Episode 410: 6 Reasons You’re Not Productive

Do you love being productive and hate feeling lazy… but yet, at the same time, you haven’t been able to bring yourself to consistently do the things that need to be done to build your business?

You’re not alone – especially if you’re someone who’s doing something that you love and enjoy, something that you find easy and feel called and inspired to do!

On one hand you’re a high achiever, you’re someone who loves learning, you’re very intelligent, you’re smart…

But on the other hand you feel frustrated that you’re not further along, especially when you see other people who are less intelligent, providing less value but are much more successful. In this episode I help you understand why this is the case and why it’s not your fault that that is happening.

If you want to be more productive then this episode is a must listen!

Maybe you find yourself spending too much time on tasks that might be important, but they aren’t that important in terms of the amount of time that they are taking you. 

Or maybe you’ve been prioritising the easy tasks over the stuff that you know really needs to get done.

If you’re frustrated that tasks are taking way longer than they need to and you want to be more productive, you want to be organised, and yet you’re struggling to get there – then this episode will help you!

Don’t foret to mark your calendar! Perfectionists Getting Shit Done – my group coaching program for perfectionis entrepreneuers (PGSD) opens on 10 September 2023. And to celebrate PGSD opening I’m hosting a 5-Part Planning Podcast Series starting 1 September 2023.

Starting on the first of September, there’s going to be an episode every other day. So make sure that you’ve subscribe to this podcast! Also join the PGSD waitlist to be notified first!

Find the full episode transcript and show notes at samlaurabrown.com/episode410.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • The 6 reasons you aren’t productive 
  • How to consistently do the things that need to be done to build your business
  • Why you push things off and what to do about it
  • Why to-do lists and time blocking doesn’t work for perfectionists
  • What you can start doing today to be more productive
  • The productivity tool that we forget is important

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Hi and welcome to another episode of The Perfectionism Project. A podcast full of perfectionism advice for entrepreneurs. My name is Sam Laura Brown, I help entrepreneurs release their perfectionism handbrake, so they can get out of their own way and build a fulfilling and profitable business. I’m the founder of the Perfectionist Getting Shit Done group coaching program, which is otherwise known as PGSD. And for even more perfectionism advice to help you with your business. You can follow me on Instagram @perfectionismproject.

Sam Laura Brown

In today’s episode, I want to talk to you about why you’re not being productive. You know what you need to do to build your business. And yet you’re just not doing it. Even though you are typically a high achiever, you’re someone who loves learning, you’re very intelligent, you’re smart, you see other people who are less intelligent than you who are more successful, much more successful, and you feel frustrated, that you’re not further along than you are right now. And you want to be productive, you want to be organized, and yet you’re struggling to get there. This episode is going to really uncover what is going on help you to understand why that’s the case and why it’s not your fault that that is happening.

And yes, stay tuned for the whole thing because we are going to be going through a few very important things that you need to know about productivity, especially when it comes to perfectionism and productivity. Especially if you are an entrepreneur and perhaps a creative entrepreneur, or someone who is doing something that they love something that they enjoy doing something that they find easy, something they feel called to do inspired to do. If that is you and you’re struggling to get yourself to do what needs to be done, this episode is going to be incredibly helpful.

I do want to let you know as well get out your calendar mark the dates that PGSD, my group coaching program for perfectionist entrepreneurs, it stands for perfectionist getting shit done. We are opening the doors in September for our October cohort. So PGSD is a 12 month group coaching program that’s going to teach you how to plan properly as a perfectionist so you can get out of your own way and do all the things you need to do to build your business to build one you actually enjoy being in where you aren’t feeling burnt out and pressured and stressed all day, every day and constantly behind. But we are opening the doors for our October cohort. So this cohort will run from October this year until the end of September next year. And that enrollment period is beginning on the 10th of September 2023. For one week only we are strict with our enrollment periods.

So mark your calendar for the 10th of September, especially if you want to begin 2020 for really being able to hit the ground running to have a planning tool under your belt that actually works for you. I’m going to talk about that more in this episode, what that means, why it’s important, etc. But if you really want to set yourself up for success, maybe this year hasn’t gone as you planned and you want to really make the most of next year. This is such a great opportunity to do that. So to celebrate that PGSD is opening, I am going to be sharing a five part Planning series on the podcast here, this podcast that you’re listening to right now. Starting on the first of September, there’s going to be an episode every other day.

So to make sure that you get it hit subscribe to this podcast if you haven’t already. And if you want to be reminded by email, you can either do the perfectionism quiz if you haven’t taken that highly recommended, you can go to samlaurabrown.com/quiz, you can otherwise sign up for my perfectionist power ups, the link for both of those will be in the show notes. Or as a third option, and you might want to do all three, you can join the PHSD waitlist. So this is going to tell you more about the program, who it’s for who it’s not for, how it’s going to help you and all of that.

So in this episode, we are really going to be as I said, talking about why you’re not being productive. Even though you’re someone who loves being productive. You hate feeling lazy, you hate feeling like you’re not getting shit done, you hate feeling behind. And yet, at the same time, you haven’t been able to bring yourself to consistently do the things that need to be done to build your business, you find that you are constantly pushing things off, or you are spending a lot of time on things that might be important, but they don’t need to be that important in terms of the amount of time that they are taking you that you are blowing things out and having them take way longer than they need to. You are prioritizing the easy stuff over the stuff that you know really needs to get done. You are finding yourself burnt out and all of that this episode is going to be so helpful.

So let’s get into the six reasons why you’re not being productive. So the first is that you haven’t really paid attention to the perfect factionism piece in the way that perfectionism is impacting your productivity, because there are other things that also influence your productivity levels. So maybe for example, you’re a parent like I am. So I have three kids, in case you didn’t know, Lydia, my daughter is two, and my twin boys, James and Jack are nearly six months old. So perhaps you’re a parent and you have time you want to spend with them, you have distractions and interruptions. And that’s impacting your productivity levels.

Or perhaps you’re neurodivergent, for example, you experience ADHD, and that has an impact on your productivity levels. Maybe you have a full time job and commitments there. Maybe you have mental health challenges that you’re working through, whatever it is, we all have things that can influence our productivity levels. And regardless of what those are, it’s so important that we don’t ignore the way that perfectionism and perfectionist thinking is impacting our productivity and making us get in our own way.

