This episode is part 1 in a 3-part series on perfectionism.
Perfectionism makes even the smartest entrepreneurs get in their own way. That’s why I’m releasing a three part series all about perfectionism – including the surprising truth that every business owner needs to know and the exact steps to follow to take control of your productivity.
There are so many misconceptions about perfectionism that I didn’t even know I was a perfectionist when I first started my business! I thought that motivation problems, imposter syndrome and fear of judgement were to blame for the fact that I struggled to consistently promote my business and couldn’t get myself to consistent $10k months – even though I knew A LOT about how to build a successful business from all of the online learning I’d done.
I slowly began piecing together that I was a perfectionist and that’s why I kept overthinking, procrastinating and burning myself out. It was also the main reason that I struggled to be consistent with my content creation and held myself back due to fear of judgement.
After thousands of hours spent studying productivity systems, learning how the mind works and understanding the secrets of success, I was able to put together the missing pieces I needed. And I was able to grow my business to $100k per year and then $100k months and beyond.
I’m sharing everything you need to know about perfectionism and productivity in this 3-part podcast series so you can break free of your business plateau and celebrate your first six figure year – without burning yourself out!
And it’s all to celebrate the fact that my group coaching program for perfectionist entrepreneurs, called Perfectionists Getting Shit Done (aka PGSD) is officially open for enrollment. But only for this week only! The doors are closing at 11:59 New York Time on 18 June so be sure to tune into this series if you’re tired of getting in your own way and ready to take control of your productivity and make the next 12 months your most productive ever.
Find the full episode transcript and show notes at samlaurabrown.com/episode400.
In This Episode You’ll Learn:
- What perfectionism really is and the 5 signs it’s what’s making you get in your own way
- Why perfectionism causes productivity problems, even for the smartest entrepreneurs
- Why mantras like ‘done is better than perfect’ won’t help you overcome perfectionism
- How to navigate the journey from $30k per year to $100k per year
Featured In The Episode:
- Join the waitlist for Perfectionists Getting Shit Done (PGSD) – samlaurabrown.com/pgsd
- Sign up for daily Perfectionist Power-Ups – samlaurabrown.com/power
- Follow me on Instagram @perfectionismproject
Announcement: PGSD is open for enrollment for one week only
If you feel behind on your $100k goal, it’s just because nobody’s taught you the different productivity rules that apply to perfectionists.
To make $100k you need to work smarter, not harder. And to do that you need to get your perfectionist mindset on your side.
If your week is filled with lost time even though you’re always busy working, it’s time to take control of your productivity. The process for getting out of your own way is simple – plan properly as a perfectionist, get into a growth mindset and release your perfectionism handbrake. And it’s easy when you know how!
My group coaching program Perfectionists Getting Shit Done (aka PGSD) is designed to get perfectionist entrepreneurs to $100k. Inside you’ll get the coaching and productivity tools that address your perfectionism head on so you can create sustainable, long-term productivity – and build your business to $100k and beyond.
The doors to PGSD are now officially open for one week only. To find out more about the program and sign up before the doors close at 11:59pm New York Time on 18 June, click here: samlaurabrown.com/pgsd.
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Hi and welcome to another episode of The Perfectionism Project. A podcast full of perfectionism advice for entrepreneurs. My name is Sam Laura Brown, I help entrepreneurs release their perfectionism handbrake, so they can get out of their own way and build a fulfilling and profitable business. I’m the founder of the Perfectionist Getting Shit Done group coaching program, which is otherwise known as PGSD. And for even more perfectionism advice to help you with your business. You can follow me on Instagram @perfectionismproject.
Sam Laura Brown
Okay, so I couldn’t be more excited to be sharing with you a three part series on perfectionism. If you want to take control of your productivity and you’re someone who is smart, you know, you have so much potential with your business and yet your business doesn’t actually reflect what you know about business. You’re someone who loves learning, but you’re not doing as much doing as you know, you need to be even though you always busy working.
