Episode 370: For When You’re Comparing Yourself To Your Coach, Your Peers or Industry Experts

When it comes to how you approach your business tasks, do you compare yourself to your coach or others who ‘know better’ than you? Does it feel wrong to do things your way, because it’s not how the industry experts you look up to do things?

When we compare ourselves to others, it often happens subtly and can influence how we work on our business without us realising it. This can include the projects we work on, the way we talk to clients, and so many aspects of our business.

People say we shouldn’t compare ourselves to others, but I know as well as anyone how tempting it is to try to fit in with what everyone else is doing in your industry. It’s how our brains are wired.

So if you find you’re comparing yourself to others in business, now what?

I recently coached a PGSDer on this and I want to share what I guided her through so you can do things in a way that’s easy for you – without making yourself wrong for doing things your way.

By the end of this episode, you’ll learn what to do if you’re comparing yourself to others who ‘know better’, why doing things the way others do isn’t the ‘best’ way for you, and how to be open-minded and coachable while doing things your way.

Find the full episode transcript and show notes at samlaurabrown.com/episode370.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What to do if you’re comparing yourself to your coach or others who ‘know better’
  • How to stop making yourself wrong for doing things your way
  • Being open-minded and coachable while doing things in a way that’s easy for you
  • Why doing things the way I do them isn’t the ‘best’ way
  • The difference between divergent and convergent thinking

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Hi, and welcome to another episode of The Perfectionism Project. A podcast full of perfectionism advice for entrepreneurs. My name is Sam Laura Brown, I help entrepreneurs release their perfectionism handbrake, so they can get out of their own way and build a fulfilling and profitable business. I’m the founder of the perfectionist getting shit done group coaching program, which is otherwise known as PGSD. And for even more perfectionism advice to help you with your business, you can follow me on Instagram @perfectionismproject.

Sam Laura Brown

In this episode, I just want to chat to you about something that I coached on, on this morning’s PGSD coaching call, I’m recording this right after I got off the call, because it was helpful for everyone on that call, and I have a very good feeling, it will be helpful for you as well. I also want to mention that Cotton, our Samoyed, is in my office as well. Normally I don’t let him in here when I’m recording, but he’s a little extra needy today. So he’s in here with me, if you don’t know, he’s a big, fluffy, white-haired boy. And I love him, I do truly love him. And he just wants to be very close to me today. So we’ll see how that goes, I might need to let him out in a bit. But again, let’s chat about what came up on his coaching call, and that was when we are comparing the way that we are doing things, with the way that a coach, a mentor, someone we follow, someone we look up to, is doing things and we make ourselves wrong for doing it the way that we’re doing it. And so specifically how this came up, was that this PGSD-er has a podcast, and they were feeling like it was taking them too long to record episodes, or sorry, not to record episodes, to write the outlines for the episodes. And part of that was feeling like and having this thought of “Well, Sam says that she only does a few dot points and then just talks off script and just, you know chats around that. And I should do it that way, it’s better to do it that way. It’s more natural, it’s more relatable. And I need to write this very detailed outline to do my podcast episodes. And I should have optimized this by now it shouldn’t be taking me so long. And I shouldn’t even have to do this because I should be able to just talk from that point, like Sam does.” And I am not unfamiliar with this line of thinking myself. There have been so many times over the last decade, that I have found myself thinking that whether it is my coach, or whether it’s someone that I admire, look up to, follow online, that if they share a practical way that they do things like this step by step or a little bit of insight into their process. Or even if they don’t, and I just look at how they’re doing things, maybe it’s their social media strategy. I just look at what they’re doing. And I deduce myself of “that’s the best way to do it,” that I have found myself making myself wrong for doing things my way, either doing certain things or choosing not to do certain things. Or I have tried to assimilate and do it the way that they’re doing it. Because I’m thinking that it’s better to do it that way. And often I’m not even conscious at the time that my thought is that “that person’s doing it that way so it’s better.” I will have a lot of very reasonable sounding justifications, like I mentioned with this PGSD of saying, “Well, off script is more natural, it’s more relatable, and is therefore better.” But actually a large part of the way that she was thinking was based on “Well, Sam does it this way and so I should be able to do it that way as well.” And so I just wanted to talk to this in this podcast episode, because I think it is something that comes up a lot and subtly influences the tasks that we put in our calendar and the ones we leave off. It influences the strategies that we choose to pursue. The ones we choose not to, it influences the way we interact with clients and customers. It influences pretty much every aspect of the business. And it can also have a very big influence on clean rest and what we do with our time off, and basically everything. We’re comparing ourselves to other people and saying, “Well, that way that they’re doing it is the best way and therefore I’m wrong for doing it my way. So I should do it more like them, that’s obviously going to have an impact.” And so when it comes to this kind of thing, people will often say, “You know, don’t compare yourself to others, blah blah blah blah.” I’m assuming you already know that. I’m assuming you’ve already had that advice of not comparing yourself to others. And there’s no one like you and do it your way etc. But what I really want to talk about on a practical level in this episode is “Okay if you find yourself comparing yourself to others, now what?” like let’s assume that’s going to happen. Let’s assume that you are going to compare yourself to others. And it might often feel like that’s in a very productive way. It’s someone that as I said, you look up to, you aspire to have a business like them or whatever, that it doesn’t feel like it’s problematic, so to speak. But let’s just assume that that is happening, that you are doing some amount of comparison. And that is influencing the way that you are showing up in your business, what you’re putting your calendar, what you’re choosing to do strategy wise, and all of those different things. So if that is the case, let’s assume it is, and that as a human, even though, you know, you shouldn’t compare yourself to others, that’s going to be happening unconsciously, that’s part of the way that our brains are wired to survive, is to be checking in with what is everyone else doing? Do I fit in? Do I belong? Am I going to be successful? Am I going to be loved? Am I going to be left out? Whatever. That’s how our brains are wired. So let’s assume it’s going on. So when it comes to this question of, “Okay, I’m comparing myself to someone else’s strategy or process and mine looks different, now what?” what I really want to have you thinking about is a couple of things. The first of which is identifying and just really looking at for you with that…so with this, let’s talk about the example that was shared in that coaching call to just keep it specific and make it easier for you to think about that with outlining podcast episodes, and recording podcasts, like, obviously, the outline is a tool to help with the recording, and the delivery of that episode. So regardless of whether you record a podcast or not, it’s irrelevant. This is just an example to help. 

