Episode 426: The Power of Keeping Your Launch Painfully Simple (Part 1: Pre-Launch Period)

In this episode I’m sharing a behind the scenes look at the most recent PGSD launch. This is the first part in a two part series that will help normalise the ups and downs of launching (regardless of what kind of business you have) and show you how to get out of your own way when you’re selling.

In this episode I talk about some incredibly important concepts to help you get out of your own way including clean commitment and why optimism can actually derail your goals (even though it’s usually a good thing).

Tune in to listen to the update that I recorded before the launch started. I talk through the launch plan and strategy, the self-coaching I’m doing, our goal and more!

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What our goal is for the PGSD launch and why
  • The mindset work I’m personally doing to stay committed to the goal
  • What I’m doing differently compared with our last launches
  • How I decided what our launch strategy would be

Find the full episode transcript and show notes at samlaurabrown.com/episode426

Featured In The Episode:

Announcement: PGSD will open for enrollment on 10 December 2023 (for one week only)

My program Perfectionists Getting Shit Done (aka PGSD) will teach you how to plan properly as a perfectionist so you can consistently market your business and achieve your goals. The doors to PGSD will open on 10 December 2023 for one week only. To find out more about the program and be the first to know when the doors open, join the waitlist today: samlaurabrown.com/pgsd.

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Hi and welcome to another episode of The Perfectionism Project. A podcast full of perfectionism advice for entrepreneurs. My name is Sam Laura Brown, I help entrepreneurs release their perfectionism handbrake, so they can get out of their own way and build a fulfilling and profitable business. I’m the founder of the Perfectionist Getting Shit Done group coaching program, which is otherwise known as PGSD. And for even more perfectionism advice to help you with your business. You can follow me on Instagram @perfectionismproject.

Sam Laura Brown

In this episode, I am sharing the first part in my two part series on our most recent launch of perfectionist getting shit done, aka PGSD. So I’ll share a little more about what that is and what it means to do a launch, just so that these episodes can be as helpful as possible. But this is really all to give you a behind the scenes look at what it looks like to be marketing and selling and trying to build your business. As a perfectionist entrepreneur, there are certain struggles that come up certain ways that we like to get in our own way. And as a perfectionist myself, and as an entrepreneur, I experience those, I coach myself on them, I get coached on them. And I love sharing those insights with you via this podcast.

So that’s what these two episodes are going to be doing. If you enjoy this, I have recorded this style of episode in the past on pretty much all of our most recent PGSD launches in the last couple of years. So you can scroll back and find those. But for now, what I want to do is share a few things about PGSD so that you can really get the most from this episodes, so I’m just going to be brief, but this is going to help you understand the mindset stuff I’m talking about as I share the different realizations and epiphanies that I was having before the launch started.

So PGSD is my program for perfectionist entrepreneurs, it teaches you how to plan properly as perfectionism and really master that. So you can get out of your own way and really show up consistently with your marketing and just be doing the things that you know you need to do. And that perfectionism is making it hard to do. So that program is one that we open and close for enrollment. So as it stands currently, we have one week, every quarter, where enrollment for PGSD is open. It’s a program that lasts for 12 months to really help you develop that ability to show up consistently and not just have it be something that you do for a little bit of time, like we want to help you create sustainable productivity and really being out of your own way.

So with that program, we have quarterly enrollments, and we enroll a few weeks before each quarter begins. So this enrollment period that this launch relates to was in September for our October cohort of PGSD. And when I’m talking about it being a launch, all I’m simply meaning is that we open enrollment for PGSD and then close it. Some people might call that a promotion, a campaign, there are different ways to think about it. But we just internally refer to it as a launch. And in the coaching industry, that’s often how it’s referred to.

But just so you have that context, in case you have a different kind of business, we have a lot of PGSDers, who aren’t coaches, most aren’t coaches, so that you can apply these lessons to your business. And also really just understand what I’m talking about specifically, so that it’s making sense to you. So we have the launch. And specifically as it relates to marketing efforts and things like that. It was all for this launch, organic marketing, like nothing pay no ads, we are planning to do that for future launches. But for now, it was through the podcast, we got traffic, and also through Instagram, our email list. And maybe there’s something else, just those general marketing efforts.

And I started this business in 2013. There were periods, the first few years particularly was very my way nothing really happened at all in terms of business growth, I made my first dollar in 2016 went full time in the business in 2019. A lot has been happening since then, as well, I’ve had three children, different things like that. But with all of that said that there have been different stages and iterations of this business. And this is really the where I’m at today. Obviously, that’s what I’m sharing here. But with that said that there are so many different epiphanies and realizations. And that I hope that by sharing this is going to be incredibly helpful for you. And yeah, those marketing efforts across a decade of showing up.

I talked about it in our talk about the second part of this episode particularly, but I have been riding the wave of some of those efforts and it’s so amazing that things compound and that you’re able to really experience the benefits of past showing up that’s why it’s so important when it feels like it’s not really paying off and you can’t see the results like future you is gonna get the benefits of that. And so that’s really what I’ve been feeling, particularly and again I’ll go into it more. There’s pros and cons with that, oh, just like a few blind spots that I had around that.

So anyway. Yeah, so we marketed through those means. And during the OpenCart period, when the doors were open, we had podcast episodes going out the pre launch had the planning series that came out on this podcast five episodes talking about power planning, I highly recommend listening to those if you haven’t, it’s going to teach you what you need to know to be able to get started with power planning and planning properly, so that you can show up consistently, and really move away from to do lists and other productivity methods that are making you get in your own way.

So I talked about that in the planning series. But that aside, and that’s Episode 415, from memory, if you want to go back to that, but we had the episodes, and then it was just really a series of emails going out. Instagram posts, there wasn’t anything really complicated or fancy, we really did our best to keep it painfully simple. I talk about that more in this part. So I won’t go into it too much here. But there were really no bells and whistles for this launch. Very straightforward. And that was by design, really. And I’m so glad we did that.

Because the lessons that I have gotten from this launch and really gotten what I needed, not what I wanted, but of what I needed. It’s really come from having that painful simplicity. And being willing to keep things simple, even when our perfectionist brains want to make everything fancy and complicated and optimized and perfect, right from the beginning. Or even I’m at the beginning anymore. But when we are in a stage of growing and developing and building the business, that we will still find ourselves when we do new things, or when we are continuing to do things already done that we overcomplicate and that we’re telling ourselves a story that we really need to be maximizing everything.

