We don’t need to put our life on hold because when we’re planning properly And especially, it’s so powerful to learn it while you’re busy, like learn it while you’ve got life going on. So it’s sustainable when life is going on. Because if you learn how to be productive when you’re in the cabin in the woods, then you’re only productive at the cabin in the woods because you’re relying on those circumstances, for your productivity. And we don’t want to have our productivity be reliant on our circumstances, we want to be the creator of that. And that is what power planning creates.

So let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about the three steps of power planning. I love talking about this. I love sharing this, I love teaching this. We obviously work on this inside PGSD, it’s a first step in the PGSD process, plan properly as a perfectionist, and it’s very important. And it’s also very simple to learn. And so as I mentioned, in PGSD, there’s the PGSD process, or have you getting out of your own way into a growth mindset. There’s also the accountability, to take this from just something you know, to something you’re actually doing. But let’s talk about what those three steps are when it comes to power planning.

So the first step is your power hour. This is when you are putting your needle moving tasks, and your clean rest into your digital calendar. So I use iCal other PGSDers use Google Calendar, both of which are free. So you’re putting needle movers and clean rest in your digital calendar, and committing your little tweaks. This is the second step, you are updating your calendar as you go throughout the week. So you’re making adjustments. So you always know what to work on, and able to get everything done without feeling pressured without feeling overwhelmed. Then your weekly review you’re reflecting on what worked, what didn’t work, what to do differently.

So next week’s plans even easier to follow. So specifically with those the Power Hour little tweaks and weekly review, here’s how it you be thinking about them. The Power Hour, that’s you sharpening that axe, that is you doing the preparation, the planning, and I’ll talk more about like what needs to happen in that time. But that is you sharpening your AX so that when it comes time to chop the tree down. So when it comes time to do the work, that you were doing it in the most impactful way that you can. And I know sometimes that we like to think that I’ve been there, I have been that we don’t have enough time to plan.

There’s too much to do, I just need to jump right in, I find myself still having that thought if I’m like just feeling overwhelmed about things. I’m like, Oh, my goodness, I just need to get started with things. And I’m like, no, no, no, do my power planning, do my Power Hour. And then it’s just I’m sharpening my axe at it, everything’s gonna be easier. So like, knowing that you might have resistance sometimes to planning. Or you might over plan and feel like you need a full day to do it. But you only need an hour. And you can go through this process in an hour.

And it gets easier every single week. In the beginning, maybe it’ll take you 90 minutes, that’s okay. Maybe you have a really big week. And there’s lots of decisions to make whatever, it takes a bit longer, but we’re aiming for an hour, can you we’re sharpening your axe. So when it comes time to chop down that tree, you were able to do that in the most impactful way, it takes less energy and you get more result for that energy, your little tweaks, this is when you’re making the adjustments to your calendar. So I want you to be thinking about this, like the rerouting feature.

I don’t know if that’s what it’s called. But on Google Maps, if there’s a detour, if there’s an accident, if something happens, and you’re not able to go on the route, the route that you were meant to be going on, that was the best way to get there that you had planned. Then what happens is Google Maps or whatever, will tell you, Okay, you need to turn right and then left and whatever, but it’s still going to get you to the end destination. It doesn’t just come up with this error of like, okay, now it’s impossible to get there just turn around and go home. Like it just figures out a different way for you to still get to where you’re going.

And most importantly, this feature doesn’t just keep telling you like Google Maps, sorry, that say there’s an accident. It’s just happened like a couple of cars in front of you. And the roads now closed off and you can’t go that way. That if you just decide, okay, well, I’m just going to turn here or turn around, do a u turn and find another way. It’s gonna catch up with you and say, Okay, now go this way, in that way in that way, and get you to where you want to go. It’s not perfect.

We’ve all had experiences, but it’s, it’s better than like not driving with a map if you don’t know where you’re going. And so it doesn’t just tell you like, No, you should be on this road. Why aren’t you on this road? Just keep going on this road. To ignore is that you’ve gone a different way because something’s going on there. And so it’s the same thing when it comes to your calendar. And this is so important and really helped. If you find that, in the past, you’ve worked from a calendar, maybe you’ve been time blocking or something like that. And you fall behind, and it’s very stressful and pressure, you’re even if you’re not behind, you feel like I’m about to fall behind, and I can’t fall behind. And it just, you leave your calendar as it was. And this is what I used to do.

Say, like, I think 2016 2017 when I was like, Hey, I’m gonna try working from a calendar that sounds like something I’d be interested in doing. But I didn’t know all the things I’m sharing this episode. And so I just like jam packed my calendar. And it was very stressful, I can already feel overwhelmed before it even started working. Because I just my brain was like, we can’t focus for that long like, this is going to be super hot. And we can’t actually do that and all the things. So when I would do that, if I fell behind, I wouldn’t actually update my calendar, what I would do is I would just keep working on what was meant to be the next thing. And kind of like pushing out my in time, but I wasn’t updating my calendar.

And also like the power hour, we’ll talk about how that helps you avoid having the overscheduled calendar in a second. But I wouldn’t actually like reroute and just keep my calendar workable. And so it was very stressful. And it ended with me abandoning my calendar always. And then I’d start again on the Monday. And I’d have like, and I can see it in my ICal like go back. I have like two days of jam packed calendaring, and then a week of nothing in my calendar, and then like two days and the rest of the week, nothing. And it’s because we aren’t rerouting we want to be making sure we’re keeping our calendar workable.

