This episode is the second part in a three part series on how to get your work done early and easily.
In this episode I share how I navigated the weeks AFTER all the content for the most recent PGSD launch was complete (but before the launch began). Getting comfortable with this ‘limbo’ period was an important part of becoming someone who gets shit done early. And I share all the behind the scenes of that in today’s episode.
In case you missed the first episode in the series (Episode 336), throughout March, April and May I documented the work I had to do on my perfectionism handbrake to become someone who gets all of their launch content created way ahead of time, without overthinking or overworking.
Despite the work I’ve done on this over the years I was still leaving some of my launch content until the last minute. And I didn’t want to do that anymore!
Now that I’m a mother, clean rest is more important to me than ever before as is being an example of what it looks like to be in a growth mindset. I don’t want to be someone who hits their goals from a place of pressure anymore, even if this approach has worked incredibly well for me in the past.
No matter what kind of business you have, you’re going to be selling something. And if you have a tendency to put off anything selling related until the last minute (or you avoid it altogether) then this series is going to help you get out of your own way.
I recommend starting at Episode 336. If you haven’t listened to my podcast before, this series is a great place to start!
PGSD is opening to new students on 27 July 2022:
The PGSD Process will get you out of your own way in your business and have you making more money more easily. The doors to Perfectionists Getting Shit Done will be opening at 6am New York time on 27 July and closing at 11:59pm New York time on 2 August 2022. To find out more about the program and be the first to know when the doors open, join the waitlist here: samlaurabrown.com/pgsd.
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Hi, and welcome to another episode of The Perfectionism Project, a podcast full of perfectionism advice for entrepreneurs. My name is Sam Laura Brown, I help entrepreneurs release their perfectionism handbrake, so they can get out of their own way and build a fulfilling and profitable business. I’m the founder of the Perfectionist Getting Shit Done group coaching program, which is otherwise known as PGSD. And for even more perfectionism advice to help you with your business, you can follow me on Instagram @perfectionismproject.
This episode is the second part in a three part series on how to get your work done early and easily. So if you haven’t yet listened to part one, that’s Episode 336, I highly recommend that you pause this right now and you go and listen to that episode before you begin this one, because this episode is going to be the most powerful when you have the context of what went on beforehand. So if you have listened to that one, welcome.
In this episode, I am sharing again, snippets of recordings that I did, when I say snippets of recordings, what I mean is different days, I sat down and I recorded and we are compiling them together in an episode. So it is a real time update of what went on. I personally find it so helpful to hear real time updates, rather than it just always been a reflection in hindsight. And so these updates, I recorded them when I didn’t yet know what the outcome of the launch would be.
And I think that makes it so powerful, and really helps you to see what it looks like to be in the messy middle of figuring stuff out. So particularly, what I share in this episode is around the pre launch period. And particularly this was the period after the content was created for the launch. So I talked about that in episode 336. And everything that I went through with that. So all the launch content was created ahead of time, early, pretty easily.
And then I had a few weeks before the pre launch period really began, which was when the procrastination series went out on the podcast. And then the launch period, which the third part of this series is on that. The launch period began on the 27th of April. So this episode, I’m just navigating that like limbo period between the content being created, and then it meeting the world, my ideas meeting reality. And it felt uncomfortable to have that space that ease, and I needed to get some coaching around, like what do I do with this time that I have.
And it was just so interesting to notice that. And I can probably guess that you might find a similar thing, when you do this kind of work that you are constantly telling yourself, you just need more time. Maybe this comes up for you when you are trying to get clean rest, and you’re just like I just want more time to rest to do what I love doing. And then you get the time and you’re like, What do I do with it? And it’s so important to be able to sit in that question and to navigate that and figure it out and let it be messy so that we aren’t then just always filling our time or leaving things to the last minute so that we don’t have to sit in that discomfort, we can instead just figure out what that looks like.
And then we don’t have to keep being so adamant on avoiding it. So yeah, this episode, I really share a lot about that. And I know it’s going to be incredibly helpful. So I won’t give too much more of an intro because this episode is a long one. I hope you enjoy it. And if you do, please take a screenshot and tag me on Instagram @perfectionismproject.
Or you can always take a little photo and tag me as well of wherever you are when you’re listening to the podcast. I always love seeing whether you’re sitting at your desk and you’re working on something with the podcasts in the background. Or you are going for a walk or your grocery shopping or whatever it is. So anyway, I hope you enjoy part two of this series on how to get your work done early and easily.
Okay, so this is part two in a two part series on getting your work done early and easily. If you haven’t yet, listen to episode 335, I highly recommend doing that, because I talked about the experience that I had with getting all the launch content for the PGSD launch in April. Getting that all done well ahead of time. I got it done, basically, three plus weeks early, when I had been in the habit of doing things at the last minute, when it came to the launch, I talked about the lessons learned the discomfort experience.
And yeah, it’s gonna set everything up for this episode. So just wanted to point you to that one if you haven’t yet listened. So in this episode, I’m going to be talking about the pre launch and launch period. So basically, in the last episode, I covered the pre pre launch period, which is basically just a fancy way of saying, the period of time before the launch began. In my mind, the launch is really the pre launch, which for me is a podcast series going out.
And then the launch period itself is when the doors open to PGSD when it’s open for enrollment. So in this episode, I am going to be chatting through and sharing in real time with all the numbers as well, because I love sharing that stuff. What it is like for me, having done all the work early, like I’ve already done all the podcast episodes, written all the emails, all the Instagram posts are being created, like everything’s done. So normally during a pre launch and launch period, I would be doing that stuff.
And in this one, I’m not, because it’s done. And so actually, when I was thinking about it the last few days, I was like, what am I going to be talking about in this episode, because everything’s done. And you know, I’m just then waiting to see how it goes. And this morning, I went for a run. And I was listening to one of Stacey, so she’s my coach Stacey Boehman. I’m in the 200k mastermind. So I was listening to a call or whatever it was. And she was talking about like, just be on to yourself, if you don’t feel like you’re having much drama, about something, and just be real with yourself.
You might not think of it as being drama. But if you are doing big things and working towards something big and scary and uncomfortable, and you’re just feeling kind of neutral about it or you know, you’re feeling great about it, just be on to yourself, and might there be something going on there. So anyway, I was thinking about that as I was running long as like, ah yes, I have been doing that. I think that I realized that I had been in a bit of an all or nothing mindset with things when it came to like having the work done.
And so now what am I going to do? It was either this question of, and I hadn’t even thought of it this way, intentionally. But when I reflect on it, this is how I’ve been thinking about it that I have two options. So classical, and I think they’re either all or nothing thinking there are two options. Option A, is that I just need to sit back, like let the work go out. Let the emails of the podcast series go out, empower the team, let them handle anything that comes up and just self coach myself on just sitting back and waiting and seeing what result is created by what I’ve created a month prior.
Or I can be checking in on everything. I can be doing Instagram stories that didn’t get done. I can be basically troubleshooting, checking in, checking stats, and just kind of be basically that’s all a nice way of saying, micromanaging and meddling, and trying to control the result through my last minute actions. And what I recognized when I was self coaching on this this morning, is that my growth I really feel because like it’s my growth, I felt my growth just to sit back and wait and see.
And I feel like waiting and seeing when it’s supposed like that is never the growth. But anyway, I was self-coaching on this. And I recognize that for me my growth is to be leaning in and engaged with the launch without meddling and disempowering my team and trying to add extra things on top like Instagram stories and posts that we hadn’t planned and that kind of thing in order to compensate for any lack of belief or in order to make myself feel busy and like I’m doing something.
And so the last few weeks like since I created all of the content for the launch. I have been working on the content that is going out after the launch finishes. So I’ve already actually recorded all the podcast episodes pretty much until July. And yeah, I’m working on the Instagram posts and the emails that are going out in the pre pre launch period for the next launch. And so I was like, Okay, I’m going to be this is what I was thinking before this morning, that I’m going to be just working on getting that content done, again, getting it done easily in early. And that is what I need to be focusing on. And I had in my calendar, in my power planning this week that I was going to be creating that content for after the launch.
And I had in my calendar that the OpenCart period, I just had a big block of time, I hadn’t fully power plan it yet. But I have just big blocks of time on my work days, that I am going to be like having that time open for things to come up or to be engaged with the pre launch period with the podcast series going out. I’d be like, well, you know, everything’s done. I’m just going to focus on my other work and stay busy with that. And yeah, I just recognize that that is me kind of like disengaging and checking out.
And I was reflecting on how I have been able to delegate and let things go in the past or not let things go. Let go, though, sometimes that involves letting things go and having something go out not exactly the way you’d want it too. But just recognizing that that’s okay. And that’s safe for that to happen. And I have, I’m proud of myself with how I say with myself, I’m proud of myself with how I show up as a leader.
I know I have a lot of growth to do. But that doesn’t mean we can’t feel proud just because we know there’s room for improvement. But there have been times where I have felt like like my experience has been that I’m delegating and empowering and letting go, when actually it was me kind of like doing that. But then not even looking at things. So that I didn’t have any thoughts about it not being done the way that I wanted it to be done. And just kind of delegating fully, which is important to do but delegating and then just being disengaged.
And what I really want to learn to do is how to delegate and let go and still be witnessing what’s going on, experiencing what’s going on, like the work the response to the work. And yeah, to just find that balance isn’t really the right word. But that middle point between being disengaged and waiting and seeing and then being like controlling, and meddling. And doing that under the guise of being like engage with it.
So I don’t think it’s even the middle point. Now I frame it like that. It’s something completely different, which is doing the self coaching and getting coach, I’m planning to do a lot of peer coaching during this period, and self coaching every single day non negotiable. Because it’s just so funny. I thought before this morning like there’s going to be nothing David self coached on. And I know that it’s really to be in belief. So to not being this like waiting and seeing but still believing that I am and my team is the creator of our goal our… So we have our goal of 60 signups to PGSD, and so excited to welcome those PGSDers in and if you want to hear how the last launch went, I did a similar series, just giving a general behind the scenes look at things. And that was episode 316 and 317.
So for this launch, what was I saying with that? Yeah, the goal is 60 signups and I could definitely feel that I was just in this kind of like, okay, now we just need to wait and see if it works. And it’s like, yes, and also be engaged and reviewing things. And my rule that I have created with myself from my self coaching this morning, is that I will not communicate anything to the team. If I see something that didn’t go out the way that I intended it to go out, or whatever that I’m going to self coach before I get in touch with any of them.