And that means working crazy hours. And if we’re not doing that, then we think we still should be and feeling guilty about not doing that. So yeah, the painful simplicity. It’s a big part of this. And so as it relates to understanding the structure of the launch and the specifics of what I’m talking about, that should be all that you need to know to really help you. And then in the second part of this episode, I am going to be sharing the lessons the takeaways, the insights that have been absolutely foundational and just so transformative for me basically, I feel like I got the wake up call that I needed and that I’m so grateful for and that having painful simplicity allowed me to really see what was going on in the business. So I will leave it here.

Today I want to share something that I talked about with Renae yesterday as it relates to the launch. And I was thinking maybe to just do a normal podcast episode on this. But ultimately, I feel like a great place to put it would be as the launch debrief episode. It’s the 23rd of August. So our launch is happening for PGSD. Perfectionist Getting Shit Done, my group coaching program for perfectionist entrepreneurs. It is happening in September. And so this is really what’s happening in the pre launch and the preparation.

And at this point, we’ve nearly created all the content for the pre launch and the launch itself. So the pre launch is the content that’s going out on the podcast, the episodes of Planning series that we do to celebrate the enrollment week that we have for PGSD the following week after that. So we’ve created a lot of that I learned last year in 2022, how to get shit done ahead of time in the June launch. And the debrief for that is up on the podcast as well. But for the June launch, I momentarily forgot those lessons about how to get shit done ahead of time early and easily to not put pressure on things to not overthink it. It went the other way. So I shared all of that in that episode.

But really again, it’s just coming back to what I now know, which is how to do things early and easily. Having Renae, our marketing manager do that as well and working together as a team to create a launch that is really successful and is also stress free and aligned with the values that we have as a company which is to plan properly and get shit done to be your word and to be an example of the growth mindset. So for this episode, or this installment of the episode, I wanted to talk about a conversation I had with Renae yesterday about the launch and just a few distinctions that were coming up during our discussion as it relates to mindset around a launch because of course, when you’re launching or for us, I guess technically a launch often is referred to as like the first time you’re launching something.

You could think of it as a promotion, a campaign, like we are opening the doors to PGSD, which we do every quarter, we are opening the doors for our October cohort. In September, we have a one week enrollment period. And so we are telling people about it, making sure you know about it. And thinking about how we can really ultimately sell you as someone who would benefit from PGSD, on planning properly, invest in yourself and getting the help you deserve to plan properly. So you can get out of your own way and build a successful business.

Like, if you were the person that we help, we want to make sure you know that we can help you and tell you about it and help you overcome any hesitations or obstacles that would be standing in your way. Of course, if it’s not for you like the way that we do our marketing is, it’s really designed to only resonate with people who we can help. And so if it is not resonating with you, great, we’re probably not going to be able to help you. And if it is resonating with you amazing, of course we want to sell you on PGSD and on yourself and on the possibilities that come when you learn how to get shit done in a way that feels really good for you and sustainable and aligned.

And using power planning to do that. Like, I want to make sure you know about us anyway. We open PGSD every quarter to new clients. And for this launch, we have a goal of 88 signups. So this relates back to our growth goals. So our growth goal, we talked about this in PGSD, our growth goal is a 12 month revenue goal set just above what we believe is possible so we can grow into the person who can achieve that and release our perfectionism handbrake. In order to do that, it’s just such a great tool to do the practical work of getting out of your own way.

So the growth goal that we have as a company is a million in revenue, Australian 100,000 in quarter, one 200,000, quarter two 300,000, quarter, three 400,000, quarter four in cash collected. And so in quarter one, we achieved over that, in quarter two, we achieve less than our milestone. And so our goal for quarter three is 300k cash collected in the quarter. And it should go without saying. But obviously there are a lot of different people who teach goal setting and money stuff out there. So I will say it that we are achieving that goal in a way that’s in alignment with our values.

We are having people sign up who we can fully support who we know we can get results for like it’s not about a money grab if it was so many different things we’d be doing than what we’re actually doing. So it’s all about achieving that in a way that’s in alignment with our values. So we can also be an example of how to do that to our PGSDers as well who are doing the same thing with their businesses and wanting to make money and be successful in a way that has a positive impact on the world and feels good to them as well.

So our goal, which is 44, paying full and 44 payment plan signups that is based on math that would result in 300k, cash collected for the quarter and presuming that we have 50-50 split between paying full and payment plans, which is similar to what we’ve had in the past. So it’s been different launch to launch. But sometimes you just have to make a few assumptions. So you can actually be clear instead of and I know sometimes if you maybe have different payment options, or lots of different products or whatever, that it’s like, well, I don’t know exactly what I need to do, or I need to focus or what success looks like. Because what could be that if everyone paid in full, we’d only need this number. And then if everyone did the payment plan, what we need so many more people if we want to do cash collected.

So it’s just saying, Okay, let’s just make an assumption of 50-50. So that we can get clear on a number and then we can use our brains to achieve that number of signups. And really just have some clarity there and not be in this wishy washy like well, we don’t really know the exact goal. So that’s our goal for the launch. And I was talking with Renae yesterday, we had one of our weekly marketing meetings that we have, I was talking to her about having a way to measure if we’re on track for that goal of 300k cash collected. So we’ve set a few KPIs for Renae, as a marketing manager that relate to different aspects of the marketing.

And so one of those is related to getting all the content for the launch scheduled and having everything ready ahead of time, for example, but one of them is 300k, cash collected in quarter three. And so what we like to do with the KPIs and this comes from the book, Traction by Gino Wickman, and the entrepreneurial, what is it called? EOS? I don’t know, anyway, is a whole like system for running your business and the operation side of things. So in that book, they recommend KPIs or rocks, as they call them in that book, and saying if you’re on track or off track about that, like checking in on that, and this is so helpful to do, even if you don’t have anyone else on your team to have those mini goals.

And then each week saying am I off track or on track? And a discussion that we’ve had Renae and I about this as well. And this has come up like over previous years as well, before Renae was on the team was that it’s tempting to be very optimistic about being on track and like wanting to really say, Yes, we’re on track, but it’s so helpful and growth minded to just be able to say we’re off track. So let’s now get ourselves back on track instead of trying to be like, Okay, well, we’re on track, because there’s no evidence that we won’t do that, even though the things aren’t fully in motion yet.

