10 Best Podcasts For Ambitious Millennials

Episode 271: 5 Reasons You Always Feel Overwhelmed

I recently wrote a pretty detailed blog post about the 10 ways I invest in myself, and I listed podcasts right at the very top. So I thought why not do a whole damn blog post about them?!

I’ve been obsessed with podcasts since 2013 and it was actually listening to podcasts that inspired me to start this blog.

Podcasts let us sit in on conversations we would otherwise never have the chance to be a part of – conversations between some of the world’s most inspiring and successful people about how they got to where they are today. We also get to be coached by some of the world’s best life and success coaches and learn exactly how we can work through our shit and train our minds to do exactly what we want them to do.

Plus it’s all completely free!

If you’re ambitious and have big dreams for yourself, I’m telling you – you need to make time for podcasts. They’re an amazing way to invest in yourself and make the most of your twenties.

1. Millennial Podcast with Megan Tan

Millennial is a podcast about what people never teach you – how to maneuver your twenties. And with that tagline, I was sold.

This serialised podcast documents the post-graduation life of Megan Tan, an extremely relatable millennial who’s just trying to figure it all out like the rest of us.

When I listen to this podcast I feel like I’m watching a TV show because the production of this podcast easily gets an A+.

But it’s better than a TV show. Way better.

Better because I can tell Megan doesn’t have any kind of agenda. If you listen to Millennial you’ll know exactly what I mean – this girl isn’t scared to share her struggles. Ok, she is scared but she does it anyway. And I think that’s why it’s so amazing.

And I can’t believe I only discovered this podcast a few weeks ago – I feel like I’ve loved it forever.

As I said, it’s a serialised podcast so it’s best to start at the beginning. So here’s episode 1:

2. Ctrl Alt Delete Podcast with Emma Gannon

Ctrl Alt Delete might be relatively new on the podcast scene but that doesn’t mean it’s not completely amazing.

In a very short space of time, I’ve fallen completely in love with Emma’s ability to (a) nurture extremely interesting conversations with her interviewees (b) get so many intriguing guests right off the bat and (c) sound like someone I just want to have a hot cup of earl grey with. And all at the same time!

I also love Emma’s decision to keep her interviews focused on the intellectual pursuits of her interviewees. There’s just something so magical about listening to two talented women talk about things that are actually important (rather than what they look like).

This is a podcast for curious, ambitious, creative and intellectual millennials and I can’t recommend it enough.

Here are 3 episodes that I loved (though to be honest I’ve loved them all):

3. Your Kick-Ass Life Podcast with Andrea Owen

This is a podcast I completely love.

Andrea Owen is a life coach who helps type-A perfectionists sort their shit out, quiet their negative self-talk and conquer their self-doubt. And that pretty much sums up everything I need help with.

Not sure if you’re a perfectionist?  If this sounds familiar than yeah, you’re a perfectionist: ‘striving for flawlessness and setting excessively high performance standards, accompanied by overly critical self-evaluation and concerns regarding others’ valuations‘.

And if that’s you then you need this podcast in your life.

Andrew also specialises in the work of Brené Brown if that means anything to you (if you haven’t watched Brené’s TED Talk on vulnerability please stop what reading this right now and go watch it, I beg you).

Here are the 3 episodes I’ve listened to the most (and they were actually released one after the other – amazing!):

4. Myleik Teele’s Podcast with Myleik Teele

I discovered Myleik’s podcast through an interview she did on The Lively Show and I’m so glad I did!

Myleik’s a super inspiring entrepreneur who uses her podcast to share her wisdom about all things life and business. And it’s just her and a microphone which I love SO much (there’s no interviewees).

Her podcast is super casual (you never know when her next ep will be), it’s raw (she hardly does any editing) and she really tells it like it is. Myleik’s also extremely open about her own experiences and struggles and just sounds like a strong, fierce woman and I love that energy.

Here are 3 episodes I LOVED and Myleik’s interview on The Lively Show podcast:

5. Space to Face Podcast with Asia Croson and Paige Poppe

Space to Face is a podcast by two super talented millennials – Paige Poppe and Asia Croson – who talk about what it’s really like to be a professional creative person.

Paige is an artist and Asia is a professional photographer but don’t be put off just because you’re not doing either of those things! Almost everything Paige and Asia talk about can be applied to any creative pursuit (including blogging, which is why I love it).

Here are 3 of my favourite episodes so far:

6. The Tim Ferriss Show Podcast with Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is the author of the The Four Hour Work Week (and a few other best sellers too) and is one of the main people I look to when it comes to productivity, personal development and business.

