Episode 369: My Growth Goal Quarterly Review For Q3 2022

Episode 369: My Growth Goal Quarterly Review For Q3 2022

In today’s episode, I share a chatty Growth Goal update for Quarter 3 of 2022. In quarter 3 I was in my first trimester of pregnancy with the twins and, thanks to a time audit of my Power Planning, noticed I was spending 50% of my time in busy work. But this quarter was still a big one for business growth and personal growth – and I share why in this episode as well as how much money the business made.

Find the full episode transcript and show notes at samlaurabrown.com/episode369.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What my goal is for 2022 and how I’ve broken my quarterly milestones down
  • Why it doesn’t freak me out that I’m ‘off track’ for my annual goal
  • Why I wouldn’t hire myself for most of the roles in my business and what I’m doing about it
  • How much money the business made this quarter and my biggest expenses
  • How creating a bigger mission and vision for the business has helped me
  • Who I’m learning from at the moment in my business

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Hi, and welcome to another episode of The Perfectionism Project. A podcast full of perfectionism advice for entrepreneurs. My name is Sam Laura Brown, I help entrepreneurs release their perfectionism handbrake, so they can get out of their own way and build a fulfilling and profitable business. I’m the founder of the perfectionist getting shit done group coaching program, which is otherwise known as PGSD. And for even more perfectionism advice to help you with your business, you can follow me on Instagram @perfectionismproject.

Sam Laura Brown

Today, I’m going to be sharing with you an update on my growth goal for 2022. And particularly, I’m going to be talking about my quarterly update and what went on in quarter three. And I’m really excited to be recording this episode. Initially, I felt like “well I need to be more clear on certain things before I can share.” But I also love sharing things, while I’m right in the thick of figuring things out, I always am in the thick of figuring things out. And I just really want to share with you particularly in this episode, I’ll be talking about my numbers and that kind of thing, as I do in these. But I do want to be talking about the process that I went through when I was doing my quarterly review, which was actually in some ways more of an annual review for me. But the process that I went through with zooming out and having a look at some things before I zoomed in and reviewed the quarter, and my plans for the coming quarter. Because it was so helpful to just recommit to that process inside PGSD, with our growth goal and our power planning, we do an annual review, we do quarterly reviews, and we do weekly reviews as well, that’s a very important part of that process. And I just had noticed that I’d kind of been uncommitted in some ways like this conditional commitment to the quarterly review. And that really became obvious to me when I was doing my quarterly review updates for the podcast. And when it got to these episodes, I would just kind of do a very quick like 30 minute-ish, quarterly review. And that was all I really gave it all the attention I gave it. And it really is a very important thing. And I wanted to make sure that I’m always practicing what I preach. That doesn’t mean I’m always going to be perfect at things, for sure. But I could just feel that it wasn’t in alignment. And I really wanted to recommit to doing a quarterly review. So something that I did this quarter, and at the time of recording, this is the beginning of November. But for the quarter we’re talking about for quarter three, what I did was I decided that I was going to make a thing of it. And I talked about this in PGSD on a few of the coaching calls that I led around this time, that I booked a night away at the coast, specifically Mooloolaba, if you know this region of the world, but I booked a night away at the coast by myself in a hotel that had a beautiful view of the water. And I booked that to just make it an event for myself. I booked it about a month in advance, just so I knew that was coming. And I also, part of that was just giving myself permission as well to just be away from Lydia for a night, which I’ve already done before a couple of times. But I’ve been telling myself for so long that I wanted to do some kind of like off-site, quarterly review or annual review and that if I had an in-person team that, that’s something that I would be doing. But I it didn’t make sense to go to all that effort if it was just for myself. And I just had this whole story around why I wasn’t ready to do that away, it wasn’t justified. And it was really transformative for that reason alone just to say “actually, this is important, I’m going to make a thing of it, even if it is just me, and even if it is an effort to go to the coast like to find some way to say all these different things that I’m going to do it, I’m going to give myself and my business, that gift of attention and intention.” So that was something that really helped me be more committed to it. And also as a result of me being committed to it fully. So I just want to encourage you if you have been thinking about doing that, and a lot of people talk about how beneficial it can be to just get out of your day to day environment and it doesn’t have to be like going away somewhere. It could just be, you know, if you usually work from home or a particular place that you choose to work somewhere else that day that you’re doing this, or maybe you do travel and go somewhere and really make a big thing of it, but just having some way of getting out of your daily routine, I find at least and many people do it. It helps give you that bigger picture perspective, that can sometimes be harder to get a hold of when you are just in your normal rhythm and normal routines. So that was so powerful to do that. I wanted to mention as well, just for context, in case you didn’t know, during this quarter that I’m talking about, quarter three of 2022, which went from the beginning of July to the end of September. I was in my first trimester of pregnancy with my twins that I am currently carrying. So they are due early next year. And if you want to hear more about that, because at the moment, I’m feeling pretty good, I’m pretty uncomfortable physically. But I’m feeling pretty good. I’m pretty energetic. And a lot of times just feeling like my normal self. And just feeling kicks going on in that kind of thing, which is exciting. But if you want to hear about launching, while in the midst of the first trimester, and not just launching, but like, really how to take care of yourself, while also taking care of your business, and what that might look like, and we perfectionist tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves to just operate completely as normal when we have things going on in our personal life and putting pressure there to be able to do it all. And so I really talk about that in those episodes. So it’s episode 355 and 356. Regardless of whether your business has a model where you do launches or a big promotion, or whether you’re constantly selling. I think those episodes, and regardless of whether you’re pregnant, or plan to be pregnant, or want to be pregnant, that this will relate to you if you have perhaps a health issue, or you just have things that are impacting your ability to show up for your business, or your reliability, so to speak. So for myself, during the first trimester, I had nausea, and I was vomiting, and I was tired, and also looking after Lydia, who’s my toddler and running around after her. So I just had to really check in with myself, and let certain things be okay. And all of that. So anyway, I go into that more in those episodes if you want to hear about that. But that is something that is pretty major that was going on during this quarter as well.