This series is going to uncover a lot for you. So there are three parts. The first part is on The Surprising Truth About perfectionism and how it’s making you get in your own way. The other two parts, which have been released at the same time, so make sure you go and listen to them immediately after listening to this, those parts are first of all on the three practical productivity tools, you need to release your perfectionism handbrake and get more done in less time without burning out.
And the third part is on how to make 100k in 12 months inside perfectionist getting shit done, aka PGSD. So this series is really to celebrate the fact that PGSD is open for enrollment for the first time in 2023. This is the first time that we are opening the doors to new clients to come into our community and be doing the work to release their perfectionism handbrake, so they can be more productive, work smarter, not harder, and make it to that 100k milestone.
If you have been really just feeling like you’re spinning your wheels, and you know, it’s not rocket science to get to 100k. And yet it kind of feels like it is because you don’t know what you need to be doing differently. I really want you to be paying close attention to everything that I say in this perfectionism series. Every business owner needs to know what I’m talking about in this series, you need to know how you’re perfectionism handbrake may be slowing you down, it might be holding you back, if you have listened to this podcast before.
And you can relate to what I talked about, there’s a good chance that’s gonna be the case, I’m really going to clarify that for you in this series. But maybe you’re new, maybe this is the first time that you are ever hearing me talk. So if you have been in a situation where you want to grow your business, but you feel like you just you’re doing everything, you just don’t know how to make that happen. And you’re learning so much, you know so much when it comes to a business and yet it’s not been reflected in your business. This series is for you.
But first in case you have no idea who I am, my name is Sam Laura Brown. I am a perfectionism coach for entrepreneurs. And I have dealt with perfectionism in my business, first hand. So this is for you. If you are someone who right now you feel like you’re spinning your wheels, you know what you need to do to build your business say, right now you’re around 30k, and you’re wanting to get to that 100k mark, you know what you need to do, and yet you’re not able to bring yourself to do it.
And if you do manage to do it, you’re consistent for a couple of weeks, and then you just fall off the wagon and you’re burnt out and you’re just stopping and starting and really in that all or nothing mindset, if you are someone who wants to be productive, who loves feeling productive, and yet at the moment, you’re getting to the end of the week, feeling like you don’t even know where the time went. This is for you. This is going to be so helpful for you when it comes to building your business.
And when it comes to creating the life that you want, creating a business that you actually enjoy working in, you don’t resent that you don’t have anxiety about because you wake up and you have no idea what you need to do it. You have a million ideas, but you’re not able to actually execute them. This is what’s going to make all the difference for you.
And when it comes to my personal story. I was where you are right now, in the sense that I was someone who even though now I’ve been able to like I have this podcast, the perfectionism project, which is a top rated podcast. I have made over $1.8 million in my business. I have helped hundreds of clients hundreds of perfectionist entrepreneurs to get out of their own way, I have been able to also build a successful personal life, I’m happily married, I have three kids under the age of two. So a toddler, and then two twins, who at the moment are about three months old.
So I have them and I’m able to spend time with them, I have a team in my business, that means that I’m able to do the bits of the business that I love. And they’re a self sufficient team, they’re able to do the other things that need to get done that aren’t my zone of genius that I don’t enjoy doing. So that I love the work days that I have. And I also love the days off that I have. And I actually am able to take holidays and vacations. And to be able to take time away from my business without worrying about whether or not it’s going to fall apart.
It’s so huge to be in a position now that I never thought I would be. But it really hasn’t always been that way. When I started my business, my perfectionism. I mean, first of all, I didn’t even realize that I was a perfectionist, I just thought I had a motivation issue. I just really felt like I was looking at everyone else I was like, I’m not any less smart than them. I know what I need to do. I love learning, I’m someone who’s able to learn things quite easily. So like I know what I need to do. But I’m just struggling to do it.