So with that, it’s looking at “For me, what does it look like for this task to be easy for me to create the best result possible, in the easiest way for myself?” And it’s really important that when we’re asking this question of “What would this look like if it was easy?” It’s not, “What would this look like if I was a perfect human being and just did everything right?” It’s really about, “What would this look like if I actually worked with my brain instead of against it? If I lent into what feels good and easy for me? What would this look like if I let things be imperfect?” So to speak, I often don’t ask myself this question in that way. But what I’m trying to get at here is that it’s not, “What would this like if it was perfect, and I was perfect?” It’s thinking about simplifying and uncomplicating. If this was uncomplicated, what would I do? And what I shared on that call, it’s so important is that the way that I record episodes, and me having brief dot points, and I just chat off script and go on tangents, that, that isn’t the better way, that isn’t the right way. That’s just my answer to the question of what would it look like if it was easy. And I’ve experimented with doing scripts, like back in the day, back in the early years of my podcast, I experimented with all the different things. So I would write out pretty much a word for word script, and then read that off. But I also wanted to go on tangents. So it was a bit tricky. And then I would also have more detailed dot points, like maybe one to two pages typed up. And I just found for me, that was really challenging to do that, because I was reading at the same time that I was trying to just chat and it was just a lot going on. And so for me, my answer to that question of what would it like, if it was easy, is that I just have brief dot points. And I just let myself chat to them, I let it be okay. There’ll be things missing…okay, I’m not gonna to cover everything, so to speak. And I trust that you’re gonna to need…you’re gonna hear, what you need to hear, when you need to hear it. And I’m gonna to say what I need to say, when I need to say it. And then I just record. And yeah, it’s just, that’s what’s easier for me. And I’ve experimented with that. For some people. What is going to be easy for them to continue with this example, is to write a script and read it. For some people, it’s going to be to write more detailed notes. And it’s so important that it’s like, “Well, okay, Sam only takes X amount of time. And just imagine how long it takes me. Sam, maybe it takes her 15 minutes to write those dot points. So whatever I’m doing, it should only take me 15 minutes, because that’s the most efficient thing to do” or whatever. But that isn’t true. That, that isn’t the best way to do it. And if you look at my podcast reviews, there are plenty of reviews saying the way that I do it isn’t the best way to do it, that I shouldn’t go on tangents, that I shouldn’t be off script, that I should just stick to the point. And so it’s knowing that there is no “best way” and when we’re in this perfectionist mindset and when you’re thinking, I think that there’s a lot recently on the coaching calls out there’s divergent thinking and convergent thinking, not terms that I created. But divergent thinking is where you believe there are lots of right answers, so to speak, to a question. And you’re able from that way of thinking to generate a lot of ideas, and create a lot of innovation and just different ways of doing things and really pick a path based on like, “Okay, well, what if there are 20 answers to this problem? What would they be? And let’s assess it from that way.” Whereas convergent thinking, is when you believe that there’s one right answer. And there’s one “best way”, and this is where we get into that. Perfection is like kind of alI or nothing thinking of like, “There’s either the perfect way, or there’s the wrong way to do it, and I need to figure out the perfect way in the way that this other person doing it is that, and so I need to make sure I do it that way, because that way is the right way,” when really we’re all just winging it and figuring out as we go. But we need to just be mindful of not being in that way of thinking. And if you are, it’s not a problem. It’s just noticing, “Okay, right now I’m thinking in that convergent thinking sense, I’m thinking there’s one right answer, and what I need to do is actually, see, there’s so many ways to do it, that are gonna be really impactful for the listener, and are going to be really helpful or beneficial or whatever for me, as the person recording the episode, to do it.” Like there are so many ways that work. And given that is the case, which way do I want to do it? Which way do I want to experiment with? because continuing with a podcast example, there are so many wildly successful podcasts, where the host will read off a script and they’re short. And they’re to the point and like the opposite of what this podcast is, which is also a successful podcast.