And before I just run you through what I did when I was doing my quarterly planning / annual planning, the reason I say it was also kind of annual planning is because with the twins coming early next year, I was really kind of treating this review that I did, as reviewing 2022, even though it’s not over yet, but thinking about what the plans are for 2023. Because I’m really going to need to do some of that before the end of the year, as I won’t be working much during like basically the 1st quarter/1st half of next year. So I wanted to know what the plan was ahead of time and have decided that, so that I could put that in my power planning and begin executing on that and working towards that. And I’ll talk about a few of the things that came up during that, that I have been executing and implementing, and that kind of thing. So that was why I say it’s a mixture of both. But this is going to be relevant whether you are doing a quarterly review, or whether you’re doing an annual review. And yeah, I think just on that note, as well, I did mention it is important to do reviews. But also to know that the point of the review, just in case you need a little reminder, the point of the review isn’t to find things that need fixing, to figure out what you missed, to figure out what your flaws are, and a lot of times we avoid reviews and evaluations as perfectionist because we are in such a habit of beating ourselves up when our perfectionism handbrake is on, that it feels very confronting to sit down and take a good look at things, we’d rather be vague and just have this vague sense of things are working or this vague sense of things aren’t working. I won’t go into it too much in this episode, but it does benefit us in a lot of ways to be in this vague sense of things aren’t working. And I don’t know why they’re not buying, but I don’t know exactly why. So there’s not really much I can do about it. Like it lets us off the hook when we are in that energy rather than being specific, and clear, and objective about it. And yeah, we just like to kind of not take a good look, because we’re scared of how we’ll treat ourselves when we look and see something we don’t like. And that’s one of the reasons I really encourage you to do reviews, and to make it part of your process. And as I mentioned, that’s why inside PGSD and when you’re power planning and working towards your growth goal, you’ll be doing the weekly review, quarterly review and an annual review. Because it is a very important part of re-establishing and resetting your relationship with yourself, and learning how to really look at what’s going on in a growth minded way, rather than in the perfectionist way, where we just end up feeling shit about ourselves. So it’s not about that. And if you have any resistance to doing any kind of review, just know that’s normal. Like, that’s not a problem that you experience resistance to that, particularly as well, if you’re someone and my guess is you are, you’re listening to this podcast, you enjoy personal development, you like having a lot of self awareness, you already do have a lot of self awareness, that it can then be where we think there’s something wrong with us for resisting it or that also sometimes like that, the resistance means we shouldn’t do it or different things like that. And it’s normal, even as someone who loves personal development to feel resistance to it, particularly if you’re perfectionist, the handbrake is up, because, again, you’re going to maybe have some fear unconsciously around how you’re going to treat yourself. If you find something that you don’t like, or potentially the other thing is, when we’re in that fixed perfectionist mindset, we think that what’s not working, like the things that aren’t going well that they can’t be changed, they’re fixed. And so we don’t want to look at that, because then we might feel helpless or that we can’t do anything about it. And so we’d rather be in denial and be thinking about new ideas that we have and all our potential. So if you feel resistance to it, that’s okay. And I encourage you like when you are feeling the most resistance to weekly or quarterly or annual review, that’s when you need it the most. That’s how I like to think about at least and I still definitely experienced a lot of resistance around it at times.

And I’ve just learned and the same with the launch evaluations and debriefs, which by the way, so we’ve just wrapped up, I was going to mention this at the top, but I didn’t. We’ve just wrapped up our PGSD launch that we just had. And a huge welcome to our new PGSDs, who have joined, we had twenty two PGSDs join and there will be a launch debrief episode coming up soon. I will be sharing the lessons learned, the wins that we had just like the process kind of and yeah, just everything that came out of that as much as I can. Obviously, I can’t share everything in terms of like, there’s not enough time for that. That would take hours and hours and hours because there was so many insights from this launch as they always are. But I will share the things that I think will be most helpful to you in that, during this launch I didn’t record little updates as I went. But I will just be recording a recap after I have finalized the debrief. And it’s going to come to you on the podcast. And I think you’ll find it very helpful. I did just want to say a big welcome to our PGSDs who have joined us. And I’m so excited for everything that is going to be possible to you now that you have the support and accountability and community inside PGSD to help you with your power planning. And yeah, I’m so so so grateful. So yeah, that’s to come on the podcast. But let’s talk about the numbers for this quarter. Because I love talking about the numbers, because they helped me so much when I feen off my journey, and not just past tense, like they still continue to help me, when people talk about their numbers rather than just talking about things in a vague sense. So in terms of my growth goal for 2022, a million in revenue, Australian. Or I’ve kind of been working from because the mastermind I’m in, we report our revenue in US dollars. I’m in Stacy Bateman’s 200k mastermind currently, so 750,000 US dollars, which is about equivalent to that, the exchange rate has changed a lot recently. But yeah, so that was my goal. That is my goal, a million this year. And then in terms of up until the end of quarter three so the end of September, revenue in Australian Dollars has been in this…don’t quote me on this stuff ’cause these are just the numbers that we have in our accounting system at the moment but they haven’t been submitted for tax or anything like that. But just to share rough numbers with you so that you get a sense of things. So in total, for the whole year 371,000 revenue. So as I said the goal is a million, and I will just really want to share this too because I think like, it’s easy to look at someone and even if it’s someone like me who is always like constantly talking about the things I’m working on and learning and the ups and downs and the struggles to just say like “well that person’s got it all figured out if I just had their business or their situation I’d feel good all the time.” And to know that I feel like this year more growth minded than I ever have before, particularly in the last few months. And it used to freak me the fuck out if I wasn’t like on track to my goal. And I know I’m so much more growth minded now because I’m always looking at and mindful of the goal and where we’re at, and problem solving solution finding for that. But it doesn’t freak me out. And it doesn’t make me stop showing up. And it doesn’t make me spin out and second guessed the way that it used to. It doesn’t make me, like it doesn’t make me stop showing up and those different things that I mentioned pretty much at all. And I’m really able to keep showing up consistently, both like on the front end of the business with content and that kind of thing, but also on the back end as well. And just have such a different experience and relationship with that goal than previously. Like I’m thinking particularly like five years ago, when I really first started with this kind of goal that, it just like threw me into a tailspin for weeks, sometimes months if things were off track. And so if you can relate to that, it’s okay, It’s okay. But I just want to also share the numbers because you might be thinking, well of course like, “Sam’s gonna achieve her goal, is on track to a goal and blah, blah, blah.” So just sharing that. So we are not on track “on track” At this point.