And I really just thought that I had a big motivation problem, that if I could just figure out how to stay motivated, then I wouldn’t have this issue anymore, with struggling to put myself out there and tell friends and family about my business, or to actually post something. And then like I would post something, and I would edit it after I was posting it. And I was so scared for anyone to give me any kind of negative feedback or criticism, like it just felt like if someone was so much to even like ask me a question about my business, then I would just have to completely shut the whole thing down because it felt like such a joke that I even thought that I could have a business and that I could be successful when I never done anything like that before even though I did super well in school, and all of that.
And I do have a law degree and finance degree, also a Diploma of French because we perfectionist love a full plate. But I never created a successful business. And I just thought like, What would people think? If they see me talking about personal development and mindset and the journey that I’m on with building my business, like what would people think, and I was so debilitated by my perfectionism. But I didn’t yet know that it was perfectionism.
So I will be sharing more about the five signs and how to tell if you’re a perfectionist and the impact that has on your business. But initially, I didn’t even know. And so really, in the beginning, I was just struggling to get myself going. And it was so frustrating because I could feel this gap between what I knew I was capable of doing and what I was actually doing. And it felt like this big, wide gaping chasm that I wasn’t able to cross.
And so after a while of really trying to figure out how to stay motivated, and starting to piece together actually, maybe this is perfectionism maybe the way that people tend to typically talk about perfectionism. Maybe that’s not actually what perfectionism is, and that when I was introduced to people, for example, like Brene Brown, who talk about perfectionism, and really understanding what is at the root of perfectionism and how it manifests particularly in business, I hadn’t been able to find anyone who was talking in a really helpful, specific way about perfectionism in business, someone who was able to go beyond saying, Oh, no, don’t be a perfectionist. Nothing’s ever perfect.
Like to actually have someone give me practical advice. I couldn’t find anyone. So I had to really piece together from all of these different sources, what my issue was, and that was time consuming to try and figure it out on my own. It’s why I’m so passionate about what I do today. Because this is the advice, the knowledge, the wisdom, the coaching that I wish I had had when I was building my business.
So I started to really figure out okay, this is actually perfectionism. And even though I never thought I was perfect enough to be a perfectionist, like I was someone who would leave things until the last minute and yes, I loved being organized, but also the boot of my car was full with stuff that had been there for a year like there was stuff like that, that I felt like, I definitely couldn’t be a perfectionist because a perfectionist wouldn’t do that. But once I really started to understand what perfectionism is, and that it was that that was making me get in my own way that that was my biggest business problem.
That’s when I was able to start releasing what I love to call the perfectionism handbrake and getting out of my own way. And I’ve been able to create such a successful business when I had that missing piece. Because I had the knowledge, I had the smarts, I had access to the information on marketing and all of those different things. But I didn’t have the productivity piece, because my perfectionism handbrake was on.
And now that I have that, again, I’m so passionate about sharing that with you and with others, because this is something that every business owner needs to know about. Perfectionism makes you unproductive, which means perfectionism is a business problem. And if you don’t solve this business problem, you aren’t going to be able to get to your goals. So if you’re going from, say, 30k, to 100k, and that’s the journey that you’re on right now, you’re not going to be able to get there, if you don’t solve for the perfectionism.
So let’s dive into, Are you a perfectionist? What does this mean? What does that actually look like? Maybe you can relate to some of the things I’ve mentioned, but you still might have a bit of a question mark around it. Or maybe you’ve always been told that you’re a perfectionist by everyone around you, they’ve always said, Yep, you’re such a perfectionist about things. But I want to make sure that we’re on the same page about what perfectionism actually is, because it is so misunderstood.
There are so many misconceptions around perfectionism. As I said, I didn’t even realize I was a perfectionist because of all these misconceptions about what it actually is. So I want to make sure we’re on the same page, I want to make sure you’re really understanding it to to really get that perfectionism and being a perfectionist. It’s not a problem. Yes, it does cause productivity problems. And yes, that that does make it really hard to grow your business when you aren’t being as productive as you could be.