If you aren’t familiar with the five signs of perfectionism, I do have the perfectionism quiz that will help you to identify if you are a perfectionist, and which of those five signs is the strongest for you. But to just cover it briefly overthinking procrastination, burnout, all or nothing thinking and fear of judgment. Those are signs that our perfectionism handbrake is on that we have a perfectionist mindset. When it comes to business or whatever area of life it is that we’re thinking about. On this podcast obviously, we’re talking about business. So if you find yourself overthinking tasks, constantly if you are procrastinating and pushing things off, or, as we perfectionist love to do procrasti-working, and we are doing a lot of busy work prioritizing the unimportant in favor of the things that actually need to get done.

If you are finding that you’re burning out a lot. And you’re also constantly working from this state of pressure, you feel like you’re always in a rush and that you’re behind, if you are quite all or nothing in your thinking. So if you didn’t do things 100% perfectly, you feel like you completely mess them up, you’re very hard on yourself, you struggle to celebrate yourself. If you’re scared of judgment from others, you are often thinking about how to fit in with those around you, you are pleasing others that people pleaser kind of mentality. And you’re also scared of your own judgment, you are scared of what you will think about yourself if your business is unsuccessful, of what you will think about yourself if you are an unproductive person.

If you can relate to that. And you’re listening to a podcast called The perfectionism project, so you probably have already identified Okay, perfectionism is something that I need to be paying attention to. And it’s particularly the case when it comes to productivity. There are ways that perfectionism makes us get in our own way when it comes to relationships and other areas of our life. But when it comes to building a business, if we are approaching that in a perfectionistic way with our perfectionism handbrake on, it slows us down, and it burns us out. And it’s so challenging for a lot of us to really come to terms with the fact that we’ve been successful with our perfectionism handbrake on, and that we could be even more successful without it because my guess is, if you can relate to what I talk about on this podcast, if you can relate to what I’ve shared so far, that you are someone who is a high achiever, who has created a certain level of success.

And if you ask the people in your life, if you are a productive, successful person, they would say yes, and so we can get very attached to the overthinking and the over preparing or leaving things until the last minute. And working from pressure and all of that we can get very attached to it because it feels like the reason we achieve our goals is because that handbrake is on but it’s only because we’ve never driven without the handbrake on that we haven’t been able to experience how much more enjoyable the ride is, without it, how much further we’ll get how much faster we’ll get there. And so a big part of what we do in PGSD, and what this podcast is here to help you with as well is to create emotional safety around releasing your perfectionism because they have worked for you those tendencies have worked, so to speak in terms of getting new success or getting new certain results.

You need to feel safe and comfortable exploring a new way of doing things a way that’s going to have you been even more productive feeling on top of things even feeling ahead of things and that not feeling scary because right now, if you have been working with your perfectionism handbrake on, when you’re not overthinking things, it feels like you’re under thinking things and being reckless about them. Or if you’re not procrastinating, things feel a little too calm, you don’t have that chaos, you feel like the other shoes gonna drop. Or if you’re not burned out, you feel like you’re not working hard enough. Or if you didn’t get your goal perfectly, you’ll have everything go exactly to plan, you feel like you’re being too easy on yourself if you celebrate yourself for what you did accomplish.

And it’s so like, when it comes to the fear of judgment piece as well, we feel like, if we’re not judging ourselves really harshly, we won’t actually be successful. And because we’re judging ourselves so harshly, we project that onto others as well. And think that they’re thinking those things about us when, of course, we intellectually understand. They don’t even really thinking about us, they’re spending most of their life thinking about themselves the same way that we spend most of our life thinking about ourselves. And they’re having those as well about what were thinking about them. And there’s all of that going on. Even though we intellectually understand all of that, when we have that perfectionism handbrake on, it really feels productive to do so.

And again, it’s just because we haven’t actually experienced what it is like to succeed without the perfectionism being there. And I hope that this podcast, and also when you’re inside PGSD, just seeing others succeeding in there as well being more in that growth mindset. Rather than that perfectionist mindset, that you start to understand just how much is possible when you allow yourself and give yourself permission to do things in a new way. So with this point that I’m talking about here about other things influencing your productivity levels, and that potentially overshadowing the attention you’ve given or like, overshadowing your need to look at perfectionism, it’s not to say that there aren’t other things that influence productivity.

But it’s saying that you need to address the perfectionism piece. Otherwise, you’re only going to be able to get so far. And knowing as well, that power planning, planning properly is perfectionist. It works. If you’re a parent, it works. If you have ADHD, things like that it works if you have a full time job, it works if you have mental health challenges, or a chronic health illness or anything like that, if you have things going on, like power planning and planning properly, it’s really about planning in a way that actually works for you. And not just for your perfectionist mindset. That’s a big piece of it. But also considering that there are other things going on for you. And we want to take that into account and really have a holistic approach to your productivity.

So you’re able to do the things that you know you need to do. And you’re able to really, actually step into the potential you know you have because I know for sure right now, you feel like you have so much potential, you’re smart, you’re intelligent, you know what to do, you’ve learned the step, but you just can’t get yourself to pick up your foot and take that step and then take the next one and take the next one without self sabotaging. So you need to do something about your perfectionism. And that doesn’t mean cutting it out or this approach of like, perfectionism is toxic and you naughty perfectionist, you shouldn’t do that you should just like good enough, be good enough.

Like the reason I’m so passionate about perfectionism and productivity and business. And the intersection of all of those things, is because the advice around perfectionism, on almost every business podcast I listened to, and almost everything I interact with the advice is just stop being a perfectionist, it’s really harmful, cut it out. And that isn’t helpful, that isn’t actually a strategy that isn’t a tool that isn’t something that’s actionable, you are left in those situations on your own to figure out what that means. And so it’s really about planning properly as a perfectionist, getting into a growth mindset, releasing your perfectionism handbrake, that’s what you need to do.

And knowing that there are actual steps you can follow, I’m going to be sharing those in the planning series, I’m going to be telling you about what to do. I also mentioned something else in this episode to give you access to something instantly that’s going to help you with that as well. So you don’t necessarily have to wait until then, to learn all the steps and all of that, but to just know that you don’t have to just cut it out. And we often get so frustrated, especially if you are someone who is intelligent, if you have self awareness, we can feel like well I have the self awareness. So I shouldn’t be doing the things I don’t want to do anymore. I should just be able to change and it’s knowing that there is a difference between self awareness and self coaching.

