Introducing My New Online Course For Procrastinators


If you’re subscribed to my emails, you might have already heard of my new online course for procrastinators called Get Out Of Your Own Way. But I want to formally introduce it to you here on the blog because I know it can help so many of you!

It’s probably easiest to explain why I created the course by painting a picture of what my life used to look like…

The Life Of A Master Procrastinator

For years I found myself trapped in a vicious cycle of procrastination and guilt, and maybe you’ll be able to relate.

When I got home at night, I was always too exhausted to do anything more than make food and lay in bed to watch another episode of my favourite show. I felt like I deserved a break, but I never enjoyed it. And I felt guilty for wasting my time but I didn’t know how to stop.

But that wasn’t even the worst of it. Not only would I procrastinate, but then I’d beat myself up for procrastinating! And because I felt bad for being behind everyone else, I procrastinated even more!

Whenever I tried to do simple life tasks (like going to the gym, eating right and organising my time) it felt like I was trying to move mountains. No matter how many hours I spent reading motivation articles on Pinterest or how many times I filled out a new planner, I just couldn’t make myself change – even though I knew I was the one stopping myself from progressing. And I had all the advice right in front of me!

And because this whole situation was frustrating AF (and I knew I was better than that – even though I didn’t have the evidence to prove it) I dedicated myself to figuring out how to stop sabotaging my own success.

How I broke the cycle

After trying hundreds of different things, I finally figured out the handful of things that work! And this year I’ve been able to quit my full-time job for blogging, I’m more productive and focused than I’ve ever been and I’ve finally stopped feeling like I’m behind! Plus it’s actually easy to workout everyday and eat healthy (which I never thought would be possible).

And since I know SO many of you struggle with exactly what I did, I decided to put the very best of what I learned together in a step-by-step course!

Get Out Of Your Own Way-6

Introducing: Get Out Of Your Own Way

Get Out Of Your Own Way is a self-paced online video course that gives you the tools and mindset shifts you need to stop procrastinating, follow through with all your plans and have the courage to finally pursue your dreams – even if your life is totally overwhelming and you have no idea what you want to do!

This course isn’t for everyone. And it won’t be for you if you’re looking for quick-fix procrastination tips (let’s be real – you’ve seen all those already and they haven’t worked) or you’re afraid to dig deep and uncover the real reasons you’ve been holding yourself back.

But if you’re ready to make a change and need someone to guide you through the very first step – it could be just the thing you need before the new year gets started!

Learn more

Click here to learn more about my online course for procrastinators!

And if there are any questions you can’t find an answer for, make sure you send me an email at or leave a comment below. That’s what I’m here for!

Sam xx

Author: Sam Brown

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