I won’t go too much into what that looks like. Because in PGSD, we have you set your quarterly goals, will increase each quarter, rather than you having to make a big jump in your self image. And you’re, like what you’re producing and to be going from, say, say for example, your goals 100,000. To go to making 25,000 every quarter, we have you instead focus on making 10,000 the first quarter then 20, then 30, then 40. So with me and this goal, my goal for each quarter was 250,000. Just because where I’m at at the moment that having the goal for the first quarter, like have it be incrementally increasing. This is like my 3rd year with this goal. So having an incremental increase didn’t make sense anymore. Now I could just have it be 250k caught up. So on track, right now would look like 750,000 so to speak. And it’s 371(k). So I guess that’s about half-ish, doing that quick math in my head, probably about half. And, yeah, so I’m not freaking out. I’m not freaked out at all. And I’m very committed to getting as close to that goal as humanly possible, in a way that’s in alignment with my values, and our company values, and our overall goals and mission that we have. And I think this is something that I talk about quite a bit. But I think it’s always helpful to remember that when we have our growth goal, we’re always, always always always talking about achieving it in a way that’s in alignment with our values. Otherwise, what’s the fucking point of doing it? But something that came up recently do and this is something that’s come up, like ever since me talking about my goals publicly, which is pretty much the whole time that I’ve had a business, that people will say like, things like, oh well, I don’t know, you know, I’m thinking maybe PGSD is me, whatever. But are you just, like “do you just sell it like you do because you have your growth goal, and you want to hit your growth goal.” And of course, I want to hit my growth goal. And I’m doing that in a way that’s in alignment with my values. So if I don’t think PGSD is for you, I’m gonna say “I don’t think PGSD is for you.” And I’m never going to try to sell someone on it. Who isn’t a good fit for the program or who doesn’t make sense for and so I just think it’s really important to remember that with your growth goal that when people say like, “are you just doing this because you want to achieve your goal?” like it’s, it’s some kind of dirty motivation, like of course you want to achieve the goal and is because that goal is going to have you grow and your impact grow as well. So there’s no downside to you doing things to achieve your growth goal, because of the way that we pursue it. Where it’s never at our own expense. It’s never our customers or clients’ expense. It’s never at the expense of our long term goals either, what we’re doing, and this is something I’ll talk about in a second. But what we’re really doing is using it as a tool for growth. So like longer time, we can create the business we want to create. It’s not about just trying to have a lot of short term wins and making money. So we can like feel validated, and take some pressure off ourselves and that kind of thing. It’s not that at all. It’s really a tool to help you make solid long term decisions for yourself and up-level your self image and identity so that you can really create that, that bigger vision that you have for yourself and your business. It’s never at the expense of yourself or your family or at anyone else; clients, customers, followers, it’s at no one’s expense. And so that’s really important to remember, so that you can feel 100% committed to your growth goal, and proud of your growth goal. And if someone says to you, if you are someone who shares your goals publicly, or like, people will assume you have goals for your business, they’re like, “are you just saying that or doing this certain thing, because you have your growth goal?” Well, obviously, and that’s the best thing for everyone involved. Because 100% If I wasn’t doing this kind of goal setting, and I wasn’t asking more of myself, then I probably still be working full time, I wouldn’t really have much time to, like put into the business that I do right now, I definitely wouldn’t have the mental bandwidth that I have. And I wouldn’t be helping nearly as many people, I’d be able to really just keep staying in a lot of perfectionist tendencies I had that wasn’t serving me because my goals wouldn’t have required that I grow out of that and get into the growth mindset. So yeah, of course, I’m pursuing my growth goal. And that’s a win for everyone.

So let’s talk about the numbers for this quarter, quarter three. So 119,000 Australian (Aud), in revenue, and 87,000 in expenses. I’ll just break down a couple of like, main things. So 27,000 of that 87,000 was my salary. 16,000 was professional development, like my mastermind, coaching certification, that kind of thing. 20,000 was contract work. And then they were the main big things. And so, oh wait, now I need to go and update my numbers. So but basically, I think the profit was around, after those expenses, around 30,000. Let me just double check that, again, rough numbers, but just to give you an idea, 32,000-ish, I’ve done some rounding there, so that might not add up to you, but it’s about that. So that is what the revenue was for this quarter. And in terms of talking you through what my planning/review process look like, and I say planning and review, because I reviewed the previous quarter and also the year. And then I planned out, okay, what would need to change. And so something big that came up during this review that I hadn’t really been thinking about too much before this, though it was in my awareness, was a bigger mission and vision and goals for the business. That until quite recently, basically until like a month or so ago, I’d really been operating on having a yearly goal. And knowing that, I definitely want the business to grow beyond that, but not really having any specific figures, or if I did, it was just kind of this vague sense. Like, of course, I want it to grow beyond a million. But I couldn’t tell you exactly what amount to or when by or the number of people we want to impact with the business. It was just kind of like, of course, more bigger would be better. But I don’t really want to look at that. And I think a big part of that was because I…and this came up definitely different stages along the way, as well. And particularly in the very beginning of my business, I was just so scared to dream, for fear of disappointing myself and fear of thinking that, like “who do I think I am?” And “do I really think I could do that?” And so initially like, to even just set a goal was a big thing for me. And then to set a goal and be committed to it and have that goal be for a year but even initially, like just having a goal for like the next couple of months. Like that was such a big step. And so getting to a place and when I was able to have a yearly goal, and be committed to it and not freak out if I wasn’t on track and all of that, that it’s now really at this stage that it really has called for me to have a bigger vision I feel emotionally safe and having that in a way that I hadn’t before. And I would encourage everyone at any stage to be thinking about this, but I just wanted to share what I did because it’s okay if that feels like too much for your, your nervous system to handle. And it was for me and that’s why I set more like short term goals, because my brain just would shut down any bigger vision beyond that. I could only have this vague sense and then my brain just was like “no, no, no, that’s just too bad like, who do you think you are?” So now I really feel just a different relationship I have with myself, right? I’m much more self trusting, I have…I’m much more self supported emotionally like I just feel like I can be with disappointment. It’s still disappointing. But also, it’s not in a lot of ways, it doesn’t have the power that it used to have before that like fear of disappointment. And, yeah, just been so much more growth minded about things that, I know that when I have a bigger goal, that it’s not at my expense or anyone else’s. And that it’s not for my self worth, or my validation or anything like that, it’s really, this is a challenge I wanna set for myself. And I really feel like I’m in that energy of, and for sure, there’s times I…I’m not in that, but so much more of the time that I’m really in the, the growth mindset around it of, I just want to challenge myself and see what I can potentially create and put myself to the test. Not in this needing to prove things way. But I really just want to explore what I’m capable of and what I can accomplish and contribute. And it just doesn’t feel like it did before when it felt so enmeshed with my self worth and sense of, I don’t know, just belonging and all of that kind of thing.