But there’s nothing to be ashamed about when it comes to identifying yourself as a perfectionist and someone who is in that perfectionist mindset. It’s to do with the messages that you were given when you were a child, the experiences that you had that your brain needed to make and draw certain conclusions for you to be able to survive and thrive. So there’s nothing wrong with being a perfectionist.
And with that said, I just want to go a bit into what perfectionism really is the signs of perfectionism. So you can really start to see like, Yes, this is me or may be no, this isn’t me. So with perfectionism, I love the Brene Brown quote, that perfectionism is really the set of beliefs, that if I just look perfect, and do everything perfectly, I can avoid shame, judgment and blame. So ultimately, that means that perfectionism is a strategy to avoid shame.
That’s really when I was able to, to see that and to recognize that it’s about not just fear of success, fear of failure, fear of judgment, it’s about shame, and us not wanting to feel shame, which is ironic, because we perfectionist beat ourselves up so often, and shame ourselves. But ultimately, we want to avoid shame. And so perfectionism is less about doing everything perfectly, though we love that we’d love to be able to do things perfectly if we can.
It’s more about avoiding doing things imperfectly. And this is why it has such a big impact on productivity, because the way it manifests and I’m about to go into the five signs, but the way that it manifests and those five signs all have such a big impact on your ability to get shit done on your ability to show up fully, to be all in on your business, to be putting yourself out there confidently, to be running successful launches, to be serving your clients and customers to be doing the work that needs to be done to build a business. It’s really hard when our perfectionism handbrake is on.
So what are the five signs of perfectionism? They are overthinking, procrastination, burnouts, the all or nothing mindset, and fear of judgment. So these are obviously things that you probably if you’re resonating with this, you can relate to all of those. And there’s going to be one of those signs that are more dominant for you than the others. But most likely, each of those you can see Yes, I am someone who overthinks. And yes, I tend to procrastinate and yes, I’ve burnt out before and you tend to be all or nothing. For example, if you’re not posting on social media every single day, then you’re not posting at all, and you’re scared of judgment.
You’re scared of what friends and family might say or you’re scared of getting negative reviews and bad feedback from clients and customers. So it’s so helpful to just see like, actually, those things are the perfectionist mindset. And again, there’s nothing wrong with being a perfectionist and it’s really just a way of thinking it’s not who you are, it’s just a mindset that you’re in. And you’re able to change that mindset because it’s coming from not this deep rooted, like I need to get to the root of the issue, so to speak, obviously, shame is something that when we are approached with it, and tackling shame, it can feel like I really need to dig deep to get there.
But just understanding and recognizing that perfectionism, those tendency, those signs of perfectionism, they’re just coming from how you’re thinking today. And even if your perfectionist mindset was informed by an experience you had, when you were younger, when you decided that it wasn’t safe for you to do things imperfectly, that you might be abandoned, or you might be rejected. Or you might be ostracized from other people around you.
And that to be safe, you needed to be keeping yourself in line doing everything, right, following the rules, showing up perfectly making sure no one could criticize you or do anything like that was so valid. And now especially when it comes to business, it’s making you unproductive. So there’s nothing wrong with the fact that as a child, you identified a very solid strategy for getting through childhood where you need your parents, and other caretakers to be connected with you.
And so of course, if we feel like being imperfect, is going to risk our relationships, then we’re going to try to do things perfectly. We’re going to try to avoid doing anything imperfectly. And we are going to end up with this strategy of perfectionism that, unfortunately, the schooling system is really designed to reward. So maybe like me, you did really well in school, you got great grades, and even though maybe you spent a lot of time over preparing for things.
And that was exhausting. Or you left things until the last minute, which was the preferred strategy for me. I was someone who would creve and I did really well, I was able to leave it to the last minute. And I really felt like I did my best work at the last minute because I would do that. And I would get great grades. So it can really feel like okay, perfectionism works like I have been able to do well. But what I want to invite you to begin seeing is that when it comes to business, perfectionism is what’s making you unproductive, it’s making you get in your own way.