I listen to a lot of podcasts but the Tim Ferriss Show has always remained right near the top of my list because Tim’s interviews are always super in-depth and just flow like a normal conversation.

Tim also does a few episodes without guests where he just shares advice from his own experience. It’s actually these episodes I love the most, but sadly he doesn’t do them too often.

His podcast isn’t for everyone as his interviews are focused heavily on start-ups, investing, online business and productivity. It’s definitely worth listening to at least a few episodes though, even if you’re not particularly interested in these topics. As long as you’re interested in being successful I’ve found there are SO many things you can learn from this podcast.

As I’ve said before and I’ll say again – I think it’s so important to make the effort to surround yourself with people that are inspiring and motivated and love working hard. And listening to podcasts like The Tim Ferris Show is an amazing way to do it (especially if you don’t have access to those kinds of people in your everyday life).

And just an FYI if you do listen to it – the first 5 minutes of his podcast are almost always just about the different sponsors, I just skip over it!

Here are 3 episodes I loved:

7. Make It Happen Podcast For Bloggers and Creatives with Jen Carrington

I’ve been listening to Jen Carrington’s podcast since the very first episode and I find the advice she has for creatives so helpful and so honest.

And she clearly knows a thing or two about it all – her one-on-one coaching is booked out for months in advance!

Jen does two different types of episodes – interviews with guests (all of whom are pursuing creativity professionally, each in their own different ways) and mini solo episodes to share her own wisdom and experience with how to make things happen in life and business.

Here are my top picks, but I’d recommend any of her episodes:

8. The Lively Show with Jess Lively

You’ve probably heard about The Lively Show before (everyone’s talking about it, and so they should be) but I had to include it in this list because I’ve loved this podcast for a long, long time.

This podcast is made for ambitious, creative and entrepreneurial millennials like you. It’s inspiring and relatable. It’s motivational and actionable. It’s real and it’s honest.

I’ve always admired the way Jess encourages her podcast guests to share their struggles (both in business and in life) and the fact she shares her own struggles too. Plus Jess I responsible for introducing me to a lot of other amazing podcasters like Myleik Teele!

There are so many episodes I’ve found helpful for so many different reasons, but here are 3 of my faves:

9. School of Greatness with Lewis Howes

I’ve loved the School of Greatness podcast for a long time but it’s kind of hard to pinpoint exactly why I love it so much.

I’m not sure whether it’s the long-form interviews (god I love a long interview), the inspiring guests (who make themselves incredibly relatable by opening up about their struggles) or the fact that Lewis just knows how to ask the real questions and uncover the most interesting parts of their stories.

Either way, this podcast is definite must for ambitious millennials.

And there’s so much variety between guests that you’re guaranteed to be able to find something to tickle your fanyc!

Here are 3 episodes I absolutely loved though it was hard to narrow my selection down, the archives are HUGE!

10. The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo

So you might have guessed that I’m just a little obsessed when it comes to figuring out how to train my brain to do what I want it to do. And Brooke’s podcast The Life Coach School does exactly that. So, of course, I love it.

It’s aimed at life coaches but you definitely don’t need to be one (or be interested in becoming one) to benefit from the wisdom Brooke shares on this podcast. And that’s because this podcast is about teaching you how to be your own coach in any situation.

Brooke also specialises as a weight loss coach and has some AMAZING things to say about losing weight (which I’ve found incredibly helpful even though I’m not overweight). It’s totally worth a listen just for that!

Brooke has over 100 podcast episodes and I’ve listened to all of them. At least twice.

I probably listen to 2-3 episodes a day, every day. I listen to it in the background while I’m on the train to work, doing things around the house, driving, pretty much anything (since I’ve listened to them all once before I don’t always give them my 100% attention, I just let the wisdom seep into my unconscious).

It’s definitely worth listening to every single episode (as I went through them the second time I realised I’d missed some amazing episodes because the title didn’t resonate with me – so listen to everything you can).

I could seriously rant about this podcast all day, but I’ve (somewhat) restrained myself.

Bonus: The Perfectionism Project with Sam Brown

I have my own podcast!

If you don’t already know who I am, my name is Sam Brown and The Perfectionism Project podcast is another way that I share personal development and perfectionism advice! In the podcast I share life lessons and personal stories as well as practical and relatable advice to help you become your best self. 

I’ll also be discussing topics like self-confidence, self-love, fear, self-doubt, career advice, entrepreneurship and more!

Here’s where you can listen to the first few episodes:

Invest in yourself

As I mentioned at the top of this post, listening to podcasts is an amazing (and free) way to invest in yourself!

Making the most of your twenties is all about surrounding yourself with the right people – people that will motivate and inspire you, people that will encourage you and show you what’s possible. And regularly listening to podcasts is an incredible way to do that.