So we just want to make sure we’re really like, Okay, is it on track or off track. And for that 300k cash collected, because we don’t have any I mean, we have some payment plans from previous launches and people paying those. But we don’t have any sales activity that’s happening in the quarter until that launch. So we don’t yet know, if that goal is on track or off track, we can look at other inputs, such as like, are we preparing for the launch and things like that. But ultimately, we don’t know if we’re on track or off track. And I was saying that, it’s so important that we figure out how to measurably say, if we’re on track or off track, so that we can actually have discussions about it and troubleshoot for it.

And there are lots of different ways to look at it. And you can take the more logical strategic kind of approach and look at, okay, what were past download numbers for the podcast and our main marketing contents via the podcast, and our email lists to like, what were the download numbers that we had and the conversion rate that we had in previous launches? And for the email list? And do we have similar to that and like kind of looking at it that way.

But what I proposed was, and something I’ve done before as well with this is to give yourself a number out of 10 a rating out of 10 of how much you believe in the goal like how believable it feels. And if you’re a 10 out of 10 it’s like there’s no way this isn’t happening. And I want to talk in a second about entitlement because I have been in that 10 out of 10. And it wasn’t from a committed place. It was from an entitled place which I’ll talk about. So you want to be ideally a 10 out of 10. And if for example you’re a six out of 10 or a three out of 10 like that is an opportunity to have a look at why and seeing the thoughts that are going on there.

And knowing as well that if you’re, for example, a six out of 10 committed a three out of 10 committed, then if you’re making decisions about the launch, if you’re showing up and talking about your product or your service from that place, you will still be able to create results. But most likely, say, for example, if you’re a three out of 10, you’re probably gonna get, you know, 30% of the way to your goal, because that is your level of commitment and believability. And so that becomes a self fulfilling prophecy that if we don’t really believe it’s possible, we’re not going to act in a way that makes it possible for ourselves.

So when it comes to this feeling of commitment that we want to get to, I wanted to talk about here, conditional commitment, clean commitment, entitlement, optimism, and really feeling into those different feelings. I’ll talk about them a little bit more in a second. But this is something that I was thinking about yesterday, because we waited where our believability is at with the goal. And I was at, like I said, like three out of 10 that I feel like we are doing the things we need to do. But ultimately, like the 300k quarter, we haven’t had a 300k quarter before we’ve definitely made $300,000 before just in a different timeframe.

So it’s believable for me to make $300,000. But to do that, in one launch, I haven’t yet experienced and I feel like my brain just without me doing self coaching on it. And thinking about it, it just defaults to Okay, well, we had an average of 20 signups per launch last year. So we will probably have 20. So I feel like town of 10 committed that we would have 20. But anything above that I’m like, Okay, well, hopefully I kind of go into that optimism and hope. And ultimately, this kind of more passive place of like, oh, well, we’ll see.

So when it comes to assessing that level of me thinking like being a three out of 10, of commitment, which is, so it’s like that’s a low score. And it’s important to be honest with yourself, and I was honest with myself about it. But thinking like, I’m a three out of 10. That, to me is an alarm bell, that, to me, is a sign that some work needs to be done. I’ve always had this belief to that, now that Renae is running the marketing and as a launch manager, that I’m really just doing the podcast. And that’s really all I need to do. And so it’s almost been this kind of, it’s out of my hands sort of belief, which has been interesting, even just until I said that, then I didn’t realize it, that was what was going on.

There’s a lot of different thoughts within that three out of 10 rating that I gave myself, but looking at what have I been committed to. And for me for this launch, I’ve been very committed to keeping things painfully simple. And that was one of my biggest takeaways from the previous launch was that things needed to be more debriefable more simple, but like we reinvented the wheel, and really were fixated on like, we need to get the messaging just right, which was so interesting, because that thought made us actually, and Renae had other thoughts going on, based on things I had told her about PGSD and the power planning course and things like that.

But I myself was in this thought of, we need to create this like new foundation. And now Renae is here and like we finally have someone on the team who really knows marketing. And so we need to just basically like dismissing everything that I knew about how to sell and how to market and the fact that I have sold a couple of million dollars of coaching at this point that I was like, Okay, we need to like create this new base and this new foundation. And so we just ended up from that thought, and a few others. And I talked about that in the debrief episode in a lot more detail. But we ended up creating things from scratch reinventing the wheel pushing back deadlines.

And ultimately, we missed the mark with our messaging. And we ended up not telling people ahead of time really about the launch, or about the series that we did for the podcast. And that was going to be initially a challenge and then a masterclass and then a podcast series and like, there were just so many changes because we’re just trying to get it right and being in this like really controlling energy. And I really want to talk about control as well and self trust. But when it came to commitment, that I was just feeling like I’m really committed for this launch, to keeping things painfully simple, Renae and I’ve had a lot of conversations about what it means to have things be painfully simple, allowing ourselves to repurpose things that have already worked like doubling down on what works.

And if in doubt, keep it the same. And just really pulling on like what we know works. And doing that and not trying to get fancy about it not trying to get complicated about it just really having the courage to let things be simple. And what I realized yesterday is that I have been so committed to it been painfully simple. And then not committed to the actual result that I want to come from that painful simplicity. And when it comes to thinking about the commitment to painful simplicity, or, for example, in the launch that we had, early last year, the March April launch, or April, May, I was really committed to getting everything done early and easily.

Because in the January launch, everything was kind of done at the last minute, and I was like I know how to not do this. And so I’m going to not do this again, I’m going to get it done ahead of time. So I was so committed to getting all the emails written. The podcast episodes recorded like everything done early. And I did that I was committed to it, I accomplished it. And our team did not just me, our team did. And what happened though, was that I then had this sense of entitlement, that then had me not actually paying attention to the things that matter. I had this entitlement of well, I got it all done early. So it should work. So people should sign up.

And it made me and I made a very similar mistake with the last launch and not really talking about power planning and planning properly. And the same thing happened with that launch. Last year in April, that I ended up not talking about the core things, because I was my commitment was not to the most helpful thing that it could be. So my commitment for the previous launch that we just had was to creating this new foundation for the marketing and messaging and getting it just right and like it had me actually miss the main parts that work and that resonate. And that also reflects what we do inside PGSD. And the same with that April launch last year, is that I wasn’t talking about the core things I had this thought of like, everyone’s already listened to the Planning series, they already know about power planning this sold on that.