We’re making those little tweaks to our calendar, so that we’re still getting to the destination. Even if it’s not exactly in the timeframe we want. Even if it’s not the way we envisage we’re still able to get there. And a lot of times, like the beautiful thing that happens, I find at least is that if there’s some reason I can’t get something done when I had planned to, and I have to make my little tweaks to my calendar, I practice what I preach, I make my little tweaks so many times, I actually just stop and ask myself like, I didn’t get this done, is that actually something that needs to be done. And I’ll explore that.

And I’d say, maybe half the time like this actually doesn’t need to get done. Or this could actually be condensed with this, or I could repurpose that, like I find a better way to get there. Instead of just letting myself extend out my work day, or add an extra work days are trying like, we often try and solve what we think is a productivity problem with adding more time and it doesn’t work. And really just knowing like your follow through problems, you might think you have a motivation, problem and discipline to oh my goodness, a discipline problem, a focus problem.

So much of that is sold, when you’re just planning properly as a perfectionist, and setting yourself up for success, setting yourself up to be focused, setting yourself up in a way that you can easily follow through with what’s on your plans. Again, we’ll talk about in a second when we go a bit further into the Power Hour. But just know we have these little tweaks. And that’s something to keep in mind too, when you’re planning out your week that you want to commit to what’s in your calendar. But you know, as well, like it’s not this rigid.

I want to say like crew, cruel mistress, I don’t think that’s the right thing to say. But it’s not this cruel ruler that is just there that’s like and now you have to follow this strictly knew, like, if you if anything happens, like you can’t deviate from the plan, you have to stick to it. Because that just pulls out perfectionism a handbrake on and puts us in the all or nothing mindset and then just makes us abandon everything.

So we don’t want to be doing that. We want to be allowing ourselves to make these little tweaks to do it without feeling guilty. It’s part of the process. Like this is why it’s a second step as well. It’s not like oh, you make little tweaks if you’re not doing things right. It’s like no, the process is to make little tweaks. That’s part of it. That’s a sign you’re doing it right. That you’re needing to adjust your plants and that you are adjusting them like I love to as I’m going through my day.

I will adjust, you know, if something took longer than I had planned or I need to shuffle things around, like I make a lot of changes throughout the day, just little ones on most days. And I’ll add a little checkmark emoji. So I still got that satisfaction of ticking off something on my to do list without having the To Do lists, like my calendar is my to do list. And then, at the end of the week, when I’m comparing my screenshot of my calendar, from the end of the week, to the beginning, I’m really able to see, like, I’m able to learn so much about myself through doing that.

And that’s from doing the little tweaks. Whereas, like, the periods, if I look back at my calendar of when I was time blocking, and I wasn’t following this process is that I have no idea what I actually got done or how well I actually was working. Because my calendar doesn’t reflect that it reflects my good intentions, and not the reality of what happened. So the third step is the weekly review.

And I want you to be thinking about this, like how NASA does a debrief after a training exercise or after a mission, that they are continuous learners, they aren’t just like, oh, well, that didn’t work. And it’s probably because we weren’t motivated enough. So try to be more motivated next time, and hope we get a better outcome. No, they can’t do that. Because as literally people’s lives on the line. And also like the things they’re doing that, that they need to be so mindful with paying attention to what’s working, what’s not working, and what to do differently, that they do a debrief, and they do that was full responsibility, and full transparency, so that they are able to have that be as productive as possible.

And so that’s what we want to be doing. When we’re getting to the end of the week, instead of being like, well, I you know, I’ll just try this same thing again next week, and just hope I motivated, or I’m more focused or more disciplined, or that my child doesn’t get sick, or whatever we say, we don’t want to debrief and for perfectionist, it can feel really vulnerable to take a look. Because we feel at like, what went on because we feel like our best is our best and it can’t get better. And so we are scared to see our best wasn’t good enough.

And to like just look at how things go on. But if we’re being growth minded about it and being continuous learners like NASA that were looking at, okay, what worked like celebrating, what went really well, what could be improved? And specifically, what am I going to do differently, not I’m going to procrastinate less, or I’m going to post more often, like, let’s be super specific. So we can actually action that during our next Power Hour and our next week of working. And then we get to the next weekly review we can reflect on okay, what was my hypothesis? Did that actually work. And so that is the power planning process.

In a nutshell, the Power Hour, the little tweaks a weekly review, I’m going to be going into a little bit more detail about the power hour we go through this obviously inside PGSD the steps you need to follow. But I just want to talk about with that how the power hour solves so many of your follow through problems, you might be having your burnout problems, because your follow through problem is just a planning problem. This is why planning properly is such a big lever that you can pull and is like sharpening that axe and it just pays off tenfold and then some is that when you’re planning in a way that gets your perfectionist mindset on your side, following through is just so much easier.

And if you think about like the driving analogy, and if you were if you’d never learned to drive properly, like you’d never been taught how to drive. And you had just gotten into a car and you’d started driving, you seen other people driving like you’re in a car you’re driving like and you have all these fears and this resistance. So like you’re really scared to go on the highway, and you have a lot of resistance to merging, because you don’t know like exactly how to do that. And what if it goes wrong? And there’s all these fears around like, you have a lot of basically, as I said Fear and resistance around driving. And it’s not because that’s the way it always has to be.