And even though it might work in a context, like schooling, where we only are rewarded for the grade and forgetting things, right? And there’s always an answer for everything. That when it comes to business, where there’s a lot more gray area, it’s also a space where there are so many different ways to do things. And if we’re in this perfectionist mindset, and maybe you found this where you’ve been a rule follower, you’ve been someone as well, who wants to be really self sufficient, you’re smart, you’re intelligent, you want to be able to figure it out on your own, that that is actually stopping you from getting the support that you need.
Because you tend to think well, I can figure it out myself. But at the same time you love learning. So you might be doing some of that procrasti-learning that tends to go on for perfectionist, because we are wanting to learn everything before we start taking action. Because we don’t want to take the wrong action. And again, this is where that perfectionist mindset becomes problematic when it comes to business. Because in a situation like business where there is no one right answer, and we’re so busy looking for that one right answer, we ended up just putting things off, or end up spending so much time overthinking, and polishing and perfecting, rather than just doing high quality work, putting it out into the world, seeing how it’s been responded to learning from that and doing that again.
So we tend to just end up in this situation where we’re trying to make business like school, and we’re not getting anywhere else. And we are feeling at the end of the week. This is one of the biggest signs that if you’re getting to the end of the week, and you’re exhausted and you’ve been busy, busy, busy, and yet you can’t really say where the time went. And yes, you have a long to do list and that was a lot you’d hoped to get done and you did tick a few things off.
You don’t feel like you actually got momentum. You don’t feel like the wind behind your back. You don’t feel like you’re making forward progress. That’s because of your perfectionism handbrake. So when it comes to getting to 100k, which is a really important milestone for a lot of entrepreneurs, getting from say zero to 30k ish like that takes courage and showing up and doing certain things to get there. But then once you get to 30k 50k around that area, and you’re getting to 100k, it’s really important that you begin to understand that there are going to be layers of turbulence in order to get there.
You need to have the skill set of being able to get through the turbulence. So obviously what I’m saying the word like turbulence, hopefully you’re thinking about flying, flying an aeroplane. That’s why we experienced turbulence. I haven’t personally flown an aeroplane myself. But when I have been actually, that’s a lie, I have done one lesson on aeroplane . But when you are in an aeroplane and you’re in a big one, you’re going up really high that it’s normal to experience turbulence.
And thank God that on the flights, we have experienced pilots, who were able to guide us through that experience, they don’t freak out, they don’t try and land the plane. As soon as they get to that turbulence, they’re able to just calmly say, Hey, this is turbulence is going to be a little bit bumpy for a minute. But we’re going to keep going to our destination because nothing has gone wrong, this isn’t going to crash the plane like this is just a completely normal part of flying.
This is a normal part of climbing, of getting through the clouds so that we can get to the point where it’s just blue skies, and we’re able to really cruise and when it comes to your business, and going through that turbulence, when you’re getting to that 100k mark, it’s really knowing that there are going to be two primary layers of turbulence of clouds that you need to be able to get through these are completely normal, nothing has gone wrong, that the experience of this is going to feel a bit turbulent that you are going to at times be questioning yourself and doubting things.
And maybe you’ll do a launch. And it’s you know, the first day no one signed up. And then it’s the second day and no one signed up. Like it’s normal to be going through that turbulence. But if you don’t have your perfectionism handbrake released, if you’re not in a growth mindset, if you’re not doing your strategic planning in a way that actually works for a perfectionist, you’re not going to be able to climb through those layers of clouds, that turbulence that you need to get through, you need to have the ability to be in turbulence and not dip the plane back under the clouds, which I like to call a false lift, like if you go up through the clouds it like Oh, my goodness, like the plane is shaking, I need to just, you know, go back down to where things were calm again, that’s a really common way that perfectionist will self sabotage.