So I need to talk about like how to spot procrastination when you’re planning properly and what to do about it, instead of just continuing to talk about planning properly and the benefits of that. So I had that entitlement. And until yesterday, I didn’t realize that I was also in entitlement about the launch that is happening now, this launch that like if we keep things painfully simple, then we will achieve the goal. And almost with that this idea of like I don’t know how to create that result of having 88 signups.

And honestly, I haven’t even thought about that goal very much, which I think is a big sign that this is going on, that the goal was set, and I know what the numbers are, but I’m not really giving it my mental attention and selling myself on it and super thinking about it. That when it comes to that goal, it’s almost like well, I don’t believe fully that we can achieve it. So if I just give myself and us as a team, something else to focus on. At least I can feel in control of that. And there are times when you need to just focus on what you can control, so to speak, like the inputs that can be incredibly valuable. And it can be a great strategy.

And say, for example, like I’ve had a lot of success doing that in different ways with, say fitness, for example, just focusing on like, being committed to doing the workout. And also, of course, you have to ultimately be committed to whatever result you have, like when I wanted to be able to do a chin up or a certain number of push ups and I had different strength goals, that it’s great to be committed to Okay, I just need to do this workout. But at some point you need to focus on like, is that workout actually going to get me to my goals that I have? Or am I just working out for the sake of working out? And it’s almost like the same thing here.

That it’s like, yes, we want things to be painfully simple the same way you want to work out. But are we just being painfully simple for the sake of it? Or are we also making sure painfully simple in the context of the goal. And making sure that the way we’re being painfully simple is still going to get us to the goal and it’s like prioritizing what you’re committed to in the sense that what I noticed that we have been doing or at least I have been doing is being committed to painfully simple and then within that structure, figuring out how to achieve the goal.

And I think ultimately, it’s about figuring out how to achieve the goal. And then within that, figuring out how to make that painfully simple and doing divergent thinking around it having so many different ideas, not just like, Okay, there’s one way or this way, and let’s figure out which works. It’s like, there’s so many options. And this is another thing that we talked about yesterday was this idea of being able to sell yourself on anything working. And that is a great thing to be able to sell yourself on, like, well, I could do it this way, or that way, or that way or that way. And it’s just about what way I want to get there. And it could all work.

But just being really careful with that, that it’s not coming from this place. Of Well, I don’t really, you know, anything could work. But also, it might not work. And so since I don’t know what will work, I’m just going to pick one of these options and do my best, we want to have it be like I’m fully committed to this happening. And then I will be decided on my hypothesis for the best way to get that. And then we will be all in on that. And I think the distinction is that you want to be able to sell yourself on like any way could work. And the way that you know, that you’re decided is that once you have sold yourself, you couldn’t sell yourself back on doing it a different way, this time, instead of being like, Oh, I could sell myself and this and that. And then you kind of end up in a wishy washy place almost. It’s wanting to be like, I could sell myself on anything. And so I’ve sold myself fully on this option.

And we could try something different next time. Ultimately, it’s better to just try the same thing multiple times over and really see what happens not just trying it once. But I have sold myself fully on this. And we’re able to stand in that when we are committed. And so I just want to mention about conditional commitment and clean commitment. Because there is this kind of conditional commitment. I’ve talked about this in PGSD, before probably on the podcast, too, about like, I’ll basically I’ll be fully committed, if I’m sure it will work. That’s conditional commitment, this idea of like, once I see results, like once I have six pack abs, then I’ll go to the gym.

And I know that might sound crazy, but it’s like, that’s how a lot of us operate, is once I know I’m going to make money, then I’ll invest in my business. Once I know this, then I’ll do that. It’s like, well, you actually need to be fully committed and go all in. And for so many of the great things in life, you’re never going to have the promise. And it’s only if you come in with a conditionally commitment can well how would I word that from conditional commitment, then you’re only going to get almost like conditional results. I don’t know, as I’m saying this, I’m just thinking about how to word it. But you are only going to get out what you put in, so to speak.

And that doesn’t mean you need to put in a lot of like hustle and grind. It means like, the quality of your results will match the quality of your commitment. And if you are not committed, and I can look back at all the launches and see where I wasn’t fully committed. For the moment I stopped being committed. And a lot of times I’ve been in this conditional commitment of like, I believe, when everything’s going smoothly, I’m gonna have the perfect track record and when nothing has gotten in my way, and then as soon as a for a launch, if we have an expectation about the signup numbers coming in on certain days, and I can feel so committed and believe about it.

And then when I noticed that if there’s a day where we didn’t have a sign up numbers, and I’m not in belief anymore, it’s because I wasn’t in belief. I was just kind of in this conditional belief, this conditional commitment of like, Oh, I feel like I’m believing in it, because the results are where I want them to be. So my belief isn’t being tested, my commitment isn’t being tested. And so we want to have not conditional commitment, but what I was calling clean commitment, which is this different place because we were talking about, okay, like what does commitment feel like to you in your body, and being able to distinguish commitment from control.

And knowing that when you feel like you need to control something, and you have this really like tight grip on it, and you’re micromanaging, whether it’s yourself or other people the result. A lot of us we have had a lot of success. And we’ve been in this controlling energy and so it feels like the two are connected. And the more I’m learning and understanding myself and the bigger the business gets, I am understanding that may be being in that sense of control isn’t what created the result and oftentimes, it’s what stopped me from getting a bigger result that I hadn’t even realized was possible, because I thought had like man handle the result and all the little pieces along the way.

And I was talking to my friend Jen yesterday about different like human design and all that kind of thing. And ultimately, we just keep having these conversations where we’re like, we just need to let ourselves do it the easy way, the simple way, like, every we keep just having this realization together over and over it, since we met in 2016, we have just had the same discussion over and over, where we kind of like get off track and complicate things. And then we get back on track and simplify. And then we’re like, oh, but that’s too easy. And we both just are working on creating emotional safety in ease.

But something that Jen shared, which I think was a great analogy was, you know, when you are driving down the highway, and you’re just cruising along in your lane, and you see the person who is speeding up, and then they’re cutting across to another lane, and then they like behind this car, and they’re going, they are just running themselves ragged trying to get ahead, and they are just so busy merging and speeding up and slowing down and putting on the brakes. And it’s like, we’ve all had that experience, where you then like you’re just cruising along, you’re having a much better experience, and you get to the traffic light, or wherever you’re going at the same time.