It’s just because you haven’t learned how to drive. And when you learn how to drive properly 90% of those fears will dissolve there might still be some resistance there. There still might be some fear to work through. But it just reduces dramatically. Because you now know instead of having to be resistant to going onto the highway If you don’t have that resistance, because you now know how to safely merge on the highway, you know how it works, you know what lane you need to be in, you know that if you’re going onto the highway, like you have right away in that person there’s going to merge across, you don’t need to be scared of that.

And that this is the speed limit. And like this is what tends to happen on a hike. So much of the time, when there are questions around productivity of like and follow through of how to overcome resistance to doing certain things, how do I get myself to focus? How do I have more discipline? It’s because we aren’t planning properly as a perfectionist? Why are we planning properly if we weren’t a perfectionist, but for someone with our mindset, we’re not planning properly. And so the result of that is the resistance. It’s not that the resistance has to be there. And we always have to overcome it.

And maybe it can be overcome without learning how to plan properly. But let’s just do the thing that’s going to have the most impact and learn how to plan properly. And then know that like, 90% of that resistance that we’re always having to overcome and the fight the desire to procrastinate and all of that, that like 90% of that can just evaporate once we know how to plan properly as a perfectionist. And then we have the skill set to deal with the 10% that remains, rather than just being like, oh, no, I’m smart. So I should know how to dry by myself, like I should be able to figure that out.

And this is something actually recently, I was just really working on myself that as someone who was praised a lot for being smart and being intelligent that I find myself still wanting to be like to, like, do things that look smart and feel responsible. And I really have a pull towards doing that. And especially in the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey, the first few years, I was really in this mindset of like, I’m smart, I should be able to figure this out myself, I should be able to piece this together.

I shouldn’t need accountability from anyone else. Like I have so many shoulds I should know better than this, I should be smarter than this, I am smart. And what I’ve really come to recognize recently is like, how I was trying to do it by myself the dumbest thing I could do in getting my brain to really see like, in this case, like how is learning how to plan properly, the smartest thing you can do and not a sign that you’re lacking intelligence because you should be able to figure it out yourself.

And the same when it comes to accountability, which is something that we offer in PGSD of like, yes, you want to be developing self accountability, that is something you develop inside PGSD through the PGSD process. But needing peer accountability, needing expert accountability isn’t a sign that you’re lacking something that you’re lacking some kind of intelligence, or talent, and that you should be able to keep yourself motivated, because you know better and you’re smarter than that to just be like, but how is getting support the smartest thing I could do right now.

And when I really started framing it that way for myself. It just, it was so crazy, because I just hadn’t seen it that way for like 30 years. But once I really started to see like, how is that the smartest thing I could do that I get help, that I don’t have to try and piece it together myself. But I’m able to ask for help get support, get accountability, and learn and not just procrasti-learn, but learn through doing and be willing to make mistakes, like how is that the smartest thing I could do? And just asking my brain that question really, really, really helped me it’s like, instead of categorizing certain things as irresponsible, and dumb, I’m now categorizing those things as smart and intelligent.

And they’re things that move me towards my goals. So it’s just happening so much faster, which is so fun. So anyway, I just wanted to mention that fully of like, I should be figuring this out all by myself. But let’s talk about your Power Hour, and a bit more about what needs to go on during that time. So let’s just zoom in on that power hour for a second. So again, this is when you’re sharpening the axe so that everything you do throughout the week is more impactful, instead of just hacking away with a blunt axe. So what you’re going to do is you’re going to put your needle movers and your clean rest in your digital calendar and commit to that.

And with this process, we go through it and say PGSD but with this, you’re going to be doing just like a big brain dump of all the things that you need to do. And this is why like, a lot of times we will just do this big long to do lists or we’re doing this with pen and paper this big long to do list. And then we’ll highlight Okay, these are a few things I need to get done. I’m gonna prioritize and be good. So these are things I need to get out of this like leave it with this overwhelming to do list. So we do this at the beginning of power planning the power hour, but we don’t want to stay in that we want to get it into the calendar.

We’re going to talk about how to do that. But we do that we look at what are our needle movers. What can I eliminate delegate automate, we really just like check in with this brain dump that we’ve just done of everything that we need to do. And really look at, okay, what is the most important thing, I talked about this a bit in the previous episode, and also in the fifth part of this series, I’ll be talking about needle movers, I won’t go into them too much, but initially, just gonna be asking yourself, what’s directionally incorrect for me in accordance with my goal that I’m working towards.

So a big part of planning properly, that I haven’t got time to go into in this series, is having your growth goal having that destination in the GPS, having your 12 month revenue goals that said, just above what you currently believe is possible. So you need to release your perfectionism handbrake at least a little bit in order to achieve it. So we have that goal. And without that, like if you have 20 different goals, or no goals are super vague ones, like I just want to go full time or things like that that are very vague, then it’s going to be really hard to figure out what’s directionally correct for you.

So we want to have that growth goal inside PGSD. When you sign up, one of the very first thing you’ll do is you’ll set your growth goal. If you want that reviewed, we’ll review that for you you can get coaching on if you want you can get other PGSD is getting coached on it if you want. And you will have that goal. And that will then be influencing your power planning, and helping you get clear on what’s important, what isn’t. So you’ll have a look at this long list, you’ll figure out what my needle movers are. And what you will do is you will then go to your calendar.