Self awareness is really understanding yourself understanding your brain knowing what’s going on. That’s important. That’s a really important piece. Then there’s self coaching which is actually being able to create change, changing your beliefs, changing your feelings, changing your actions, changing your result. And so self awareness, sometimes just having that self awareness is enough to create change. But a lot of times, it’s not. And we need to have a tool that’s going to help us make those shifts, have those epiphanies and really understand what’s going on. So that we can do things differently. So if right now you do have a lot of self awareness, and you feel like I know what I need to do, and I’m just not doing it, and I know why I’m not doing it, but I’m still not doing it. That’s okay.

And you need a tool that is going to help you be productive. And also, as part of that this is how it helps you be productive, have a self coaching element involved. So that’s why I’m so obsessed with power planning as a coach and just wanting to develop something that really brings in together all of these personal development practices into a productivity tool, so that everything’s all combined in one. So all of this to say, it’s so important to be paying attention to how your perfectionism is impacting your productivity alongside there might be other things that are going on, and that it’s not bad that you’re a perfectionist, it’s not something you have to cut out and it’s toxic, and you just shouldn’t be doing it to recognize like, Okay, I have a group of thought like, I have a way of thinking that we’re labeling perfectionism or perfectionist thinking however you want to label it, I don’t recommend calling yourself a recovering perfectionist, because that’s kind of setting up this idea that being a perfectionist is bad.

And then you’re shaming yourself for having that mentality. And then because perfectionism is all about avoiding shame, and trying to do things perfectly. And most importantly, what we try to do is not be imperfect, so that we can avoid shame, judgment and blame, if we are shaming ourselves for being a perfectionist, and we’re doing that subtly by calling ourselves a recovering perfectionist, ie a recovering bad person, it’s not going to be helpful. So we want to identify, Okay, I’m a perfectionist so that I have access to language that then gives me access to tools that can help me. But what we’re doing is really creating a self image around I am someone who is growth minded. I am someone who is resilient, I am someone who is courageous.

And that is what has us showing up differently rather than trying to not be a perfectionist. In PGSD, with this podcast, we’re all about focusing on being growth minded. And moving further and further towards that end of the spectrum, if we have that on one end being growth minded. And on the other end, being in that perfectionist mindset, the more we get towards that growth minded and of the spectrum, the more fully we’re able to show up, the more we actually enjoy the journey we don’t just intellectually understand like, okay, it’s important to enjoy building your business, blah, blah, blah, like we actually get to enjoy the experience of it, we actually get to enjoy being met with challenges being met with problems needing to use our brain to solve them. Rather than thinking everything needs to work perfectly flawlessly the first time every time. And so it’s about just being able to identify perfectionism is something that I am experiencing. And I’m going to help myself by learning how to plan properly as a perfectionist by learning about what I need to do to get out of my own way and to turn that self awareness into self coaching, which then turns into change.

So the second reason you’re not being productive, is that you like planning and organizing, so you don’t feel like planning is your problem. So you might be someone you love lists. You love planners, you love stationery, you love color coding things like you’re someone who is very familiar with planning, you love the idea of it, it is something that you do. And so it doesn’t feel like that’s it for you, it feels like Okay, I just actually have a follow through problem. For example, I’m a parent. So I have that stuff going on, I have distractions and interruptions, and I want to spend time with my kids, or I am experiencing ADHD. And that means maybe I find it hard to focus on times, or I have a full time job.

And I have commitments there. I feel like there’s these things that are interrupting me from following through with my plans. But what’s so powerful to recognize is that your follow through problem is a planning problem. And anyone can learn how to plan properly as a perfectionist as what we teach you how to do in PGSD. That’s what we’re going to be talking about in the planning series. That’s what we’re always talking about on the podcast. Really, it’s undercurrent of everything is really helping you to understand what it means to be planning properly and how that’s going to solve for your perfectionism and your business growth at the same time.

It’s not about being all or nothing with things and thinking, okay, my planning is perfect. And so now I just need to be more motivated, or figure out this whole thing. It’s like, just understanding that by looking at your planning and seeing how powerful a tool that is, that’s really your ability to set yourself up for success to create a plan for yourself, that you can actually follow through on and that you’re able to have in that plan, things that take into account the fact that you’re human, that you have other things going on in your life. Also, the fact that as a human, especially as a perfectionist, who never wants to look imperfect, who always wants to look intelligent to everyone else, and make sure everyone else thinks they’ve got everything figured out and all of that.

That means we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to get things right right away. And so of course, we overthink things and blow out how long things will take. Or of course, we push them off and experience a lot of resistance, or maybe trouble focusing because of how much pressure we’re putting on ourselves the expectations we’re putting on ourselves and asking ourselves to perform at this certain level that oftentimes is completely unrealistic. Of course, we’re going to procrastinate in portions of course, we’re going to burn out if the whole time we’re working, we’re just feeling completely inadequate.

And so what we want to do, instead of just having like mantras and things like that, to help with perfectionism, which personally, I haven’t found too helpful to remember like done is better than perfect and all of that, that that kind of mantra isn’t going to help me when I am right in the thick of having my perfectionism handbrake on. And it feels really important to be overthinking something like it doesn’t actually feel like overthinking, it feels like being prepared. And so you really need to have a tool that’s going to help you and the planning side of it is where it matters.

So in a bit, I’m going to be talking about to do lists and time blocking and why those kinds of strategies don’t actually work for perfectionist. They work for people, but not for perfectionist. But we need to understand that it’s really about understanding that just because you enjoy planning and you enjoy being organized, it doesn’t mean that you’re planning properly as a perfectionist that you’re planning in a way that actually works for your perfectionist mindset and is getting your perfectionist mindset on your side. And I know that can be hard to hear if you pride yourself on your to do list, or maybe you have a whiteboard system, or you do time blocking or the Pomodoro method.

And it’s not saying those things are wrong, but they make it easy to overthink, they make it easy to procrastinate to burnout to be in the all or nothing mindset to be fearing judgment, our own judgment, judgment from others people pleasing like we want to have a planning system or structures something there to support us, that makes it easy to release our perfectionism handbrake and have it feel safe to do so. So that when we are getting out of our own way, which you may have experienced for periods before, and then you found yourself self sabotaging. This is like falling off the wagon and things like that, that you end up just going back to your old ways because you don’t feel safe being out of your own way.

We want to make sure that you have something to support you feeling safe out of your own way. And when you have a way of planning your time and planning your goals, that actually supports your perfectionist mindset and doesn’t trigger your perfectionist thinking, it is so much easier to follow through, to focus, to stay motivated, to be inspired to be created to get done what you need to get done. And so just because you like planning, and you like organizing, which is a great thing, if you want to be planning properly as a perfectionist, if you love planning, that’s amazing. You’re already sold on the planning piece of things. And now you just need to learn a different way of doing things that works for your mindset.