So with this, I really…when I was at the coast, I looked at and I started with like, What is the vision for the business? What is my mission with the business? What are the goals for the business? What are the values that we have? because that really trickles down into everything else. And I couldn’t really do effective…I would be able to do more effective reviewing and planning if I had that in mind. So what I did actually with this is I zoomed out to 10 years from now, or basically for me to my 40th birthday. So I’m actually nearly 32. So it’s not 10 years away. But I just thought like a milestone birthday that, as well like having, I don’t know, I just thought it would be nice to have thinking…be thinking about this chapter of my life, my 30s being about this goal, not saying that’s the only thing, but it is something, it is part of my life. And what would I want this to look like, and also getting clear on, what does success look like to me, we can tend to forget this. And I think this needs to go hand in hand with any goal setting, that success, if we don’t get clear on what that looks like to us. We can default to, it just being a revenue number, or a certain number of customers or clients or like a certain media feature, like I don’t know, Forbes, being featured in Forbes or like 30 under 30, or whatever, that kind of thing. And we don’t actually get clear on what does success actually look like for me. So I thought about that when I’m 40. And that primarily and this was so helpful to frame…have this frame for my planning, am I reviewing that success for me at 40 involves a lot of those things that people say are important. I just needed to remind myself of that, which is my health, my relationship with myself as well. My relationships with others. So with Steve, my husband, with my children, who, who was crazy to think about, like the age he’ll be when I’m 40 and just having children that aren’t just like currently, either fetuses or a toddler. So my relationship with my children and like getting clear on at least from my perspective today, obviously this will grow and evolve and everything. But I want to be present, I want to be there, I don’t want to do a lot of travel for work. I want to be able to work 3 to 4 days a week and have the other time not working and not being like I’m not working back kind of like checking emails. I’m on my clean rest, that I am…I have fulfilling relationships with my friends, my team as well. And for me like really having a in-person team in Brisbane. It’s something that always comes up when I’m doing long term vision based kind of planning and brainstorming that I really would love to have an in person team in Brisbane, which is where I’m currently living, in Australia. Time in nature, so going for walks along the beach in the bush like being with Corden, thinking about how old he’ll be when I’m 40. And just yeah, like those things are so important.

And so when it came to setting the numbers for my goals, which I’ll share in a sec, that it was with that in mind, not “I have these big goals and they are big goals and I’m very excited about them.” But “I have these big goals and that’s the most important thing and nothing else matters,” I think we can tend to, especially as a society get into this all or nothing mindset of, if you have a goal around money, then you’re saying “money is the only thing that matters.” And that’s not true. So therefore, you shouldn’t have a goal about money. But to just know in business, like money is the oxygen for the business. And it’s a reflection of the value you’re providing to the world. And your brain might be able to think of an exception to that, many exceptions where there’s businesses that make a lot of money that in your view aren’t providing value. But to just think about your business, when your business is making more money, it is a reflection of the value that it’s providing to the world, as with most other businesses that are all-brain ones to like, look at the one exception and just dismiss the whole thing. But it is a reflection of the value. And it is important, it is important. And so what other things too. It’s not all or nothing, that if you say, “money is important and have a financial goal,” that you’re saying relationships aren’t that you’re saying health isn’t. And, yeah, I think it’s just important to remember that. So I had a look at what does success to me at 40 really look like and kind of fleshing that out. And thinking about my ideal day, and what that looks like, and just having that as a frame. And so then when I was thinking about, and I’d already done this, maybe like a week or so prior, I started thinking like I…I want to have a vision for the business that, really like the people on my team who are also working towards like (A) they’re super clear on what we’re working towards and everything. But if I can, I need to have a vision so big that their goals and development and all of that can fit within the vision of the business. And that wasn’t something I really thought about much before but I have been just really like the stuff that I’ve been listening to and watching and lately, Alex Hormozi and Leila Hormozi, I will link them up in the show notes. They both have YouTube channels, which I’m very much enjoying. But Leila, particularly who does the HR operation side of…they have very big businesses together, like over 100 million dollars that she was talking about having a vision for your business, that your team, like if you want to have a world class team, you need to really have a vision that they can still have their full vision for themselves be within that, if that makes sense. And it might be at your stage of business right now that this isn’t something you need to think too much about. But I think it’s always helpful to think about this at any stage about especially if you are, if you do feel emotionally safe around it, and your brain doesn’t just shut it down right away. It’s okay if it does. But if it doesn’t just start thinking about like, what is that bigger vision? And what does that look like? So, I had been thinking about that. And I was like, okay, when I’m 40, in that year, how much revenue…like what feels crazy in a…not crazy, like, what feels…like I’d really need to grow and put my brain to the test and just completely evolve as a person in the growth minded way, not in a like I’m gonna hustle for the next decade or whatever to get to this goal. And that’s what I love about both Alex and Leila Hormozi, when they’re talking about things that it’s…it’s never like we’ve gotten here and now life is all rainbows and daisies and butterflies. It’s really about, like, I think Alex Hormozi was he was saying something like, if he fast-forwarded in 10 years, he would probably, like, you know, what am I trying to say? Basically, he would give up all the money he’d made in that decade to just be back to being 10 years younger, and being in that experience. And I think that was a really helpful thing to think about that, it’s that both and like having ambition and drive and purpose and fulfillment and something to work towards. And at the same time remembering that we’re in such a precious time right now in our lives. And it’s not…if we are in this mentality of trying to skip this part to get to the better part, then we’re going to miss the whole thing and we’re just going to have a very unfulfilling time. And I think about that, particularly with my daughter, Lydia, and just how as challenging as you know, navigating motherhood and being a…like not being a toddler. I’m not a toddler. So there is at times that I know like if I think about 90 year old me coming into my body today to experience like being pregnant with the twins and having Lydia as a toddler and that kinda thing like I could cry with how I know that how much I would want to be back in that. So it’s like balancing those two things.