First of all you put in your commitments. So these might be things like appointments that you have family dinner, these might be workouts that you have just things specifically things that need to happen at certain time. Or maybe they don’t need to have a certain time, you’re going to decide when they’re going to happen. So you put them in first, then you put in your clean rest. And this is where a lot of times, like if you’re working from a calendar, we put in all the tasks like we try and get our long to do list into the calendar, and then rest and the leftover time, I’m not gonna go into a full thing on clean rest in this episode. But it’s very important.

Resting without guilt, it’s that third step in the PGSD process, that if you are not being productive in the way you want to be. Part of that is because you’re not getting enough clean rest, you might be taking some time off, you’re probably feeling guilty about all the things you should be doing. Or maybe you feel like you’re just constantly like half and half out of your business, you never fully new personal life, you’re never fully in your business, if you’re working, you’re doing loads of laundry. And if you are with your family, then you’re mentally thinking about the things you need to do.

So we want to have that clean rest, and we put it in first, because it’s so important, like it’s one of the most productive things we can do. So instead of resting in the time that’s left over, and there’s never any time left over, we want to put the rest in first. And then we solve for how to guarantee when we was done in the time that’s left over. So you’ve got the commitments and as well, that might be things like if you’re working in a job, or whatever, then that clean rest. So with this, there’s a module on clean rest inside PGSD. But with clean rest, you’re going to be wanting to put a little bit more on your calendar than you’re comfortable with.

Because especially when we feel like we didn’t have enough time to everything done, and we’re like, Okay, well rest needs to go. I’ll rest once everything’s done, I actually prefer resting once everything’s done, because I just love that feeling of knowing it’s all done. But when my power planning, we actually create the feeling of things being done, even when there’s an endless amount of things to be done. And this is so important because in business, there’s always more to do, there’s no boss telling you like, Okay, you’re done for the day, it’s 5pm Go home, like, you can always work longer hours.

And also because there’s so many ways to get to where you want to go. And there’s always so many different things you could be doing. Even if you have a team, there’s always more you could be doing. And so we need to be the one to decide when enough is enough. And in the next episode about how to use your calendar as a tool for kindness. I’m going to be talking about this a bit more. Because creating a sense of accomplishment for yourself and planning in a way that reduces overwhelm and makes it harder to have overwhelming thoughts is very, very, very important. And those things happen when we put clean rest in before we put in the needle movers.

It’s so important to get that guilt free rest. And as I said initially, just put a little bit more in there than you feel comfortable with. That might not be much and you might be comparing yourself to imaginary other people who have more or less or whatever. But you don’t know that just think about your yourself and what works for you and how much you’re currently getting. And then just adding a little bit more, it’s really going to help you prioritize, and also just have the mental energy and emotional capacity to do courageous things in your business. And to do the needle movers, instead of feeling so exhausted, that can be doing a lot of busy work.

Part of that is, your brain wants a fucking break. It is so exhausted from feeling like it has to be on all the time, and you beat it up and not being like this, like robot have a brain. So it does busy work, it prioritizes the easy things over the important things because it needs a break, it needs time to recharge, and you’re not giving it that time. So it’s going to do what it needs to do to get that time. So we want to know that about our brain that it needs breaks. And if we don’t give it the break, it’s going to get the break, it’s just not going to be in a way that feels good for us, it’s going to be through procrastination or burnout, or overwhelm, it’s going to be in some kind of way. But it’s going to get a break. So why do we not just choose when we want to have that break, and let it have that break.

And to know in the beginning, it may be a little uncomfortable to have time off, you might not know what you want to do in that time, you might find yourself just wanting to work and telling yourself but I love working so much. It’s okay if I do all the time and everyone’s gonna have different clean rest needs. I’m not saying like, no one should work more than a certain number of hours a day or a certain number of days per week, we never say that kind of thing in PGSD it’s never about, here’s the parameters and you choose within that what you want to do. It’s you could work 14 hours, days, there’s ways to do that, for sure without burning out.

And you can work two hour days and be achieving your goals like there’s no right or wrong, everyone’s gonna have a different ideal, but it’s really about figuring out what works for you. And rather than following like this, you know, system that was made up by someone at some point about the nine to five and feeling like well, I have to follow that because you know, I’m at home full time and my business, I should be working the same number of hours or like, I can’t work that many hours or I shouldn’t work that few hours or all the different things to just put the judgment aside.

But to know that, regardless of even if you want to work a 14 hour day, maybe that’d be productive, he maybe wouldn’t. But regardless, you figure that out through the planning process and doing your weekly review and seeing what actually happens versus what you had planned, and how productive those days are. But still, you’re going to be having some clean rest, everyone is going to be getting some clean rest. And so you need to put that in first. So you put that in, and then in the leftover time. So that’s what you’ve got for your business.

And sometimes this can be a little confronting, especially in your first couple of weeks of power planning, especially if you’ve been working from a to do list and you haven’t really had to face the reality of how much time you have. And you’ve been able to, not to say this in a condescending way, but you’ve been able to live in this little fairytale land that you have a lot more time than you actually do have, then it can be a little confronting, to be met with the reality of how much time you have for your business. And you have this list of things you want to get done. And you have a few hours to do it. And your brain is probably going to tell you that’s not enough time, because it’s used to work in at like 50% capacity, and hasn’t, uh, because you haven’t had that clean grace that you need.

And you haven’t been working in your best work rhythm, like doing certain tasks at different times of day and like doing your most courageous tasks first or last, like whatever works for you. Your brain is kind of looking at that amount of time and thinking about how much work you’ve done in that amount of time in the past and how much procrastinating you’ve done. And whatever, that it’s looking at that thinking it’s not enough and we’re just retraining our brain. Because you can get so much done in a short amount of time when you’re focused. And you don’t have a focus issue, you’ve just had a planning problem. And you can anyone can learn how to plan properly as a perfectionist, which is amazing.

