Episode 421: Answering Your Questions About PGSD

In case you didn’t know, PGSD is my group coaching program for perfectionists who are building businesses. And it will have you planning properly and getting out of your own way.

Today I sat down with Renae (my Marketing Manager) and answered all of your questions about PGSD. 

Tune in now!

If you have any further questions about PGSD you can either:

  1. Email us at support@samlaurabrown.com
  2. Send us a DM on Instagram @perfectionismproject 
  3. Book a sales call with Renae by clicking here: https://calendly.com/pgsd/call 

You can find out more and sign up to PGSD at samlaurabrown.com/pgsd  

Can’t wait to work with you inside.

Find the full episode transcript and show notes at samlaurabrown.com/episode421.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How PGSD works to grow your business
  • I answer specific questions about PGSD
  • How to know if PGSD will make a difference in your business
  • When you should join PGSD

Featured In The Episode:

Announcement: PGSD is open for enrollment for one week only

My 12-month group coaching program Perfectionists Getting Shit Done (aka PGSD) will teach you how to plan properly as a perfectionist and get out of your own way. Inside you’ll get the coaching and productivity tools so you can create sustainable, long-term productivity and build your business to $100k and beyond.
The doors to PGSD are now officially open for one week only. To find out more about the program and sign up before the doors close at 11:59pm New York Time on 17 September, click here: samlaurabrown.com/pgsd.

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Hi and welcome to another episode of The Perfectionism Project. A podcast full of perfectionism advice for entrepreneurs. My name is Sam Laura Brown, I help entrepreneurs release their perfectionism handbrake, so they can get out of their own way and build a fulfilling and profitable business. I’m the founder of the Perfectionist Getting Shit Done group coaching program, which is otherwise known as PGSD. And for even more perfectionism advice to help you with your business. You can follow me on Instagram @perfectionismproject.

Sam Laura Brown

Okay, so I am here with Renae, who is my marketing manager and we thought we would do an episode answering your question about PGSD. So in case you didn’t know PGSD stands for perfectionist getting shit done, which is my group coaching program for perfectionist entrepreneurs, the doors are open for this week only. They’re closing at 11:59pm New York time on the 17th of September, that’s only a few days away. And the investment for PGSD. Just so you know, is one payment of $4,440 USD for 12 payments of $444. So we are going to just be doing the kind of back and forth. Renae’s going to be asking me questions that will help you decide if PGSD is for you if you have been thinking about signing up. So is there anything I missed in the introduction?

No, not at all. But yeah we’ve got some amazing questions to really put Sam in the hot seat answer all the questions. So how this can help. So to start, one, do I need to figure out things like my target audience, money blocks, niche, my exact offer, my marketing strategy before I joined PGSD?

Sam Laura Brown
Okay, I love this question. So PGSD is all about implementation is called perfectionist getting shit done. And so a big part of getting shit done is being able to make decisions and stick to them and stick to them long enough that they’re going to work. So I’m going to split up the things that you mentioned, and I can’t remember all of that on my head. But when it comes to things like niche, or messaging, like, do I need to have decisions made around that before I sign up? PGSD is going to help you make that decision. Because if you’re a perfectionist, then you tend to second guess and overthink and waver and that is costing you so much in your business. So we will help you decide and then have you stay accountable to that decision. And keep working your plan until it works. So that you’re not just spending so much time and energy, trying all these different things and nothing’s working, and you’re just really spinning your wheels. So I recommend if you have done a marketing course, there’s a lot of PGSDers have done a marketing program. And they do what they need to do to build their business. They’re just not actually doing it. And so for sure, if you’re struggling to make decisions about that kind of thing, then join PGSD. And we will help you to do that. Don’t try to do it alone and keep getting stuck when it comes to what was the question?

Yeah, well, a lot of people, the way they message in is like, I know I have money blocks. Do I need a work on them first? Before I join?

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, like how have I got here? You got some money mindset work to do. Yeah. Should I prioritize that over, joining PGSD? Like what what should I do it all in? Yeah, it’s a very question. I think the when it comes to money mindset, and money box, and that kind of thing. I have talked on the podcast a lot about money mindset, I think it’s a very important piece of the puzzle, so to speak. But what is even more important, is being able to get shit done and have a really practical way to do your mindset work. And so when it comes to things like money mindset, for example, it can end up just being a lot of journaling, obviously, I’m a huge fan of self coaching, doing all of that kind of thing. Maybe writing affirmations, like I love all of that. But at some point, that all becomes like, procrasti-coaching, or whatever you want to call that. Like it becomes procrastination to spend so much time doing that mindset, why, then so, PGSD, and having power planning and everything like that will help you to actually do the things that you need to do.

And then if you’re not doing them, you really have a tool that will help you investigate specifically, what is going on. So instead of it being this general, money mindset stuff that you’re working on, you might see for example, your power planning that you had planned to publish your sales page at 3pm on Thursday, and then you put it off and then you move it to the next week and then you put it off again and put it to the next week and you can just see like, all this money mindset stuff, maybe going on that and now that I see that in my calendar, that it’s manifesting like in my actions, now I can work on that. specific way that it’s showing up, rather than just working on it generally. So a lot of PGSDers are familiar with things or money mindset, for example, and they use power planning and the tools in PGSD to help them practically do that work.

And one thing that you share, and I love hearing you share it, where you’re coaching someone, is how you still have your, or in money mindset, things pop up, but still built the business you do have?

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, it’s so important to remember, I think, for all of us perfectionists, myself and Renae included that we can tend to want to get to the root of sins, and like removal out blocks and limiting beliefs. And it’s knowing that it doesn’t lead to be that all or nothing approach. And often when we take that approach, it doesn’t get us far. But you can still have so many muddy blocks and your perfectionism handbrake on to some degree and achieve so much. And what we’re really about is having you make changes, not just like I need to change everything at once overnight, and have that to be able to be successful. It’s really like, okay, what are the day to day practical changes that I can make. And for example, like with that sales page, or whatever that you can have one thing that you might have previously just pushed that off week after week after week, and then instead, you’re able to just see it and publish it. And it’s looking at the compound effect of just taking those actions much sooner and doing it without the mental drama without the overthinking and everything like that.

So I’m not sure if that answers the question that definitely, but you don’t need to get rid of all of your blocks before you move on to anything else. Like I really see it as doing a lot of different kinds of mindset work all at the same time. And for me, like I use my power planning to kind of bring that all together and to see how my brain is operating by looking at what tasks and put it in my calendar, which ones take me longer, which ones keep getting deleted. And that then tells me what kind of mindset work I need to do or self coaching or like, that gives me the insight to actually turn that self awareness into self coaching into actually achieving that goal.

My takeaway from that is that I am allowed to make buddy and still always be working on myself.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, because I like and obviously the podcast, I’m always talking about the stuff that I’m working on, and my perfectionism stuff that I’m working on. And for sure, money mindset and all of that. And I think being in the mindset of I don’t need to like solve it all to be able to make any progress, it really just helps to just be like, Oh, I can just see this one thought or this one thing I’m doing and change that. And that’s going to have a ripple effect.

And what type of accountability do you provide in PGSD?