So with that said, I was thinking about what could my goal be for that year 2031, when I turned 40, and 50 million in revenue was the number that came up for me. And this number would have felt absolutely crazy to me, even probably a year ago. But I just think the way that my mindset has grown, and also just having examples of that, and this is why I’m so passionate about sharing numbers, having an example from people who have achieved similar things, and who have done so in a way in alignment with their values, that it’s really showing me that that can be something that is supportive of me, and is fun to work towards. And it’s gonna grow me so much. And it doesn’t have to come at the expense of anything else. So I’m not scared of setting a goal like that. I’m not scared of talking about it. I’m not scared of pursuing it, and really thinking about it. And so I was thinking then about, particularly at the coast, when I was doing this, what would the goal before in three years time, so the 2025 year, calendar year, and that goal will be 5 million. And so obviously, it’s going to ramp up at some point. But to think about at the moment this year, as it currently stands will be about 500,000 Australian Dollars. And so that’s looking at basically 10x in the business in three years. And then 10x in it again, in the following…wait, am I doing that? Right? Yeah, 10x in it again, in the following seven years after that. So there’s a lot of growth there. But having that frame for my planning and reviewing was so helpful, because then what I did, was looking at, okay, if we’re going to be making 5 million a year, in 2025, and 50 million a year in 2031. What is working now, that isn’t going to work then. And it just became so obvious certain things that need to be up, leveled and changed, that are currently working and are currently not causing problems. But I know they’re not going to get us to that vision, as I’m…Stacy, my coach talks about is that, “those things you think you need to change them like in a few years time, but they’re actually the things you need to change now in order to get to the goals that you have now.” And so I really went through that process of looking at, yeah, what…what is working that won’t be working, and what needs to change and a few things that came up, just to share, and then I’ll wrap up this episode, I know, I haven’t shared a lot of particular breakthroughs or things like that. But I really hope it’s been helpful to think about this process. And to know that if you haven’t done a review before, just looking at, like, what worked, what didn’t work, and what to do differently can be very helpful. But if not just look at actions with that, because we tend to say, “well, posting every day on Instagram worked, but then not doing YouTube videos didn’t work” or whatever, just making shit up. But if you look at it ideally, what thoughts worked? What thoughts didn’t work? And what thoughts are you going to have that you haven’t had before? or what thoughts are you going to stop having? or like doing the workaround, that kind of thing.

I had talked about this a bit in the self coaching curriculum episode I did a while ago, but we talk about this a lot in PGSD. But we tend to just be very action focused and what you want to be looking at is the thoughts behind the action, because that’s what’s creating the result. And if we just change the actions, but keep the thoughts the same, the result won’t change. So you want to be looking at that. But just know, this doesn’t have to be a complicated process. Just any time you spend sitting down to look at in the previous quarter, what worked, what didn’t work, what to do differently, and then making a plan for the coming quarter. And we do this in PGSD, we guide you through this, but it’s really having your quarterly milestone that you’re working towards having your hypothesis as to how you get there. So one to two outcomes. So say for example we have PGSD-ers who have all kinds of businesses. But say if you have a service based business, that it might be your quarterly milestone is 10,000 dollars. And your outcome that you’re working towards is five 2000 dollar clients signed and paid in full. And then everything that you do say regarding marketing, everything’s like working towards that. Rather than it being having your plan for the quarter be very focused on a whole lot of action steps like 20 different actions you’re going to try to just be very clear on like, what are the outcomes you’re working towards, 1 to 2 outcomes that is going to make your quarterly milestone inevitable. And then you can be focused on “okay, how am I going to achieve these outcomes,” and that’s where your power planning comes in. And it just helps you not do a lot of busy work that otherwise happens when we just think of like, just from the action sense…action viewpoint, that we just think about, “hey what actions do I need to try?” and then we have…if you have this whole list of like, here are 20 things I need to do differently, then have a look at and say, what are the 1 to 2 outcomes that you are creating for that quarterly milestone? What will get you there? And then you come up with a hypothesis as to how you get there and think about, what would this look like if it was easy? So anyway, we go over all that in PGSD. But with my quarterly review, and planning/annual review, and planning, what really came up for me was a couple of things. First of all, team wise, that I’m particularly like, where my zone of genius is, and what to focus on for myself that I have really been since the beginning of my business, which is now like a decade ago, I have been self taught and doing a lot of things myself, I now have contractors who work for me and help with different things. But I have really been the one leading everything like who knows the most on pretty much not every single thing in my business, but I kind of know the most on most things. And I have people to help me implement my plans and strategies and that kind of thing. But when it comes to marketing, that I have been doing the marketing myself, and learning about marketing, I’ve spent a lot of time, invested a lot of money in learning about marketing, how to market, how to sell different social media platforms, all the different things.

And what really came up for me during this review, this only became abundantly clear. Once I had my vision, my bigger goal of 50 million and 5 million, that I realized, and this is just a thought, but I feel like it’s an accurate one. So I’m sure it could be disputed. But I really, if I look at this, even just the 5 million goal that…that is not going to be accomplished with me being the like head of marketing, so to speak. And it’s not to say, I’m not coachable, I can’t learn it that I’m being like fixed minded or perfectionistic in thinking that my marketing skills can only get as good as they are out right now. I do think like, I’m gonna keep learning, marketing, and selling and all these different things. But also separating marketing and sales. So I think selling is something I can do and with maybe not my zone of genius, but it’s close. But then marketing as such is something that I do, like I’ve learned about out of necessity, but it’s why like anytime, especially like initially when I was niching down to talking to entrepreneurs, and most people do that in the marketing sense that I was like, “Ugh I just, I don’t want to talk about how to grow an email list.” Like the strategies, like I just, I don’t care, I just want to be told what to do on that front and do it, and I don’t, I’m not the person who is across, like all the social media trends and like all of…like I am in personal development, I’m…it’s like I can’t help myself but want to learn all the things. But marketing wise, I’ve been able to do it. I’ve been growth minded about it. I’ve been coachable. I’ve invested a lot into it. And we’ve gotten quite far. And I’m very proud of myself for that. But I’ve also just been looking at like, does that make sense for me to just keep spending so much time trying to improve my personal skill set around marketing, instead of actually leaning into my zone of genius, which I would say is coaching and unlocking the potential in others, so to speak. That’s what we do in PGSD, but also in a team sense, like, coaching the team and like unlocking their potential and helping them perform at their highest. I don’t know if you’ve seen “Billions”, but Wendy on the show “Billions” who is basically for this hedge fund. She’s a performance coach. I said, there’re so many times when we’ve watched it, like if I had to work for someone else, that’s the job I would want. Like being in this, like this firm or this company that everyone’s really performing at a high level, then you help them get to that even higher level like that’s what I want to be doing that kind of yeah, high performance coaching sort of thing, basically being a coach in a corporate setting compared to being one.