But if you have been thinking like, Oh, I know I’ve got a planning thing already. I’m just struggling to follow through, I just want you to question that. And consider maybe actually the way I’m planning is what’s making it hard to follow through to stay focused, to be motivated to actually see progress towards my goals. So the third reason you’re not being productive is that you’re using tools that don’t work for your perfectionist mindset, for example, to do lists and time blocking so let’s talk about those couple of ones specifically.

So when it comes to to do lists and you are talking to a to do list lover, I love myself a to do list I love like just that the optimism that comes with being able to write a to do list and feeling like oh how good will it feel to get all of this done. And when you’re taking off your to do lists, like I love to do lists. And so we want to make sure that you actually have a way of doing a to do list that works for you. And that’s why when we’re power planning we really use our calendar As a to do list. And we still like we add our checkmark emojis in so that we actually get that feeling of checking things off.

But just having a long endless to do list, or maybe you have six to do lists, like you have a business one, and then you have you know, different ones for different areas of your personal life, or maybe you find that you’re constantly writing and rewriting the same list. So at the beginning of the week, you’re like, Okay, what do I need to get done this week, and this is part of it, too. You’re not like zooming out and looking at the big picture. And that’s part of not planning properly, we’re often only looking at like the day to day and the week to week, and we’re not really taking that time off in to look at the bigger picture and make sure we’re actually on track for things.

So you are beginning your week, maybe sitting down and thinking, Okay, what do I need to get done this week, and then you’ll just write out all these things. Okay, I want to do this. And that is all different levels of priority, big things, small things, vague things, usually, and you will write them down. And then as the week goes on, you might cross off a few things, maybe it’s so overwhelming, you don’t even know where to start. So you just end up doing completely random things that aren’t even on your list. But maybe if you do do things on your list, you are beginning to cross those things off. But then as you do that, because you are a creative person, you’re inspired, you have ideas, you’re adding more and more and more. And you’re also looking at what everyone else is doing on social media and everything like that. And like I could do this, I could do that.

And so you end up ending the week with a longer to do list. And the things you have crossed off probably aren’t the most important things that need to get done. So what you’ll need to do next week, and what you’ll find yourself doing is that you are then moving over the things that didn’t get accomplished. And those tasks are kind of following you along again and again and again, of like, okay, well, let’s re condense everything down and rewrite this to do list of like all the things that didn’t get done last week. And now all these more new ideas that I have, let’s put that all together and have that in my to do list. And then the whole thing repeats that we get so overwhelmed, we don’t even know where to start.

So we just do anything, it’s that procrasti-working, and then maybe towards the end of the week, you’re like, Okay, shit, it’s Thursday, it’s Friday, I need to get something done. So maybe you do do one or two things that are important. But then you haven’t done most of what’s important. You’re feeling behind, you’re feeling defeated, then you vow next week to be even more productive and even more motivated, and even more disciplined and not fall in the same trap. But then you your planning tool doesn’t help you do that. So of course, you’re going to be stuck in that again and again and again. So it’s not to say that there isn’t a time and a place for to do lists. But when we aren’t really being specific about what needs to get done, the timeframe for doing it a big problem with to do lists is that we don’t actually get to see when we are deviating from our plans.

And when I talked before about self awareness and self coaching, and the difference between those two things like you might have the self awareness, if you’re doing what I mentioned, like that you aren’t getting things done. And you might know like you have the self awareness that you’re pushing a certain thing off. But do you know exactly why the exact thought that’s causing that the feelings and beliefs underneath that what needs to happen to change that actually have a plan to do that, a way to test if that works, like we want to have a structure there that’s really going to support you to actually create change, it’s not always going to happen instantly. But when you’re working from a to do list, you can’t tell that you had planned to write your sales page.

And instead here you are looking at everyone else’s sales page for three hours and you haven’t done any of your own. And now you don’t have any time to get it done. But oh, well, it’s okay because you’re just doing market research. And like, you don’t get to see that when we just have this to do list of like all these things that we need to do, we don’t get to see where the overthinking creeps in, we don’t get to see where the procrastination comes in. But when we are power planning and planning properly as a perfectionist, we really get to understand what is going on with our brain. And our productivity tool is our self coaching tool that helps us to get out of our own way.

So when it comes to time blocking because with help planning, we are working from a calendar. And so you might hear that and think okay, well time blocking. But there’s a few very, very, very important differences between time blocking, and power planning. I’ve done interviews with PGSDers who were time blocking who talk about how different it was for them once they started power planning that time blocking. Often times, I’d say all the time, but that’s really absolute language. So oftentimes, we perfectionist when we are doing things like time blocking which is just on your calendar saying like okay, I’m going to work on my email newsletter at this time and my sales page at this time and creating my new product at this time and lead generation at this time or whatever it is.

We chronically over schedule ourselves. We don’t give any time for rest for lunch for commuting for Super thinking and like zooming out and taking a look at the bigger picture. Also, things are so vague. So you might have, for example, when you are doing time blocking, you might have multiple blocks in your calendar that say exactly the same thing. So for example, it might be launch, like maybe you have a launch that’s coming up that you’re working on. So it might be like launch launch launch, you have like, three, four hour chunks for launch, like, your brain is gonna be like, What the hell am I meant to do in that time? Like, we don’t we have to be specific with our brain so that it actually knows what to do. And we wonder why we’re putting things off when we’re so vague about it.

And we don’t actually know what success looks like, we don’t allow ourselves to know what done looks like, why else would we feel constantly behind when we don’t actually identify what being on top and being ahead of things looks like. So there are so many different reasons that time blocking doesn’t work and a big one too. So when it comes to planning properly as a perfectionist and power planning, I’ll talk about the steps of that in a second. But the second step is little tweaks. This is making little tweaks to your calendar, so that you’re never behind your plans are always workable.

So I talk about it like Google Maps, you know, if there’s an obstacle that comes up in the road, and you need to reroute that you reroute that you actually okay, we need to go on a detour, we take this right and then this left, and then we’ll be back on track. But we’ll have to go a different way we’ll get to the same destination, versus what we tend to do when we’re in that perfectionist all or nothing thinking and we are doing time blocking is that we will overscheduled a calendar, you’ll feel very motivated Monday morning because you’re full of optimism, you’re full of hope for what the week can hold in terms of productivity and success and feeling like all the lovable, what’s the word feeling lovable, that comes like we want to be productive, because that’s when we feel the most loved by ourselves and the most loved by others.