Sam Laura Brown
Okay, so, I mean, there are a few places I want to take this kind of question. But to answer the question, there are three different kinds of accountability. So that is expert accountability, in the sense that we have weekly calls that are live, myself as a PGSD coach, at the moment, we have Michelle and Aditi, who are also PGD coaches. So we are there and Daisy as well. And he’s head of client success. And in the PGSD forum, we are all there to help keep you accountable to your goals and really hold the possibility for you that you’re able to achieve that. It’s not just wishful thinking, like we truly believe in that goal. And it’s not just us being delusional, like we can see your best self and we really help to hold you accountable to that, which sometimes means there’s a little bit of tough love and other times means it’s really helping to coach you on the perfections blind spots and things like that, that are making you get in your own way. There’s also peer accountability.

So you will be part of a cohort community, meaning that everyone else who joins at the same time as you and our other PGSDers in there as well from previous cohorts, that you will be able to be in a community who is there to support you. And since perfection is unlike we feel a lot of ashame as perfectionist so we are for sure, a shame free environment where we really pride ourselves on the way that we support each other. And we hold each other accountable to the things that we had said we would do and have the option if you can like if you want but if you don’t want to you can have your persistence log in the PGSD forum. And you can keep everyone updated.

Even like so many PDSDers just say, the act of having that persistence, slog no matter like how many people were acquired or anything like that. Just sharing it publicly every weekend every week or more often than not, it means that they are really able to start developing self accountability, which is the third thing but peer accountability religious means you’re going to support me keep curiosity who gets it everyone in PGSD is a perfectionist and also an entrepreneur who has a business and so you’re able is kind of like even today like Renae and I working together, just having me sitting next to me, I was like, Oh, I feel like this extra sense of accountability, like working alongside someone. So it’s really having that kind of feeling.

And it’s so important, particularly, if you’re a solo entrepreneur, and you don’t have a team you’re working from home, or maybe you have a remote team, to just like, have that community that really helps you to follow through with what you said. And of course, there’s flexibility and compassion and all that kind of stuff as well. But a lot of times, like, we do need to do, the things we need to do. And so just declaring then having a supportive community to help you see things you might be missing, and give you feedback through all of that is so powerful. And then, as I mentioned, self accountability. This is the ultimate thing that we want to develop that we don’t want you to be dependent on us keeping you accountable, and a lot of perfectionist, really struggle with self accountability. Because of the way how perfectionism handbrake makes us get in our own way, it then becomes hard to trust ourselves.

But through the PGSD process, and through the Growth Goal and power planning, your persistence log and all the tools, like everything in PGSD is designed to get you into a growth mindset, which makes it so much easier to keep yourself accountable. And as you get more and more into that growth mindset, you are able to start holding yourself accountable, even if no one’s watching, even if no one else is involved in that goal or that deadline. And this is true PGSDers who have found that they have like done super well at university and things like that. And they their experience was that that was because there was a professor or someone else holding them accountable.

And maybe it’s was working out that they need the accountability partner and things like that. But people like that have been able in PGSD to develop self accountability. And that is a skill set that then like, year after year after year, it just, it pays off so much instead of having to say like, Oh, can you hold me accountable to this? Can you remind me to do this thing. It’s like, I know, I can remind myself, I can get myself to do that. And do that without like pushing and forcing and hustling. But I can just have myself do the thing. Even if no one’s there barking at me that it’s due this time or anything like that

Yeah that’s so powerful. And so next question, I’m worried that I’ll sign up and commit initially and then disappear, and not log in or join the coaching calls. I’m worried about committing to PGSD, but then not showing up for it myself and completing it. I want to break this habit does PGSD help with it?

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. Well, it kind of goes off what I just said, I guess in so many ways. But it is important to talk about because of the way that perfectionism shows up that our experience will often be that we have trouble following through with things and to just quickly touch on the five signs of perfectionism being the overthinking procrastination, burnout, all or nothing thinking and fear and doubt where like, when those things are going on, it is challenging to follow through with our plans. And then it can be the case for sure that you might have signed up for programs or things in the past. Because then you’ve gone into it with that very perfectionist mindset of like, I want to make the most of it, I want to do all the things, and you felt like you haven’t lived up to that expectation. And so you might be thinking that way about PGSD is just going to be another one of those that I’m going to feel guilty about.

And it’s really I guess, like, there’s nothing in that PGSD and Renae is probably going to be like, where are you going with this? I should just be your work on your rate. I was gonna say is and Renae can add anything needed. But there’s nothing in PGSD, whatever my goal with this was I gonna say, basically, if you like you need to decide to be committed. And we have designed it to help you stay committed, and it’s created for someone like you. So if you can relate to what I talked about on the podcast, with perfectionism, with the ways that comes up for you, if you like the salad of power planning, and having a great goal and all of that, then it’s knowing that we have really created it for someone with a perfectionist brain, who has been in that situation where they have sign up for things and not completed due to their perfectionism that we directly help you with inside PGSD.

But ultimately, you do just need to have a little word with yourself and ask yourself like, do I want to create a change for myself? Like, do I want to just keep doing the same things that I have always been doing? And be stuck in the same situation? And maybe it’s not such a bad situation? You’re pretty comfortable? Maybe have a full time job or a part time job or partner who is bringing in an income to that isn’t that financial pressure on you. And you’re like, Well, you know, I just be happy if I was making whatever amount like no one asked for too much and whatever but looking at like, what do you actually want and knowing that, that is going to require commitment, it doesn’t require perfect commitment and you to become this perfect little robot. But it does mean that you just need to say like, okay, am I sick of myself or not? Because for me, I had so many moments where I was like, okay, I can see I’m getting moving away, and I’m sick of it, and then actually ready to do something about it.

And though these are the PGSDers, who are the most successful in the program, and there are others who have a lot of success as well, but those who come in who are like, Okay, I’ve had my time being in my own way. And now with the support of PGSD and knowing that all the tools in there are designed to help me get my perfectionist mindset on my side. And that that was my problem, that I’m actually going to show up for the not perfectly but like, I’m actually going to give this a really good craft that we can’t, like, we can try and have you be so committed. And like, of course, and like all the episodes and everything like that, it’s all geared around helping you be committed to your goal and really see what’s possible and that more than what you think is possible for yourself. But you need to just have that word with yourself. And just be like, okay, like, I’m sick of being the same situation.

And just projecting that out like, Okay, if you say in your own way, where you’re going to be this time next year, what about in five years? Or in 10 years time? Like, what kind of trajectory are you on? Will you be in pretty much the same situation and maybe you can look back at like, the past year or two years? Maybe it’s five years, you can see like, Okay, how much have I been able to build my business? And if I don’t get support, with my perfectionism, that’s going to be likely to continue. So do you want that for yourself? And so I just want to invite you to commit to yourself and to your business. And in PGSD, we will definitely help you to achieve your goal and all of that, but it’s really about becoming someone who is committed and who is willing to say like, Yes, I may have been in my own way, like, this was my story, I’ve been in my way so many years, but that I was able to turn that around by just say like, okay, but know I’m drawing the line in the sand and actually going to show up.