Because it’s so important for me to be able to have the skill set of being able to see things not going high wanted them to go in terms of little pieces of the puzzle and just letting that be okay. But also having the discernment to know when something is like I do need to communicate to the team about something versus when I don’t because maybe it didn’t go out the way I wanted it to but it’s not actually going to impact the result and it might impact my ego, my perceived ideas that people have about me and how I want to be perceived and whatever.
But being able to be in that, or develop that skill set, because it is a skill set to be developed in an ongoing way of either this is something that didn’t go the way I had imagined or wasn’t shared in the way that I had imagined or whatever. And that’s okay. And I can communicate with that about the team at a later date in the debrief, and, you know, whatever. And also giving people the chance to self correct and notice things. Or actually, this is really important that this is communicated now, and then doing that from a clean space where I have done my self-coaching first on any, you know, personal attachment I have to the work and my ego, wanting myself to be perceived a certain way, in terms of being smart and intelligent and put together, whatever.
So that is something that came up for me this morning, when I was self coaching and realizing like it’s made me excited about the launch in a way that I wasn’t because like I’ve already done the work. And my goal is to be able to do the work ahead of time and it just go out of the team execute it, like they get all the content from me. And then it all gets published and shared and whatever when it’s meant to. And so thinking that like cool, this is just a practice from it that but I am able to be engaged with the launch.
So why not actually use this opportunity to practice being engaged and lean in without meddling and micromanaging and taking tasks back and that kind of thing. I have done a lot of intentional work on this before. And I have made progress with it. But I still find myself wanting at times things to be done my way, even though another way would be just as good or even better. And I’m just stubborn about it or being a perfectionist about it. And this is as a leader of a team, my next layer of growth and just also to share at the moment who is on the team and just so you have some context around that. So Daisy, who you will know if you are a PGSDer.
Daisy is the main person helping me with the back end, we also have Neha who is doing a lot of the tech setup. There hasn’t been much of that for this launch, or the previous one because we’ve kept things so simple on the back end. And then also Michelle, who is one of our PGSD coaches is jumping in to help out when there are a couple things needed. But really, it’s Daisy and Neha. So huge shout out to them, and also Eloisa, who puts up the podcast episodes, and does all of that.
So let me also share what I have also given myself some self coaching on this morning. So it’s something say, see teachers is a high value cycle and a low value cycle and just recognizing them for yourself. So basically, a high value cycle is when you are, in my words, not in hers, I’m not sure exactly how she words it. But in my words, that’s when you are doing the things that will get you to your goal in the way that you want to get to your goal.
And a low value cycle is when you are getting in your own way, pretty much. So I wrote down the actions that would indicate to me if I’m in a high value cycle, or a low value cycle, and it’s not either all or nothing. And there will definitely be times where I’m kind of maybe in a midpoint between the two, or I’m going to for sure, I know it’ll be a mix of things. By the end of it that it’s not like to achieve your goals, you have to be in a high value cycle 100% of the time, and being in my words that would be like having your perfectionism handbrake release and being out of your own way, or you’re in your own way.
There are shades of grey between that. But I’m just going to share with you some of the actions that I wrote down that would signal to me that I’m in a high value cycle. And some of the actions that I might experience myself doing that would just ring a little alarm in my mind that I am not in a high value cycle for myself. So we have this is the high value cycle. So I’m self coaching every day, I’m doing intentional thought creation, which is a tool Stacey teaches, talking to my future self, which is something we talk about a lot in PGSD, and being in belief, like really practicing my belief in being able to create a result without needing to control or like go in and do stuff.
And just to really have like work on in myself coaching all the reasons that I can believe that we will achieve our goal, even if it wasn’t to do a single thing, in terms of like an Instagram story, or adding an extra email or editing an email or whatever, that I could not do any actions, and we can still create the result, and that the result was created, like pretty much you can see as soon as what to do with this. But the result was created when I was like, from the beliefs and feelings that I was in when I was creating the content of the launch.
But practicing that belief, and not having that belief be dependent on control, or the illusion of control, micromanaging, meddling, doing things at the last minute, being busy or any of that. Another sign that I’d be in the high value cycle is showing up for my peer coaching, like organizing that, showing up for it vulnerably and prepared. So vulnerably in the sense of I’m actually sharing what I’m thinking and experiencing and doing even if it’s embarrassing, even if I know better. Even if I don’t want to admit to someone else, or even myself that I’m doing a certain thing or I’m not doing something to share that. And to implement that coaching courageously that I have doing, or I am doing designated check ins at designated times.
So I talked about this in the last series, I did like this, where during the launch period, I had specific times that I would check in on stats. So for me that was once a day, I would check the number of signups. And that was it I wasn’t because in some launches for sure. I haven’t been like refreshing stripe or whatever or I have been just logging in, however I was getting. So if someone does it have been like email notifications or whatever. So go to my inbox and refresh and refresh and refresh, like, if I happen to start during the night, then I would look at my phone and see if anyone had signed up. And then I’d look again, as soon as I woke up like it was just all consuming.
And so I found it to be really helpful for me to just have a designated time that I will check in. And I check in. I do my self-coaching. And then I don’t need to keep checking and rechecking. And yeah, a big thing that’s come out of basically the last few months of self coaching is, anytime I’m checking something I need to check in with myself and how I’m feeling like if I’m in that energy of just needing to check. It’s just that sign that I’m lacking some self trust. Or maybe I’m lacking trust in another person or in a result or whatever.
I’m just feeling like I need to control. So yeah, anytime I’m trying to check something to check in with myself, but having the way around that. Not around that. But you know what I mean, is having a designated time to check in. So I’ve talked about this before, like with Instagram, for example, to just check in at 8am and 8pm. And you know that your times you check in and when it is that time you do it. And then that’s that instead of telling yourself I’m not going to check it all and having to be on these detoxes or whatever.
And I’ve done a whole episode on all of that. And I will just quickly have a look and see what episode that is because if you just search in a keyword that didn’t come up with anything, Episode 293, 5 Surprising Tips To Stop Mindless. So I talked about some of this in that episode, which might be helpful for you. If especially during a launch, you are checking and rechecking it, that can be a really helpful episode with that. And yeah, those behaviors can really like where we are doing something vulnerable that might involve rejection and shame like launching something, promoting something, selling something that we can buffer with using scrolling, or just checking, maybe you’re checking likes and comments, and DMS and story views, and then likes and comments and DMS and just go on and on and on.
So that episode might be helpful for you. So I am going to after this create for myself, like when the times that I am checking in what am I checking in on and being clear about that. So I can tell as well when I’m deviating from that because if you don’t have a clear plan, you can actually tell when you’re going off the plan. This is why we plan properly inside PGSD. We have our growth goal we have our planning, we plan in our clean rest because it’s there’s so much to learn and to learn about yourself when you have a plan and you see yourself deviating from it.
If you don’t have any clear plan like if you have a vague to do list, or a vague idea of like I’ll just check once per day, then you can actually tell easily when you are deviating from that. It’s very easy to self sabotage and make excuses that you don’t catch. So another action that would tell me that I am in a high value cycle is holding space for the emotions I’m feeling and processing them. So naming the feelings is a great starting point being with them. Just like being present to that and not trying to action my way out of feelings, power planning and following it with the all the steps. Power Hour, little tweaks, weekly review, that’s always assigned to me that I’m in a high value cycle.
Listen to a call from the mastermind or something every morning, I found that really helpful the last launch, just to kind of like during this time to not be consuming a lot of other things to just be in the energy and the mindset of just the strategies and mindset that I’m learning in the mastermind. So just being surrounded by that, to listening to that, going for a run on workdays in the morning, because the last few weeks, I’ve just felt like my work days, I haven’t had enough time, that’s been the story, it hasn’t been the reality, just the story.
And so it means that when I have start of my workday, I’ve just kind of jumped straight into it. Like I’ve woken up, fed Lydia, and I know as well as this has been impacted by her waking up a few times in the night and me, like, I just haven’t had enough sleep but all of that. But anyway, that I will just kind of get into my work day. And I’ve found it much more challenging mentally than I like, I know that I work best when I exercise in the morning on a work day. And so just doing that, like doing what I need to do, then another one, if I feel I need more time, like more time on a work day or another work day or something to self coach and then ask for the help I need in order to have that work day.
Because if it hasn’t been planned ahead of time, then I will most likely be looking after Lydia. Putting my head up for coaching in the mastermind. Experiencing the launch content, as if I’m a consumer, which is one of these is a great example of an advantage of creating all the work ahead of time. And this is something I talked about in the previous episode of I hadn’t even realized how it could be true that it could be higher quality to get things done early. And that at best, it would just be the same level of quality as if I did it at the last minute.
And this is an example of that, that when I have been creating launch content during the launch period, that I haven’t actually got to experience what it would be like to be on the other end of it because I’ve been too involved in it and too close to it. Whereas I realized what I was writing all this out this morning that I could actually listen to the podcast episodes, which I am able to do. I feel like when I listened to myself, like a podcast episode on a podcast sent out but that’s one of mine, I don’t normally listen to my episodes, but in this case, I will.
And I can just listen as if it’s someone else. And I’m fine with that. So I’m going to do that, listen to the episodes, read the emails, see what’s going on Instagram and actually be able to identify what it might be like for someone to be experiencing that. Instead of when it’s been going out during the launch. I’ve been thinking like, you know, is this going out at the right time? Is it saying the right thing? It’s been all through the lens of not thinking about the person on the other end, even though I am it’s still with this.
Like, does this look good kind of mentality? Instead of really thinking about someone who’s reading this. What are they hearing? Is it saying all the things they need to hear? Is there anything that might have been left out that would be helpful next time to include and like, I just haven’t really thought of it in that way and really experienced it. I’ve thought about it as a creator and experienced it that way. But I haven’t stepped into the shoes of the person on the other end. So I can do that for this launch.