So we’re all gearing towards being productive. We don’t want success unless it feels productive. And so Monday morning is a very exciting time of the week full of hope for the week ahead. And so when your time blocking, you might find okay, I’m doing like I’m actually sticking to this plan. But maybe by lunchtime, you’re already behind. Maybe you even get a few days in and you’re not behind yet. But something will happen because there are other things that also influence our productivity. Plus, we have the perfectionism stuff that overthinking the procrastination, the burnout, like even if you are working on that those things are going to come up and you need to learn how to release your perfectionism handbrake so that because there’s going to be stuff going on.

And when we are doing things like time blocking, we don’t have things typically like buffer time in our calendar, and we’re not keeping our plans workable. So when we’re planning, we are updating our calendar to reflect what actually happened and reshuffling our plans as needed so that we’re never behind on our plans, we can always look at our calendar and know what we need to be doing. And we have a lot of rest in there. So it’s not like, Okay, I have to be doing these courageous things all day long every day, because our brains don’t want to do that if we tell our brain, you have to be doing scary things or things that are very energy consuming. Because our brains want to conserve energy. That’s what we’re wired to do as humans so that if there’s danger, we have energy, and calories to use to get ourselves out of that situation.

Our brains are always going to feel resistance around burning calories around doing anything that requires energy expenditure. So if we’re asking our brain to do lots of thinking and to do lots of doing, then it’s gonna say no, it’s gonna say I’d rather do anything else, I’m gonna go look in the fridge, I’m gonna scroll, I’m gonna have this other inspired idea that feels much easier mentally to deal with. So we can go focus on that instead of actually following through with the inspired idea that you had a month ago, that’s still a fantastic idea. But it is now no longer as exciting because now you’re in the thick of it. And dealing with the actual realities of having an idea, which means that there are things you’re going to need to solve for, and courageous things you’re going to need to do.

So when it comes to actually having a plan that works, you need to have clean rest. This is resting without guilt, the time you decide I’m not working on my business, it’s such an important part of planning properly. Because without that, you’re going to look at your calendar and be like, Okay, well, this just feels tiring looking at it like this is when we end up being the worst boss that we’ve ever had. Because we demand so much of ourselves and give ourselves such little praise. And it might be as well the case, even if you get things done as planned, and you’re actually on top of things like okay, well I’m feeling productive, so I need to capitalize on it, I need to be even more motivated and do even more things.

And so you find yourself just adding even more and more things on your to do list or into your calendar when you’re having a productive day, which as a side note is not good for your identity as a productive person is actually telling your brain that you’re unproductive, hence why you’d need to capitalize on being productive. If you were always productive, it would just be normal for you. It wouldn’t be an occasion, you just be able to complete your day and move on to that’s why as a big part of planning properly, if you do overachieve in your plans, you let yourself do that. You rest, which tells your brain this is normal for me to overachieve. Next week, if I want to add more to my plate, I can, but I don’t have to capitalize on productivity or be motivated, because that’s normal for me. So I don’t have to capitalize on something that I do all the time. So there’s that whole thing as well.

And when it comes to time blocking, we have these vague things, we aren’t keeping our plans workable. So we fall behind. And I used to do time blocking like years ago, because I was like, I love the idea of working from a calendar. But I just like until I really learned all these different planning methods and was able to piece together what really works for perfectionist mindset. And then really having hundreds of perfectionist use it and develop it further through that, that I would be time blocking, I do it for a few days I’d fall behind. And then there wouldn’t be anything for the rest of the week, or like you look at my calendar. But it wasn’t actually a reflection of what happened. It was just like my wishful thinking of what I wanted to do.

Whereas today, like if you look at my calendar, you will know exactly what I did this week, because it has been updated to reflect what went on everything has a checkmark, emoji, anything that didn’t get done has been moved on to another time, I’m going to do it in my next Power Hour and re designated time for it like, you can actually see where my time is going, I’m able to after launch, for example, to do a time audit, and to see where has my time gone, if we got the result why if we didn’t get the result, why not. And to really be able to study myself and have that real self awareness, and also then be able to do that self coaching as well. And it’s just not possible when we’re time blocking. And when we’re working from a to do list as much as I love the idea of both of those things, they just pull that perfectionism handbrake on really hard.

And most other systems are some kind of derivative of a to do list or time blocking. And they don’t allow us to actually set ourselves up for the week for the month for the quarter for the year in a way that actually works for our brain. That gets our perfectionist mindset on our side that takes into account other things that we have going on that influence our productivity levels as well. So say for example, like some of our PGSDers will do their power planning in a way that aligns with their menstrual cycles, or they’re into human design and that kind of thing. Like, if you are someone who really wants to have a planning tool that actually feels good, like I’m someone who I like manifestation and all of that kind of thing. And I love also structure and routine and rhythm.

And this is what gives me this kind of flexible structure that allows me to explore ideas and be really creative, and at the same time to do the shit that needs to be done. Because when you’re building a business, there are things that you’re not going to feel like doing. As I said, it might be an inspired idea that you had a month ago that you still really want to do. But now you’re just actually in the thick of execution. And whenever that happens, of course, there are going to be things that we feel resistance around, especially for putting ourselves out there, or doing things that feels so us they feel the most vulnerable.

So our brains gonna be like, Okay, well, let’s focus on this other thing, or let’s spend all this time editing this video, instead of actually just hitting publish, like it’s knowing that we want to have a way to and tools to set up our week or month or quarter a year to get our perfectionist mindset on our side and the To Do lists and time blocking. Having a whiteboard system sticky notes, paper planners, like they don’t allow the work ability that’s needed. The specificity that’s needed, the accountability to rest, it’s needed. I’ll talk about that in a second. Because you probably have that and like, I don’t want to rest, but it’s so important. So that is the third reason that you are using tools that don’t work for your perfectionist mindset.

The fourth reason is that no one has taught you how to plan properly as a perfectionist. And that’s okay, that’s not your fault, because I had to figure it out for myself and really piece it together over like a decade now of talking about this stuff of like, okay, I keep falling off with this. But then if I do it this way this works and okay, I’ve tried that with this client and that client and that client and that’s right for all them and let’s put that like, it’s okay that you haven’t figured it out. And I’m still in the process of developing power planning and all of these tools, but I have been able like, I’m able to now work three days a week and spend a lot of time with my kids and be able to have the business be successful. Without it being stressful.