So…just there’s so many right ways to do it. And if we get into this mentality that “My mentor’s way, or the way that I see this other person doing it is the right way.” This is when we can really start to lose ourselves in our business. And it really feel so much more like a job than it does a business that can create freedom for ourselves, and autonomy for ourselves that we feel like, “We’re now just having to do it the way this other person is doing it.” And so just be aware if that is going on. And something just in case, it’s helpful if you are a content creator, a lot of our PGSD-ers do create content of some form, whether it is a podcast, or YouTube, or emails or things like that, that we have this thought sometimes. And this is really, I guess a second thing I want to mention that, we can have this thought about, “I need to cover everything.” And this kind of goes back to the convergent thinking like “This one right way and the right way is where I cover everything, I need to make sure I’m not missing something, I need to make sure that this is full and complete and perfect.” A lot of times that is coming from us not wanting to be judged, or disliked, or questioned, or things like that. But we have that belief. And that leads to the overcomplicating, and that leads to us taking more time on tasks than we need to take. And so something on a practical sense that can be really helpful when it comes to content is instead of, for example how to stop procrastinating instead of creating a piece of content around how to stop procrastinating, to share one that’s five tips on how to stop procrastinating. And it can be essentially the same content, but just framing it in a different way for your own brain. Again, this is “What would it look like if it was easy.” A lot of my content on the podcast is framed in that way of here, X number of tips or whatever. Because that way, it helps me get out of that perfectionist thinking of like, “I need to cover everything, I need to share the full process,” that I can just share helpful practical things. And it’s almost a full process. That’s what they get inside PGSD. But I can share these things that are really helpful and I don’t feel this pressure on myself, I don’t put pressure on myself, to have to create a piece of content that is going to cover every single situation, every single step along the way and be applicable to absolutely everyone listening. And so a lot of my episodes in the beginning were actually very, kind of in that frame that I mentioned, like how to stop procrastinating or things like that. And very quickly, I felt like I ran out of things to say. So if you’re feeling like you’re running out of things to say this could be something that’s going on for you is that you have a thought you have to cover everything. It has to be all encompassing. It has to be applicable to everyone. So of course you’re gonna want to put that off as long as you can, because that’s a hard task for your brain to come up with that. But even if you get yourself to do it, then like in that situation those first, I’d say like 10 to 20 episodes of this podcast that I felt like “Cool, now I’ve shared the full process for this, and the full process for that, and full process for that.” And it’s really about knowing first of all, it’s probably a lot of times even more helpful to just get like the three little reminders about this or the five tips about that. But that if you are creating with this mentality that has to cover everything, then you’re going to, “Cover everything and have nothing left to say,” just because of the way you’re thinking about it not because there’s nothing left to say. So just be mindful of that, as well, when you’re creating content not to be framing it in a “I need to say everything that could ever be said on this topic” kind of way. You don’t need to, it doesn’t need to actually be like that. And actually one of the other PGSD-ers that I was coaching on that call, we were talking about her travel business, and that she was needing to create a page basically where people will be able to go there and find out what our services are, and that kind of thing. But it was in a situation where it’s people who are going to be guests at a wedding, that she’s planning the trip for that couple. And she hadn’t had to do that before. And so she was finding that, she was putting off that task of getting that done, again, and again, and again. Because it just felt too big. There was just too much to do. It felt very stressful to actually sit down and do it. And it was just this unknown, uncharted territory. And there was no real deadline, like there was, but it wasn’t anytime soon. And so with this, when we looked at that, and uncomplicated it, in her mind, she had to have this all encompassing landing page that could answer every question they could possibly have, even though she had never done this kind of thing before. So it was new to her, and she didn’t even yet know the questions. She could get at them, obviously, but that she had, had in her mind this like beautiful landing page that’s like going to cover all the things. And