Without the all or nothing mindset.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, without the all or nothing like working in spite this is where power planning comes in that it really helps you to, like my brain wants to be in that all or nothing mindset of like, okay now I just do everything perfectly, it’ll be part of the discipline to like, go to overscheduling. And that’s why having power planning really helps to just not then go into this like, Okay, all in means I need to like burn myself out of overwork, it’s like, and we’ve had a lot of discussions about this recently, like learning what all in actually looks like, and that that includes clean rest. And that doesn’t include overthinking or like trying to control everything and overworking. So you will learn in PGSD a new way to be thinking about what it means to be all in that isn’t all or nothing. And then power planning helps with that. But yeah, you do need to be like okay, I’m sick of myself, essentially. Because that’s, that’s going to help you create the best results not just with PGSD, but with anything.

Yeah. And on that note, I have more it’s possible. I had a very interesting conversation with a lovely lady and a flavor of this with lots of different people actually. But they hear we we’re hearing you talking about how you’re able to have clean rest and you work three days and all these things that there had you heard of the term like perfectionist fantasy and, and reviewed from going out and the way of being optimistic. And so it’s easy to get the assumption that okay, I can see others living their dream life. But how do I know it’s not just a fantasy for me? And I can actually have it.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, we were talking about this before you mentioned how the that example in particular was this idea of like, there’s these perfectionist fantasies. If I told you about a bit before we’d like the all or nothing how I like oh, yes, like I just go all in and whatever, that we can then be in this fantasy or like delusion, almost of like, okay, all these amazing things are possible. And then we get this high from that possibility. And that takes us out at action. And what what was the question I just need to clarify that.

How do I know that it’s not just a fantasy for my self?

Sam Laura Brown
Yes. Okay. So when it comes to this, it’s really like, getting those few elements. But first of all, getting that you are currently under estimating what you think is possible. And like this idea of, I guess an alternative to the perfectionist fantasies like okay, well, you should just create realistic goals. So our perfectionist brains, which tend to install it of inadequacy are not good enough. Those thoughts are going to set goals that are actually smaller than what we are capable of achieving. And so when our growth goal is that a bit above what we believe is possible, that’s not to say that That’s a fair to see, it’s to say and recognize that our brain is naturally going to underestimate what’s possible. And so we need to just bump it up a bit. And when it comes to this idea of like, well, is that just some kind of fantasy and it’s really knowing that, first of all, most likely as well, if you have a goal like 100k, there’s so many people who have achieved that I’ve achieved that I’ve been so my way, I’ve still achieve that like, it isn’t this delusional fantasy, but at the same time, knowing that you need to have practical tools to help you.

So the issue with that whole like perfectionist fantasy thing is, if you have some kind of perfectionist fantasy about all these amazing things that can be possible, but then you don’t have a practical tool to help you implement and get shit done. That’s when you do end up in a situation where you’re like I had these, I truly believe in my potential. I know this, so much is possible for me. But then day to day, you find that you’re pushing off the most important things. You’re just busy with all of like checking email or stats or like procrasti-research and procrasti-learning and like maybe you are posting consistently on social media, but you know, you’re not actually doing the things you need to do to move your business forward and achieve those goals. We have your growth goal. And then we have power planning and your clean rest or your persistence log like all of that. So that you’re actually able to reverse engineer that goal into a realistic daily plan.

So you have your 12 month growth goal that we have quarterly milestone, so we work in 90 day increments. And then for that first quarterly milestone, for example, which is going to be the smallest of all of them. But as we build out to our goal, you’re going to then have each plan a week out sorry, each week, a plan to work towards that quarterly milestone that you have. So even though your goal overall might feel like a bit of a fantasy, you will actually be able to have a realistic plan that you can follow through on that will get you there. And of course, the support in PGSD really helps with that. Because the reality of business is that there will be ups and downs, there will be things you do that don’t work. And I think the ultimate perfectionist fantasy is where my like, I will create this plan. And everything will work out today.

So I thought launch this product, or sell exactly how many I want to sell because I got the sales page and the messaging perfect. And then I’ll shop consistently on social media, everyone will like what I have to say a launch again I’ll sell this number, like, it’s not gonna happen like that. But it doesn’t mean me wait. So get to your goal. And you need to have that resilience and that support as well to help you with that as you’re building that resilience. But you need to have something practical, that helps you to keep on going, even when it’s not going perfectly to plan. I can’t remember what your initial question was, but…


That’s the fantasy oh say okay. Yeah, it’s very gratifying to hear that, yeah. And you can actually have anything you want. But you need to reverse engineer the plan and have the tools yet like the growth goal,

Sam Laura Brown
It really is coming to this idea of like you’d have anything you want. It’s like there might be a timeframe around that there. And we walk towards it in a way that like for both of us, like we love numbers, like being logical and smart about things. And so it’s not like, Okay, if you’ve made $30,000 next year, you make a million and then 5 million or whatever, it’s really like, okay, let’s actually look at what is feeling realistic to you bump it up a little bit. And also not like going from what your fantasy self wants to says I call out and bumping it up, like we have in PGSD questions to help you look at like, what is your actual belief level at, so you can set it above that. And you can really create anything you want, overtime and have practical steps to follow to get you there.

And I think I will just around this question up by saying I think the ultimate delusion is that we aren’t capable of more than we’re currently doing. And our perfectionist brain wants us to say where we are right now. It’s safe. It’s comfy, even though we feel inadequate, like we know how the world works when we’re in our current situation. And when we get in this mindset of like, well, other things are possible for other people. But not for me. That’s when we’re deluding ourselves. And ultimately, in this kind of perfectionist fantasy the other way like this inadequacy of like, Oh, it’s this fantasy of like everyone else can do it. But not me.

Yeah, very good point. So, is PGSD for entrepreneurs who are already making money on there business? How about those just starting out?

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. Okay. Great question, so with this I would say yes. But not I would say this is what we say and believe and work around is that ideally, you will have made some money in your business. You can’t come in if you haven’t been you need to definitely be committed and not be an unerring about if you want to have a business but ultimately, the way that PGSD works and the power of group coaching is that everyone in PGSD has similar level of goals has a business and has a perfectionist mindset going on. And so you can listen to anyone else getting coached, and have it be relevant to you and applicable to you directly. So even if you have a different kind of business, and even if you’re not live on the call, you should listen to the private podcast, and get that coaching with that other person to be like a surrogate for you.

And it’s so powerful as well, so many times that we hear someone else that getting coach on and you didn’t even know we were struggling with all that with everything to ask about, that someone else is going through and just hearing they like, ah, that’s the thing that I have been going through. So when it comes to this question of, if I haven’t started making money yet, it’s really knowing that like, the way PGSD works is everyone in there has already developed some kind of business. And a lot of us even myself, I was just saying to me before, like, I still feel like my business is a hobby. It’s not been in this, like, oh, I have this professional business. And so now I can join PGSD you might still have thoughts of it’s a hobby, and it’s not good enough and I am so far behind, but ideally, you will have made some money in your business. And that way it really has PGSD be the most powerful container it can be for great coaching.

Yeah, definitely. And so do I need to have a certain type of business model or marketing strategy in order to join P GSD?

