It can be so hard to figure out what to do with your life, especially if there are a million careers you’re interested in and you’re scared of wasting effort on the wrong thing!
So I thought I’d put together a series of podcast episodes to help you figure out what to do with your life.
These are just 5 podcast episodes I’d recommend listening to from a few of my favourite podcasts, in the order I recommend listening to them. I love podcasts because they’re usually incredibly in-depth and helpful, and they’re completely free to listen to!
These episodes are ones that I’ve found extremely helpful in my own life and I’m sure you’ll find them helpful too! Just listen to one of these each day over the next week and you’ll be that much closer to figuring out what to do with your life by the start of next week!
Day 1 | How To Not Be Stuck – The Life Coach School Podcast
Day 2 | Marie Forleo on Intuition, Ambition and Grinding It Out – Inside Quest
Day 3 | Nothing To Lose – Millennial Podcast
Day 4 | Radical Authenticity (And Whether That Means We May Still Feel Scared At The Same Time) with Myleik Teele – The Lively Show Podcast
Day 5 | Creating Passion – The Life Coach School Podcast
Also just my advice about podcasts (and life in general) – take every opportunity you can to learn new things from unexpected places.
Some of these podcast episodes might not sound relevant to your situation, but don’t let that stop you from listening to them and learning everything you can from them. They all have something to teach you, no matter what it is you want to do. So be willing to look for answers in places you might not expect (because that’s where the gems are usually hidden).
That’s all I wanted to share! If there are any podcast episodes that have helped you, please leave them in the comments below so others can find them too!
Sam xx
P.S. If you’d like to know more about my favourite podcasts, make sure to check out this blog post.