I was saying to her, and we were kind of exploring this in different ways on that call, but I was really talking to her about, “Okay, like, what if you don’t actually need to do it that way? What if there’s a different way that you could do it? For example, what are like the three things they need to know? And could you just write them up in a Google Doc and share the link to the Google Doc.” And when you look at it this way, if you are finding that you are comparing yourself to others, or you’re comparing your work to other people’s work in the sense that like, “well, this, you know, other people, I’ve seen them do this kind of thing, so I have to do it that way.” Or we just put these crazy expectations on ourself as well, especially even when it’s a new task we’ve never done before, like, “Okay, well, first…it has to be perfect,” obviously. So when it comes to this to just look at like, back to that divergent thinking, like, “What are other options that I have here? And what would this look like if it was easy?” And this is such a great example of how often almost always, what is the most easy and simple solution will be the most beneficial solution for the person on the other end as well. So in this example, rather than having this long landing page with like, lots of information on it, if you’re on the other end of that, you’re probably going to open it and be like, “Wow, this looks beautiful and oh my God, it’s too much information that I’m going to read this later.” And like you never actually end up reading it, or you do and it’s overwhelming, because there’s so many different things. And it has you asking questions of yourself you didn’t even know you had and then you don’t know what to do with them or whatever. But if it’s just like a simple page of “Here’s what…here’s how I can help you, here’s how to get in contact with me, here are the next steps for working to…” whatever, just making that up. But that is then going to be so beneficial for them because they can quickly read it. They know exactly what they need to do next. They feel supported. And it just is…I mean, it’s not the only way to do it. But all I mean to say it was with this that, there is gonna be a simple, uncomplicated way. And a lot of times it takes courage to do it the easy way. And I think this is where we can get confused is that we feel like, the easy way is the lazy way. Or it’s the way that is going to be reckless and irresponsible for my business or it’s going to be like letting myself off the hook. And I won’t really be growing much as a person like in terms of my personal development to just do it the easy way, shouldn’t I be trying to do it the hard way. But when I’m perfectionism handbrake is on and we’re thinking about working hard and doing things the hard way. And you might notice this coming up as I mentioned with tasks taking longer than you had planned them to take in your power planning or that you are over scheduling yourself and by the end of the week, you’re kind of just not following through with things, that were thinking about ease and simplifying in a way that isn’t serving us. And we want to be thinking about it in terms of like, actually, often the simple way, is the easy…oh sorry, the simple way is the courageous way. And that’s what’s really going to have you growing as a person, and therefore your business will be going as well. The more courage…I’m gonna say, like courage stamina, but that’s probably not the right way to say it. But like, the more ability to access courage that you have, and to practice that more often, it’s going to have you showing up differently in your business, making different decisions and moving forward and helping more people and doing all those things. So just be aware of that, that we have that tendency to overcomplicate and to dismiss easy solutions, to dismiss also what is easy for us versus for others. And thinking that we need to do it the way that other people are doing it, because that’s the best way, that’s the right way, and my way is the wrong way. And so for some people, as I shared, having that, you know, the more detailed podcast outline, is the easy way is the courageous way to do it. And for other people, that’s going to look different. So I really just want you to be reflecting on for yourself. What does this look like? So I’m just gonna let cotton…one second. So anyway, what I was saying was, I want you to be thinking about, for you like, where are you overcomplicating? I don’t even know if this is what I saying right before I let Cotton up. Anyway, where might you be overcomplicating things or thinking that you need to do it the hard way, or do it, the way that someone you look up to is doing it, for example, just to share a few that have come up for me, along my journey, would be seeing that people are doing certain things when it comes to social media, for example, that someone might be doing a lot of Instagram Stories, where they share a lot of their personal life and you thinking that, “Okay, I need to do it that way,” or me thinking that “I need to do it that way, I need to do that, in order to be successful.”