Also letting the team make mistakes and self correct that if I feel like I need to, like if I see something that was done, and it wasn’t done as planned, that I want to like my urges to jump in and send a message and say, Hey, I just caught this just so you’re aware of it. And that little behavior has not allowed me to trust the team as much as I want to because I’m not allowing them to show me that it’s not needed. Because I’m like, always, not always, but I am at times if I’m like catching things that were missed, or whatever, then it might be that they had also and this has happened so many times that like hey, this thing happened. Like yeah, we know and here’s what we’re doing.
And so it’s just been like without me not doing that I haven’t been able to see that it’s not needed. So that is something as well. And as I said before being able to discern when is it that it’s a mistake, quote unquote, and that I will you know, it’s the best move to give them the opportunity to self correct and then at the end when we’re doing our launch debrief, I can say hey, I noticed this and it didn’t get corrected or whatever. Or like, did you do something about this? And kind of getting that. Or is it something that I need to in the moment, make sure they know about and have a conversation and being able to discern the two of those, which will just come from being inquisitive. Knowing and like having grace with myself, we times where I think it’s a big deal, and it’s not. That we’d have I think it’s not a big deal. In a hindsight maybe it was, but being open to being on that journey.
So reviewing how things are going. So this is still me being in a high value cycle. Viewing how things are going to inform the next launch. And how it could be more clear in my instructions to the team, I could be even more compelling in the content. So instead of thinking about, you know, just this narrow focus view of this launch, but really thinking bigger picture, what can we do in the next launch, the launch after and that kind of thing. So that when I’m certain creating the content for the next launch, that I can have those things in mind, also coaching myself. So as you can see heavily self coaching and getting coached during this time, on the thoughts and feelings creating the results. Not the actions. I have already kind of mentioned this. But instead of believe I know, I still believe to some level that Instagram influences the results of the launch.
And I intellectually know that’s not the case. I’ve had successful launches, but nothing was done on Instagram. And I have witnessed many people have very successful businesses where that’s the case as well. And yet, my brain is still somewhat believing that. So coaching myself on that. Doing the hard things like that I need to do. So an example of that is our terms and conditions for the program, just reviewing them and working with a lawyer on them. So that is something that I mean, I have a law degree, I am equipped to be able to look at things like that.
I am not a lawyer. But I, I can read stuff like that. But also my brains like later later. Let’s do it later. And so that actually is something that came up for me when I was doing my weekly review of last week’s Power planning that I had had that in that kind of, and I had just put it off. So it’s getting done. And also being direct with the team from a clean place, if there is something I need to communicate that I’m self coaching first. And then I am not kind of dancing around things like still being kind or whatever, but to just be direct and not people pleasing.
So a low value cycle. Basically, when I’m getting in my own way, what are some of the actions that will alert me to that. The first is checking Instagram slash emails, or whatever, with the mindset of finding what has been missed. And from this kind of lack scarcity. Like I need to check everything. Like it’s like this checking that I was talking about before that I need to check in on things to make sure they’re being done, right. And I want to be, you know, looking at Instagram and the emails and that kind of thing, from the viewpoint of being on the other end of it as a podcast listener, an email subscribe button, you know, a follow on Instagram, not as the nitpicky Creator, who is just looking for all the problems.
So another one is picking up my phone. Or basically just anytime I like, remember something I need to do, like I just remembered, I need to message my friend about XYZ or I just remembered that I need to buy this thing from Amazon or I just remembered that I need to go and make lunch or whatever to just sit with that urge to do it, write it down in my list, like my I always have a notepad next to me when I’m working to write it down and to do it later.
Okay, next I have on my list is slacking the team, which is messaging the team when I noticed something not done the way that was planned without self coaching. So go to self coach for hours. And I’m going to be creating for myself a little set of questions that I need to ask myself before I reach out and add something to the team. Being disengaged from the launch and turning a blind eye in the sense that I’m just like in this sit back wait and see mentality of like not paying attention to the emails that are going out, not being engaged with what’s going on and just being like “Well, I’m just going to check out”, and be busy with other work stuff or just be focused on personal life stuff that I’m really if I am disengaged and sitting back.
It is a little alarm bell for me that I am in my own way. Another one is doing launch tasks last in the day. So this kind of relates to what I was saying about being busy with stuff that, yes, I do want to be working on the content that will go out after the launch and having that finalized and prepped and ready to go. But I still need to prioritize checking in with the team, doing the launch tasks like doing, I’m not doing emails or anything like that. But I’m doing the self-coaching first, and anything that might arise from that first, and checking in to see if anyone has messaged me on the team about anything, replying to that and then doing the other things later.
Usually I do my team communicating at the end of the day. So I can just sit down and create and get my stuff done. And then I do that with more my leftover mental energy. But during this period, it’s prioritizing the launch and not letting myself stay busy with the other stuff and then be too tired to do it properly, and then letting myself off the hook in that way. Not power planning and not following my power planning is another one. Being in wait and see energy about signup numbers and the launch in general.
Checking out if signups aren’t where I expect them to be. So I think this is like I want to put an asterix next to this. And you might be able to relate to this that you are all excited about whatever you are selling or promoting or offering. And then it’s not going the way you want it to in terms of signups and then you just kind of completely check out. And that’s a protection mechanism that we are avoiding looking at it and like telling ourselves well, it didn’t really matter anyway. And it’s very easy to justify that it was the money didn’t matter, or actually, you know, this is going to be better, because XYZ to just be like this is me, trying to turn a blind eye because it’s uncomfortable to be leaning in and not getting the result I want.
Like it’s what I talk about with when we put in a full effort, it feels so much more vulnerable than when we have for something. So I’m just going to be on to myself about that. And we’ll be updating me about that on this episode as time goes on, to scroll, Instagram, that kind of thing to just be wanting to do something mindless. And that is another way of buffering, escaping, showing up for peer coaching calls without a clear question or area for coaching. So just kind of, you know, still showing up, but just dialing it in the sense of like, I don’t really know what I need to get coach on, like not being honest with myself, or then about what I am needing coaching on using myself coaching curriculum, to have those coaching calls be the most impactful and really being vulnerable.
And sharing the stuff that I would find embarrassing to share is a pretty good place to start. So I have another one is eating while mid task. So I don’t know if you can relate to this. But if I’m doing a comfortable task, sometimes I’m like, maybe I’m hungry. And I’ll just go and eat something like right in the middle of the task when I’m not hungry. So gotta pay attention to that. Skipping self coaching, and not being like not directing myself with myself coaching. So this is very similar to the peer coaching. But in my self coaching, I just turned up the mic, I’m just gonna like have a look at my current thoughts that I’m thinking right in this moment.
And then coach myself on anything that comes up. That is yes, helpful to do it that way. But also, I want to be using my self-coaching curriculum, which by the way I talked about in episode 334, How to Create Your Self Coaching Curriculum. So if you don’t know what I’m talking about with that go and listen to that episode. But to Yes, have a look at my thoughts, clean up anything from that, but then also direct my mind to areas of my business or things in the launch that I might be wanting to not intentionally think about and getting myself to think about them and giving myself some coaching on that.
Also, if I notice myself in any of these low value cycle actions to coach myself on that, also as well. If I notice I’m in any of these, which I will be like, I will be in the high value cycle as well, that I self could generally investigate like what’s going on with that? What am I thinking that’s helping to create that so I could double down on it. Self coaching isn’t just about trying to, like fix the unhelpful thoughts. It’s also recognizing the help the thoughts you have that are helping you to create the results and the life you want.
And being able to really delve into that and uncover that and so you can double down on that and do more of what’s working. So doing that as well in my self coaching, taking a day off in avoidance is something I want to be mindful of. So I have, obviously clean rest in my calendar, I practice what I preach, but to just notice if I’m like, Oh, well, there’s nothing to really do today, on a work day, so I’m just going to take the day off.
It’s not to say I can’t decide that a day was a workday is actually going to be a clean rest day. But to just be inquisitive with myself about that and make sure it’s not me checking out because the numbers aren’t where we want them to be, or because it’s just too uncomfortable to see things being done, if they aren’t being done the way I want them to be that I just am trying to avoid in checkout. I also have skipping my workout or not being committed to my workouts.
What else the last one, creating launch Instagram stories without self coaching first. So I have committed to like all the content for the launch was created during that period that I talked about in the first part of this series, and that I wasn’t going to be adding all these extra bits to compensate for my lack of belief and wanting to feel in control. And so it doesn’t mean that I can’t write a new email, I can’t edit an email, I can’t add a post, I can’t go on stories, I can’t do a live or whatever. But I do need to self coaching that before I do it.
Especially if I feel like there’s, you know, a rush or an urge to do so I’m, I definitely need to self quote, say I’m going to be doing a lot of self coaching. So that is what I wanted to share with you in this first update. And I am during the launch period. I am planning to record an update every day during that like when I did last time and I recorded myself checking the numbers live and chatting through that and then during this pre launch period, I will probably do a few updates and just share the some of the self coaching I’m doing and what’s coming up for me and yeah, so I will talk to you in the next update.
Okay, so today is the 22nd of April. And I’m going to keep this little update to five minutes long, just while Lydia is napping. But I wanted to jump on and just chat about a coaching call I was on yesterday where I was getting coach, because it was really helpful. And I’ve had a few realizations, this is the joy of being coach, it’s so, so helpful to have someone else looking at your brain. Because when you were in it, as much, self-coaching as you do, it is still really challenging to see it objectively and to have someone else look at how you’re thinking. And all of that is just so helpful.
So what I wanted to share is yesterday, the 21st of April, I was on a call in my mastermind, we were in our little breakout groups that we do every few weeks. And Stacey was actually leading our group. Normally we have someone else. But Stacey was there, Stacey Boehman, who is the leader of the mastermind, and I got coaching, her requested coaching on really with like what I had basically sharing the self coaching, this is the best kind of coaching when you have self coach and then you take that to a coaching call.
Because then you’re able to get that next layer, it really… I don’t know I just find the quality of coaching is just increased. So that’s why we have the self coaching curriculum for you to figure out what you need to get coached on. And then self coach and bring that to calls. But anyway, I self coached, I shared that in the last update about this realization that I was either being all in and micromanaging or I was just leaned back disengaged, and just waiting and seeing. As I was telling that to stay saying just saying like I realize it’s an all or nothing mindset about it. And she was like, well, that’s really interesting, because I take the approach that you described as the all.