Sam Laura Brown
No. So in this, I guess, carries on from that. But when it comes to the certain kind of business, or marketing strategy, and things like that, that we will definitely discuss with people marketing strategy, it really like when we’re coaching, we get specific, it’s just general advice about perfectionism or power planning. Like we get specific. So we do talk about specific things. But you don’t need to have a particular kind of business, then actually I think it works so well, having all different kinds of entrepreneurs. Because when you see someone being a perfectionist about a certain task, you don’t have any thoughts about you say if you’re someone like me, and Instagram as part of your business model. And you hear someone getting coached, who doesn’t have that as part of their business well, and be the perfectionist that so many times so you can see the coaching so clearly, because you don’t have all of your thoughts and preconceptions about that thing.

So to answer your question about who’s in PGSD and do you need to have a certain kind of marketing strategy or business we have geography as copywriters, real estate agents, ecommerce store owners, who else that we go and check it artists? Dancers, coaching like myself, physical location, yeah, physical locations like acupuncture and that kind of thing. Jewelry, jewelry, doula, like doulas help with birth. There’s so many different kinds of entrepreneurs because it’s really about implementation. And so a lot of PGSDers will come in, like having learned about marketing strategy, either through podcasts and things like that, or through a marketing program. And we help you get shit done. And so you don’t have to have a particular kind of business to be successful. And yeah, we’ve had so many successful PGSDers from so many different kinds of businesses.

Yeah, and you’ve basically already answered this, but just to answer them really directly. Yeah. How would PGSD helped me achieve my business goals? Yeah, okay. I don’t I just I say this, because it’s very obvious, for example, in joining an ads course, okay. Yeah. Because if I run ads, that could make me more leads and then equal more money. So yeah. So how does that work for PGSD? Like I said, PGSD helped me achieve my business goals directly. .

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. Okay, awesome. So when you are in, we call the PGSD. process. So what you’ll be doing is you’ll be planning your week properly, in a way that works with perfectionist brain, following through 80% of the time, resting without guilt, and repeating. And that will help you achieving your goal. And the way that that works, is that you are smart, you know what you need to do, and you’re not doing it, like your problem isn’t lack of information, lack of strategy, your problem is picking something and sticking to it long enough for it to work showing up even when you think friends and family might do that on your Instagram account, seeing what you’re talking about and judging you or whatever, like you are struggling to implement.

And when you do that, and I know if you like to I talk about, you know, like you can feel that when you follow through with your plans, it’s going to work. And if you could just get yourself to do the things that you know you’re capable of doing, it will work. And so we actually have you do that instead of us trying to distract you with like, oh, let’s learn this new strategy for marketing. And now let’s say all this time looking at this certain thing or that something it’s like, okay, let’s just struck into that self trust and begin developing that and take what you already know and actually do the things. And I know for me, like some of my work has been like, that feels so hard like my brains like oh no, it has to be harder than that. And this whole thing of like, needing to work hard to feel deserving, and all of that kind of thing, and we help you in PGSD, create emotional safety around letting things work, because we’d perfectionist, love to overcomplicate things, reinvent things over and over again, as Renae and I know from recent experiences, that that is something that we tend to do.

And so we really just help you make decisions that feel good to you, stick to those decisions, help see you through the ups and downs. And knowing as well that like the people that we attract into PGSD are people who typically have a degree or two, these people who are smart, who have learned the things and then is struggling to do the things. And that really comes back to as well, like we weren’t taught in school, how to actually follow through with plans, it was just kind of expected. And so I think if you have any shame or feelings about like, But shouldn’t I just know how to do it, like, I know what to do, like, what’s wrong with me that I can’t do it, like, nothing’s wrong with you, you just haven’t been planning properly as a perfectionist. That’s why we help you master that. And that’s how you’re able to achieve your goals and began making more money and doing that consistently and not burning out. And all of those things that you just need to learn and develop that skill set of implementation and the self trust to do that. And that’s what we help you with. And I know we like to make business so much more complicated than that.

But it’s like doing the things at work. And continuing to do that over time and continuing to have them work and not letting ourselves get distracted and start things over from scratch because they didn’t go perfectly or spend time procrasti-learning. Like if we can just do the things that have been proven to work. And we know we’re smart. And we know we’re capable. And we know we have potential. Why wouldn’t it work, it does work. And so it’s just like holding fast to do that and letting yourself be successful. I think that’s a whole other conversation too. But it can just be so comfortable being struggle and maybe as well if people are scared of what others might think if they become too successful in all of that. So it’s just giving yourself permission to be successful. And part of that is letting it be easy. And knowing that it can be an is as simple as just doing the things that work for long enough to have them work.

Yeah, and then just wait elaborate more on that, for example for the person who is getting things done, and so for instance. And a lady wrote in and asked this, where I’m unsure of whether PGSD is for me is because I can’t seem to work out my niche. And some fears of commitment going all in are coming up. So I’m wondering whether it would be right for me right now, because I actually get stuff done, but change my mind on direction a lot.

Sam Laura Brown
Yes, this is suddenly we hear a lot. And it causes so much to just change our mind. And I don’t think we really recognize that. But it is part of that perfectionist mindset like wanting to make the perfect decision. We don’t want to do anything imperfectly. So especially with deals like niche and messaging, plan pricing, for example. And what your offer is that a lot of times for perfectionist, they will not make decisions about that. Or they will make decisions and then change them and then change them. And a lot of times it sound like I really want it to feel aligned. Like I just want to know what it is like I just want to have this knowing. And that is our scared little brain trying to keep us in the same situation. And so going back to what I said before about like just have a little wild with yourself and be like, Okay, do I want to be successful? Knowing that my brain thinks that’s unsafe? If yes, then I’m going to actually allow myself to decide something.

And stick to that and trust that the answer to for example, what is my niche will emerge and evolve from me doing that thing like that’s such an example as well of my story, I didn’t know I was a perfectionist when I started weperfectionism project wasn’t called that initially. But as I was showing up and getting in my way, I was like, oh, what’s, what’s going on here? And then that became the thing that I talk about, I would have never thought to talk about perfectionism. I didn’t know anything about it. I didn’t feel like I had much experience with it either. And it was just getting started and picking something and talking about that, which for me was making the most of my 20s. That was the topic and personal development, that I then had that niche emerge. And it’s really like that action is what has that clarity, calm. Does that sound right?

Action creates clarity is essentially what I’m trying to say. And so a lot of times we just like oh well I will take action once I have clarity and then we never get clarity because we’re not taking action. Having that experience like that contrast of like, who I liked when I talked about this thing and that felt we already talked about that thing and like oh whatever product or service like you don’t need to be a coach like myself, but just trusting that it will emerge. And being willingness is such a big thing to like being willing to be seen to change in public and to evolve in public. And that we can be in this mindset of like, I want to have all my shit together and ducks in a row before I can announce myself to the world and really go all in because I’m not sure that this is the thing that I will do forever.

And really how it works to any kind of business is it’s a constant evolution. And I feel like the businesses that don’t evolve are the ones that never start. Because they it’s that action that creates that evolution, even looking at big businesses like Uber and things like that, like they’ve all evolved. And so it’s knowing that it’s I know, it takes courage to be, like, seem to change things in public and have others watching you. And you say, well, I was talking about this, but I’m now talking about that. But it’s so powerful to do. So like that’s how business works. So you need to allow yourself to be seen by others, to evolve to change your mind to update your decisions. And that’s really the only way to be successful.