Just different things like that, when it’s been, for example, with writing and with emails that I found at times that like, when I’m just trusting myself, I know how to write an email. And I know, what makes that a good email. I don’t think this is the best way to say but like something that’s helpful for the person on the other end. And then I can look at how other people are doing it. And be thinking, “Oh, no, the way…like, I need to be more concise, I need to be more to the point, I need to lay it out this way, I need to include links to that kind of thing.” And it’s, it’s important that we don’t go into all or nothing mode about this, that we think, “Okay, well, the solution here is to not look at what anyone else is doing whatsoever, because I’m going to compare myself, so I’m just going to put my blinkers on and just not look, and just do my thing.” And there might be time in place where that is the best thing to do. But I think when we do enter that all or nothing way of thinking, it’s just a little red flag to like, “Okay, is that actually back to divergent thinking? Is that actually a different way? What are all the different options I have here?” and it could be that you do still consume other people’s things. But you curate that and you figure out for yourself, what really helps you to be more of yourself, or helps you have ideas that you can then use that, and take that and do it your way versus other people that you might follow, for example, and you find that it makes you more into that all or nothing thinking and then you might choose to mute them for a while, and then come back later and unmute them and whatever. But to just know, there’s so many different options, and to also just still follow the people you’re following and work with the people you’re working with. But just maybe you have your own self coaching system that are like set of prompts or whatever that when you notice yourself thinking I have to do it the way they do it, that you then just have a minute with yourself and you assess that and you take a look at that. And you can just ask yourself, “Is that actually how I want to do it? Am I just doing it that way? Because I think that’s the right way.” And we want to be in this place where we’re able to trust ourselves, to trust our instincts around business and to not dismiss them because someone else has been in business longer or knows better or whatever. And so we should do it their way. But also, it’s very important to be open minded and coachable and willing to take on feedback, and that kind of thing. So it’s not just this all or nothing of either do it the way other people doing it, or do it your own way and don’t look at anyone else. But like, what would it look like? What amount of self trust would you need? And how can you develop that to be able to be aware of what others are doing, whilst also being able to stay true to yourself and what works for you, and what works for your brain, and is easy for your brain, but also knowing that there are times too to experiment with different things. So I hope that is helpful to just give you some things to think about. And particularly, if you have been with any of the stuff I’ve been sharing about, here’s how I do things, because I do share a lot of that on the podcast, particularly in my episodes, where I’m sharing my launch debriefs, and I’m sharing my growth goal update and that kind of thing. But throughout all the episodes, I’m sharing different bits about, “Here’s how I like to do things,” “Here’s what looks easy for me,” or “What I’m experimenting with,” it’s really important that you don’t use that against yourself, and that you don’t make yourself wrong, for not doing it the way that I’m doing it. Because spoiler alert, as I said, I’m winging it, we all are. We’re all just figuring it out as we go. And there are things that like if you were to look at the way that I’m doing things, say for example, with social media strategy, or that kind of thing, like, I really don’t know what I’m doing, I’ve been the one leading that I’m not a marketing expert. So if you were to look at my Instagram Saturday and say, “Well, Sam does it this way, so I should too.” It’s based on, like, what I’m doing…is it even like…like I’m just figuring it out. So it’s really important to just remember that this all where all this just figuring it out, there are so many right ways to do it. Or there are so many, like just knowing there are so many ways to get to your goal, there are so many ways to, for example, if you’re like “I want to be relatable to my audience, and I want it to be my content to be authentic,” whatever, there’s so many different ways to do that. It’s not like, okay, with a podcast episode, if it’s off script and chatty, then it’s relatable and approachable. And if it’s structured, and from a script, then it’s not like, both of those can be super relatable and approachable and whatever. If that’s something you want, you might even want to have that positioning in your business, if you want to be more of an expert or whatever. And either way, you can still do either format, or like all the options in between and have that be effective. And so I guess the main messages from this is just to be paying attention to, where are you in that convergent thinking of “There’s a right way to do it and a wrong way” and then coupled with that, where you’re thinking that “Okay, and the way I’m doing is the wrong way, and the way that