But to me, that’s not my experience. So how are you thinking about it that to you that experience of being engaged and leaning in feels like actually, it’s not that engaged in leaning in. Because my conclusion was basically that I need to not be in this, like, checking and nitpicking and micromanaging kind of thing that I just needed to be engaged, which she agreed would be a really helpful emotion to be in. But she was like, Well, how are you thinking about it, that it feels to you like this extreme thing to just, you know, be seen how the launch is going.
And so on the coaching call itself, I feel like it was helpful, but it was also 5am for me. And so my brain was a little bit slower anyway, after sitting with that, after the call, which was really helpful, because she was basically she was like, it’s about self trust for you like, Why aren’t you trusting that you can be looking at the launch and making the right calls. And I realized after thinking about that, after the call is over, that I and like how I’m thinking about it in a way that Stacey isn’t, is this is my conclusion.
That’s my theory. That I am thinking about when I am directing the team and making decisions that there’s times where that’s a good thing and times where it’s meddling. And Stacey just in my hypothesis doesn’t think about it that way. And she just sees herself as a leader. And she’s like, you just need to do work on your self concept, your self image, as a business owner, as a CEO, when it comes to making decisions, looking at yourself trust, like being able to trust yourself, because I seem to her like my conclusion was to self coach before I reached out to the team and just check in and make sure that I’m not meddling and she was like, why would he need to self coach.
And like that, to me is telling me that you’re not trusting that you can just make a call. And that was so helpful. Like I just definitely did not see that was going on. Maybe it was obviously but I didn’t see it. And so that has been really insightful and helpful to just notice that I think like as well upon further even further reflection that I think it just is so feel so uncomfortable to just have everything done for the launch. And that yes, I can be engaged and listening to the podcast episodes and reading the emails and all of that, but it doesn’t take much time to do that.
And I think I’ve kind of been like cool, I’ll do all this self coaching just so I can feel like I’m doing something and to just recognize that yes, I’m going to be doing self coaching but I probably don’t need to do as much as I had told myself I do like I can just trust that I will know, when I do need to reach out to the team and when it is actually something we will just work on for the next launch, that I don’t need to overthink that under the guise of self coaching.
So that was a really helpful distinction to have made. And for sure, I can see different ways that that lack of self trust in myself as a leader had been coming up. It was interesting to think about that too, because I hadn’t recognized that because I felt like my self image as a leader in the business has been strong. But when I have this subtle story that there is a, you know, a right way and a wrong way to be with the team.
And that if I am like, in my head, I’ve just objectively I mean, subjectively saying, well, this kind of communication is me meddling, and disempowering people. I’m not letting them do their thing. And then if I do it in this other context, that’s fine. I’m just going to, at least for this launch, let go of the idea that it is possible for me to meddle, and it is possible for me to get to just be in that, like, that’s even a thing.
I’m just going to be curious about that and see where it leads me. And I think it’s safe to do that, that I’m not going to become like a nightmare. Leader or boss. And, yeah, just, I don’t know, just trust myself, that I can make the call that needs to be made. And I can do that and I can do that without all this self coaching. So anyway, Lydia is now awake. I’m gonna wrap this up, but I will talk to you in the next update.
Today is the 26th of April. And I have just got an off a peer coaching call with one of my peers in the 200k. mastermind, and just wanted to share what came up on that call, it was so helpful. And again, I feel like this is the power of like self coaching is so incredible and important. And then having someone else to help you see your brain that you can present yourself coaching to just makes such a difference.
So as I said, today’s the 26th of April, and I have just spent the last three days at the coast with Lydia and Cotton. Steve went away for a Bucs party. And so we went to the coast. And I didn’t do self coaching really there at all. And I feel like I had said, I had committed to doing self coaching every day. And I think though, since I have recognized maybe my work is not to do as much self coaching as I thought.
Anyway, so I didn’t do self coaching while I was away. And today is my first full day back home. And I had a peer coaching call lined up at 7:30am for myself, and I have another one tomorrow at 730. And then another one the day after at 9am. So I’m getting all coached up. So what came up for me on that call was we were talking about how my, like I wanted to get coaching on what had come up when I got coach for Stacey the other day, which is about self trust, my self image as a CEO.
And I was talking about on the call today my thought that I hadn’t even recognize as really having and it’s probably going to seem so obvious since I teach people how to get out of their own way that I’m having a thought of I could sabotage this. And so this question of is it self sabotage, to do this or not to do this? I have that line of thinking a lot. And that line of questioning a lot. And to just notice that that in and of itself is me sabotaging myself if that is a thing, that when I am believing that I could sabotage this, this feeling that comes up for me is like distrust, and that I can’t trust myself not to.
And then the actions that I take when I’m feeling that way are to check to question to ruminate. And that’s when I’m asking questions like, for example, is it self sabotage to rerecord the podcast episode? Or is it self sabotage not to re record the podcast episode. Instead of just deciding and implementing that I’m then in this question of that, and then the results. So if I think about the self coaching model that Brooke Castillo from The Life Coach School teaches, our thoughts create our feelings, feelings create our actions, and actions create our results.
The result is that I sabotage myself and slow myself down. And what was mentioned on this coaching call, it was so helpful is that like to think of self sabotage, not in those terms, specifically, but to instead think of it as self protection. And why am I needing to protect myself? Why does that feel compelling to my brain to want to slow down even though consciously, I don’t want to slow myself down.
And I was saying that something that feels really true for me is that I do believe that I can have the same impact. And like same level of impact that my mentors and people I really, truly look up to and admire, I can have that same impact, but because I’ve had them on a pedestal, which I just mentioned, like looking up to someone that is an indicator we’ve got on a pedestal if we use that terminology, that I’ve had them on a pedestal and so I have denied myself, being on the pedestal with them if that’s the thing, like just bear with me with this analogy, but I have kind of kept myself apart from being at that same level, because they’re on a pedestal and I’m kind of perpetuating that.
Like, if I want to keep them on a pedestal, then I have to not be at that same level. I think that’s something that’s going on. I’m sure there’s other beliefs in there as well. And that I was saying that it, it feels like this is the analogy that came to my mind as I was getting coaches that you know, when you’re on a spin bike, so like a Peloton bike or whatever, and you’re pedaling really really hard.
You’re right in the face sweating, but you’re not moving anywhere, versus when you’re on a bike outdoors and you are moving that and what was being pointed out was that I’m spending not all my time in this sort of I could sabotage this I am spending a decent amount of time, having my own back making decisions implementing doing the things like that’s evident in the results that we have in the business. But then it’s like I’m riding the bike. And then I’m just like, wait, wait, wait, we’re going too fast.
And then I still want to feel like I’m pedaling. So I then get on the spin bike, and I’m pedaling on that. And I’m like, Okay, well, this is a bit boring, let’s get back on the full bike and go off and like actually create momentum. And then that gets, it feels like, like, my brain is thinking, This isn’t safe, we’re going too fast. We’re going too far away, whatever. And so we need to get back on the spin bikes so we are still being busy, but we’re just not going fast or going anywhere.
So that was really interesting to see that. And that, just that line of questioning, like I have identified, I think I’ve mentioned it in this, that checking, like checking stats, checking things that have been sent out like checking, or like, anytime I’m checking something, I need to just check in with myself for a minute. And like, and I don’t know that, like, I’m still, this is what I want to do this, like, I’m still in the process of like, coaching myself and getting coached on this. So I don’t have any crystal clear thoughts to provide you with.
And this is how it feels as well, when you’re in the middle of it. And this is why I love doing this kind of podcast episode instead of it being like you know, what was happening? And here’s the outcome and whatever it’s like, this is me working through it. So anyway, all that to say, I don’t know if, if or not I don’t know, but me checking and checking in with myself when I’m checking. Is that me not trusting myself? That’s a question that I currently have.
But when I am questioning, ruminating, overthinking, checking that that could be coming from the model, the thought I could sabotage this. And something that was so powerful, because it’s showing up in so many different ways in my life is to not let myself try and deal with troubleshooting a circumstance until it’s actually a circumstance like a fact.
I spend a lot of time kind of pre empting things and preparing. So that things will be okay, if that does happen. And I think I’m not alone in that. But, for example, and this is an example I share in that call is that like hearing about this and and you know, it being recommended that I can still like I can handle things really powerfully. But it doesn’t have to be in this way of like, currently, the way I’m approaching it is I don’t trust my future self to be resourceful and resilient enough to handle whatever happens that I need to prepare now so that the circumstances are perfect, so that my future self could do it.
And it’s so interesting to be thinking about this because I’ve, like I always say talk a lot about the future self. But I hadn’t even thought about like, it’d been possible not to trust my future self would obviously do that. Like that is what is happening when we don’t trust ourselves. Like we’re not trusting future asked to do stuff, but I hadn’t even thought of it that way. So that’s illuminating to see. But an example that I gave when I was getting coached on this was and I’ve talked about it, I think in these episodes, that we want to have another baby and I want to have the business, like when Lydia was born and I was pregnant with her, we had the business still being completely operational and helping our PGSDers and doing all those things while I was heavily pregnant or in the first trimester and or having time away to give birth.
And then for the next baby, I’d like to be able for us to be able to keep selling and like doing all the business activities during that time. And so I have been spending a lot of mental energy, preparing the business to be pregnancy proof, but not I’ve been doing it in a way that has been disempowering when I could do the same thing had the same intention, and it’d be in an empowering way. But that I have been basically assuming what it would be like for my second pregnancy, which I don’t know a lot of people most people have a different experience for their second baby than for their first including with the pregnancy.
But I’ve just been like, well this could happen and so we need to prepare and I need to have like all this content prepared and like everything prepared so that I can handle that when that happens. Instead of deciding it from a place of like, regardless like of what’s prepared ahead of time, I can handle that my future self is resilient and resourceful enough to, like, deal with that, troubleshoot that. And then what do I want to prepare.
Just because I can not from this place of I need to do that in order for my future self to be able to cope. So that is something that’s really helpful to think about. And also just to bring in something else I’ve been thinking about, would I feel this is such a, like, one of the biggest ways my brain likes to indulge in this like, is it self sabotage? Or isn’t it with Instagram. And I have talked about Instagram quite a bit on the podcast. And I think for me, with Instagram, it feels the most exposing vulnerable platform, even though it’s interesting, because on the podcast, I just share all the things.