And with everything you just described, this is the exact reason why PHSD is not about procrasti-learning, but it is a question we do get in yeah, do I know, PGSD won’t be more procrasti-learning?

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, I think this comes back to that question as well. It’s kind of going in with like the will I be committed to it. And some people like I might not actually log in and do things. And then there are other people who like, I might just spend all my time, like learning the things and not actually implementing, but I feel like it’s a little the name perfectionist getting shit down. And this isn’t about giving you more knowledge, you’re smart, you have a lot of knowledge already worry about helping you learn a productivity system that is going to help you get out of your own way and overcome your perfectionism all of that kind of thing.

So you can show up fully. And it’s knowing that because you’ll be taking action, like that is not procrasti-learning and PGSD like we like to say PGSD is the antidote to procrastinate learning. And also, so many of our most successful PGSDers come in with that fear of will this just been more procrasti-learning, because that’s what I have a history of doing them solid, who loves being productive, I love learning. And I’m also scared and they also get my own way. And so the way my brain likes to handle that is spent a lot of time learning things and signing up for things and consuming things. We see you we know you like that is who we created PGSD for.

And so if you I feel like maybe there’s there’s been more procrasti-learning, just have a little word with yourself about how committed are you like, do you actually want to have a successful business, knowing what I said before about your perfectionist brain under estimating what’s possible for you. And that you like, obviously, as I’m recording this, I’m not talking to you specifically. But I also know if you relate to what I am saying, I am talking to you specifically and that you are capable of so much more than you’ve let yourself believe. And so you do need to be committed, you do need to decide, okay, I might having procrasti-learning, but I’m going to be on to myself about it, I’m going to, like, have compassion for myself with that. And I’m not going to let myself do that with this. And if I find that I’m doing that, I can trust myself to get myself back into action, because that’s what it really is. And we talked about like the ups and downs.

And there will be times where your brain like might as well as like, oh, let’s just go learn this thing. Because I’m scared to actually take action, and just having that awareness and other practical tool like power planning to really help you see where the procrasti-learning is coming like you will see it in your power planning that you are procrasti-learning, and you’ll be able to do something about it, you’ll be able to bring it to a coaching call as well or talk about in the forum. Or if you’re a lurker, you’ll be able to hear others talking about it as well. So yeah, just know that like we see, we understand that. And we have created the program for you.

Which brings me to why is PGSD for a 12 month program?

Sam Laura Brown
Yes. Why is it a 12 month program? And we were talking about this before as well with like, power planning is a three month commitment. And so then why is PGSD not three months? And the answer to that is really that we are about helping you get results in your business. And it’s not that learning. Power planning isn’t a result worth having. But we want to help you achieve your financial goals. Like we want to help you have a successful business and not just have more knowledge or even more skills like yes, you will have more skills, but we want to help you succeed in your business. And so we have your 12 month revenue goal, your growth goal that you will set and there’s ups and downs along the way like you will learn power planning and you will definitely be more productive than you have been if you’ve been time blocking or use it to do lists and things like that. But it’s not going to be this flawless journey where nothing ever comes up there will be bumps in the road.

And the reality is if that if you just learned power planning, and you don’t have that support, and the tools and the awareness around what can come up, as you’re building a business, what is normal, like it’s normal to have those experiences, why things don’t go into plan, if you are coming into power planning, and thinking, like, I just learned this tool, and then I’ll be off to the next thing, you will have a better life, I always say innovative business, but you’re not actually going to really be able to truly appreciate it. If you’re someone who loves it, like understand the nuance and really have the skill set around how to use power planning to get out of your own way. But then to self coach in a way that actually turns like self awareness into achieving your goal.

And so PGSD is like if you come in, you will do the get out of your own way challenge, which is just a fun way to hit the ground running. And really helping get clear on a few things in your business, your vision, your values, and like align all of those things. And then really just picking something specific. So there might be a project that you have been pushing off for a little too long, you will be able to come in and get that done. It’s all taught through in PGSD private podcast and they are coaching calls, group calls to help you with that as well. But you’re coming in at the same time, you’ll be using your power planning, like it’s all, it doesn’t take much time, like this is just the stuff you would be doing things to support you with that, that don’t take longer to learn, but it’s so powerful. So you’ll be doing your power planning in that month.

And in that first three months, you’ll be really just focused on how I’m going to be learning power planning, I know it’s going to take me a minute, so I’m not gonna pretend that I should be getting like feeling like it’s instantly working or that I’m across the three steps and everything like that. So they knew after that, we’ll be looking most typically at one of the five signs of perfectionism that is coming up for you the most. Whether that is overthinking procrastination, doubt could be all that I think thinking could be fear of judgement, you will spend that next quarter focus specifically on why very perfectionism. The quarter after that I love that our PGSDers look at their self image because there’s so much more productive. And yet, and we were talking about this before this idea I heard on a podcast talking about your self image tends to live a couple of years behind you.

And it’s so important to do the work we talk about self image, our identity that’s like we live into our self image is how we end the sentence of like I am or I know I’m the kind of person who are like, if you believe I’m the kind of person who procrastinates you need to do some work on that. Or you will go back to procrastination because that feels normal to you. And right now if when you’re productive, you feel like I wonder how long this will last. That is a sign that you have self image work to do. So typically, that will happen in quarter three. And this is all while you’re just working towards your goals and doing your normal business stuff. And then in quarter four is really just focused on like getting it all the way to your goal. We perfectionist love to just kind of towards the end be like, Oh, I’m on to the next thing or like, get busy with other stuf or whatever it is really having that completion there. And really showing yourself that you can follow through something all the way through the end. So that fourth quarter is really just purely focused on implementation and getting shit done. And of course, do we haven’t really talked about clean rest or anything like that but doing that with lots of guilt free rest. And we’re able to do that because we focus on needle movers we just cut the busy work out so we can have rest in that time, even though our brains hate rest.

But yeah, it’s really 12 months because this is about achieving your business goals. And as much as a lot can change in three months, we really want to have you get all the way there and have a skill set that you can then use year after year after year after year, to continue building a business, you can sign up for another year in PGSD if you want. But ultimately our goal is at the end is out to have you be self accountable to have you really having mastered those tools to know the self coaching and how to do that. So that you were then able to really create a compound effect for yourself and continue to achieve your goals. This isn’t just about learning stuff, going back to the procrastinate. This is about being able to achieve your business goals. And implementation is such an important skill. Like we tend not to talk about our marketing and all these other things like but none of that works if you’re not implementing. That’s what we’re about in PGSD. And so it’s going to take a minute to learn that and there are going to be ups and downs and so we want to support you all the way there and have you really have the most successful business that you can.

And when we hear you talk about growth goals, we also get a lot of emails come in and people say all kinds of things and it’s all very normal, the nerves they might feel on joining and having set this thing called a growth goal and so the question yet is, do you support me with setting the growth goals and also what if my goal If goals are smaller than others, I don’t want to bring the group down.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, classic perfectionist thought that love fun, even when like the group coaching calls, a lot of PGSDers need to do a little bit of work on this thought they have of like, well, I want to get coached but someone else probably has a question that is more important or coaching, that’s more important. I don’t want to take up time and space and whatever. And it’s knowing that if you can relate to what I’m talking about, you’re going to fit into PGSD, you’re going to feel like you’re for like you have found your people. And when it comes to what was the first part of your question, I’ve gotten myself sidetracked.