And you can just see, like all that extra effort and control that that person that driver was exerting didn’t create a better result. But they probably feel like if they weren’t busy doing that they would have been even further behind. But ultimately, if they just cruised along and kept going, they would have gotten there at the same time and created the result they wanted to create. It just feels uncomfortable not to be busy merging, speeding up, slowing down, figuring out which lane to go in.

That really resonated with me because I feel like I have spent 80% of my time in business, speeding up slowing down changing lanes, looking at where all the other cars are, instead of just like picking my lane and I need to have a period of time in the business. And I still do like I’m still very early in the business like I’m 10 years in, but I have many decades ahead that, like there’s a time we just need to throw shit at the wall, see what sticks, and do things like that. But at a certain point, and for most people I think is pretty early on, you kind of figure out like, oh, this thing that I do comes easily to me and want to be growth minded about things that come easily to us.

But this thing feels good. People like it, it would be my dream business, if I could just do this thing and it worked. And then we don’t let ourselves do it. Because it’s not professional enough. Because it’s not hard enough. Because whatever it is, we’re telling ourselves that we need to do it a different, harder, better, faster way. And it’s wanting to just be on to ourselves about it. And knowing that like when it comes to distinguishing commitment, and control, because it can feel like, well, when I’m really committed, I’m controlling about things to know that maybe you haven’t yet really experienced clean commitment, though, my guess is there is some area of your life where you feel very committed, and you don’t have this attached, controlling nature, like you’re committed and trusting and ultimately, that’s what clean commitment is, you are committed.

And it’s not with this belief, like this kind of conditional commitment of what to get there to the goal, I have to do it right, I have to say the right things in the right way, like all the pieces have to be perfect. It is kind of like, I am committed to the ultimate result. And I’m gonna do whatever it takes, within reason that’s in alignment with my values, but I’m gonna do whatever it takes, I’m going to be resourceful enough to figure out how to do that without needing to micromanage myself or others with like, without needing to be controlling about it. I’m gonna have lots of ideas and explore them and all of that, but I’m not going to mistake control for commitment, I’m not going to pretend to myself, that me wanting to have such a tight grip on everything is a sign of my commitment.

And I love the saying that where control is trust is not. And that really is. It’s kind of like where control is. Commitment is not. And really being able to distinguish that and it might be challenging if you are thinking about this because as I said, it has been a successful strategy for so many of us that maybe you ask someone who over prepares and puts a lot of time and effort into every single thing. And it feels like well, you can’t possibly get the same result with less preparation, or less thought about it. Like you’d be under thinking, like overthinking so familiar to you that it feels like under thinking not to do that.

And we can otherwise just be in this energy of like, well, the result is out of my control. So I’m just going to half-ass it and stay busy with other things. I’m going to do things at the last minute, because ultimately, I don’t feel like I have enough influence over the result. And we also want to protect our identity as someone who’s smart and intelligent. And when we leave things until the last minute, we really just get to be in this place of like, okay, well, I would have done better if I had done it earlier. So you might go one way or the other, or, like, I find myself for certain things that I over prepare. And certain things I kind of go like under preparing to protect myself.

And it’s not as common that I’m really in this clean commitment. And it’s something that I’m really wanting to work on and working on. And I’m just, again, following this conversation yesterday with Renae and really thinking about my own commitments and examples that I have in my life of when I have this clean commitment to the results. And again, not just like commitment to painfully simple for example, or done early and easily like those goals that I’ve had within a launch, that that creates entitlement, if I’m not on to myself about it, that okay, well, it was painfully simple.

So we should get the result. So we should have people sign up. And it’s like, knowing that, just because you did it ahead of time, just because you kept it painfully simple just because you did it in an aligned way, just because it felt good to you to create it or whatever it is, you’re telling yourself, that doesn’t entitle you to success. But doing it, for example, like I want to do it in a painfully simple way I want to do it early and easily, like those are important values. So I want to make sure I am doing those things so that I can create success in the way that I want to.

But that doesn’t entitle me to success. And I feel like I just got this lesson over and over. And it can really then be this question of like, okay, but then how do I know how to create success? And how do I create that result. And it really is as simple as being committed. And that’s not easy, because there’s lots of different thoughts and beliefs and feelings and seemingly circumstances that stand in our way of being fully committed in a clean way. But it is really like that commitment. If we think about our thoughts, being self fulfilling prophecies.

If you have the thought of, I’m going to get there in a way that’s in alignment with my values, no matter what, like I’m going to figure it out. From that place, you are going to feel it depends everyone’s different, but probably resourceful, creative, committed. And then from that place, you’re going to do the super thinking needed, you’re going to take the action you need to take, you’re going to be resilient, when things don’t work the first time you’re going to keep getting up when you get knocked down. And ultimately, maybe it is within a different timeframe than you initially expected. But you will create that result. But when we’re in this mindset of Well, I’m not really sure I’m very hopeful. I think things are looking like they’re headed in the right direction.

And we can look at the past and say like things are pretty good in the past and pretty similar to now. Like that kind of energy of, we’ll see like I’m doing my best. But we’ll see that energy doesn’t have us showing up in the way we need to show up and being resourceful and thinking about things. And so when it comes to the launch, and keeping things painfully simple, and not trying to do everything and be everywhere and do things a fancy way. But it’s knowing that like instead of, we have to keep it painfully simple. And within that figure out how to achieve our goal. It’s less about how to achieve our goal. And then we can make that painfully simple and trusting ourselves to do that.

And I think I’d really prioritize debriefing on the launch and having things be debriefable, and that means really not changing too many factors at once. And I know that that’s important, but I know that that can’t be the priority over, having time to think about the goal itself being fully committed to that and even with the we were having a conversation about what the OpenCart week is going to look like in terms of Renae and I working together last launch we work together every day and And I had said to Renae, I’m working like my work schedule is I work three days a week. And I would want to work three days a week, probably. But let me know what you think about it.