So I was just thinking about like, if that is where I do my best, and I’m in my zone of genius, and doesn’t mean to say we can’t learn things outside of that, but why am I just spending so much money and time investing and trying to improve my weaknesses, or like my zone of competence, rather than actually doing what I’m good at, and letting other people do what they’re good at. And so that really was a big aha moment in a lot of ways, that when I do look at having a 5 million dollar business, a 50 million dollar business, I’m not head of marketing, I think, because there have been a lot of examples of entrepreneurs who marketing is their zone of genius. And they are then doing the marketing themselves. And it can kind of look like the CEO founder should be the head of marketing. And I just noticed how for a lot of the people I’ve learned from that marketing is their zone of genius. And it’s what they teach, like, the reason they teach it, because it isn’t their zone of genius. And so why am I thinking that I have to also be like the marketing founder, so to speak, instead of being able to be doing what I do best. And building a team, if that’s part of my skill set, that I’m still very much developing, but being able to nurture and support others is something that I would say, like, I mean, that’s literally what I do for a living, so to speak inside PGSD, and so why I don’t actually lean into that. And with that, as well, with the podcast, that we’re just looking at how a lot of my…the things I find the easiest are the things I’ve spent the least time developing, and the least time focus on improving. And that means as well, with the podcast, this podcast, these episodes are so easy for me. Like I just write some notes and I use that. And I obviously put thought into them as well. But it’s something that I find very easy. And yeah, if you know my journey, you know that, that hasn’t always been the case. But whatever they go out of my own way with it, it has been, but I kind of do the podcast episodes as an afterthought, because I’m busy learning about marketing for social media and different things like that. And it just made me think about like, why am I not doubling down on the podcast and actually doing things to grow then, and also hiring someone who can grow that instead of it having to be well, the podcast isn’t gonna grow, because I personally don’t want to pitch myself to other podcasts or whatever, like, why not actually take the things that I am really good at, and that are in my zone of genius, and actually make the most of them fully, instead of just noticing how much my energy has gone into compensating for, as I said, my weaknesses, so to speak, or things that I’m competent at, but not great at, because that’s what I’ve seen other people doing because it is in their zone of genius, and so it makes sense for them. But this is where critical thinking really comes in. And if you’re someone like me where yes, you can do marketing, and for sure, I’m so grateful that I, I’ve learned what I have about marketing, and that I have that language around, that I have that skill set around it, that I’ve made well over a million dollars in total from my marketing skill set. And that is no small feat. So I’m very proud of that. But why am I not just doubling down on what works, and really leaning into my strengths. And when I look at those bigger goals that I see the best way to get there, especially when it’s a win for everyone else involved, including myself, is to do it by doubling down on my strengths and continuing to develop all areas but to not just spend so much time in areas that don’t make sense to me. And something I did this quarter as well, in this quarter three was doing a time audit. I can’t…I’ve talked about this in PGSD on coaching calls, but I can’t remember I mentioned on the podcast, potentially not, but basically what I did is reviewed…this way power planning is one of the many reasons, so incredible. I have thanks to my little tweaks, the fact that I update my calendar and tick things off as the week goes on. I have a pretty accurate reflection of where my time has gone. It’s not to the minute but it’s it gives me enough to really get a good feel for where my time is going. And when I looked at I did over two months, I took my power planning for it each of those weeks, and I kind of broke it down into what were the main projects or things I was working on. So for me, it was podcast episode…like recording podcast episodes, being interviewed for podcasts, it was Instagram content, writing emails, super thinking, team leading, like checking in with the team, to different categories like that. And when I looked at it, more than 50% of my time was going to Instagram. And that was such a wake up call of like, this makes no sense. This makes no sense that my time would be going there, the reason so much time was going there was because it is a something that I’m competent at, but not, not my zone of genius. And then looking at how much time I spent on the podcast, I think it was like not a 2-month period, I’d maybe spent 6 hours in total on the podcast, because I literally just write out notes and record it. And that’s pretty much it for the podcast, and coaching that like…PGSD coaching calls.