But I have a belief that like, people would only listen to the podcast if they really wanted to hear it. Whereas I have a belief that with Instagram, that people who don’t want to experience it, or whatever could come across it. So I think that is not a fact. It’s a belief. And that belief, is impacting the way that I think about it, obviously, and the way that I’m showing up there.
And so I have for years, years, literally, since I would say 2014, when I started my account eight years ago. I have been in this questioning of like, how to like what’s what feels truly aligned and authentic for me to show up on that platform. And like, just being in indecision about that, and like thinking that there’s this perfect way to do it. And then I need to figure that out.
And so recently, I’ve been thinking about Instagram, and part of this has come from preparing content, so that when I do get pregnant again, with the next baby, that everything’s prepared, because I will be able to prepare anything in the moment because I won’t feel well enough or whatever story I’m telling myself. But I have been thinking a lot about Instagram. And I’ve done episodes on that. I did one at the beginning of 2021 of why we don’t have an Instagram strategy for 2021.
And then once I had Lydia and I was easing back in, I found Instagram was actually a great platform to be able to like write stuff. And I felt really connected to what I was creating. And so the last few days, particularly like when I was waiting the coast, I listened to Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, which I know if you enjoy this podcast, you’ve probably read that book, almost all of our PGSDers they sign up for like Big Magic, because we have a little thing in the Introduce Yourself section of like, you know, share these certain things.
And one of them is like, you know, a favorite book or whatever. And I’d swear half of our PGSDers say Big Magic. So anyway, I was like, okay, so many PGSDers mentioned and I need to read it again. I had read it. I think when it first came out, I read it in like 20- the end of 2015. I believe I hope I’m getting that date right. I hope it was out then nad not sounding like a complete idiot. But we’re at the end of 2015. And then it resonated with me, but not a whole lot. And I was like I don’t like this… I don’t know if I like this idea that like your creativity is outside of you. And this Muse comes to you. And then anyway, I listened to it again. Oh, I read it the first time I listened to it on Audible the second time.
And it was so just, it’s an incredible book. And I love the way that Elizabeth Gilbert reads and it’s just so soothing and calming and incredible. And I was thinking about that in terms of creativity, I was also I started listening to Linchpin. Another book I’ve already read by Seth Godin, and that is a book like one of our company values is to be a linchpin. That book was so impactful on me when I read it, and I was like that message and be linchpin is so complimentary to Big Magic. So if you haven’t read Linchpin, I highly recommend that book.
But I was thinking a lot about Instagram and how I want to show up and resistance I felt to doing it. And basically, in terms of getting content prepped that I want to have. And it’s just been this whole thing. Like I’ve spent a lot of just noticing how much mental energy I’ve spent in doing things. And so just to recap, in case it’s interesting. I was like, Okay, I want to be so we have the launches of PGSD at certain times, I want to create other content ahead of time. So then I could mark out on my calendar, okay, these months or whatever, like the certain weeks, I’m going to be doing the PGSD content, sorry, yes, the PGSD launch content.
And then there’s going to be other times where I’m creating the content that goes out between launches so podcast episodes such as this one, I’m going to be creating the emails, Instagram posts, the whatever. And so something that’s really helped us behind the scenes is having an Airtable view instead of just being this running document of where all the emails are, we still have that but also having in Airtable where it’s got like, outlined, this is the subject line, this is the date of that email and checkmarks for like, this has been written, this has been scheduled, this has been sent, etc.
And just I guess, having a bit of a system around it. So anyway, I applied that to Instagram and I came up with different kinds of posts that I wanted to do. For example, one where it’s PGSD wins and sharing the PGSD win and then elaborating, like, basically teaching on something that’s come up on that win so an example was a PGSD or adding buffer time to their calendar. And then the post itself in the caption is about buffer time and what it is and how to use it and that kind of thing, post where it’s like a quote, and something about that, like one of my quotes, and then a post on business and perfectionism one on perfectionism.
Like, basically, I just made up these seven categories when I’m putting in the podcast, and kind of put them in a calendar of okay, this is the kind of content that will go out on each day, nothing groundbreaking here, this is what a lot of people share. Anyway, so I was like, okay, but I hadn’t actually done that before. I just like, still had been in a mentality of like, okay, I just need to put out stuff like content, what am I going to say, and it being so vague, made it challenging to create things, that’s a stereotype myself.
Anyway. So I had come up with like, all this structure and this plan around it and started creating in terms of that. And also, meanwhile, Daisy was working on doing the Instagram posts for the launch, like turning a lot of our emails and things into post. And we’ve been going back and forth, about how like, basically, what we want those posts to look like, and making sure the message stays the same from the, like, what I had created to when it gets translated into a post and different things.
And this had also brought up for me a lot of questions like, am I meddling? Or is this me being a leader? And this goes back to this question of like, I could sabotage this and me being in an action of questioning things. So anyway, Daisy, and I were going back and forth. And then I got that coaching from Stacey the other day. And basically, I was like, to Daisy. After that, I was like, Okay, I know actually what decision I need to make, which is I need to just actually create the vision and like articulate things instead of us going back and forth.
And me trying to articulate it in this less methodical way where I’m just like, No, not that do this instead, Oh, no, not that do this instead, that I actually, it’s more helpful for me just to sit down instead of trying to be so far ahead of myself, that I can go from not posting on Instagram consistently to creating three months of content at once and then having someone else create other graphics printed the all or nothing to me, to instead just slow down for a minute, do a month’s worth, me actually, like pretend that I’m me and then, will not pretend that I am me. Be me and then also pretend on the other person, and kind of experienced that and iterate the process.
And then like hands it on. So anyway, that’s been going on and then on the weekend when I was listening to that book, and different things. And I did write a few posts actually when I was away because I was just thinking like, how do I love to show up on Instagram and like I love to just like the quotes and riffing on them and like instead of having to write in a structured way of kind of trying to sound not like me and sound more like Stacey or like whoever else I’m trying to sound like subconsciously to just actually writes the way that I feel like I really come alive and have so much heart in it and to trust that I will if I write that way, I will actually say what needs to be said because I’ve had a belief that I could miss something if I just let myself do that.
And also within that as well. That I have been I don’t know I guess like with all of this just thinking like there’s a right way for me and a wrong way for me to shop on Instagram, I need to figure out the right way. Anyway, so I was thinking about that and how I would just love to show up and what really feels like me being the most alive on that platform in the way that like on the podcast, I have decided what format I want to do. It’s one that actually works for me. I’m not like okay, I need to read off a script and say the certain points and whatever it’s just like this is this is what feels easy to me.
It also feels very vulnerable and scary and needs a lot of courage because I’m just chatting, but it feels like, I feel like there’s a lot of heart in the podcast. And it really connects for that reason. And I don’t know a lot of other reasons too. But with Instagram, when I’ve been in my head and very heavy about it in the sense of like, it needs to be this kind of formula and the algorithm and all of that kind of thing.
I think it’s taking me away from my creativity. Anyway, I’m just sharing a little bit, you know, I’ve been thinking about it. And I just feel like me even questioning this, thinking about it so much is just as like, a sign of this thought I’ve had of like, I could sabotage this. And I’ve been thinking that way with Instagram. And so then, yesterday, I was like, well, maybe I just go back to doing all quotes and talking about that. And like, I loved doing that. And why did I get away from doing that?
And I’m never like, I’m so inspired to sit down and create an infographic ever, I’ve never had that thought. But I am always with my writing and my quotes. And I think in my mind, now I’ve created these, like two separate things, when I’m been probably, again, all or nothing about it in terms of thinking like that there’s this like, inspired, fulfilling way. And then there’s this other way. And, yeah, I was planning today, before I got that self coach, or that peer coaching this morning.
I was like, Okay, I’m just going to go away and like, just go to a cafe and give myself some creative time. And, like, envisage what that would look like. And I think actually, I’m still gonna go to a cafe once I finished recording this, but I’m just going to decide on what I’m going to do. And then I’m going to do it. And I’m not going to let myself be in this question. And this ruminating on it. And I, I know for sure my brain likes to be in this questioning of strategy as a guise for basically, like lacking self trust, and that I’m wanting to feel like I’m doing things the right way.
And that anyway when I was thinking about it, if I had, so when did I start writing those quotes, I want to say like 2016 or 2017. That, and this isn’t beating myself up. But just noticing the opportunity costs that if I had just decided how I want to do things, which it took a lot of courage for me to be like, I’m going to write a little quote. And I’m going to put my name at the bottom of it. And I’m going to give myself permission to do that. Because that for I mean, it’s so much more common now.
There are so many people doing it now. But back then it wasn’t really a thing. So anyway, I gave myself that permission. And I did that. But then I would waver in it and I wouldn’t be committed. And I’m like, I just let myself go into this ruminating and questioning and well, maybe I should do it like this person because they’re creating these kinds of images. And I should do that too. And what about the algorithm and whatever that I think it like when I was thinking about it.
Obviously, I’m just I hope just hearing how I can be in the middle of something and all of this can be helpful, because I am definitely in the middle of this right now. But I’m just deciding what I’m going to do. And what would it like if it was easy knowing that that means there’s gonna be a lot of times that even with the easy format that I choose, and making that right for myself that it’s going to be uncomfortable, there are going to be days where I have a lot of resistance, like I think I’ve been subconsciously asking myself, like, what can I do to show up so that I never experienced resistance or like vulnerability or feeling exposed or whatever?
And obviously, there’s no answer to that question. Because there’s no way to put yourself out there without risking that stuff. And so I’ve been like jumping from different strategies. And there’s so many people that sell Instagram strategy. So that’s felt very validated to be thinking about it in that way, but to just decide and when I was thinking about, like, if it was easy, instead of having like these seven kinds of different posts, I would just be like, there’s a quote post, there’s a post about PGSD and like the tools or philosophy, the celebrations of PGSDers and then what was the other one? And then there’s like, coaching stuff on perfectionism and business.
So it’s basically like the seven bit combined into three and instead of having all these different infographics and things like that, that I really don’t like they, a lot of people like they look great, but what I feel like it creates a lot of… It’s very time consuming to do it and creates a lot of back and forth in terms of like getting a system set up where someone else can do it. And it just, I don’t feel like is necessary.