So that’s what we’re talking about. So when you are able to like your brain is so much easier to focus. If your brain knows there’s light at the end of the tunnel, a break is coming off up. And they’re actually going to give me that break. Like it’s not like on your calendar, there’s a break coming up, but then your brains like Yeah, but you know, she’s probably gonna add all these extra tasks to the day. It’s like there’s a break coming and we’re gonna get the break. So it’s okay to be focused now and use a lot of mental energy like our brains are wired and designed for survival and to conserve energy.

Our brain uses a lot of calories. And so it needs like if it uses calories to be focused. It takes mental energy. We all know that when you’re focused on something like your brain is working hard, even if it’s like flowy kind of focus. Your brain is still working to be focused on something And so it needs to know that a break is coming. It’s like if you were at the gym, and you had someone telling you, okay, you need to do 50 burpees. I’ll say wait till they just say you need to do burpees just do but just keep doing them. You would pace yourself, right? Like you would be like, Okay,

I don’t know how many burpees I need to do. If you don’t know what that is. It’s an exercise that like, uses a lot of muscles in your body and takes a lot of energy. When you’re like laying on the floor, typically jumping up lying back down, jumping up, different ways to do it. But anyway, it takes a lot of energy to do it. Most people if you’ve worked out, you know, a burpee, you probably don’t enjoy them. Some people do, but you probably don’t.

Anyway, someone just told you just do burpees just like keep going. I’ll tell you when to stop. You are not going to be going most people hide out that whole time. Because you’re going to be conserving energy because you don’t know what’s coming up. They might say keep going for an hour, they might say you only need to do 10 You don’t know. So you’re pacing yourself and leaving something else in the tank in case you need it later.

And if someone on the other hand said, I want you to do 10 burpees, it’s so much easier to go all out on the 10 burpees, especially if it’s someone you can trust that if they say 10 burpees, then it’s going to be 10 burpees, they’re not going to add extra ones, maybe they might add one extra one, but they’re not going to like double it. So you can trust that and you can act accordingly and put effort in accordingly and like, leave nothing in the tank. And then you can have a rest. And then you can do 10, allow burpees, again, you’re going to be doing a lot more of an effective workout than if someone just says do burpees all day today, please.

No, thank you, I don’t want to do that, of course, you’re gonna be resistant to that. So it’s knowing that your brain works the same way. If you’d like, be productive today, please, all day, I’m not going to tell you exactly what to do, you’re going to have to figure that out as you go. And I’m not going to tell you when we’re going to stop or just let you know, like you let me know when you’re too exhausted to continue on or maybe stop then our brain, it doesn’t like that. Like, of course it doesn’t of course we have resistance.

Of course we have trouble focusing. When that’s how we are like setting our relationship up with our brain, that it’s like, I don’t trust you, I don’t like you. You never give me a break. You just expect me to be a robot and to just be a machine and to not need to have any, like visibility in terms of knowing when things are going to end. And like how long do I need to do this for this is why working from a calendar is so effective, because it gives your brain like, there’s that visibility that your brain can look at the calendar, especially as you develop yourself trust through following the PGSD process, you’re going to look at that calendar.

By within a few weeks, like definitely within the three months that you’re making a three month commitment to power planning that your brain is going to be able to look at it. And there might be little tweaks you make. But for the most part, it’s going to trust that if you say we’re doing this really like there’s two hours of courageous work we need to do this morning, then we’re going to have an hour off. And then we’re just going to do some easier tasks this afternoon. That is still needle movers, but they’re not going to require a lot of courage.

Your brain will be like, Okay, let’s go, we can do this. And it can do it. But if it’s just this, like, do burpees all day, please today and every day, like you’re gonna have to do them tomorrow, and the next day, the next day. If that was a gym, you’re at 100%, you would quit that gym 100%. It’s just like mental torture, to not be told what the parameters are. And you would probably like, try and create them for yourself. If you’re like, Okay, I’ll focus on doing 10 And then I’ll count to 10, then I’ll do the next. Because our brain just wants to know how much energy like it is designed for survival. It is designed to conserve calories.

So that if something really bad and unsafe happens that it can use as calories to get us into safety. So it wants to know like, Okay, how much effort am I going to need later? How much how many calories, like how much energy am I going to need later. So I can know how much you use right now. So we need to get our brain outside, get it like working for us instead of against us and say, Hey, I know this is gonna be hard for you. But it’s only for an hour, it’s only if it’s three hours or whatever. And then here’s a break that’s how many his, we’re going to switch into this other kind of task and over time, 100%, you can increase your capacity.

So you can be spending more time doing the courageous things doing the mentally challenging things. And your brain will increase its stamina. And as your self trust increases as well, that makes that so much easier. But to just know, like, your brain, it wants to do its best, like it’s designed to help you to keep you alive. It’s done that thus far. And we just need to be thinking about how it works and get it working for us instead of against us. So no more of this, like do burpees all day every day. And why can you not focus and why don’t you put in a full effort like, dark, it’s not going to do that. So you’re having this focus issue.