But beyond that I’m not spending much time in coaching or like developing my coaching skills and that kind of thing. So it just was eye opening to me to do that audit, and to see where my time was going. And to see that it didn’t make sense. So that was I think I did that in August, maybe at least September. And that really started what I’ve been talking about in this episode in motion, that I was like, Okay, I’m gonna I need to spend basically, 3 hours or less per…what did I decided 5 hours per class per month? On Instagram, I just was like, “this doesn’t make any sense, it’s actually irresponsible for me to spend so much time doing Instagram,” when that is not like the podcast, and email priorities as marketing channels over Instagram. But also like, “what am I doing with all that time,” and I was, I wasn’t fluffing around, so to speak, I was doing things, but also just seemed like even though it felt like a needle mover for me that, that was actually busy work and really getting clear on what my needle movers are, which are high level thinking, building the team, but I didn’t have time for because I was very busy with Instagram and just like getting out of the weeds. And at this stage of my business delegating more. And like spending that time instead, like what if I spent that time growing the podcast, instead of just recording and then it growing, but me not doing anything intentional about growing it. So that was a huge thing. And so with the marketing piece of things, we actually now have in motion at this point in time, that is a job ad that is live, that is for a full time marketing position in Brisbane. So that is something that I’m working with a recruitment agency on filling, and it feels very exciting. And also like it will be, I don’t know, it just feels like that the next level is a business in terms of maturity, not in terms of like diminishing what the business has been before. But I really feel like it’s this up level of how I’m operating as a entrepreneur, and as a coach as well, and how the business is operating and different things like that. So that is, that is, yeah a couple of big things that came out of it was thinking about where do I actually fit in the business? And this was the eye opening question that got that which was, if I was going to hire myself, in my business, what would I hire myself to do? And just a realization that I wouldn’t hire myself to do pretty much anything except coaching and like what I was saying before, like that role where it’s helping the team perform at their highest level, and me coaching in the program, and like creating the content, like doing the podcast episodes, pretty much I wouldn’t hire, I wouldn’t, I definitely wouldn’t hire myself as a cook to come in and do marketing for the business. I wouldn’t hire myself to do operations and system…I’m, I’m pretty good at those things. I wouldn’t hire myself to do the accounting like that’s why I’ve outsourced like maybe a year or 2 ago now to having an accountant and a bookkeeper. And I have and this is like when people like “oh but you have a finance degree and a law degree and like asocialy that you know, you know a lot of things about accounting and stuff that have the I don’t know, so it’s harder for me to make money in the business or to manage my money” or whatever. Like I know enough to know that there’s so much I don’t know, in those realms and that I’m not Interested in learning it, I definitely am grateful for my degrees. And I do have a vocabu…I can’t say it, a vocab and an understanding. And I’m able to have conversations and kind of follow along with things that might have been challenging in other ways, but not to say couldn’t learn them without having those degrees. I learned a lot of things that I don’t directly use. But yeah, just knowing that those things aren’t in my zone of genius, there’s a reason I left accounting. So yeah, that I think it can be depending where your business is at. Because in the beginning, I think it’s so valuable to know how the business operates to be able to do every job. And I am a believer in that approach. And it just gives you as well like when you are hiring, and you do get to that point, it gives you knowledge and understanding, and really, it allows you to have conversations with the people that you have, they’re contractors for example, that you’ve contracted, that you wouldn’t be able to have if you had no knowledge of how that works. Having said that, there’s plenty of things you don’t need to know how it works. Like if it’s setting up a website, that only needs to be done once per website. So just like you can pay someone on Upwork, you don’t need to pay thousands of dollars, you can just pay someone a few 100 dollars to set things up if you’re having trouble with it. Ideally, you want to know how to make edits, do it yourself. So you don’t have to go to someone every time you want to change a word on your website. But anyway, all this say, I think it is helpful to know in the beginning and to like be that jack of all trades to know how every role works to be able to do everything. But then at some point in the evolution of the business, it does that you kind of have to fire yourself from certain things, and delegate out. And I’ve gotten a lot of questions recently, actually, if I can talk to that more, and the perfectionism stuff that comes up with that, with letting go of control, so to speak. And a big thing that has helped on that front with me is just recognizing, because people like, “you know, it’s just part of his understanding, you won’t be able to find people who do it better for you.” And there’s that perfectionist kind of belief of if, you know, “I might as well do it myself, because no one else is gonna do it as good as me,” but like, I’m not that good at all these things that I can do. I’m competent for sure. I’m not going to be someone who would get a job compared to someone who actually has that zone of genius and works in that. And by the way zone of genius, I think, is a term a lot of people use but, in “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks, he talks about that zone of genius. I think a zone of genius, zone of something else, then zone of competence and incompetence, maybe. Anyway.

So yeah, just asking yourself at some point. Or even having that knowledge when beginning of like, “okay what are the first things I would outsource?” So maybe you are someone that is like, marketing is something that you…you gravitate towards, and you have a natural curiosity around, like, for so many years, it’s like, “but I love you know, I’m so interested in psychology and that kind of thing.” So I can do the marketing stuff, because I’m thinking about it from more of a personal development, psychology perspective. But just asking yourself, what are the things I naturally, like if I could only do a couple of things in my business, which roles would I really fight to keep? So for me, that would be coaching, doing the podcast, and being able to nurture others in the team. And that’s pretty much it, and anything else just like, sure maybe I could do a decent job at it and there are certain preferences I have, when it comes to certain things like graphics or whatever, but there are people who can do that way better than me. So it’s always nice to have that self awareness. And I think it, it takes a while to kind of figure out what that is and Steve quite a few times this year, he said like, “why not just hire in someone to do the marketing.” And I’d been very defensive about it and very much in a like, “I’m, you know, in a mastermind to learn about marketing, and I’ve, like, I’m, I can do it myself, and I’m decent at writing and doing the copywriting and all these different things.” And it just finally clicked when I did this planning and had the bigger goals of like, “oh yeah like my marketing works for now but it’s not getting us to 50 million,” like I’m not being the head of marketing, even if like having world class people on marketing team, like I’m not head of marketing. That’s not, that’s not where, where it makes sense. I would not hire myself as a marketer. So why would I be the head of that? So anyway, I’ve just kind of, you know, said that a few times the same thing in different ways, but I hope there’s something helpful to reflect on and be thinking about in your business. And yeah, I’m gonna wrap up this episode and I’m, oh the final thing I wanted to mention was about power planning out the remainder of the year. So I went into this planning and reviewing, feeling quite overwhelmed because I was having a thought about I only have a few months left of the year and I have so much to do, and I didn’t have enough time to do it, classic kind of line of thinking, with the twins coming. And it felt very factual because well, twins are coming. So, obviously, but it was really helpful to…I got some peer coaching right before that planning, and at whatever at the coast, that really helps me just see that, I had painted like, asking myself this question, and I talk about it, inside PGSD and on the podcast. I was just like, “I need to get everything done” was one of my thoughts, was like but, what is everything? Do you need to get everything done? Like what, like, what does that actually look like? And is that true? And just those kinds of things that was really helpful to just see that there are a lot of things that I had put on my plate that didn’t need to be there, or that were bonuses, and I was treating them as a an essential. And, yeah, just that classic thing of like, oh, yeah, so I’m thinking and this thought of, I need to get everything done. When actually, if I didn’t do anything between now and the remainder of the year, I’d be okay, everything would be fine, we’d still be probably profitable, at least making money as a business.