And then there’s also where you go through. And maybe you do get through that, that first layer, which is really fixate having that first 10k month, you get through that. But then it took so much effort and energy to get through that. And it was such an emotionally volatile experience that you then just coast. And yes, you’re busy all the time you’re doing the things that need to be done, so to speak. But you’re not actually doing those important needle movers that are going to keep you climbing.
So you’re really just kind of coasting along, or because of your perfectionism handbrake, when you get to that turbulence, you just end up, you know, landing on or even landing the plane, like you’re not landing the plane, you know, you’re not giving up on the business. But you just kind of dip back down and point the nose of the plane back down, so that you’re able to then get back underneath that turbulence back underneath those clouds. And just coast along again.
And oftentimes, this will sound like, Oh, I’ve realized actually, that maybe I don’t have the right niche, and I need to think about changing my niche, or that I need to do a better sales page or act, I really need to make sure that I’m feeling super aligned with things like there are so many different ways that this can come up that often we perfectionist because we’re such high achievers. And we love being productive. And we love being busy, that when we are self sabotaging and getting in our own way, we’re really doing it in that productive procrastination kind of way that we are still saying busy, but we’re not doing the important things that need to be done.
So when you are really thinking about your business, and climbing, it’s knowing that there are two layers of clouds to get through. And the two layers of turbulence that you need to get through. First of all layer one, that 10k month hitting that 10k month, that’s a big milestone. And then after that, that second layer of turbulence of clouds that you need to get through is been able to get yourself in the position where you’re able to make 10k per month, every month, reliably that you’re not just having to hope and wish and wait for clients or customers to come out of the woodwork that you haven’t just had, you know this 10k month and then the next day it’s back to 2k or 3k that you’re able to now have your business in a place where you can have that 10k month month after month after month.
All entrepreneurs need to go through these and that if you because of your perfectionism handbrake if you are ending up in a situation where instead of continuing to climb and to have that faith to just hold steady and keep going, have that resilience instead if you’re either coasting, or you are ending up trying to lower the plane and fly lower, because that’s what feels more comfortable to you, you’re never going to be able to get to your goal. And that’s because of your perfectionism handbrake, and just going back to the five signs of perfectionism to just share them a little more deeply.
We have overthinking, overthinking, I feel like I don’t need to give it too much explanation, because we perfectionist are very familiar with overthinking. And we overthink because we want things to be perfect. You might find this for example, with your social media content, my guess is right now, most of your week is going towards creating social media content or some kind of free content to market your business.
So you might be really overthinking that and say, for example, it takes you 60 minutes to create a social media post when ideally you’d love it to take you about 15 minutes. But you spend that 15 minutes, and then you’re tweaking and polishing and perfecting it just maybe at the end, you don’t even end up posting it because it wasn’t good enough. You’re like, actually, I need to do something on a different topic, or I’ll work on that one later. And I’ll finish it off later and publish it later.
It’s really this overthinking, it is so mentally taxing, there’s so much mental drama that comes along with it. It’s exhausting. And it’s very time consuming to and this is one of the signs of perfectionism. There’s also procrastination. So for perfectionist entrepreneurs, specifically, this manifests as procrasti-working and forms of productive procrastination. So it could also include procrastinate learning, or things like procrasti-cleaning that we love being busy. But also we are scared to do the things that really need to be done.
Because what if we don’t do them perfectly? What if we don’t do a good enough job with them? We’re also in that all or nothing mindset that I’ll talk about a bit further in a second. So when we are approaching things we really are in this mindset of my first attempt has to be perfect. So that’s pretty paralyzing, isn’t it. So we’re in that mindset.
And then we’re also thinking that we need to have enough time to get everything done at once, we’d rather have like a big chunk of time to do something rather than having to chip away at something. So there’s all these reasons that we put off the biggest needle movers. And we just productively procrastinate and keep ourselves busy with work. But we aren’t actually moving the needle, we aren’t doing what needs to be done.