Does they feel nervous and informed about the growth goal? Will you help me set it? Yeah.

Sam Laura Brown
This is so common because with, well first of all, like, perfectionist just can’t, but at the same play new device. As a result, we get in our own way when we do that. And a lot of times with goal setting, particularly, it can bring out when we are doing it in a way that isn’t designed for our brains in this very all or nothing way. So we either have so many goals, like a million little goals that we have, or goal for every area of our lives, or we have very vague goals a lot of times because we are so scared of like we had all the goals, we had the big goals, and we haven’t achieved them. And we don’t want to disappoint ourselves. So then we go to this vague like 6 figures but not really having a timeframe around it. And just having otherwise no goals of like, well, I just want to like show up and be productive and maybe make a bit of money and how just hope that it will eventually in successful business. So it’s totally normal to have fears around goal setting.

So if you can relate to that. And even though you’re probably someone who loves goal setting as well, if you love productivity, self goal setting, planning all of that, but at the end you’re really scared to do it in a way that really holds you accountable. And so we have the whole process in PGSD set up to take that into account to know how your brain is going to want to react in a goal setting situation and really support you with setting a goal that feels good to you that you can commit to that does get to you a little bit in the best way. And we support you as well. Like there’s a lot of support inside PGSD. But particularly when it comes to the growth goal. When you come in before your official cohort start date, you will set your growth goal. And we will review that for you. If you abide you can also bring it to a coaching call as well, that we will review that in the PGSD forum to just help you works thru anything that might be coming out. Or if you like, what I might I have three different things that I saw, and they can do a paper plate or opinion, how do I figure out these different things?

And how do I know the goal I set is not too unrealistic? It isn’t just this fantasy, and all of those different things. So we definitely support you with that and help you have your growth goals set in a way that we can be confident that we can help you get that we want to help you get to your goal. And so it doesn’t work. If we have you setting goals that are actually possible for you to achieve. So we will help you set a goal that feels really good to again also scares your socks off just a little bit and helps you through that process. And you’ll also be able to hear other PGSDers getting coach and their growth goals and things like that. And to answer your question about the size of the goal, I would say that most PGSDers have around 100k as a goal, but we have some PGSDers who have more than that, and some PGSDers who have less than that.

So it’s not about even the particular amount of money you’re making the we do want to make sure that you feel like you’re in a room with your peers. But you just need to have the goal set in the way that we teach it and support you with and be perfectionist entrepreneur and know that that sort of like I don’t want to bring the room down is just your perfectionist brain telling you that you’re not good enough and looking for any which way that it can justify that and so you really want to if that to invite you and we have such a supportive community. I’m sure everyone says that about their community. But I really truly believe that that we are so compassionate and caring and we’ll also call out things when they need to be called out in a really loving way like Hey, I think he might be getting in your way with that. And yeah, you’re not going to not fit in if you can relate to what I talked about. Like everyone who comes in is like, I look when Sam so I’m here with podcast, I feel like she’s really my mind. If that is you know that you’ll be in a community with other people who feel like I’m reading their mind, ie you will all get along super well.

And it’s honestly the way that being inside of PGSD normalizes a the struggles and the pain that you can be in and then also normalizes increasing your growth goal and eventually growing more and more and more and having that growth mindset with like minded people is the best feeling.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, like having somebody to celebrate your goals is so important and for a lot of us it’s particularly once you get over like 5k a month which is maybe like the normal-ish salary for normal people who don’t have a business. And then you have like 10k month. And then you’re making more than that, that most of us. And this comes after like money mindset stuff as well, we tend to like, stop telling people about it like, we don’t want to see like we are too successful, but you need to normalize those figures. And you need to celebrate those accomplishment, those accomplishments, which is how you normalize it. Otherwise, in terms of self image stuff, you will self sabotage. And you will go back to what you were making before, because we get what is normal for us. So you need to have somewhere that you can call it and normalize the success that you are having, and your newfound productivity. And to not just be around everyone else who’s always struggling with procrastination and putting things off and all of that you need to be in a community where, but also wifing on stuff.

And at the same time, you can be like, Hey, I’m not procrastinating anymore. Like, and you can actually celebrate that and have people celebrate, you got to know, for most of us that feels very bizarre, and like probably completely unappealing, because you don’t want to celebrate yourself. But it’s a very important part of achieving your goals. As I said, if you don’t do it, you will self sabotage, and go back to where you were before. So we want to have you celebrating, and we just create an environment that is really conducive to that and we support you with achieving your goals. So you will have lots to celebrate. And you will be able to achieve more and more through that celebration. Having that community can normalize the 10k month or beyond that or whatever that looks like for you. That is a big accomplishment, you can have somewhere to turn that feels really safe to just say like, Look at me go.

Because how much time will you recommend dedicating to PGSD per week?

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, well, it depends on I’d say like the first few weeks, it’ll be a little bit more time. As I mentioned like with the 12 months. By that end of it like you won’t really be in PGSD, nearly as much at the beginning, by the end of it, you might still be up coming to group coaching calls, and looking at things in the PGSD process as it becomes applicable. But you will be really just getting shit done and working to your goals and using the tools that you’ve learned that in that first month, when you are doing the Get out of your way challenge, which is optional, but we recommend it is a really good way to get started, you can start it a month later, if it doesn’t work for you to do it in that first month if you have other plans, but you would, I would say because you’re learning how to power plan, though it says only can learn that in an afternoon from start to finish, but you would be spending what I would say, to sort of think of how many hours per week, there’s your power planning it starts, power hours, one hour, little tweaks a couple of minutes per day, which is 30 minutes.

So you’ll be doing that throughout the year. But that’s replacing whatever other thing you were doing that wasn’t working and was taking much longer than that. So that’s really, I guess a time I would associate with PGSD particularly, but in terms of like the learning materials we have created them to people who we know are busy, you have a lot of things going on. If you’re like me, I’m a mom, I have three kids, like I’ve got other things going on in my life, not having not just a business, or you have a job, or hobbies. Hopefully, a lot of us don’t seem to have those. But you have other things you’re doing. So we take that into account, and it’s all about procrasti-learning. So you’ll be spending I’d say about an hour in like, first month, like learning new things, and that it’s really about doing and then coming to PGSD to get the support with what you notice comes up as enjoyed it.

Yeah. And on that time question is we had someone write in, I’m pretty nervous. Actually, I’m the busiest I’ve ever been. I absolutely know I need to change the way I do things. Because I what I’m doing is clearly not working. And I think the PGSD program could be designed exactly for me. I am just not sure about how am I to do it. To set myself up for success. Should I wait for things to slow down? Yeah. What do you have to say?

Sam Laura Brown
The question we all love to ask ourselves and also this whole perfectionist idea of like, I just need to get on top of all these other things for us. And then I can do this other thing like I find myself in that way if they can so often, and then I just have to be like, No, you just keep doing the things you need to do. But with all of that said it depends, I guess on what kind of busy season it is. If it is a busy season, caused by you not really knowing how to manage your time not doing this, right, like you’re doing a lot of busy work and you are spending time working, but you know you’re not doing it in the most effective way. You might be pushing things off, you might be overbearing, you might be second guessing, like you might in some and takes a lot of action but you find that you just change your decision and then you change it again and you change it again and so a lot of busyness can be created by that.