So that was really helpful as well. And then I’ve power planned out the rest of my year. And that took a few hours to do that. But it was really helpful to just get super clear, because I had thoughts about, like with hiring a marketing person and onboarding them, and then prepping for launches next year and content, things like that, that when I’m gonna get it all done. And once I did my power planning, so working three days a week, I did my power planning. And I have heaps of buffer time. So when I power plan out a significant period of time, PS: definitely don’t do this. Unless you have done at least 3 months of power planning, you’re at least beyond that first 3 month commitment. And then once you’re beyond that, I recommend maybe trying like 2 weeks at a time, but don’t just try to do 2 months at a time. But at this point, I am advanced in my power planning. So what I do with that is I just add a lot of buffer time. And there are a lot of things like, that I’ve never done before, that I don’t know how long it’ll take, I don’t know what will come up. So it’s just having either buffer time, that’s just general buffer time, so that if things come up, it can fit there without having me having to work extra days. And then there are other things that I know will need to be done at some point. I don’t know exactly what week it’ll happen or what day it’ll happen. But I know that if I just put in the block of time that, that would take that I can kind of shuffle it around. And then each week I’m doing my power planning. So my power hour, my little tweaks and my weekly review, and that way as well, it’s never…I’m not like “cool in seven weeks, this plan is going to be completely unusable” at 100% would be completely unusable if I wasn’t continuing to do a power hour, which is super quick because the bulk of my power planning is done, the power hour just to check in with where I’m at, what’s on my plate, what needs to be done, because change is planned, ideas evolve. So checking that, doing my little tweaks throughout the week to keep it workable. And then doing my weekly review to clean what I can from that week. So that the next week, I can, like I can keep having those plans be workable. But it’s basically just like I have a first draft of my power planning so that Iike, my, my brain knows there’s enough time. And it’s just been amazing since doing that I don’t have any more of these thoughts of I don’t have enough time to get everything done by the end of the year. Because I literally have done it in my calendar. And I know there’s enough time and at this point, I have enough self trust with myself that I know that I will be able to keep those plans workable and have them be usable and make adjustments and there’ll be things on my power planning currently, that aren’t actually important or they no longer are important and I delete them altogether. There’ll be new tasks like a new…we don’t plan in activities we plan in outcomes that we’re creating. There’ll be new outcomes that I’m creating, for myself that, I hadn’t even anticipated at the time of power planning that will be in there so it’ll look completely different. And that’s the beauty of it that it doesn’t need to be this rigid thing of I’m going to plan out 2 months worth and then I need to follow through on it perfectly and I can’t use…like once I’ve fallen off, now my calendar is unusable. I keep my plans workable, and I’ve developed through power planning and my growth goal to self trust that I’ll be able to follow through on my plans, and that I’ll keep them workable and, that I will learn each week and like, all those different things. So that it’s, it’s just so calming, to be able to know like, there are things I’m going to need to do that require a lot of courage that are new and scary. There are things I need to do that are boring and tedious. There are things I need to do that are repetitive. They’re also fun things I’m going to be doing as well. But, that it’s all accounted for, and I’ve at this point be doing power planning long enough as well that I am able to be okay with the uncertainty of that, because of the self trust that I have. And that it’s not a problem, that I know these plans will dramatically change. And I know it’s not a waste of effort to plan out my time, even though the plans are going to look completely different. Because it is serving me to have done that. So that now I know, basically as well, I know the opportunity cost so when my brain is like “actually, let’s do this instead of that” or maybe I could spend a whole day, a whole workday doing whatever it is that I wanna do, that I can look at “okay, but what impact is that?” Like ’cause now need to shuffle around my, my calendar, my power planning. What impact is that going to have on everything else? If I do this, what am I going to have to say no to?

And that’s really helpful as well, because it can definitely feel like I have so much…like either this I don’t have enough time. Or I have so much time because nothing’s due right this second. But when I really mapped out the content that I want to create, the behind the scenes like team stuff that I want to do, like, oh no, actually, like, I do have enough time, like and also I had to like, there are things…I was like, “no that’s not getting done this year.” And that’s totally okay. So it’s not like everything I had on my plan, that came from this quarterly planning that I was like “cool now I…I can just fit it in my calendar.” It required that going through the planning process, like and part of that is prioritizing, looking at needle movers. So I had to say “no” to things or say “not yet, I will coming back to that next year.” But yeah, just having that laid out, just makes it so much easier to not only show up each day knowing exactly what I need to do for that day, which is very calming. And unoverwhelming, if that’s a word. But I can really clearly evaluate new ideas as they come in. Look at my time, if I need to scrap something completely, it can…it’s just so much easier to see when that makes sense. It’s not being this mindset as well of like I have so much time because nothing’s due right this second, and then just been feeling super stressed in December, because I spent a whole week doing something that wasn’t that important when I hadn’t actually factored in XYZ that I wanted to get done. So it’s all due at once, so to speak. So anyway, that was the other thing that I wanted to mention. And already like from the launch debrief, episode coming soon, that I have done that there are potentially big changes to my plans that I want to make. And that’s okay. And because I have my power planning, I can clearly evaluate that decision. And make a call on that from a place of like, I know what my capacity is. And I know that if I say yes to this decision that I’m thinking about, and I’m gonna have to say no to this, and this and this, and am I okay with that? And what does that look like? and all of that, so it’s very helpful. Anyway, that’s my growth goal update for quarter three 2022. I hope it’s been insightful. I hope it’s given you a few different things to think about even if you’re not yet at the stage of business where you are building a team, just knowing like in your business, what are the things that you would hire yourself for? If you feel like the answer to that is nothing, then know that, that’s not true. Or it might be but you would hire yourself as like the owner entrepreneur, so to speak, who then manages everyone else, or like don’t even manage his everyone else, you’d have a person who manages everyone else, but you’re the founder. And that’s the role you’d hire yourself in. So there’s, there’s going to be a role for you, just mentioned that ’cause your perfectionism might make you think like, “I wouldn’t hire myself for anything, and yet I need to do everything myself because no one can do it as good as me.” It’s normal to have contradictory thoughts like that. But yeah, just be thinking about that and looking at, if you are at a similar stage to me or to stage where you are building your team thinking about, like doubling down on what’s working, and I love like doubling down on what’s working. Also, if in doubt, keep it the same, but at the same time be willing to look at it things and just see, where are some faulty assumptions that I’m making too. For example, for me, one of my assumptions that felt very true, but wasn’t, was that I needed to be the one doing all the marketing, because I see all the other entrepreneurs, like my perception is they’re all doing their marketing, and they’re super good at marketing. So I need to learn how to be good at marketing, instead of like, I’m just gonna really focus on what I do best, and hire someone to do the marketing and still collaborate with them for sure and continue to learn about it, but not put all my time and energy into that. So anyway, hope that has been helpful. If you want to know more about power planning, then in the show notes that will be linked up the Planning Series I recorded that goes through, what that is, how it works, also the most recent Planning Series episodes. If you just scroll back a little bit, we’ll go through that as well. And yeah, that is all for this episode. You can also follow me @perfectionismproject on Instagram. You can sign up for my daily little perfectionist power ups I send out by email about two to three sentences long, that are going to help you get out of your own way just give you a little food for thought, something to think about, something to help you see. I hope you’re having a beautiful day and I will talk to you in the next episode.

If you want to learn the basics of power planning, then I invite you to sign up for the video series that I’ve put together for you on how to plan properly as a perfectionist. By the end of this series, you’ll be in a position to start using power planning to get your perfectionist mindset on your side and get out of your own way. So to sign up, you can go to samlaurabrown.com/planningseries, the link will be available for you in the show notes as well.

Author: Sam Brown