And it’s back to this question I’ve been asking myself a year ago, like, if all roads lead to Rome, which just choose a road, and start walking. And I was actually also listening to Matthew McConaughey, his book Greenlights, which I’m loving, he is a great narrator, the audio book is amazing. And one of his little like, he has these little like, quote, things throughout it. And one of them was a something along the lines of like, often the most important thing isn’t what you decide, but that you decide something and you commit.
And I was like, yes, that is 100%. What I need to do, and to not let myself spend all this time and like, I need to figure out this perfect way of showing up and to just decide what I’m going to do. And then give myself a time period, just this is just so I can notice, if I’m crushing it, because it’s gonna sound this is so important. When we question this stuff. It sounds very, like logical, rational, reasonable, strategic, considered, like if my brain is like, actually, we need to show up on this way and Instagram in this way. That that is my brain wanting to be back in the questioning and ruminating.
So I’m gonna go to cafe, I’m going to make this decision. And I’m going to do it from a place of not like I could sabotage this. Or I could make the wrong decision. So which decision should I make? But I’m just going to decide what I want to decide I’m going to make it right. Yes, I’m going to think about it. But it’s not going to be from this energy of I could make the wrong decision is if every decision I could make here was going to be the right one. What one do I want to make and why? And then doing it and then not I would say so what’s it’s April? To not let myself question the Instagram strategy until at least I would say I want to say like six months because I was thinking about, I don’t know if I finish this thought.
But I was thinking about if I had just started, once I started those quotes, if I had just stuck with it and self coached on the resistance that came up around it, instead of just chopping and changing my strategy. I was like, this is how I want to do it the same with the podcast, like, I’ve just been like, I just do chatty episodes. And even when people say you ramble, it’s not clear whatever, I just, I’m so committed to doing it in this way that I just keep doing it this way.
And I do my work to get better at doing it this way. And I just do it this way. And I don’t I never, ever spend time thinking about what if I did this kind of format, or it’s this kind of format, I just make decisions, I implement them. And I don’t have any ruminating. So that’s what I’m going to do with Instagram as well. Gonna make a decision not being this question of, I could sabotage this and also not be in this place of like, I need to get it perfect now, so that once I’m pregnant, we can just roll it out like it’s my future self can handle it.
And I’m going to decide today what needs to be decided for the business and do that from a powerful place and like not slow myself down. So that is what I’m thinking about. This has been a long update. But I just felt like I needed to chat that through and just get myself a little self coaching this morning, when I get to the cafe and to be decisive. But I think just also getting into and fleshing out my self image and self concept as a CEO, who isn’t someone who is questioning and ruminating and checking and it doesn’t mean that it’s not keeping others accountable in the business or things like that.
But it’s all about the energy that it’s been done from so I think spending some time intentionally thinking about what I want that to look like. And knowing that I’m in that probably half the time currently. So it’s not a matter of it is like made up imagine that this is like this is so often the case with self image, I’d say like 99% of the time. We already spend some time in the self image we want and it’s just a matter of like paying attention to that and noticing that and then increasing that percentage.
So it’s not about like getting to being that way 100% of the time or it’s not worth trying at all but like okay, if I was thinking about being in that instead of 50% of time, 80% of the time, what would that look like. So with that said, I’m gonna wrap up this year. I feel like I have perhaps talked around in circles a bit but I hope with these episodes, again that you can see what it is like to be working through something instead of just always getting an update of like, here’s a reflection on something that happened in the past and the breakthroughs I had and the realizations I had.
This is like in the moments of having them and like working through them and piecing it together. And yeah, it’s fun like this is what I love about coaching, particularly self coaching and being coached by others is that it just opens up so much growth that would otherwise not be seen like the potential that would go unnoticed. So okay, I will talk to you in the next update.
Hello, hello. So it is still the 26th of April. And since my last update, I actually didn’t go to a cafe, I decided instead, it’s quite a rainy day to just sit out on the deck and kind of make it like a cafe environment for myself instead of commuting somewhere. And I’m just basically thinking of a cafe, I could go to that has a nice indoor area. So anyway, I just decided to sit out on the deck. And I was doing some self coaching. And I’ve just been doing some more now.
And I have had such a realization, and I just wanted to share it. And I’m going to then after this, do my power planning, and my weekly review as well from last week, I’ll do the weekly review first and the power planning. And, yeah, I just wanted to anyway, share what I’ve been thinking about and realizing. So where I will start, I guess is I sat down. And I was doing like a q&a with my future self, which is how I like to one of the tools I like to use to coach myself, we talk about it quite a bit inside PGSD.
And as I mentioned in the last update, and going on and on and on about Instagram stuff that I have been very busy thinking about the Instagram stuff. And I was recognizing, like, if I wasn’t so busy thinking about the Instagram stuff, what would I be doing? What would I be thinking about, Oh, I would be actually engaged with this launch.
And something that like an analogy that came to me when I was thinking about this was a pilot flying a plane. And that I’m committed to the goal, which is 60 PGSDers and that this is going to be me landing the plane, focusing on the 60. And making sure that happens. And I was doing some googling about planes like just for two minutes just to see if there’s anything else that would help with this analogy. And it was really helpful.
So I was reading this thing about how when a pilot is flying a plane, and who knows if this is accurate, but it’s helpful. When they’re flying a plane, the plane is on autopilot. And someone was asking this question of like, can a plane if it’s on autopilot, can the pilot just not be there? And we have these self flying planes essentially. And the answer that whoever was was giving was that, while yes, it is on autopilot, there are still things that can happen along the way when you are flying. That means that adjustments need to be made. And you know, things need to be happening in real time that might not have been foreseen by the autopilot, like when the autopilot was being set up.
Or just something that wasn’t expected. So it didn’t need to be accounted for anyway, something along those lines. So that really made me think about with this launch, I am the pilot. And what I have done when I created all the content for the launch ahead of time, the emails and everything like that, that basically this analogy, that was me building the plane, and then taking flight. And now that like you know, it’s I’ve already programmed in the destination.
And I love thinking about this analogy, because whenever I fly anywhere, I’m just always amazed that you can fly a plane from like here in Brisbane, for example. And you can land in London, England, on a tiny strip of cement, like it’s just insane. And you can get exactly there. So anyway, when I’m thinking about that analogy, I am thinking about the 60 PGDers that that is where we are landing, and that I’ve already built the plane, the plane is in flight.
And instead of me being the pilot deciding not to be on the plane at all, or me being the pilot who’s like, I don’t want to use autopilot. I just want to do everything manually. I’m the pilot with the plane on autopilot. And I am coming in and doing my reviews like seeing what’s working, what isn’t working anything that needs to be done differently. And doing that in a very dramatic freeway. And I was kind of realizing that I think my flavor of drama. I don’t have these big, like dramatic looking freakouts. But I think the way my brain, especially in these situations loves to be in drama is engaging with this question.
As mentioned in the last update about is it self sabotage or not? And spending a lot of time ruminating on that. So when I think about there being a flight that this launch is a flight and I’m landing the plane that really creates such a sense of commitment for me. And I was saying on that peer coaching call this morning like I really feel like committed and It’s done. And I think I do feel that way. But it was in this kind of like, cool, I built the plane and it’s taken flight.
So I, you know, I just I believe it’ll land but not being like, what am I truly committed? Like I was thinking about, for example, with getting this house that we’re now in that we renovated, the house built in, doing what needed to be on our end, we didn’t do the renovation works. But we were having to make a lot of decisions going back and forth with the builders on a lot of things. All of that there’s a lot involved, and that it was like we were committed. And that didn’t mean we just sat back and did nothing, we were so committed, that we made the hard decisions, we stuck to the deadlines, we, you know, came to, like we have a site meeting when Lydia was like nine days old.
So you came with her and the baby carrier and did the meeting. And it was like, we were committed, which meant we were doing the hard things. And I think it’s such a good example, too, because we had already decided a lot of things ahead of time. And instead of just sitting back and saying that’s fine, we were coming to site, making sure everything was being done according to plan, looking for opportunities to make things better.
We ended up doing so many variations throughout the renovation, because once it was underway, we could see actually, let’s put, I was gonna say let’s move this wall. But we didn’t change where any of the walls were. There every almost every single wall in the house change in the original renovation plan. So we did that. So there wasn’t really anything left to change. But we changed a lot of different things like as an example, we were going to only get new windows for half of them and leave the other ones, like the ones that were staying the same leave that all windows in place, and the new areas are being created having new windows in there.
And once the renovation was underway, we were like, actually, it’s going to look so odd, we’re just going to invest the money to get only windows. And so things like that was like us being the pilot who was just, you know, making sure the plane was going to land, it’s not to say that if we’d had the old windows stay, that something would have gone horribly wrong. But the result we wanted was the house, we had a certain vision for it. A feeling when we were in the house. And so we were doing the work along the way to make sure the plane landed, where it needed to land when it needed to land there.
And so when I think about the launch that way, it really makes me feel engaged and committed. And I want to say excited, but that’s not actually the feeling. It’s just this sense of willingness, and creativity and resourcefulness. And I was just doing what I was doing some self coaching. And it just now, really recognizing that to do that. Or something I think needs to happen is for me to let go of this question of am I self sabotaging? Which is the question I was talking about a lot in the last update.
And that when that, as I said, that is my drama. This is how my brain likes to just stay busy with that question. And think of it in a very intellectual kind of way. But what I wrote down is, what’s clear is that when I’m asking that, am I self sabotaging question, it’s really me saying maybe I can’t trust myself. So this launch for me is going to be a container for me to practice self trust and being the pilot landing the plane. And trusting that in terms of self sabotage the kind of stuff and getting in my own way, that I can get savvy to that when I’m doing the evaluation for the launch.
So we do a, you know, a launch debrief and look at everything and decide what worked, what didn’t work, what to do differently. And that’s how it influences you know, how we show up next time. And so instead of me needing to evaluate everything in the moment and having these thoughts about, like, maybe I’m leading myself astray, maybe I’m missing something, maybe I’m self sabotaging. And that’s just keep me so spinny to instead just experiment with being decisive trusting myself, to have not a list of you know existential back and forth of self sabotage.