So if that is the situation then I would say it’s easy to the human for you to see because that is is what is going to allow you to not be in this busy overworking kind of season that you’re in. And that if you don’t have the right tools, that’s not going to naturally go away, I guess you can think back to like, have you always been in a busy season because I know I’m always basing in new busy season to some degree, my brain, I just love feeling busy. If things are too easy, my brain will just like add an extra things for me to do and over scheduling and whatever. So if you’re in that kind of busy season, then I would say to sign up for our next enrollment, like the one that’s currently open.

And then if it is a different kind of busy season. So for example, I had the twins at the beginning of this year. And I would say, giving birth probably isn’t the best time to say okay, at the same time, I’m going to learn power planning not that it wouldn’t help for sure. Like, I definitely use my power planning to help me navigate, all like pregnancy, post partum and all of that. But it depends on what creative busy season that it is. But I would say that if you’re in a busy season that is more like the, there’s a one off event that is really uncommon. It’s like I’m going on vacation, like, well, that’s going to just keep on, you will always have something like a vacation or whatever coming up on but if it is a significant life event, that means you want to put your focus on your personal life or whatever else it is, for that reason, maybe you’re taking care of a loved one or whatever is going on that it’s really saying okay, but if I want to get out of my way that I’m going to get in the next enrollment like getting in our next cohort, and just knowing how much it is costing you to be getting in your way and like talking about that trajectory, that if you are just going to stay on this like slack kind of trajectory, where a year from now or maybe a year and go you’re in the kind of the same situation you’re in right now, I really want to implore you to sign up for PGSD and to join us.

And if right now isn’t the right time, because you’re gonna be having twins or whatever else that you then look at. Okay, when is the next era that we do it and enrollment every quarter? When is the next one which 1am I going to be committed to what do I need to do to make sure I have the money available conversations, I need to have whatever, organize myself so I can be committed to that. So it doesn’t become this like, Oh, next time next time next time next time. Because we’re always as perfectionist waiting for the perfect time to do things might erode is that time never seems to come. And so coming back to like, you need to just have a moment with yourself and decide like how much do I want this? How much I want to have a successful business. And then act accordingly. And that will include if you haven’t been able to implement and follow through with your plans, which of course you haven’t, because it was taught you that, then you come into PGSD. And you learn that and you do that ASAP.

And could you please share some more information about the coaching process experience? And the sorts of things people get coached on? Is it specific to their business? Is it behaviors or habits or the types of questions?

Sam Laura Brown
This is why having a growth goal, power planning and all of that really comes in. Because we will we get specific. So there’s a difference. And if you haven’t been in a coaching experience before, maybe you’ve only been for example, even one on one coach, and you’ve had a coach she’s like guided you through like today, we’re going to work on this. And then next week, we’re going to work on that. Or maybe you just haven’t been coached before, will you have anyone in what would be like, but it’s really distinguishing coaching from advice. And so like on the podcast, I share a lot of advice. And in a way it’s coaching because I like helping you create new beliefs and things like that. But really, coaching is specific to a situation and looking at the thoughts, feelings, actions, results that that person is experiencing. And really reverse engineering like, what is going on there.

So say for example, if you have a launch coming out, and you are and just seeking or we are not PGSDers they were going from they also happen to a coach, but actually they weren’t naturopath, I think anywho going from a one on one service to group and figuring out okay, like, do I just do the things I’d already been doing? Do I need to do like webinars? Do I need to do other marketing efforts? Like what is my actual plan look like? And so you can bring that to a call of like, I’m fighting with that. And you don’t even need to know like, you don’t need to have a purpose, the formula, the question whatsoever, you can just talk about us and be like, I’m thinking about this thing and we will pull out the coaching that you need, but you can bring stuff like that of like, I’m trying to create a plan for my launch and disagreement like what marketing that I need to do.

And I said I for my beginning may even weigh about it or I just know myself and then I’m probably going to try to overcomplicate it. Um, but also as well looking at your power planning, this is really where we get specific. I’m seeing like, okay, there’s this task that I just keep deleting week after week after week. So I’m going to come to a coaching call. I’m gonna say, Okay, I keep deleting that I need to do an Instagram live, and they keep like getting busy with other things. And like, you’ll see this all through your weekly review about what’s going on. And so you can really have a look through your actions at what’s going on. Because a lot of times when we are doing mindset work, and we are taking action, we’ll just do something like a thought download or like, look at what we’re thinking. But the most powerful coaching comes out of looking at how you’re acting, because that reveals the thoughts you don’t even know that you’re thinking.

And that’s what we really want to get out. And that’s why power planning really is this tool to help you implement. Because when you are doing you’re journaling, and writing about your day and how you feeling about it, you might not and probably won’t write about the things that like the thoughts you have that are really going on underneath the surface. But those will be revealed by the actions you take by how long it takes you to complete tasks by what you put off by what you put in your calendar, and all of that. So on a coaching call, we really get specific with you so that it can also be applicable to everyone like this isn’t about general advice. This is about coaching and to have it be the most powerful for everyone, we need to get specific so that it can be applied elsewhere. So yeah, we will talk about specifics for sure. Because it is coaching. And that really is the power of group coaching. Because when you’re just being one on one coach, it’s just you and you don’t get the normalizing effect of like seen ever else going through things like, oh, this person or that person, and that person is also having the same struggle. To me, there’s nothing wrong with me.

But you get to have the benefit of hearing so many specific situations that are going on for you that you don’t yet have awareness around and hearing the coaching brings you that awareness and the coaching with it. So you can actually make those changes, whether it relates to overthinking things, putting things off all of that kind of thing. So, yeah, does that answer that?

Definitely, that was my favorite way, (inaudible). What is the likelihood of being coached one to one on the live coaching calls?

Sam Laura Brown
Okay. So we’ve the calls at the moment, there are around typically, I’d say like four to 10 people on those coaching calls. And we almost always get to everyone who is getting coached on those calls, that if you want coaching, for sure, you’ll be able to have that available, and put your hand up at the same time. So many that PGSDers find that and especially if there’s lurkers. I tend to be a lurker, I have to really like put myself out there. It’s like the other coaching call and that kind of thing, that they will just listen to the PGSD private podcast, hearing others get coached and get all the benefits from that. But if you are someone who’s like, I want to be able to be on the calls, then I want to be able to get coach, you will definitely have that opportunity. And we always make sure like when looking at how much demand there is for coaching, that it’s also as well I do want to say that our most successful PGSDers aren’t dependent on them being chosen to get coach and they are able to up to a call and trust that they’re going to hear what they need to hear.

And that they’re going to be able to figure out. If they don’t get coaching like that was a gift. And maybe that sounds like a bit of a cop out to say that. But ultimately, like it comes back to this self trust of like, I am resourceful, I can figure it out. Also, there’s a PGSD forum. So you can actually go to the forum and ask that same question or bring that same coaching and we will support you there. So you’re not like not getting an answer. But to know that you can, it’s just so powerful to be in a place where you can go to a call and be like, I want to get coached. And if I don’t, I can trust myself to be like, Okay, what do I think the answer would be here? Or what do I need to do? And then be able to hold yourself to that? And of course share in the forum if you would like to do that as well.