There are for sure times like I talked about in my most recent launch debrief of like I will have that perfectionism handbrake on, especially if I’m going into a new season of life or like an identity crisis, like all that kind of stuff, then my brains like, oh, okay, let’s go back to our perfectionist ways. That’s okay. And over time, you just learn to release that more quickly, more easily to see it to self coach through it, and to create the change that needs to be created. But I am, like, insane. It’s insane. When I think about how much more productive I am even though my perfectionist brain can still be like, well, we could be even more productive, but the way that I’m able to operate now, and the kinds of decisions that I can make and the way that I can delegate is worlds apart from when I was spending so long working on my business. I wasn’t making money. I wasn’t really helping people.

Either because I was spending so much time overthinking the Instagram caption and like doing things that weren’t actually adding value like that extra 45 minutes that I spent tweaking what was in that caption didn’t create benefit in the person on the other end in their lives. The message was within that what I spent 15 minutes writing, and then it was me just wanting to feel smarter and look good that it spent, it was me editing that for 45 minutes and perfecting it. So it’s knowing that like, you don’t have to be doing it perfectly. I’ll talk about that in a second tool. But it’s not your fault that no one has taught you this.

And that when it’s been this conversation around planning that no one has helped you see, the way that perfectionist need to plan because as I mentioned, people talk about perfectionism with this whole idea of like, just cut it out and don’t actually say like, Hey, there’s actually a way you could plan your time and set your goals and reflect on your week and reflect on your progress that would actually help you get into a growth mindset. When we’re focused on getting out of our own way. That’s what we’re focused on doing not on not being a perfectionist, we want to be in the growth mindset, there are tools that you can use to do that.

And that don’t trigger your perfectionist mindset. And when your perfectionism handbrake is on, you can actually release that like, we don’t get told that so it’s not your fault. And inside PGSD, we help you master those tools. We give you the support the guidance, encouragement, like you have access to a community who are also entrepreneurs who are also perfectionists who are also doing this work as well who love personal development, who love planning, and who really love mastery and having really like not just intellectually understanding something, but really using something and creating change in their life.

So when it comes to the tools to plan properly as a perfectionist, your growth goal is so important. This is your North Star, this is a goal that will help you set inside PGSD. But just quickly, your growth goal is a 12 month revenue goal for your business. It set a bit above what you believe is possible, not a crazy amount that you’re going to fairytale thinking and not having it be realistic so that you don’t have to inspect your perfectionism or you can just achieve it while still doing all the overthinking and the procrastinating and the burning out we want to have you have a goal that actually calls into question some of those perfectionist beliefs that you have, and invites you to create change and to grow into something new.

It’s called a growth goal for a reason. We need to grow and get out of our own way, in order to achieve that goal is broken down into quarterly milestones. So say for example, if your goal is 100k, for the year, it incrementally increases, so it’s 10k for the first quarter 20 30 40 for the following quarters, so that you’re not expecting yourself immediately to be able to make 25,000 in the quarter, for example, to immediately achieving that goal, because 25,000 in a quarter is essentially saying 100,000 a year, we want to say okay, I’m the kind of person who can make 10,000, a quarter then 20,000, then 30,000, then 40,000.

It’s about growth and not expecting this big jump this kind of all or nothing approach, but really being able to give ourselves this invitation into gradual improvement. And that’s why when my power planning, we have the three month commitment that we’re not saying like you need to be doing this perfectly from day one, there is no perfect power planning. It’s about planning properly in a way that supports you. And not about following the rules and doing it perfectly. But having really a goal that get your perfectionist mindset on your side and helps you to see when you are getting in your own way is so important.

If you might, you might have a love hate relationship with goal setting that you set goals and you forget about them, you don’t achieve them. Or maybe they’re too easy. And it just like, it’s not even fun to achieve them. Because you already knew you could do it. But you find maybe you have like 10 different goals at once. And you’re like constantly in all this goal setting. And maybe just to avoid the disappointment, you’ve just decided to stop goal setting, you’ll just see how you go like, we don’t want to be taking that approach that’s us getting in our own way. And it’s us not actually having a way to figure out how to get out of our own way, we want our goal setting tool to actually help us get out of our own way.

So that’s where we have the growth goal. That’s why you said that in PGSD. So for example, if you’re inside our October cohort, you’ll sign up in September, and then in the second half of September, after you’ve signed up, we will help you set your growth goal and give you all the support you need to do that. So you feel 100% committed to your growth goal. And then when you get started, so we’re actually doing our get out of your own way challenge for the first month that you’re invited to join to really help you get familiar with power planning and to help you get out of your own way with something specific that maybe you’ve been putting off or you need a little extra motivation or support around. So you will be able to have that goal and to really go into that 12 month period, having a tool that’s going to get you out of your own way, then it comes to the power planning.

So I will talk about an episode that shares the three steps of power planning, I will be sharing that as well in the planning series, and more about like how to plan properly as a perfectionist. This episode is really about why it’s so important to plan properly as a perfectionist, why not planning properly as a perfectionist is making you unproductive. But when it comes to the how I want you to go listen to episode 308 of this podcast, the perfectionism project, we will link it up for you in the show notes. But in that episode, I share the three steps of power planning. And it has enough there that you can get started with power planning.

As I said, in PGSD, we really help you master it and we share like the full look at everything that you need to do. But there’s no reason to wait and you can get started with Okay, I’m going to start figuring out what this could look like. So episode 308 is the one I recommend listening to. But there are three steps with your power planning. So that is your power hour, your little tweaks and your weekly review. When you’re doing your Power Hour, it’s okay if it takes two hours to do your power hour in the beginning. But when you’re doing your Power Hour, you are getting everything out of your brain and prioritizing it really identifying your needle movers in the context of your goal, putting it into your calendar, doing it in a way that’s workable.

So at the end of that time, you can look at your calendar. And when you take a screenshot of it, you can look at it and you can say okay, Courage might be required. But this is actually doable. It’s kind of like, if you are someone who works out or you’re familiar with what that looks like that when you are creating a workout plan for yourself, you actually want to have something that’s challenging for you, but you can do. And if we are just being like crazy optimistic about it. Maybe you’re like a silver linings person, you always see the bright side of everything that you it’s like the equivalent of a workout writing something that’s going to be 10 hours long and exhaust every muscle in your body.

