Episode 435: How To Overcome Overwhelm + Figure Out What To Focus On Next (Repost)

In my group coaching program, Perfectionists Getting Shit Done, we do weekly live coaching calls each and every month to help our PGSDers release their perfectionism handbrakes – by getting coached themselves and watching others get coached too. And today I’m sharing a snippet of one of these coaching calls with you!

Kristen (@kristencainstyle on Instagram) submitted a request to get coached because she was feeling overwhelmed with all of the options she had for her business. She was able to figure out what to focus on next to build her business, her pricing, how to package her services and more.

Thank you Kristen for giving me permission to share this call on the podcast, I appreciate you!

Note: This episode was originally posted in July 2021.

Find the full episode transcript and show notes at samlaurabrown.com/episode435.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How setting a goal will help you feel less overwhelmed
  • How to figure out what to focus on next when there are so many options
  • Why you shouldn’t charge an hourly rate and what to do instead
  • How to package your services and why you shouldn’t create too many options
  • How our PGSD coaching calls work

Announcement: PGSD is open for enrollment until 12 December 2023 at 11:59pm New York Time

My 12-month group coaching program Perfectionists Getting Shit Done (aka PGSD) will teach you how to plan properly as a perfectionist and get out of your own way. The doors to Perfectionists Getting Shit Done are now open. Sign up today at samlaurabrown.com/pgsd (note: the doors close at 11:59pm New York time on 12 December 2023).

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Hi, and welcome to another episode of The Perfectionism Project. A podcast full of perfectionism advice for entrepreneurs. My name is Sam Laura Brown, I help entrepreneurs release their perfectionism handbrake, so they can get out of their own way and build a fulfilling and profitable business. I’m the founder of the perfectionist getting shit done group coaching program, which is otherwise known as PGSD. And for even more perfectionism advice to help you with your business, you can follow me on Instagram @perfectionismproject.

Sam Laura Brown
Before we dive into today’s episode, I want to make sure you know that the doors to perfectionist getting shit done are closing soon. So perfection is getting shut down PGSD is my program for perfectionist entrepreneurs is going to teach you how to plan properly as a perfectionist with power planning, so that you can get out of your own way with your business and do all the things that you know you need to do. And we are enrolling are January 2024 cohort, but only until 11:59pm, New York time on the 12th of December 2023. So at the time, this episode is going live, there’s less than 48 hours before we close enrollment. So if you find this episode helpful, and particularly if you’re a regular listener of this podcast, and you find it helpful, and you can relate, and you’re nodding along then I highly recommend if you’re not already considering signing up and joining us inside, so that you’re able to get out of your own way in 2024. So to find out more and sign up, you can go to samlaurabrown.com/pgsd. Let’s get into today’s episode.

So in this episode, I’m going to be sharing with you a replay recording of a section of one of our PGSD coaching calls. So inside perfectionist getting shit done, we have coaching calls all year round, so that you have the opportunity to get the personalized support that you need to help you release your perfectionism handbrake, get out of your own way, confidently show up in your business, all of those amazing things. So with these calls, as well, just so you know, you as a PGSDer can submit to get closed on as many of these calls as you like. And PGSD is big enough that there are so many other PGSDers that you can become business friends with and who understand what it’s like to be a perfectionist building a business, there aren’t too many people that you aren’t able to get personalized support. And so these coaching calls, will feel like a one on one coaching call when you are on them.

Because you will submit a request to get coaching. And it’s really okay if you don’t even know what you want to get coached on, you can say that and we will help you figure out what you need to get coached on. But you can submit a request and then we will bring you onto the coaching call. So when I say we I mean myself or one of the other PGSD coaches, and we will coach you one on one, it is in front of the group. And there’s so much power in that because when it is in front of the group, those people are able to be helped by the coaching that you are receiving. Often when we are struggling with things we don’t even know what we’re struggling with. And we don’t know what we need to even get help with and what to ask about and in PGSD because everyone is building a business and is working to release a perfectionism handbrake, there are so many people inside PGSD, who are struggling with exactly what you are going through.