But to instead just decide, implement, and you know review as I go in the sense of, Okay, is there anything else I need to say. And then after it I can review and say actually I think in hindsight I wouldn’t do it that way again and next time I’m going to do this differently. But I think when I am constantly judging it in the moment, it’s so hard to trust myself when I’m feeling so judged. And so, this is going to be a container for me. This launch I’m so pleased that the launch is starting tomorrow.
Because I have been feeling like I don’t even feel like I’m in a launch because it’s basically like I’m the pilot and I’m having a cup of tea, you know in the hanger. I’m just like sitting at the airport and my plane is off. And I’m gonna you know hear reports back of is it flying or not you know. Did it get there? But I’m kind of just sitting back here helpless not doing anything or like you know I believe it will get there. But instead I want to be the pilot in the plane who is present and I think with this question in the Instagram stuff which I will talk quickly in a minute.
But, with the Instagram stuff that that is the question that I’ve asked myself so many times. So that alone is a sign, that my brain loves to buffer and be busy with that. But, with the Instagram stuff that my, and I have reviewed actually this morning after I did the update. My high value and low value cycle and the list I had for that. One of the thing I had in my low value cycle is buffer with checking Instagram and then I’ve added in to say slash changing Instagram strategy that that is me.
Just wanting to be busy with that instead of being with the launch and increasing my capacity to have and my self image as a pilot who lands a fucking plane. So I’m just really feeling really empowered and willing and leaned in. And yeah instead of feeling like well I’m not really in a launch cause I’m the pilot who is just hanging at the airport with my flights you know left and I’ve built the plane and it’s you know, it’s with someone else now it’s just like doing it’s thing basically thinking like I have the self flying plane. That when I think about the Instagram stuff and it was like, cool now I’m busy I’m just sitting at the airport killing time.
So I may as well focus on my Instagram stuff that I’ll be you know have come in out later on in the year as in like in May. That yeah I just wasn’t letting myself actually be in the launch. And realizing that I don’t think I’ve ever let myself be in the launch in that way. And just really be you know experiencing the content as it comes out as if I am consumer or having a creative ideas.
And you know, just being engaged, seeing that everything is on track. Correcting if it isn’t, because when I’ve done the work at the last minute, I couldn’t be doing any of that. Because I was so busy just trying to be in belief and to write the emails or write the posts. And now that that’s done. It’s just, it’s just showing me how my brain is like I haven’t yet experienced being engaged in a launch in this way before.
And so that’s what this is going to be. So yeah, what I was also going through the low value cycle stuff, I just noticed as well that one of those items, and it was so helpful to have this list written because I was like, okay, I can see I’m in a low value cycle. Right now. And again, it’s not a matter of like always been in one or the other. But I have as one of my actions that would indicate I’m in a low value cycle is not power planning and not following my power planning.
And then I looked at my calendar, and because it was these like big vague blocks of like, open cart, clear calendar, whatever like is what I’d written in it. So I knew that I didn’t have anything particularly scheduled so I could be engaged with the launch. And that now it’s the launch time, I actually need to be clear about what that is I need to get clear on and decide about my check ins that I’m doing like I do this for the last launch. What time of day am I checking the numbers and doing my little update for the podcast?
What do I need to be looking for? How will I know if it’s on track? So for example, with a flight, if you’re going from Brisbane to London, you would say you know at three hours in we need to be flying over x city and you’d have your idea about what’s on track and just because you’re not on track doesn’t mean you’re not going to get there. And it might be for example okay, we need to speed up what I don’t know my analogy might be falling apart here but when it comes to this, it’s actually laying out like okay, what is on track look like?
Like what numbers what I want to be seen for me to say this is on track and I’m still just going to be you know the pilot and let it be on autopilot mode. And then what are the signs going to be in terms of the numbers objectively speaking that I would say, Okay, this is like, I need to do something here to correct and course correct. And also, at the same time thinking about if there’s anything I missed, not in like, something’s missing sense, but like, what else could I say if I’m experiencing the content as if I am on the other end of it listening to the podcast episodes, reading the emails.
What question and like, I can tell, my brain hasn’t practiced doing this, because it feels like I don’t really even know what I think like how to consume my content, as if I’m not truly on the other end of it, not just me judging it, about how I’m perceived as a creator, but me truly being on the other end. To think like, Oh, what, what might I be wondering what questions would I have? What else is going on in my life, you know, just really being in someone else’s shoes and creating from that space, instead of just thinking, which I have a lot about myself as a creator, and consuming what I create through that lens.
So yeah, and on the topic of the Instagram strategy stuff, I basically before was just like, Okay, well, if I knew what to do with the Instagram strategy, what would I do? And so I have done that now. So it’s just very basic. It’s so funny as well, it’s just so much more clear than it’s ever been. Just by being like, Okay, cut the bullshit. If there was no self sabotaging, just what would you decide and make a decision. So I just decided they’re going to be the quote posts, then we’re not going to do any like infographic kind of ones anymore.
It’s just going to be okay, this made these templates of so be quotes. Or then like these five, they’re very similar, but five different ones, where it will have like the title, basically, as if it was a blog post kind of thing, like a title on it. So one of the ones we’ve done before, it’s five signs, you need to open your perfectionism. So that’s on the cover, and then you slide through. And then we have the PGSD wins graphic, which I created the other day. And then the other ones would be for the podcast promos, I’m just going to do a video chatting about the podcast. And that’s it. And it’s basic, very basic graphic design.
Nothing fancy happening with colors. It’s just decided that’s the parameters. And I decided as well, I’m not going to deviate from that I know I’m gonna want to I already know I’m gonna want to, but I’m not going to deviate that from that for the remainder of 2022. Because, like, it just doesn’t pay off to spend time in that, like questioning of like making all these like tiny little tweaks, and then missing where the big tweaks that will actually like they might not take a lot of effort, but they’re things that are needle movers, I’m missing out on spending time on the needle movers because I’m making these little tweaks to non needle moving things.
But yeah, the big takeaway for me was, I’m the pilot, even if the plane is on autopilot, I am making sure this plane is landing with everyone safe. Like, we’re getting there and I am the pilot. And I’m not like just imagining why I’m saying that. If the pilot was like, Oh, my goodness, am I missing something. Am I missing something? What is it like if they were in that kind of energy, they would not be the pilot, you would want to have flying your flight. You want the pilot who is looking at everything. They’re not like sitting in the back row of the airplane, scrolling through Instagram, and then not in the cockpit having this frenzy about oh, like, you know, is it self sabotaging, if I read like, you know, turn off slightly to the left, or should I just stay on track and I’m gonna do some self coaching on it like being in that kind of energy.
It’s just like, I’m the pilot, I know what I’m doing. And I’m going to land this plane. And then maybe after the plane lands, the pilot might do some reflection and say actually next time, I would do whatever, whatever. But for me too. And I think this is just goes so much to self trust is that if I’m judging myself all the time and if I’m self sabotaging and all the time, which is kind of me being in the identity of I am someone who sabotages myself because I wouldn’t be thinking that thought if I didn’t have the identity, the self image that I am someone who gets in my own way, which is so interesting.
So there’s that reasoning we work on self image wise in PGSD because I am sure I’m not the only one with that, but having this questioning of am I self sabotaging is just like, we have to be self aware there’s a time and a place for that. And also, then we just have to be decisive and implement and trust. And both of those things are true. It’s not one or the other. It’s both. And so this is my work for this launch. And when it came to as well, like, if what is clear, and so I’d written about that self sabotaging question, and that, when I think about just releasing that question for the remainder of the launch, and just actually being committed to landing the plane, instead of thinking about, Oh, is it my growth, like, this is the thing too, I was thinking like, even if, and there will be, or going to plan, a launch where maybe it’s happening, because we’re sticking to the dates that we have.
Maybe it’s happening, and I’m like, giving birth, or I’m like vomiting in the toilet or whatever, who knows what happened, like, life, can throw curveballs, whatever happens. But even if I’m not the pilot, there will be a pilot. So I’ve been trying to prepare the business to be the self flying plane, when it will never be self flying. Like there will always be a pilot, it just might not be me. But there will always be someone who is checking in on things. And that doesn’t have to be meddling, if you can check things without it being this self sabotaging meddling kind of situation.
I think that was me just wanting to avoid looking at my brain. So now that I’m looking at my Okay, well, I don’t like this is the question too about like, when is it self sabotage, the rest versus push through? And I’m not like I really, if I trust myself, that me resting. And even asking this question is like this self sabotaging thing I don’t want to do. But that, that was me wanting to take a day off and avoidance. And I can trust that and keep on moving with that.
So yeah, this is what my work is. And I’m going to really be like that, I hate to think that my start from a month ago didn’t trust that me in the launch could actually be the pilot in the plane. And I don’t want to like set it up, like, you know, that kind of thing. But I’m showing myself that I can be the pilot in the plane. And I can be not the pilot in the cockpit who’s just like freaking out about is a plane actually gonna land? Are you sure it’s gonna land? Or we need to check in check in check in let’s check again, that we’re on track.
And again, and again, like, you just do you think know ahead of time, okay, these are the things we need to check, check to check that’s done, boom. And then if I want to do any other stuff in my work, I have extra time to be doing super thinking and to not just be like, cool, check done. Now I’m gonna go to the backseat of the, you know, the back row of the flight and sit on my phone and do whatever.
Or not even necessarily that but I’m just going to take time off and not be engaged if I have work time planned. And again, this is like trusting that if there’s a deviation from this, that’s okay. And I’m going to trust myself on that and not ask is this self sabotage. But that I am like, if I’m wanting the plane to land, exactly where I had said it would land. Just everything like showing up from that place. And knowing like, I really believe I feel so committed.
And I really do believe the plane is going to land there like I don’t feel like I have drama about it. And the drama was really is the self trust of it. And I think the capacity to have that it feels like it’s not in alignment with my self image to have this goal where we’d make hundreds of 1000s of dollars. And to just achieve it just feels like my brain just wants to be busy. Because that feels new and unsafe and uncomfortable.
And so I’m just being the pilot on the plane in the cockpit. Who is letting the plane be on autopilot like not trying to go well. I need to be busy. I’m gonna take it off autopilot put on manual mode. But to be Yeah, just willing, resourceful, resilient. Like if we hit some turbulence, not freaking out. I’m the pilot that’s part of flying.