person is doing it, is the right way, and so even though I’ve decided to do it a different way, I’m going to constantly tell myself, I should do it that way.” So be thinking about that. And then also, what is your answer to the question of, “what would this like if it was easy, i.e. was uncomplicated?” And “I was actually working with myself instead of against myself.” So be mindful of that, be thinking about that, as you go throughout your week, and just really start to take the pressure off. And I know again, easier said than done. And just to wrap up on that note that I was saying to this PGSD-er that, perhaps doing things off script and being able to do a podcast episode with a few bullet points is something that you want to do. So if that is, then instead of having a, a vague “I should be doing it Sam’s way, and I’m not, and I’m wrong for doing it this way” to actually set yourself up with a tangible way to develop that. So as I was suggesting to her, it might be that every four episodes, I’m just pulling numbers out of thin air, every four episodes, I’m going to do it in this way that I do it with my outline and taking the time that I take, whilst also not being in this belief of I need to cover everything and do it perfectly. But I’m going to do it in the way that does feel best for me currently. And then you know, every fifth episode, I’m just going to do one that’s off script, instead of just constantly being in this mentality of “I should be doing it differently, but I’m not,” “of okay if I do want to actually develop a different skill set or experiment with it in a different way, what does that look like specifically? and how can I actually create something tangible around that?” For example, as I shared four episodes, scripted one episode off script, we’d just brief put dot points, that then I can actually, when I’m doing my scripted episodes, let it be okay that this scripted or let it be okay that I have more detailed notes, instead of making myself wrong every single time for doing it the way that actually does work well, for me, like she was saying that it’s easy for her to record the episode, like it’s been effective. And yes, she has had this sort of, I need to cover everything. And so that’s made it take a bit longer or being a bit more pressuring, when she has done that, with that mindset there. But she can still keep the same format, which is doing that outline. So I hope that’s been helpful to think about and when it does come to taking pressure off yourself to not again with that, like, “How can we make that something that’s tangible?” Because often, like, on the PGSD coaching calls we talk about, when I wrap up with each PGSD-er like, “Hey, what are your next steps?” And sometimes people will say things like, “Okay, well, I just need to take the pressure off myself and be kind to myself” and like, yeah, but what does that actually look like practically speaking? Because if you’re telling yourself like, all day, everywhere, all day, every day, I should just be not under pressure from myself and being kind to myself, like, it’s so hard to do that because it’s just so vague. And so what if you could say instead, like once per week, like once this week, or maybe five times this week, I am going to…if I notice that I am feeling pressure or stress, I’m going to have a look at the thoughts that are creating that, and choose a thought that still feels believable to me. But that feels less pressuring than the thought that I was in and just experiment with that and then carry on with my day. I’m just making that up. But it could be something like that, that instead of like, “I just need to rest more, I just need to take pressure off myself, I just need to…” whatever. Like let’s actually make it tangible. The same with I just should be doing off script episodes like, not really, it’s up to you that, that’s not the right way to do it. There’s so many right ways. But if you do want to do that, let’s make it actually practical and tangible. 

So with that said, I hope this has been helpful. And yeah, I will talk to you in the next episode. And if you have not yet signed up for my Perfectionist Power-ups, just to give a quick plug to that, I send out a little two to three sentence email every day. And it’s just going to be something thought provoking, something helpful, that is going to help you plan properly and get out of your own way in your business. So if you enjoy this podcast, you will really enjoy those as well. So the link is in the show notes. For the Perfectionist Power-ups, I believe it’s samlaurabrown.com/power, could be wrong. I think that is actually the link but have a look in the show notes and go and sign up for that it takes like 20 seconds to sign up. And that is just going to be something that is going to help you follow through with your plans get shit done, stay motivated, all the beautiful things. So with that said, I hope you’re having a beautiful day and I’ll talk to you in the next episode. 

If you want to learn the basics of power planning, then I invite you to sign up for the video series that I’ve put together for you on how to plan properly as a perfectionist. By the end of this series, you’ll be in a position to start using power planning to get your perfectionist mindset on your side and get out of your own way. So to sign-up, you can go to samlaurabrown.com/planningseries, the link will be available for you in the show notes as well.

Author: Sam Brown