You’re having motivation, issue discipline, you’ve just been telling your brain do burpees all day, every day, please. And it doesn’t like that. So we have a limited amount of time. And as I was saying your brains used to like have you still like that because it doesn’t know how long that’s gonna be doing burpees for. So you are going to look at your calendar and think that’s not enough time based on your like pacing yourself kind of pace, instead of getting to be familiar and this is what you do when your power planning. You become familiar with actually what your best work looks like and your highest working capacity and again, they’ll increase over time.

But you haven’t been operating at that level yet. And you might think like there have been times I’ve been super productive, but maybe you burnout, or you weren’t able to sustain it, you fell off. And to just know, like I talked about this in the previous episode, that I really want you to be creating new associations with productivity, not saying like, Well, yeah, I’ve done that before. But that wasn’t sustainable. Like, there’s more to it than that. And it’s not hard to do it like that. It just happens when you’re power planning that you’re doing the most important tasks, and you’re doing them in a consistent, sustainable, productive and courageous way.

But when we think about past times, were really productive, and we weren’t able to maintain it. It’s often in this like, well, I got my I got my brain to just do endless burpees for a little bit, but then it eventually got tired. And I just, I can’t trust myself can’t trust it to, to be able to do that again. And I don’t know how to get myself to do that again, and how long it’ll last for whatever to just know, like, that you haven’t experienced true productivity yet. If you haven’t been planning properly, you haven’t had the right glasses prescription. That’s what I’m giving you now.

That’s what you get inside PGSD along with the accountability to make it sustainable to make it lasting change. So we’re putting the clean RAS that we’re putting in the needle movers in the needle mover episode, I’m going to talk about figuring out your needle movers. And then what we’re doing is we are once we’ve got that too, a lot of times, especially if you’re time blocking, you’ll like stop there be like cool, looks pretty Let’s go. We’ve already not got enough time.

So let’s just get into it. But there’s a couple more things you need to do. It mainly is committing. But to be able to commit, you need to review workability. And think about what obstacles could stop me from falling through with this plan. Like I’ve kind of planned out and I’ve been thinking about what might come up different things like that. And with how planning, we use buffer time, PGSD is have different words for like cushion time, is one that I’ve seen that I quiet like fire extinguisher time, like different names like that, the time that you put in like a block where it’s not designated for anything that allows you to have like wiggle room in your calendar, basically.

And so you’re going to be asking your brain to think about like, what could come up that I haven’t anticipated. But that this gets easier each week as you do a weekly review and you’re like, oh, this thing came like you get to be familiar with the kinds of things that come up. Instead of being in this mindset of I can’t plan out my week, it’s too uncertain. I don’t know where my kids will need me, I don’t know where my employees will need me, I don’t know, how my health is going to be like these kinds of things. I don’t know how long it will take me to do this or that, that you will get familiar with that. Like it will no longer be this unknown. But you’ll still ask your brain like, Okay, what else like what could happen? If anything that might make this plan hard to follow or that I haven’t accounted for I’ve just kind of forgotten.

And it’s amazing that when we ask our brain, there’s that there are things that will come up of like, actually, I have a doctor’s appointment, I completely forgot to put in or like actually look at this, I haven’t even put any time for commuting to work in or I haven’t put my lunch breaks in, or that, you know, like last week, this thing came up, maybe that’ll happen again this week, or like, just knowing like, okay, most weeks, I need a few hours extra because there are things that come up that I can’t anticipate, but I can anticipate that there will be a few hours worth of things.

And you can start to take that into account ahead of time. So this is where it makes it so much easier to follow through. Because with your planning, you are considering not that you’re a robot or you’re like living in this cabin in the woods with no distractions, but that you’re a real human with a real life and health and other things going on. And so you take that into account in your planning rather than it being a follow through issue. You just solve for it with your planning. So you’re looking at like, what productivity obstacles might there be?

Also, how might I distract myself this week? How might I pull myself off track and accounting for that and knowing for example, like for me typically after a coaching call, that my brain just needs a minute because I’m so focused during a coaching call on who I’m coaching and being present with them. That right after I just found through power planning that if I put a task that requires mental energy after that, that I never do it, like I always have to move it to later because my brain is like oh just like if I don’t plan anything else. I don’t plan clean rest. I’ll just end up like scrolling through my phone.

Because my brain just needs a minute to like decompress and just be without having to like do so I know that I need to Have a little bit of time. After a coaching call, typically now what I do is I have like an early lunch and the days I do coaching calls, and I take that clean rest, I have a full hour. And they know after that, from experience after that my brain is going to be ready to go again. And it’s not that doing a coaching call, even at this point, like initially, it required a lot of courage to do that. It doesn’t anymore. But it still requires a lot of focus and mental energy. And so instead of it being a problem that I can’t do anything immediately after I just plan for that. So that’s what we want to do, like how might I distract myself? Like, why might I need breaks?

How so for example, if you actually enjoy scrolling through social media, and like doing that, which is totally okay, like, very valid thing, then maybe I might actually just plan this is thinking about how your brain just wants to see what’s gonna be coming up so it can budget accordingly. If you really enjoy doing that, and you haven’t got any time in your calendar, of course, you’re going to try and like sneak it in, especially if you’re doing like uncomfortable things. And it’s like, great, I get to do something I enjoy. And it’s also going to take me out of something that you don’t enjoy, amazing. So you might be like, Okay, I’m gonna schedule in half an hour of like, watching tiktok tonight, or an hour or three hours, it can be whatever, but to schedule that in.