So to help you keep going (because I know this post might have been a little overwhelming), I’ll be sending out short motivational boosts directly to your inbox every Monday to Friday. All you have to do is, click here.

These are easy ways to get FREE motivational tips and to stay in touch with me. You won’t find them anywhere else!

What’s your favourite podcast?

Please let me know in the comments below!

Sam xx

P.S. If you’ve been looking for a place to find motivation and stop procrastinating, you’re in the right place! Keep reading to learn about my FREE Perfectionist Power-Ups. They’re motivational boosts sent straight to your inbox and you won’t find them anywhere else:

A motivational power-up ✨

I’ve always found it easiest to get out of my own way when I read or listen to something every day that gives me a boost of motivation.

Over the years I’ve gotten these motivational boosts from business and self-help podcasts, Youtube videos, inspiring quotes etc. And I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t have those things there to cheer me on.

But sometimes, these things can lead us down a bit of a rabbit hole when all we need is a small piece of motivation to help us kick start our day – without all the distractions…

That’s why I’ve decided to start sending a short “Perfectionist Power-Up ✨” straight to your inbox every weekday.

These are little boosts of motivation, designed for perfectionists who are building businesses, that you’ll receive from me from Monday to Friday each week.

And they won’t be the same as my Instagram posts…

I’ll be emailing you short motivational notes and reminders that you won’t be able to find anywhere else

To receive your daily Perfectionist Power-Up, click here!

Author: Sam Brown

  • Awesome list! Just like you I’m a sucker for a good podcast! I will have to check these out. Podcasts are so great and I like listening to them all the time. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  • This is such a great list! I am also a fan of Myleik Teele, Tim Ferris, and Jess Lively. I would also recommend Christine Hassler’s “Over And On With It” Podcast if you’d like to hear some great live coaching. Thank you for sharing all of these- I’m excited to check them all out!!

  • I started listening to The Life Coach School Podcast after you recommended it on SnapChat (I think?). I started at Ep. 1 and have been listening through them as I get ready for work. So good!

  • I thought I listened to a lot of podcasts, but I’ve haven’t heard of half of these! Thank for sharing. Time to swap out some of my celebrity gossip podcasts for a few of these. I definitely have to check out the Lively Podcast.


  • Hey love, I just wanted to let you know that the Brooke Castillo one for Creating Confidence is actually numbered 114 instead of 144!

  • Great list! I’m obsessed with Girlboss Radio by Sophia Amoruso as well. Great interviews with incredibly inspiring women!

  • Started listening to Millennials thanks to your list. Flying through the series. So relevant to my life right now! Thanks for the recommendations. Podcasts are the best for making driving in city traffic a little more bearable.


  • Omg! Thanks to this list I discovered the Tim Ferriss show. The insight from the world class performers he interviews leave me in awe! Each episode constantly updates my approach in work, business and self-development… and the last 7 books that I have read have come from this podcast. Also Tim’s podcast makes my 35 minute commute to work rather enjoyable! lol

  • I love the Lively Show. This looks like a great list, those these days I mostly listen to podcasts about books. I love Get Booked and What Should I Read Next.

  • Thank you for this great list of podcasts! I fell in love with podcasts with Myleik Teele’s podcasts and from there I knew I had to listen to more. I will definitely look into many of these! -> The Mindful Rise (www.themindfulrise.com)

  • Hey! Do you mind sharing where you received the stock photo ‘s for this posts? Found you on Pinterest and absolutely love the main photo!

  • great review! I’m in my twenties trying to navigate my life, I want to start my own podcast and this has been extremely helpful 🙂

  • Thanks Sam for all these great suggestions! I recently started being a more dedicated podcast listener due to the fact that I now live in my car haha ; ) I am really excited about checking out, “Your Kick-Ass Life” sounds like it’s right up my alley! One of my favorites is a relatively new podcast series called “A Conversation Among Friends” by BobOlmsteadInk.com and my favorite Episodes are #2 and #5. Listening has empowered me answer more truthfully and authentically to myself and what I want in my life on both a personal and entrepreneurial level. I’m really so grateful to have found this series it has benefited me so much! Thanks again for all your great suggestions!

  • Thanks for all of these, I’ve recently uncovered the whole world of podcasts (how did I not know about them before?!) and I’m completely enthralled by it all. Currently I’m loving the My Favourite Murder podcast.

    Julia // The Sunday Mode

  • I’ve been looking for a great podcast to start listening to while I run! I get bored easily and need something to keep me from thinking about how much my legs hurt! These sound awesome and I will be checking them out for sure! Thanks for the tips! http://carleehebert.com/

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