And really just having, like, it was just interesting to see like that. That is a reflection of my commitment level. Not that I need to be working all the time. But I hadn’t even thought about like, what ways even if my part of the launch in terms of content and things is done, which maybe it isn’t, but if we said hypothetically, it is done ahead of time. What other ways could I lend myself to this goal, like I hadn’t thought about that. And I hadn’t thought about like, maybe I could, like, I’m a coach, by trade, that’s what I do. Maybe I could be coaching the team and coaching myself, like, there were so many things I could be doing, and not from this, like busy doing things or like, oh, we could do all these extra posts here and whatever.

But just thinking like, if we were fully committed to this goal, and not in this, like, we need to control things, so we can achieve it, which ultimately doesn’t come from belief and self trust, like what my thinking we have to control it. In order to achieve it, were believing that it’s not possible unless the circumstances are perfect, which puts a lot of pressure on ourselves. But ultimately, we don’t have access to the resourcefulness and creativity needed when we’re in that state of mind. But really, like I hadn’t actually given myself time to think about a, like the fact that I hired Renae as someone local, because I love working in person with other people.

Like the reason I picked up the microphone today to record is because I want to talk and like hearing myself, say this stuff as well really helps me to process it and hear it reflected back to myself. Like I love working in person with other people. I also love my alone time and all of that. But there’s a reason, like I hired her in person. And I want to have a launch experience where the team as much as possible is in person, and we’re all doing it together.

And yet here I was saying like, I want to work three days a week, and you let me know, like if we want to have those days together or not. And my commitment level, really this kind of conditional commitment, or like prioritizing commitment to the painfully simple over the goal itself, had me say that, and also not fully empower Renae to be like, Hey, this is what we need for this goal. Like my, as the leader of the organization, it’s like my commitment level. I mean, it can be exceeded by others in the team. But I’m setting the tone in so many ways. And if I’m in this place of like, what’s most important is painful simplicity.

And it doesn’t really matter if we achieve the goal. And that kind of vibe, then of course, everyone’s like, Okay, well, we have to do it within this parameter or whatever. So I said to Renae, like, go away again, now that I have told you more helpful information about what you could do with this decision to be made about the open cart and like, let’s also think about what we want to do, over like, if we were launching every quarter in 2024, like what we want to have those launch open, we open cart weeks look like for us as a team. And like let’s actually decide that for the whole year knowing and trusting ourselves to be flexible as needed.

But instead of us every time having to decide, Okay, how many days we worked here, like let’s actually set up a way that we do it so that we can iterate on it each time and make it even better, versus like creating it from scratch every time. So I was like, I really just want you as the Launch Manager, and the marketing manager, the marketing leader to say, I’m fully committed to my goal. Here is what I believe we need to do as a team and her to sell me on that and also meet up my commitment level as well. And to do my work on that.

But to just know that when we are in this place of not being fully committed, that for me myself, like I found myself getting so busy with the Planning series episodes and overthinking that and kind of being like, Well, I’m not doing much of the launch, I’m just creating these episodes, so I need to make sure they’re perfect and like being in that mentality at different times. And then like war, I can also trust myself to say the right thing ultimately, like when I trust myself, I never go wrong.

And that’s not to say I always get the result. I’ve talked about this before this idea that, you know, if you follow your gut, like you’ll, you know, you’ll never be led astray, that sort of thing. And then I think it’s not necessarily true in the short term. Ultimately, I think it is true in the long term. But in the short term, if I trust myself, I am probably going to do things that don’t seem to work. But if I trust myself enough to self correct, and to get myself back on track and to notice if I’m not on track, then ultimately I will be able to do what needs to be done and get worried. I want to go and all I know for sure is that when I’m not trusting myself I am not in a better position.

So if I am to trust myself, but it doesn’t instantly work every time, I’m still in a better position than if I’m not trusting myself than if I’m in conditional commitment. If I’m in entitlement if I’m in control, if I’m in optimism, because optimism, it sounds so nice. And maybe you have this optimism about like, how long it will take you to do a task, and you’re really optimistic with your calendar or your power planning. Like, it’s, it’s just knowing that that optimism and like I’m a positive person, and that kind of thing, like it sounds great. But with it, within that, oftentimes, there is this energy of hope.

And hope isn’t a powerful place to create from. Hope is a place that like sometimes we get things from hope. But it really is more so than a matter of luck, and happenstance. And it’s not, we like don’t get to experience our power as creators, when we come from a place of hope, even if we created the result, like even and I love manifestation. Manifestation isn’t about hoping. It’s not about wishing, it’s about acting as if being being fully committed, letting go of the how like, all of that is not the language of optimism, or the language of hope.

It really is the language of commitment, and having that unwavering faith and faith is believing in something when you don’t yet have evidence that it is true. And a lot of us can be like, Well, I’m a very realistic logical person. And so you know, I want things that are evidence based, which is also just so interesting to me, when people want things to be evidence based. And yet, when you look at, for example, like scientific evidence, how that gets created, and you know, people like pharmaceutical companies, that things that get evidence base, or when there’s something backing it that has a lot of money to invest in getting evidence to support their marketing, oftentimes not saying that’s always the case.

But knowing that some more woowoo spiritual things aren’t evidence base, just because no one is funding, the creation of the evidence and the scientific research, I think there are more people doing that now. But anyway, our brains like to be like, you know, I just someone, like, I want to see it before I believe it. And that is one way to live. And you know, a lot of people live like that most people live like that. And it really is the most powerful place to know that you can believe it, and then see it.

And that’s how creating anything new works, that you need to create it in your mind before you will see it before you in reality. And that means that as much as we love to look at like past proof, and evidence for things and be like logical and data driven, and like I love numbers, I have a finance degree like there’s definitely a place for numbers. But we can really use them against ourselves, especially for wanting to create something we’ve never created before. And so I just find myself sitting right now in this question of my commitment levels to the goal of 88 signups.

And I think my main belief in the way feeling committed is that I don’t have control over that, because the launch content that I’ve created, has already been put out. And we’re not planning to create new things during the launch itself. And it’s just knowing that that’s just a thought I’m having. And it’s a limiting thought, in the sense that it’s going to limit the resourcefulness that I allow myself and also Renae and the rest of the team to access. If it’s just like, Okay, well, it’s what’s done is done. It’s like actually, it’s not dominant even in the month yet that the launch is happening.