And then we just go way hard on like what we expect for ourselves, it’s kind of like, if you haven’t worked out for a year and you’re like, Okay, this workout, I need to spend five hours in the gym, that doesn’t make sense, it’s actually just better to give yourself something that you could actually do to create a healthy relationship with going to the gym or with working out. And then to build on that over time as you get stronger. So that’s what we do with your power planning. But we have your power hour. So you’re laying out your week, we have your little tweaks you keeping your plans workable as you go, so you’re never behind. And you’re always as well able to get insight into when you’re deviating from your plans in a self compassionate way.

And there’s no time to have a drink. And there’s no right like, it doesn’t make sense. And we tend not to really do it with workouts. But we do that with our planning and our productivity. So we want to have you actually setting yourself up for the week in a way that you have buffer time in there so that if something unexpected comes up, you can actually use that time to get those other things done that you had to wiggle around and you have considered what needs to get done. And what you have capacity to do versus like this kind of wishful like, I guess it’s kind of like your ideal self or thinking of like if you’re a robot or if you’re perfect what you could do, and especially if you’ve been feeling behind, we tend to approach planning with like, Okay, I need to make up for my past selves, procrastination, overthinking.

Your calendar really is a tool for kindness, we want you to use it as such. So when we need to change our plans, like we don’t leave in there, the things that didn’t get done as a reminder of how bad we’ve been, we took a screenshot at the end of your power hour, so that at the end of the week, you compare it to what actually happened since your calendar is going to be a running log essentially, of approximately, it doesn’t have to be perfect, but approximately where your time went. So you can just delete those things. If you know they’re not going to get done this week, you can drop and drag it into the following week, you’ve put it in your buffer time, but your calendar becomes this reflection of what actually happened so that in the third step, your weekly review, when you’re reflecting on your week, you’re actually able to see, okay, like here’s what I did accomplish, because our perfectionist brains completely overlook what worked and what we did.

And if at the end of the week, if on Friday afternoon, you are feeling unproductive, your brain is going to probably say that whole week was a waste and so I need to be even more productive. Like I need to actually be productive next week because I didn’t get anything done. Or maybe you did get things done and this then even like you feel surprised by it almost and you have this feeling of like I wonder how long this will last. That’s a sign that some self image stuff going on. We definitely talk about that a lot in PGSD because you really need to like as you’re becoming more productive, create their self image and identity intentionally that you are a productive person otherwise you will self sabotage even if you know how to not overthink and know how to not procrastinate for example and know how to not burn out. If you don’t normalize your new way of being, you will be pulled back into that behavior because we always act in accordance with who we believe we are.

So we want to make sure that you are with your weekly review. Celebrating yourselves. We perfectionists aren’t great at that to celebrate yourself for what you’ve accomplished, you are also able to objectively look at, okay, what isn’t working and solve for that to not just have wishes about okay, well, next week, I’ll try and be more motivated or more committed, but you’re able to be really specific and just take even just one specific takeaway into your next power planning session when you’re doing your power hour. And recently, I’ve been really thinking about artificial intelligence and how that is something that as more like when it comes to how it’s developed, like as there are more inputs, it gets smarter and smarter and smarter.

And that’s the same thing that we’re doing with our power planning that every week you power plan, you are getting better and better and better at it because you were taking all those lessons and like, Okay, I didn’t want to do my admin tasks in the morning, I need to do them in the afternoon, when I don’t have as much energy only my creative tasks happen first thing in the morning. And then when I do something courageous, I need an hour of buffer time after I need to just roll something for 15 minutes after because my brain just needs a break all of that you get to develop over time, so that when you’re doing your Power Hour, week after week, after week, especially like once you’ve done your three month commitment, and you are further developing your power planning practice, that you’re really able to have a tool that isn’t as the same old to do lists that you’ve probably been doing in the same way or your time blocking or whatever, like you actually like power planning in a fundamentally different way because of that deeper understanding that you have of yourself.

And then when it comes to your persistence log, that is really so in PGSD, we have the PGSD forum and your persistence log in a lot of ways this podcast is my persistence log and mean documenting myself coaching, my lessons and all of that, but having some way that you can actually have some look at how you are going and really see the progress that you’re making, in the bigger scheme of things because our perfectionist brains like to think we’re always behind it, or also that it’s only worth reporting on things when things are good. And to not mention when things are bad, or we don’t want to look at when things aren’t going well, because we feel like there’s a test and we’re failing miserably.

So we want to have a practice for you to really be engaged with yourself understanding yourself. And that, again, feeds into that growth goal accomplishment, like we’re achieving the growth goal with the support of our power planning in our persistence log. And that means we’re achieving a goal that we want to want to achieve. Because our growth goal is a goal that’s in alignment with our vision and our values that we have as well. We’re never doing it at the expense of ourselves or at the expense of others. And we’re power planning in a way that actually takes into account us as a holistic person with other things going on in our life.

And the fact that there are going to be interruptions in the fact that we’re going to procrastinate at times, like we’re aiming for 80% follow through, we’re not trying to get to 100% it’s really about following through more often than not, and really just allowing ourselves to actually create a business that we enjoy and all of that, like we want to have you and this is what happens when you’re in PGSD you are achieving your growth goal, and you’re doing it in a way that you actually like. And that doesn’t mean that everything works instantly and effortlessly. And you’re never met with challenges or obstacles or setbacks or failures, those things will happen when you are planning properly. But it won’t be a problem because you’re, A, no it’s normal and B, you’ll have the tools and the mindset to be able to bounce back from that and to keep on going.

It’s when we think that we shouldn’t have problems. And that we should be perfectly doing things that we end up quitting, or we end up feeling so defeated. But I’ve done it for two weeks it hasn’t worked is never going to work instead of being like Okay, actually, if I’m thinking about my long term career that I want to have in entrepreneurship, and whatever that looks like whether it’s always in this business, or I want to have different businesses like, Okay, I’m going to allow myself time to learn things and time to be a beginner. And like for me, I’m now 10 years into business. I’m still in the beginning phases of being an entrepreneur and I find it so empowering to think of it that way instead of like, well I should be further along by now like that doesn’t actually feel good to be thinking that I should be at the pinnacle at this point.

And to really like we say that kind of stuff when we aren’t thinking about the big picture perspective. So we want to have those tools. As I said the Planning series is going to help you understand them more. If you want to learn the three steps of power planning, go to Episode 308 and it discusses those in that episode and outlines and for you, but the Planning series and then PGSD is going to be the best place to learn all of this. So if you can relate to this if you think like this could really be helpful definitely sign up for the PGSD waitlist. It’s samlaurabrown.com/pgsd. As I said, we have our October cohort intake in September.