So yeah, I’m gonna do my power planning now. I will come on here and record a little update if there’s anything noteworthy. This episode is going to be quite long, though. Sorry, not that that’s a problem at all. But if not, if there’s something noteworthy that comes with the power planning, then I will record another update soon, but the cart is opening tomorrow, which now I’m just I feel Yeah, I just feel like willing and committed and involved.
And like I’m actually in a launch, which is fun and new the way that I’m experiencing it. And also I was listening to one of the old coaching calls from 200k. And it’s just, this is what I love. This is what I love about like coaching calls being available like past ones. And I know PGSD has said this all the time about they listened to a past call from like, a year or so ago, whatever. And it’s just like exactly what they needed to hear when they needed to hear it.
And I just had that when I was a scene to basically anytime I listened, but that was one of my high value cycle actions during the launch period, which is, you know, staying in touch with the tools and concepts and everything that I’m implementing through the mastering content. And Stacey was just talking about it, like it was exactly what I’d say, update about, like, people who want to create inspiring stuff from the heart on Instagram, which is literally what I’d said. And she was like, there’s a place for that.
And also like, that creates inspiration and not transformation. And to transform people, and to have them by and to have them get the ultimate result with buying and signing up being the vehicle for that, in the sense of then they get, you know, the full, they’re fully committed, they have all the tools or the support, etc. Wait, where was I going with that? Oh, yeah, that also like the thing that creates that transformation is someone been walked through a transformation and really having it clearly laid out what their problem is now and what the solution to that is and the process of that and the result of that, and that might not feel flowy and inspiring for you to write.
And that that might feel like it might take a lot of mental energy. And just because it’s not pouring from your heart, like that isn’t the experience you’re having, when you’re creating it, it doesn’t mean that it’s not creating transformation. And that was exactly what I needed to hear. So when I was going through, like, what I want my Instagram to be like, it was just like, Okay, well guess I’m gonna have some stuff that I write, where it just feels flowy.
And it’s exactly what I talk about. I’m like fleshing out an idea with my writing and that kind of thing. And then that can also be the content where it might not feel flowy and like from the heart for me, but I’m solving a problem. I’m helping my people feel seen, heard and understood and all of those things, and just because it doesn’t feel like flowy from me, doesn’t mean it’s not important to share. And yeah, so anyway, that was just exactly what I needed to hear. So that is where I’m at and yes, I will talk to you in the next update.
Today is the 27th of April. And I have just done some peer coaching, which was so helpful. And also on this call, I kind of went to it feeling like I’m feeling in a great place, after the realizations I had yesterday, following my peer coaching and the self coaching and all the things. But I was like, You know what, I think it would still be helpful to chat it through and share myself coaching and see, you know, what else we could discuss. And I could get coached on and it was just, it was so good.
So with my peer coaching today, the couple key things for me that really came up was, I was asked like, okay, so if I’m this pilot in the cockpit, what is the… Like, out of 10, what level of belief do I have that if things aren’t on track that I have the ability to course correct, so to speak. And when I weighted it, I said, I feel like it’s about a four out of 10. That I think that’s like, why I had not wanted to be in the cockpit, because it feels like, it’s more comfortable to believe like, well, if I had been there, it would have done better. Or like, if the plane goes down, I don’t want to be going with it.
So just recognizing, like, I’m maybe at about a four out of 10, that I could create the result, and land the plane, if like, get it back on track. And what he said to me on the call this morning, my peer was that, like, how fun that you’re a four out of 10. And that this gets to be your work for this launch. And you get to practice this skill. And that, yeah, this is your thing that you get to learn and develop. And I love that he said that.
And then it was like, it’s such a growth minded approach to things that like how fun that this is a skill that you get to learn. And that like trusting that what you’ve already created, is going to create the result. And then then so even if you’re not doing, like, you don’t feel like you’re doing a great job at developing the skill, of course correcting and whatever that that’s kind of just like, that’s okay, your result isn’t dependent on that. And this is just a container for you to practice that. So that was really great.
And also, when I was talking about like, and I hadn’t even realized this, but I was thinking about it like, well, if things are on track, then I just, you know, I’m in the cockpit. So to speak, I’m gonna keep using that analogy. I’m in the cockpit, and I’m just making sure things are on track. But that’s it. And then if they’re off track, then I’m going to course correct and get us back on track. And I was asked like, Okay, so the goal is 60, what if you were thinking every day like doing this super thinking around, you know, what would I need to say today? Like, if we weren’t aiming for 120, how would I solve for that?
And being in that question, as well, like, if someone didn’t sign up today, what could it be instead of working from this place of it’s not working. So I’m gonna course correct from being in this place of like it is working? And how can I course optimize, really gets my brain going. And I think this is just a new skill for me that I haven’t had a lot of practice and just being in this place of sufficiency and working and, and solving from that place. And which is so fun, because like, last week, when I was coaching our PGSDers I brought different PGSDers onto the call, and we just focus on what’s working for them.
And, yeah, it’s just also my work as well, as is the way of it always, but just focusing on, like, just, I guess, creating emotional safety for myself that I can believe like I was sharing that. I feel like there is a belief I have that if I believe so hard in it working, that I might miss something and be blindsided by the fact that it isn’t working. And to just recognize that when I’m focused on it working, and that’s when I’m going to be the most resourceful, I’m going to have the most awareness around what needs to be done that isn’t being done, or what’s been done that doesn’t need to be done.
And so, yeah, it was just so helpful to have those questions of like, how can I make this work for 120? And to be thinking about it that way, and the goal is still 60. Like it’s important to me to be focused and committed on the 60 because the last launch that I did, and I shared this in my launch update that I did for the last one the debrief that I had been like, well, the goal is 100 but we don’t really need 100 I’m like I just hadn’t been committed to the 100.
And I want to be so committed to the 60. And thinking about 120, and not that 120 need to sign up this launch. And now that’s a goal for the launch. But I’m solving for 120. And knowing that that’s going to help fill my next launch as well. And it just helps me stay in that mindset of like it’s working, and how can we optimize? Rather than if I’m this mindset of like, I only need to course correct.
If it’s off track, then it invites this thinking of like, well, how do I really know if it’s on track or off track, and yesterday, my spreadsheet, I looked at the last launch, and you know, how many numbers we had on each day, which was basically like the most on the first day and the last day, and then kind of middle of that in between. And so I kind of mapped out like, very roughly speaking, what numbers I would expect as each day to total up to succeed.
And that, that then invites is thinking of like, well, it still might be working, but it’s just going to be you know, maybe everyone in this round signs up in the last 48 hours. So I don’t do I need to course correct? Because we might still land the plane that it’s like, well, if I’m just solving for 120. And if I’m thinking about how can I course optimize? And yesterday, I was thinking about, Okay, what do I want my days to look like and I was doing my power planning, which I think is where I left off with the last update was just before I did that.
And basically, my power planning just got like, time for the launch check in, a team check in Super thinking and then like buffer time to implement what comes up during that. And with the what was recommended, which I think is a great idea is, so I’m going to do my launch check ins, I think I’m going to do it in a third part instead of having this whole in two parts. Because the episodes I love a long episode, but I think it might be more helpful to break it down into like pre pre launch, pre launch launch.
But I do want to do where I do like the live check in each day. I enjoy doing that last time. And I think it’s helpful to do that. But what was recommended was like each day that I like, go in and read the emails that are going out that day, and like the Instagram posts and like consume the content that’s going out that day. And then I do my thinking like before I check any numbers, or anything I do my super thinking about okay, what might need to be changed or need to be different? Or more or less of or whatever, like, how can I be more? How can I say the same thing more simply, more clearly, with less words?
Is there a better story that I could share and that kind of thing that I do that thinking before I check in on the numbers. And so I’m not then thinking like, like, what I do that day is a response to the numbers, which is why I had been wanting to check in first thing in the day so that I can respond to the numbers and like course correct. But it’s so helpful to think about like, Yes, I’m still going to check the numbers, but I am going to do my super thinking about what needs to be said or like what I’m going to create and all that before I check in on the numbers.
And just really be in that mindset of, regardless of the numbers. I’m optimizing the launch, and not having to be dependent on things being off track. So those were the main takeaways that I had today from the coaching, which was, it’s just so helpful. So what I’m going to do after this, and today on my calendar, my plan is that I’m going to be doing some super thinking, basically, that just means journaling and not from this place of like it’s not working but really thinking about like what is working.
I’m gonna have to I think flesh out maybe some questions I asked myself during Super thinking time, but like, coming up with lists of ideas and like going beyond, I guess it’s like super thinking because it’s going beyond the way you’d normally think and the specificity with which you normally think and like creating more ideas not because the quantity is important, but just like basically after super thinking I kind of think of it like the gym for my brain that I want my brain to feel tired because I’ve been thinking about things in a new way in a more thoughtful way, and that kind of thing.
So that’s all my update for today. And I’m just feeling like so the doors open tonight Australian time at 9pm I believe, maybe is that actually at 8pm I need to check the conversion because of the Daylight Savings Time and whatever. But the doors open today. And so I think this will be I’m gonna make this a last update in this episode and then the next episode I’m going to be doing my open cart updates because there’s going to be 1234567. 6 or 7 daily check in.
So we’ll make that a separate episode. But yeah, that’s what I’m, that’s the plan. And to even though I’ve got like a lot of buffer time and super thinking time and things in my calendar to just be really committed to continuing to use my power planning, and I also am doing a peloton class every day. I’m really loving Kendall Toole’s classes. So I’m going to do the peloton class after lunch, or at lunch, and be committed to that one of my low value cycle things was if I am skipping workouts, which I noticed that I had been last week, and I’m not doing that this week.
So yeah, that’s on the plan today as well. And then pick up Lydia this afternoon and hang out. So that’s the plan. And I will actually I’ll wrap this up episode with this update. And yeah, I hope it’s been helpful to hear about my thoughts during the pre launch period. I feel like I’ve had a lot of important breakthroughs and realizations and I’m very leaned in and engaged with this launch now and I just feel like it’s the best place to start from and then tomorrow morning at 5am.
I have the 200k call and then I have a peer coaching call at nine. Then I don’t have any more peer coaching booked until Monday, which I think will be fine, but I will also if I need to get some peer coaching, reach out to some people in the mastermind and book something in. Yeah. Okay. I’ll talk to you again soon.
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