And yes, we want to keep things painfully simple and debriefable and not change a million different things at once. So we can actually tell what’s working and double down on it until it’s working, and change that or test that again. But if we are committed to helping people with this program, which we are if we are really committed as well and this is so important to me. And it flows through everything is been an example of the growth mindset being in like, practicing what I preach. This for me just feels like at the moment, the work for myself, and I have been doing a little for myself 90 days of self coaching little challenge that I gave myself, I think what am I up to today, let me have a look. I’m up to date 43. So I’m about halfway through almost exactly halfway through.

And I’m learning so much and there’s things I definitely want to put in PGSD resulting from this about like coaching about Top of Mind things versus undercurrent themes. and things like that, and how to split things up over days and whatever. But I haven’t actually on, I know for sure, on any of these days, coached myself about the goal. I have coached myself on things around the launch, but more so like, the operation side. Like it hasn’t been about the goal and my commitment to it and the belief in it. And I’ve coached myself on things in my personal life, being a mom figuring out when to work out, like all those different things.

But actually, like, one of the main things like I haven’t coached myself on the million dollar goal we have and being committed to that, and I can feel that I’m in this place of like, well, we’ve made at this point in the year, I think we’ve made and I don’t even know, at this point, like an even my weekly financial routine for the business I haven’t done for the last month, which is so interesting, as well. And I haven’t really looked at that. And that’s such a great way to do self coaching, is to look at the actions.

And this is what I see in my power planning, like, look at the actions and then say like, Okay, why is that and what’s going on that versus just coaching only on your thoughts and taking it from that entry point. So just noticing with the financial routine that I have, like the business finances, and things like that, that I just haven’t even really been looking at them as closely as I normally do. And it’s kind of going back to analysis like me self coaching live, but it’s like going back to the over-preparing and under preparing. And really before it was like, the routine I had, and like the percentage of money I put aside for savings, and tax and things like that, and I just had a routine. And I stuck to it, like I’m so paying everyone paying myself like all of that stuff.

But in terms of having that bigger picture, look at the finances, I’ve kind of been like, Okay, I need to like do that later and have more time, it’s kind of this idea of, I need to just get on top of everything. Before I can like actually focus on this thing, like I have too many other loose ends in my brain. So I need to do that first, before I can turn my attention to this other thing, even though the other thing is a big needle mover like I need to be looking at that that’s important for the health of the business. And but it’s not urgent, there’s nothing going wrong in that department so to speak.

So it feels easy to just be like, well, I won’t look at that. And Jen and I were talking yesterday too about like our businesses are a lot more resilient than we often give them credit for that we don’t always need to be doing everything right here goals or whatever, for them to be incredibly successful, like there is resilience there. And that is resilience that in my financial routine as well. But at the same time, just noticing like, I’m not looking at that, because on some part on some level, I think I’m just avoiding looking at it, because I don’t like what I’m seeing.

And interestingly, now that I’m thinking more about it, in the last month, particularly like we’ve always had pretty much always is a big word. But last year, we had a quarterly launch, most of those launches had a payment plan. And we didn’t do a PGSD launch until June this year, I was away having the twins. And we had the power planning course, which is now only available within within PGSD. But we had that so we had one launch to PGSD. And what it means is that in terms of payment plan revenue, that we have most of the payment plans from last year, they have been fully paid.

And then we have a few people who sign up with the payment plan in June. But otherwise there isn’t much like weekly recurring revenue. Otherwise, previously, it was like at least a few $1,000 every week with us not doing anything. And for the last few weeks, I think maybe there’s even been, I don’t know if there’s been a week of zero. But there has been weeks where it’s in the hundreds of dollars. And that to me, like at some point that was very normal. That was a very great week. But at this point, that is a very low weekly revenue to be having for context last year we made 600,000 Australian so having weeks where it’s only a few $100 of my say maybe like $900 I haven’t wanted to look at that.

And so I haven’t I’ve just like quietly fallen out of my routines with that. I think this also relates to a bigger thing which was and I say bigger thing because I there’s lots of details to share. But the short version is I wanted to hire an operations managers like someone who could drive the business with operations and there were some great contenders for that. But at the same time, I couldn’t find the person that I really felt the business needed. And so what I decided was for me to take on the operations again, and have a good look at things. I’ve invested in a program to help me figure out Asana better, like we’ve been using Asana for project management.

And then we put those things in our power planning to like, having Asana be set up better, and I’ve just like, put this big thing back on my plate that I’m find myself like, the other day, I was just like, on our hosting for our website, and there was an email about a malware thing. And I’m needing to now be the person who goes in and like clicks a button to say, like, you know, we need to have this remove or what like, for quite a few years, that wasn’t me. And then now I’ve suddenly decided, like, that should be me. And it’s just interesting, like, I need to be on to myself about getting myself back out of that role.

Because I’m not even good at doing those things. I think high level big picture operations I can do quite well at but the day to day like admin stuff, and I used to work as like a receptionist and admin, like, I can do it. But that definitely isn’t what’s going to drive the business forward is me spending all my time doing that, especially as I work three days per week, that that stuff can be time consuming. And if it’s on my plate, ultimately, a lot of it’s not getting done and just getting pushed back. So I’ve had that stuff. And I’m like, Oh, well, I, but I need to sit down fully and look at that, before I can actually like you know, optimize these other things or do these other bits.

So there’s that as well, that’s kind of in this and I with commitment to having that hide out, I would say off the top of my head, I’m probably out at like three out of 10 commitment level as well to having that person this year, because I’m like, well, I need to like get ahead with the podcast to be able to get in and do that. And it’s just, it’s so interesting, because I can get ahead with the podcast. And we talked recently in PGSD. About what that actually means in defining like is that two episodes is that six episodes that you have up your sleeve, like actually defining that and and not being this vague thing.

But that has been a conversation in my mind, which is like, I want to get ahead. And I can do that in a day. Like I can easily record six episodes in a day if I wanted to, if that was my definition of a head. And yet, I’ve just found myself letting myself be overwhelmed and be in this place where instead of doing like longer term power planning that I’m just planning week to week and doing a bit of everything and then feeling like I’m not really moving the needle as much as I could be with anything. And then I’m not prioritizing the things that could get me ahead because there’s something else that’s important, they should be working on that I’m not working on that either.