So on the 10th of September, we will be opening the doors for one week only. And it’s going to just really be the best way if you have been unproductive, and you want to be productive. And if, like me, you don’t feel successful, unless productivity is a piece of it like you don’t want to be successful. If that means the way that you do, it doesn’t feel productive or like fulfilling to you. This is something you do need to do, you need to learn how to plan properly as perfectionist, the sooner the better. And we would absolutely love to support you with that inside PGSD and to have you as part of our October cohort.

So just to wrap up the last two reasons. The first are that you don’t see rest as a productivity tool. It’s so powerful to make that mindset shift that rest isn’t, I guess, like in some ways, we kind of see it as punishment of like time that we’re not allowed to be productive. And it also feels like sometimes there can be this, almost like identity, crisis like conflict going on when we if we think like I’m a productive, organized person. If I’m resting, I’m being lazy. And it’s really understanding that rest is a productivity tool. And of course, there are other benefits to rest. And I have talked about them ad nauseam, and I will talk about them more in other episodes.

But for now, I just want you to be starting to think about, hey, maybe part of the reason I’m being unproductive is because I’m trying to work all the time, every time. And it really is that thing with business that because you can work like we often tell ourselves, like we want to be our own boss. So we can work like you know, have that freedom to work anywhere we want from anywhere, anywhere, at any time. And we often end up working all the time from everywhere. And that isn’t success, at least not to me to feel like I’m always on this treadmill that never stops. And I never get any satisfaction.

Because anytime I do achieve my goal, I’m already thinking about the next one and how far I’ve got to go to that one like we want to actually have you be able to have control over your time, and actually have a sense of freedom and feeling like you’re chained to your laptop, or your phone or your desk or your clients or your customers or your warehouse or whatever that looks like for you. That isn’t freedom that most likely isn’t why you started your business. And so really starting to see like having rest, clean rest. And this is really just about time that you’re saying it’s not business time now and then time when it is business time now. So then we can actually instead of being like half in and half out of your business where you might be like working and then you’re doing a load of laundry.

Or like if you know if it’s a workday, but someone’s asked you or hey, can you cut up today? So I can’t do that other day you’re like, oh, yeah, it’s okay, because I work for myself. So I can just shuffle all my plans around. Like, we want to actually be able to honor our commitments with ourselves and really see like, we have a business if you feel like your business is a hobby, a big part of it as ironic as it sounds, is that you aren’t actually defining when your business time is versus when your time off is and you’re seeing it all as one thing. And if you really want to be taking yourself and your business more seriously, and really feel like you are a legitimate business owner. That means actually saying like, this is my business time, it doesn’t mean you can’t make your little tweaks and change that.

But you want to actually be like, I have committed to myself that during this time I’m working on my business. And so instead of going to do all those other things that feel much more important in the moment, because my perfectionist brain wants a distraction from all the pressure, I’m putting myself to do everything perfectly. I’m just actually going to do the thing I had planned to do. And then in my rest time, I’m going to do those other things that I want to do. And knowing as well that you’re going to be so much more resourceful, you’re not going to feel as overwhelmed, your life admin will actually get done. Like there’s all these other benefits as well. And people say like if you work for yourself, it’s always a blur. It’s not that’s just a story we tell ourselves because it feels uncomfortable to say this is work time and this is time off.

We secretly loved just working all the time. And if you were someone who only rest when everything is done and everything is never done, I just want you to consider the reason everything is never done is because you don’t rest. And finally to wrap up just very quickly, I’ve already touched on it. But the sixth reason is that you think planning properly means planning perfectly. So you might have already heard me talking about planning properly. Maybe you’re already doing Power planning and using the tools and you are thinking that it means you need to be following through with your plans. A hundred percent of the time, and that because you’re planning properly, it means everything you try should work instantly and you should be hitting your goals without any obstacles or challenges is not about that we are looking again, like big picture zooming out, like you are going to have a long career in entrepreneurship.

And we want to really have you understand what it means to build a business. And that just because you made a plan and you executed on it, well, it doesn’t mean you’re going to get the result you want. But when you are planning properly, as a perfectionist, you’ll be able to identify why and iterate and pivot and actually create the results that you do want, instead of when we’re not planning properly. And we either like, kind of working in spurts of motivation and doing things perfectly or not doing them at all. And then we never actually get to know why things aren’t working.

Because we’re like, Well, I don’t I haven’t done it consistently enough to even know, for example, with social media to even know what kind of video performs best because I only post you know, I probably seven days in a row, and then I don’t post for a month and then I post three days in a row and then I don’t post for a month like you don’t get insight into what’s working when you operate like that. And knowing that that’s just your perfectionism handbrake and it’s not because there’s anything wrong with you. You just haven’t been taught how to plan properly as a perfectionist. And we can teach you that inside PGSD the park the Planning series is going to teach you that as well go and listen to episode 308.

That’s going to give you a lot of insight into how to do power planning. But we just want to make sure we’re not in this mentality of like, okay, but if I do this now, everything’s just gonna be easy and effortless. Like when we’re thinking that way. That’s a perfectionism handbrake of thinking that ease and effortlessness means that we’re good enough that we’re smart, we’re intelligent, we’re lovable. I talk about this question of what would it look like if it was easy, because our brains make complexity we really, we really love complicating things to feel deserving and hard working. And just knowing that when we are actually understanding that like, things can be easy, but that doesn’t mean there’s not going to be resistance to them. And courage required.

Often doing things the easy way requires courage and requires resourcefulness. But if we have this like ease and effortlessness up on a pedestal, and maybe we dress it up as saying like that it’s in alignment, or it’s, you know, our intuition and things like that, like I love all that stuff, as I said, like manifestation, human design, all of that. But at the same time recognizing like our human brain, when we’re growing, it’s going to, there’s going to be things that come up that aren’t going to feel good, and that’s all part of the experience. Nothing has gone wrong. So with that said, I’m going to leave this episode here. I hope you found it really helpful. Mark your calendar, the 10th of September is when PGSD is opening, join the waitlist, do the perfectionism quiz. And if you have any questions about PGSD, you can email support@samlaurabrown.com to ask them so you can get yourself prepared to join us for our October cohort. I hope you have a beautiful day and I will talk to you in the next episode.

Author: Sam Brown