Yeah. And then a popular question we get is how many people are in PGSD? What days and times are your coaching call?

Sam Laura Brown
Yes. So are you wanting me to actually say days and times?

I love how Sam answers this because obviously there’s the practical answer. And it’s always scheduled in every single week. Sometimes there’s some more but the time really is irrelevant.

Sam Laura Brown
So and the reason I say about like do you want me to say the times? Just check in with my marketing manager but what I really believe about the coaching calls and just so you know, most of our PGSDers in the US so like I’m Australian, Renae as you probably accent were in Australia, but most of our PGSDers are in the US all calls cater to the US timezones but also it’s like coming back to this commitment thing and showing up and like, Are you only going to show up if it’s convenient or are you willing to inconvenience yourself to be able to create the life that you want? And to know that like, that we offer sure do what we can to make the call times convenient and like at times where people are awake and available and everything like that. But just like our most successful PGSDers get themselves on the calls. And if they need to hire a babysitter, it, this is your business we’re talking about, like your thing that you want to succeed in.

And it’s this knowing. If it has to be convenient for you to do it that I would just say to have a little look at how committed you are. And to know if you’re like, okay, this call time like it really doesn’t work out. Then there’s, it’s designed. So you could just listen to the PGSD private podcast. And you can get all the benefits that way. So many of our most successful PGSDers like we don’t even hear from them. Until we get the testimonial because they haven’t been on coaching calls. They haven’t posted in the forum, they have just been learning from everyone else getting coached. So yeah, I just want to invite you feel like I need to know what the call times are to just ask like, am I willing to inconvenience myself if necessary? And if not, why not? That’s for sure. Something worth looking at. I get it. I have three kids I have like things going on in my life. And of course, I want things to be convenient. But at the same time, like creating your dream life isn’t always going to be convenient. And so if you want to be on the calls, then you might need to inconvenience yourself. That having said that the actual times that they currently are trying to like translate it.

So 9am, Australia, which is 7pm, New York, 4pm, LA, Wednesday. Then there’s also a 2am call Australian time, which is midday for New York, and then for UK. That’s 5pm. So it that’s what it is right now. But as Sam clearly described, that it’s all listed out there, you can add it, it’s like literally one click it adds it to your calendar already puts it in your iCal for you. So it makes it super easy to then see and show up if you want to.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, since you’re power planning. And working from your calendar, we have it set up. So you just click in the calls going to calendar so you can see where they are and how they convert into your timezone. So.

And the final two questions is one, I are hidden visits with my husband, is PGSD worth doing, if only I do it? Or if he was involved as well. They basically can I just do it myself. If I own a business with someone else?

Sam Laura Brown
Yes, you can. We do have people in PGSD if you have a business with their partner, and some who have multiple businesses as well. But if you have perfectionism stuff going on, like your partner would love me to do PGSD. So you can start getting in your own way with the business and start holding both you and them back with your getting in your own way. So yeah, I’ll keep it short, because who else is going but…

You don’t write anything more. And then just I’m in another program? Should I wait until I finish it before I joined PGSD?

Sam Laura Brown
Sorry. Okay, let me think about the answer to this. So I’m thinking about the different situations of it, depending what kind of program it is. So I would say typically, if it is a marketing program, for example, if there’s any kind of information that needs to be implemented, don’t wait until you’ve finished doing it. Like we have so many people who either have done or doing the marketing program, or who are doing say, like manifestation and money mindset stuff or whatever. And then they come into PGSD. And they’re able to use power planning, and the growth on all of that to actually implement the other things they’re learning. And they have so much success, because it’s so synergistic that like, we’re not, it’s going to be telling me, things are gonna contradict, typically, unless you’re in some kind of program that’s like, hustle, hustle, hustle and all of this kind of stuff.

But typically most PGSDers aren’t in that kind of program. So we were just helping you implement the stuff that you know, and helping you trust yourself enough to do that, to have you do it in a simple, easy way that feels good to create emotional safety around doing things in a simple and easy way. And to really just have you show up fully with whatever it is you’re wanting to do. So it’s not really a matter of learning this other thing. And when it comes to learn about planning properly, as I mentioned, it doesn’t take a lot like why just really in the quickest way possible is how is design, teaching you the skill of implementation, so that you can then implement the things. So for example, if you’re doing a marketing program, and you’re like, well, I’ll wait until this is over. Or you’re working with a business coach, like I’ll wait until this is over.

Before I then do PGSD, it’s like, safe that six months time or three months time or whatever you’re missing, although that’s very well you could be implementing and showing up and doing that in a consistent sustainable way. And whatever, like, bring to me something where you implementing isn’t gonna get you better results in the other thing that you’re doing. So if you are doing any kind of program, we are learning things and those things need to be put into action. Yeah, remove those from inside. And it needs to be for interaction. And then sign up for PGSD. Obviously, I believe in it. Renae believes in it, we have a lot of successful PGSDers who are inside. So yeah, we want to invite you in. And we wrap it up now again. And I know that’s been really helpful. I want to mentioned a couple of things.

But first is, again, that PGSD is closing for enrollment at 11:59pm, New York time on the 17th of September, you just go to samlaurabrown.com/pgsd to sign up. So it will be in the shownotes for you to go there. And pick whether you want to pay in full or do the payment plan option. If you have questions, if this fun little q&a hasn’t answered all your questions that you have, or you have a server question or whatever, then there are three options really, and Renae can say which one she thinks is best. But option one email support@samlaurabrown.com, I’d love to talk to Renae. All roads lead to Renae. So support@samlaurabrown.com send an email, you can otherwise DM us @perfectionismproject, or you can get on a call with Renae we will link it up in the shownotes.

But if you will, okay, I want to talk about my specific situation, because I think it’s a little bit different. Renae has opened up times on our calendar that are going to be suitable for US, UK, whenever. If there’s a time that never works for you, email Renae at the support address, and we will make something work. But yeah, those are the options we visit want to basically have you in PGSD. And I hope that this episode has really just helped you decide, yes or no or like which cope or he will be in because ultimately like sitting on the fence is the worst thing you can do.

We just want you decide either way, hopefully, yes. But if not, like at least get this out of your mental load and thinking about well, I won’t I just decide. And we can support you that decision. And figuring out if it is right for you or if it isn’t, it’s not for everyone. And I think in this episode, we’ve done a good job of sharing who it is for. But we’re not going to tell just anyone to be inside PGSD. We take our program really seriously. You want to have it be the most supportive place you want to have it really be somebody that like we know when people are coming in that we can deliver those results to people so if you’re like I don’t know if this will work for me reach out one of these three ways we’ll link them in the shownotes. Is there anything you’d like to close with?

No that honestly Sam always does it justice. Thanks so much.

Sam Laura Brown
Awesome. Okay, well, I will talk to you in the next episode.

Before you go I want to make sure you know that the doors to my group coaching program for perfectionist entrepreneurs called perfectionist getting shit done aka PGSD are going to be opening at 6am New York time on the 10th of September 2023 but only for one week only. So if you want to be the first to know when the doors open or to find out more about the program, you can go to samlaurabrown.com/pgsd.

Author: Sam Brown