And it’s just so interesting, because obviously I teach people to be productive and to be doing the needle movers. And ultimately, I like it’s well depart from where I started, I am able to be highly productive. But it’s really just at each stage of business, learning what that looks like. And I think just for me now creating emotional safety, around letting things be easy, and not having to like kind of I’m going to add all the operations to my plate so that things don’t feel easy. Like, actually, I can just hire someone and figure that out. And it’s kind of that familiar misery, over unfamiliar happiness, like we prefer the it’s kind of like Better the devil, you know, that we prefer to be just like, in a familiar situation over something that we know we would like better.

But it’s unfamiliar. We don’t know what will come with. And I feel like that with the operations as well. That I’m in a place of just thinking about like that someone else to hire and to lead and am I being the best leader I can be. And maybe it’s easier if I just do it myself. And I know that thought maybe you know it too, when you have that thought maybe I should just do it myself. For me, that’s just a little alarm bell. It’s not to say that there aren’t things I shouldn’t do myself. But when I have the thought in that way, I should just do it myself. That is not me being the most powerful and resourceful that I can be.

That is me wanting the familiar wanting the comfort, wanting the sense of security that comes with control. And so I think that’s something I’m going to need to really look at as well. With this launch. Everything that’s going on is to just like because that’s something else I’m working on and spending time on and just letting myself define what success looks like in terms of hiring that role and what preparation I need to do and then doing that and not just being like well, maybe it’ll take me months to like look behind the scenes. I feel like I just need to give myself like two weeks. And that’s it and then I from that place, keep moving.

Because I know if I just let myself do that that I can really get things to the place they need to be. And trust the person that I’m hiring to do their job, which would be to organize things like I don’t need to organize for the organizer, like if you are having someone come out to help you organize your wardrobe. And then like, I’ll just organize it all before they come like, actually, why don’t you just have them organize it, that’s what you’re paying for. That’s what they are best at doing.

It’s just kind of this busy work of like, I need to get ready to for them or for this thing, and like I need to have everything perfect. And part of that I think is coming from this lack of self trust in ourselves or myself as a leader, that I am not confident, or trusting that I can lead them to create the vision or fulfill the vision that I have, for example, in this case, for the operations of having things be painfully simple. And so I need to at first do it. So I can demonstrate to them to them, because I’m not going to be able to communicate it through my words.

And really, when I say that, that’s like, I would rather just self coach on or get coaching on the self trust needed, as myself as a leader and like looking at my self image or whatever, so that I can actually hand that on. And then get back to work at the things that I love doing and being able to have spaciousness in my calendar. And not just feeling bogged down with the operations and the admin. And the things that honestly, like it is hurting the business for me to be doing. It’s, it’s just not a good use of time. And it’s also meaning that important things that need to get done, are not getting done. And so that’s not good.

So this was a bit of an update about the pre launch the launch, what I’m thinking about what I working on, and the conversations that we’re having behind the scenes. And so in terms of the structure for the launch, we have a Planning series going out, which is going to be five episodes starting on the first of September, I have recorded those. And I’ve talked about them a bit on the podcast as well, like my experience with recording those. Interestingly, I think anytime that I am talking about something that I do know really well.

And like you could wake me up in the middle of the night, and I could have recorded those episodes that I find afterward. I feel like, like, I didn’t say it, I want to say and I could have said it better. And it’s like the episodes that I did. For the most recent launch in June. I felt like I nailed that, like I hit that out of the park. And actually, the messaging in that like we because I was focused on like getting that right. I wasn’t actually saying the things that resonate. And so even though I felt it’s like I felt good about it, because I felt articulate, but that actually wasn’t the signal of it resonating.

And so it’s like when I’m talking about and I found this was the first Planning series I did in January last year, and I did an episode on the podcast about like, when is it self sabotage to rerecord versus when it’s not and I ultimately decided not to rerecord. But this time as well, I had the same urge of like, I really want to re record it. And I know if I rerecord it ultimately will be very similar to what I just recorded. And to the person on the other end, there is no added benefit in me re recording that because that one is definitely sufficient.

But I want to feel more articulate, I want to feel smarter, I want to feel better about it. And I’m just starting, not starting continuing to learn that just because my brain says that it isn’t good. Like, I am not the best judge of that. And not in this like so I can’t trust myself and trust how I feel. But to just know that my brain sometimes is just gonna especially like, because I am still learning how to just let things be simple and easy. Like my brain is like it wants a mental drama. So it doesn’t feel too easy to just do the planning series, because if I just recorded it easily, and I didn’t have any mental drama, and it went out like that feels like that just feels too good to be true that other shoes gonna drop like all of that stuff.

So that mental drama and that perfectionism is really just helping me feel emotionally safe because that feels so familiar to me. So I’ve got a lot of things that I’m working on and I’m learning I hope this has been really helpful to hear about but we have going back to as quickly the Planning series for podcasts. The we have emails going out. I don’t think we’re doing too much with Instagram, just repurposing things we’ve done before. Like literally repurposing old posts. I’m pretty sure that’s the plan, Renae is all over that. And yeah, just doing like sharing the basic things in a basic way and showing up doing what we know to do.

And I am just looking at my commitment levels to everything and not in this, like, it all needs to be perfect. But I think, to hiring the operations role and getting that back off my plate, and into the hands of someone who can really accelerate that. And also with the launch goal itself and my million dollar goal, like I think for myself coaching for the next week, I’d like doing at the moment, like a top of mind section of myself coaching where I’m kind of doing a thought download on like, what’s going on, and then having an undercurrent section, which is really looking at the things that aren’t coming up for me that day, but that like in my brain and need to be inspected or would be helpful. So that is where I look at each day. Okay, what are my thoughts about the million dollar goal and then ultimately flowing from that? What are my thoughts about the $300,000 goal and the launch goal?

Because I know for sure that if I am a three out of 10 level committed, I would bet. So what’s 30%? Let me just do point three times 88, 26.4. Whenever I’ve rated myself after the fact that my commitment level, maybe this is just confirmation bias, but I haven’t done it before. And I hope to get my commitment level up. But I can see my commitment level reflected in the the percentage of the goal that we achieve. So I’m going to do that work. And I hope it’s been helpful to hear me chat through it. Obviously there’s a few things going on in my mind at the moment. But yeah, I’ll talk to you in the next update.

Okay, so that’s all for this episode. I hope you found it helpful. And in the next episode, I will be sharing the after part of the launch debrief and breaking down for you all of the numbers and all of the most important lessons that I got from the launch experience. So I hope you’re having a beautiful day and I will talk to you in the next episode.


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Author: Sam Brown