So during the brain, the brain, the day when your brain is like, oh, let’s go do this thing that you can be like, hey, it’s coming up, I’ve got you I’ve got your back, we’re going to be doing that later on. Might be watching Netflix might be what like things that this is why as well in PGSD, we’re not like, this is clean rest. This is procrastination. These are needle movers. We help you and there’s accountability and support there to help you figure out what they are for yourself. But everyone’s different. And for someone scrolling on social media might be procrastination. And for someone else, that might be something that they quite enjoy doing. Or they find that it’s beneficial for them. And so we’re not going to say like don’t do this and do that.

It’s really about viewing what actually works for you, like we’ve been told all our lives, what we shouldn’t shouldn’t do, let’s actually just tune into ourselves, be more connected with ourselves and figure that out through trying things and experimenting and reflecting. So there might be something you want to do. Say for example, watching tick tock, and you can put that in your calendar and your brain can know, hey, that’s coming up. So we don’t need to do that right now. And you can when your brain wants to pick it up, hey, we’re going to be doing that later. And so for me, for example, with like when I’ve needed to check Instagram for Business stuff, and also to help like, I’m not doing it very much at all at the moment.

But when I was just wanting to scroll a lot and like watch things like for my own benefit, that I just plan to, like do that at 8am and 8pm. Rather than it being like, no, it’s naughty, I shouldn’t do that at all, whatever. And all just trying to like do less of it. This was talked about with the weekly review being specific with things like okay, well, I’m gonna check in at 8am and 8pm. And it was so quick, like my desire to do it dramatically decreased, which is why I didn’t really do much of it at all now, because when I was doing that, like it didn’t take long to catch up on everyone that I was following. And I wanted to see what they were doing.

And my brain knew like I could keep my brain on track of like, okay, well, we’re going to be checking it tonight at eight o’clock. It’s not like it’s bad to do it. I’ve got a time plan. That’s what I’m going to do it. And it was like, Oh, it took me five minutes instead of like checking constantly throughout the day. And then you know, when you like refresh the feed, and it’s the same things, they’re pretty much night and came nothing’s happened since they last check. So just knowing that like, you can anticipate here’s the things I want to do in my clean rest or whatever, it’s helpful to just have blocks of clean rest with no particular plan in mind. It’s not like you have to schedule out your clean rest.

Whether there are specific things around that just thinking of it as like non business time in the beginning was super helpful. Rather than having to be is it guilt free or not guilt free? I felt kind of guilty. Like just put that aside. It’s just time you’re not working on the business. And just knowing like, how am I distract myself this week? What might I want to do this week that I haven’t planned? Where can I put that in so my brain knows that it has that to look forward to super important our brain loves looking forward to things like having little rewards. And so you can work them into your calendar so your brain can see.

So say for example, like there’s a show you love watching and your brain can see like you had planned a courageous task and then immediately after and this is okay. You can watch in the middle of the day, a TV show on Netflix or whatever. And you watch that 40 minute show. And then you go back to work like that can be a super unproductive day. And that’s totally okay. It’s figuring out what works for you. But just like figuring out how can I reward my brain and help it rest and helper performing its highest level. And then in our power hour, that’s what we’re doing. This is our sharpening axe. We’re thinking through that. We’re reviewing workability as well. So we’re like, I like to mentally zoom forward to each day of the week.

So okay, so right now, I typically do my power planning on a Monday, though, at different times, I’ve done it on like a Thursday or like different days of the week, depending on what’s going on, in terms of like, what my work week looks like, what days I’m working. So at the moment, I do it on a Monday. So I like mentally zoom forward to Tuesday morning and think about like, I was looking at my calendar, and this was today, how would I feel about it? Would I feel overwhelmed? Would I feel like I had enough time to do the things I need to do that I have time for lunch, and I’m doing a workout at some point, like moving my body, that I have time with Steve and Lydia, like the things that are important to me. Are they in there? And basically, I’m just checking in to see how do I feel? Am I overwhelmed? Do I feel pressured? Do I feel stressed? Or do I feel clear?

Do I feel like I would be able to focus and that the things on the calendar are actually important, and then kind of just like, then zoom forward to the next day, ask myself that same thing. And I’m making little tweaks ahead of time during my Power Hour. And so by the end of this process, by the end of this hour, and again, it’s okay from the beginning and takes 90 minutes or whatever, don’t be all or nothing about like, well, it has to be an hour or this we’ve been doing it all but know that you will definitely be able to do this within an hour. As you develop this skill, but having it at the end of the hour that you can look at your calendar, you no longer have to have this to do list. And what I like to do, because not everything is going to fit in there.

So I’ll talk about this in the needle movers a bit more but the episode coming up two after this or not the next one the one after. But we typically when I am writing out, like my needle movers and things that I need to get done, they won’t always fit. And so what I will typically do is if there’s something that’s not going to fit this week, I will do a little time block for it. And I’ll put it in a coming week. So next week or the week after or whatever. And then I know that when I’m in that power hour, I’m going to be looking at my calendar, I’ll see that that was something that I need to do during that time. I also used just as a side note, just a project management system, Asana that just it doesn’t like it doesn’t serve this purpose at all of power planning and planning properly.

But it just helps me like know what the bigger projects are, and things like that. But when I’m doing my brain dump at the beginning of my Power Hour, I find it really helpful to just be asking, like, like to not have to necessarily like look at a past list and consolidated and what wasn’t done. Like I tend to just do that fresh every week, typically, than I look in Asana, like the projects that I have going on. So maybe it’s a launch coming up or whatever, or like smaller tasks, like just so that I have somebody to remind me, but typically, like anytime I make any kind of appointment or things like that it goes right in my calendar.