And it’s so helpful for them to hear the coaching that you are receiving because when someone else is receiving it, often we can actually see that coaching clearly. But when is ourselves seen receiving that coaching, sometimes it’s really challenging to apply, because we’re so stuck in our own story. So there’s so much power in getting coaching yourself. But also, in hearing others get coached. And so that is why we have the coaching calls in PGSD. And they are the format that they are. So it’ll feel like a one on one call when you’re getting coached. But you’ll also be able to benefit from others in the group getting one on one coaching as well. And there are people who will be there live at your call. And it also goes up on the PGSD private podcast, which is all where all the replay recordings go. So that you can easily stay up to date with any calls that you want to listen to, while you’re on the go to help you stay inspired. And get through that dip when you are out there in the world building your business and you don’t have time to log into PGSD.

And I want to mention as well, in case you are a PGSDer, and you haven’t yet submitted a request to get coached that is totally normal to feel a bit scared to put your hand up for coaching. And we can often think that we should know better. And therefore we shouldn’t get coaching because we know what we need to do next. Or we can guess what the coach is going to say, or we’ve already been coached before and that so we should be able to figure it out ourselves or we intellectually understand the concepts so we shouldn’t have any trouble applying them. But getting coached is so powerful, especially when you think you should know better than to be struggling.

So if that is you, I really want to encourage you to submit a request on one of our upcoming coaching calls. We are an international community. So we have calls available to accommodate all different time zones. So we know that there are definitely calls that will work in your timezone and you can go to the calls page inside PGSD to find all the times, we also have two buttons, you can click one for iCal and one for Google Calendar. So you can seamlessly add all the call times to your calendar which will automatically convert them into your timezone. And you can choose when you show up. And when you don’t show up. It’s totally up to you how often you want to attend live, how often you want to submit to get coach. But just so you know, those calls are a huge part of PGSD.

Because yes, you need to understand intellectually, how to release your perfectionism handbrake, but then when it comes to actually doing that work, you are going to need personalized support, encouragement and guidance along the way. And that’s what those coaching calls are there to help you with to help you to figure out what to focus on to help you get on track. And to help you whenever you’re in that dip, and it feels like nothing’s working, or it feels like you’re taking one step forward. And two steps back is not just about understanding the concepts that we talk about here on this podcast.

But it’s about giving you the personalized support that you need to actually apply them to your life and start living them so that you can release your perfectionism handbrake, and consistently get shit done in your business without burning out. So with all of that said, In this episode, as I mentioned, I am sharing a snippet of one of our coaching calls where I coach Kristen, and she submitted a request to get coached, because she felt overwhelmed by all the options of what to do and didn’t know what to focus on next. And she was just very sick of being in her own way. And knowing all of the things intellectually but not actually putting them into practice.

So on this coaching call, I helped her with that, I also helped her to figure out her pricing. And to come up with a package and the pricing for that package, and how to promote that we covered a lot of ground, I know that if you’re a perfectionist, and if you’re building a business, you are definitely going to be able to relate to this. So I hope that you enjoy listening to this coaching session. And if you want to get yourself on the waitlist for PGSD, for when we next open our doors, the link is in the bio for you to go and do that the bio, I keep saying that I’m not on Instagram, the link is in the show notes for you to go and do that. You just need to enter your name and your email address. And then you’ll be the first to know when the doors to PGSD open again. So with that said, here is the coaching call with Kristen.

Well, I am I think one of those who is not exactly sure. I am I am a textbook perfectionist and I did not know this until last February when I heard you talk with Kathrin Zenkina on her podcast. And I truly have never seen myself so clearly ever. So I’ve spent the last year getting a little more familiar with all of it, learning more from you on your podcast and finally thought okay, now you’ve spent a year not really fixing anything, just kind of learning that yes, in fact, this is how you are, it’s time to fix some things.

So I do have a business, I am a style and simplicity coach. And I have done that for probably the last 10 years. And in spite of myself, sometimes I’m pretty successful, and it starts to roll. And then I put the brakes on because it feels a little scary and like it is going to grow too big too fast. And I’m tired of that I’m finished with feeling like it’s the stop start all or nothing. And I have learned I’ve procrasti-learned my whole life, I think and specifically with regards to my business for so long, that I truly feel like I don’t in my own. I don’t know what to do next. If someone else asked me I could tell them what to do next. But it’s I’m having a hard time kind of turning that on myself. I don’t show up on Instagram consistently than I do. And it’s great that I hide from people’s count, you know that I don’t answer as well as I should. I don’t follow up clients drop in my lap, and I’m thrilled about it. And I love what I do.