There are so many reasons that we can really be in this space where we are leaving things last minute or over preparing. And I could go into that for sure. But you just need to know procrastination and procrasti-working is a sign of perfectionism. There’s also burnout, I feel like I don’t need to say too much about burnout. It’s pretty exhausting being a perfectionist, and being in business because you need to put yourself out there you need to get shit down, and you’re overthinking everything.
And you’re also really working from this place of inadequacy and feeling like you need to prove yourself and you don’t want anyone else to find out, you know, you’re maybe you’re not smart enough, maybe you’re an imposter, that whole imposter syndrome thing. So burnout is a big sign of perfectionism. Also all or nothing thinking we’re either doing everything perfectly, or we’re not doing it at all. And this stops us from starting so many things, or on finishing things as well, that we just want it all to be, you know, this beautiful thing just wrapped up with a bow on top.
And if we don’t think we can do that, we often don’t even make an attempt, or we kind of keep ourselves busy getting ready, which is where that procrasti-learning and researching comes in fear of judgment. Again, I feel like I don’t need to say too much about this. Because if you are scared of judgment, you’ll know it that you might be for example, scared to talk about your business, which by the way, right now probably feels like a bit of a hobby and like you know it, you’re very serious about it.
But also, it’s just your little baby business and you’re not successful yet and all those things. So you’re scared to really share your big dreams and goals with friends and family. You are scared to actually for example, with your social media content, you’re scared to really let your true zone of genius come out and to really share the things that you know, would be so helpful or so transformative or so compelling.
You kind of water everything down and maybe you’re thinking about for example, with social media, those couple of people from high school or from a past job or things like that, that would be watching. And they’ll be thinking like, Who does she think she is. So you just kind of tone it down, which means reduced engagement, which means it’s really hard to grow your audience. Because of that fear of judgment from your perfectionism, you’re not able to show up fully, and really just share your gifts with everyone else.
So when it comes to climbing to 100k, and how to get there, the way to do it is with the PGSD process. So this involves three things, planning properly as a perfectionist, getting into a growth mindset and releasing your perfectionism handbrake, this is how you take control of your results, so that you’re not hoping and wishing and waiting for your business to be successful. This is really how to get where you want to go.
And if you are, you know, if you have your marketing dialed in if you have every element of your business dialed in, but you don’t follow this process to release your perfectionism handbrake and be showing up fully and doing what you need to do, it doesn’t matter. This is such an essential part of building your business.
So that’s where I’m going to be leaving part one of this series. So as I mentioned, the other two parts, which are Episode 401, and 402, they have been released at the same time, so you can immediately go and listen to them. But in part two, I’m going to be sharing with you the whole process for getting out of your own way and really diving into that and looking more at planning properly, getting to a growth mindset and releasing your perfectionism handbrake, exactly what that looks like exactly what that means.
And I’m also going to be sharing with you three practical productivity tools that you need in order to get out of your own way. When it comes to advice on perfectionism, especially as it relates to business. A lot of people talk about, you know, done is better than perfect and remembering cute little sayings like that. And at the end of the day, that’s just not practical. There are so many ways that perfectionism manifests that isn’t covered by those cute little mantras and you need practical tools that are going to make you more productive, and are actually going to help you stop overthinking, they’re actually going to help you stop procrastinating and stop yourself from burning out and being in that alone nothing mindset and avoiding judgment and doing everything you can to be in this situation where no one ever thinks badly of you.
So in the next part, I am going to be sharing with you what those tools are exactly how they work exactly why perfectionist need them, as well as last time, I’m going to be telling you about what that is and the impact that it’s having on your business, and also perfectionist blind spots, I really want to share what those are with you so that you’re fully aware of how your perfectionism needs to be addressed.
Because if you’re someone like me and you love self coaching, and you’re someone who’s big on learning, then you need to make sure you’re aware of your perfectionist blind spots and the fact that you have them because otherwise you’re going to be thinking you’re doing the work on your perfectionism handbrake, but actually missing really key pieces. So I’m gonna leave it there and I will talk to you in part two of this three part series on perfectionism.