So I will be doing not and asking my brain like Okay, what else? What else? What else? And as I said, if things don’t if there’s more needle movers tuning or movers, and there is time, which is often the case, and it’s not a problem, because I trust for you to get it done. So then prioritize within that. And then I will put that needle mover in the next, like a coming week so I see that block. So I just wanted to mention that because there can be this question of like, how do I actually like not work from the do list at all, it’s you get that list in your calendar through that power hour. You know, as well if there are things that you aren’t able to get done during that week, you have a system for getting it done in the coming week. For me that system is I just put it in my calendar, or a in Asana, which is just a simple project management system.

That I just would then have a task in that that I created. It’s just gonna remind me that that’s coming up. So there’s lots of ways to do it, and you will figure out your own way to do it. And the power hour, so that’s sharpening the axe, a little tweaks, your Google Maps, rerouting and your weekly review your NASA debrief. Those are the three steps of power planning, and PGSD inside PGSD. I obviously teach power planning and we go through that, but it’s really about like being able to like just hear about this and intellectually understand it to actually practicing power planning, to having that accountability and support and coaching there so that when you like But I have these needle movers, and I don’t know where to put them.

And what do I do? Or I’m still over planning, or I’m under planning, like all these different things that are going to come up, like when you’re learning to drive. There, you know, you can prepare, you can learn, you can read books. And then it’s only when you start driving, that you’re like, Shit, I don’t actually know. When I merging, do I speed up or slow down or stay the same speed? And like, what order? Do I check my mirrors in? How do I know when it’s safe to go across? Like those questions, you won’t even if you’ve read about them before, you won’t understand the importance of them until you need to merge lanes.

And so that’s where PGSD comes in that we obviously teach power planning. But PGSD isn’t about more information. It’s about doing and doing in a consistent, sustainable, productive, courageous way. And having the accountability to make that something that is sustainable for you long term. So I want to invite you into PGSD, to be doing Power planning, and to have this support. So as questions come up, you’re not just like, Okay, well, I did it, and I put it in my calendar was so overwhelming, and like, now I’m not doing it anymore. Like, you just needed the instructor there to say, hey, actually, here’s this common mistake that you’re making, here’s what you need to do.

And you can just get back on track and keep going. And so that’s what we do in PGSD. And even if your lack of you’re in the shadows, you’re not posting in the forum, you’re not on the coaching calls, you have all the coaching call replays on the PGSD, private podcast. And that’s going to give you all the benefits of that because I was talking about this with the PGSD here on today’s call that I did as well about how like when a perfectionist entrepreneurs brain is getting coached, everyone’s brain is getting coach. So even if it’s not your brain, it’s going to be relevant to you.

And so you will get those little nuances and questions that come up and you will have the PGSD forum, you will have the coaching calls that you can take your specific questions to but even if you don’t want to take your questions there, you will have them answered. And that’s what’s going to make it instead of something you hear about like this sounds like a good idea. I’m gonna give it a crack. And I should be smart enough to do it by myself to be like, well, what if the smart thing here is actually getting the accountability and support and coaching? To have this be something that I actually do and not just something that I do for a couple of weeks, and then I fall off? Because we’ve talked about like, that’s not true productivity? That’s not what we’re about.

And so we want to be really thinking about how can we have this be like when you’re learning to drive that you don’t start driving in the first lesson. expect yourself to be driving as well, as someone who’s been driving for a decade, that, you know, in the beginning, you’re going to be a beginner, and there are things you’re going to need to learn. And there are certain things you can only learn through experience. And having someone there that you can ask questions to that also knows the common mistakes that are made, that can preempt them and say, Okay, well you’re making this mistake, and here’s how to correct it. And then after this, you might try this, but don’t do that instead, do this thing. And that’s really going to help. It makes such a difference. It speeds everything up.

So passionate about PGSD, and I will keep inviting you in. Because I want you to be a perfectionist who is getting shit done without burning out. And the accountability and coaching and support you provide in PGSD is really what makes a difference for that. I know you’re smart, you have a temptation to piece it together yourself. But I want to invite you into PGSD and really have this be something that isn’t just something cool you hear about that makes sense. But it’s something that you can actually learn once and benefit from year after year.

So that said PGSD is opening on 26th of October to our final enrollment week for the year. So you can go to samlaurabrown.com/pgsd to find out more. And episode 364 will be a more in depth look at PGSD what it is who it’s for why it works. And yeah, I’m really looking forward to welcoming in our new PGSDers I hope you are one of them. It’s up to you to decide if you want to join us for this enrollment or an upcoming one but I really want to encourage you to join us during this enrollment week. It is such an incredible time to learn how to plan properly as I mentioned, learning when you’re busy is such a great time to do it.

And the sooner you learn this the better like it’s the biggest lever you can pull it’s like putting the effort into learning this which doesn’t even say that I’d ever but like doing this is going to have its sharpening the axe is gonna make chopping down the tree and knowing which tree to chop down so you don’t feel like well I’m chopping the tree but I don’t even know if this is the right one it’s going to be waste makes it so much easier. So I hope this Episode has been helpful and I will talk to you in the next episode about how to use your calendar as a tool for kindness then we’re going to be talking more specifically about needle movers and how to figure them out for yourself so hope you’re having a beautiful day and I’ll talk to you then.

Author: Sam Brown