But I’m not good at promoting my services to the point where it would actually be a lucrative business instead of a business hobby sort of thing.

Sam Laura Brown

So I think I just and I’m super, I just actually printed out my workbook. Like I’m super excited to do this. Because I know I’m at the edge like I know, I’m ready. I’m at the tipping point and I’m, I’m ready. And at the same time, then I’m ready. I want it all to change immediately. So I think okay, well I could start with this and I and I obviously there aren’t enough hours in the day and so I need some direction and I then the impossible goal stuff I think, Okay, well I don’t even really know where to start with the impossible goal. And because I think that would solve some of the issues if I knew what the impossible goal was, which I know is exactly timely where we are right now. So I yeah, I guess as a lifetime perfectionist who is finally ready to change it. I’m not I know too much and I’m not doing it.

Sam Laura Brown
Okay, awesome. Well, from all of that it sounds like you’re in exactly the right place. So that’s a very good thing. So it kind of sounds like you’re saying that you could tell someone else like, here’s what to do next. But you’re struggling, as you said, to turn that on yourself and figuring out what to focus on. So maybe if we look at the impossible goal, and start there, and then we can have a look at what to focus on from that point, would that be helpful?

I think it might be because I don’t like I have said, My impossible goal. You know, in other situations, I have said that my goal is to earn $100,000 a year, I have not really ever looked in my own business or in other businesses, I have not ever earned that much, or really very close to that much. I have had several weeks where I earn enough that if you do the math, if you do the math, that would be pretty much it would be close to that it would be 80 you know, $1,000 a year. So it feels doable, except then I think, Oh, well, if I worked that hard, and had that many clients all the time, I would be so burnt, you know, like, then my mind gets in the way and the brakes go on. So it feels impossible on some level, since that’s nowhere near what I’m earning. And at the same time, I totally can do the math and see that it’s actually not impossible. I’m just not, I don’t have a plan for it.

Sam Laura Brown
Okay, so how much…

I guess my question in that respect, I don’t know if that’s a good goal or have not the right goal. You know what I mean? I’m not sure if I should be going lower, higher, totally different.

Sam Laura Brown
Okay. So what are you currently making just for context as well?

Yeah, I mean, that’s a good question. I mean, currently making a month, probably consistently, like $1,500, because I’m really not. I’m in a position where I’ve been home with kids for a long time, my kids are all now big. I don’t need to be home with kids. And I’ve had part time jobs where I earn enough to pay for haircuts and that kind of stuff. But I haven’t consistently tried to make my business actually be anywhere near the $100,000 mark.

Sam Laura Brown
Okay. And where’s that 1500 coming from? Is that from client?…

It’s random. Like I have a YouTube channel that actually has 11,000 followers. The last time I made a YouTube YouTube video was probably before Christmas, if the videos that are on there are monetized. I don’t really show up there as often as I could. But I’d make a little, you know, $100, let’s say you know, a little bit from it’s from YouTube. And most of it, I still work at Anthropologie, very part time. So a little bit of it is from anthropology. And then it is from clients. In some, like, I work with a couple of women’s consignment stores where I do clinics or shopping events with them. So I’ll get paid to do that. I do that once a month. I work with clients, both online and in person. And now I’m back in closets now that the pandemic is has lightened. So its clients are the bulk of it. But then there are these kind of other little things that add to that, you know, to make that up.

Sam Laura Brown
Okay. So with the impossible goal, this comes up a lot, especially with perfectionism, how we want to have the perfect impossible goal. And we didn’t really see big enough, big enough, and then we can kind of stay in that limbo. And really, the point is to pick a goal. And then to go from there. It’s much better to do that than to spend a few months like, is this the right one? But it’s very common to do that. So you’re definitely not alone. So if you had to go with your a hunch about what goal to set for your impossible goal, do you think 100,000? What do you reckon?

Because I’ve been saying it. I’ve been saying it for so long. And I totally believe that it’s possible, like it does not feel impossible in the sense that it is not that it is not the clients are there, and I know how to do the work like so in that sense. And the last two weeks, if I did the math, the last two weeks have been on track for that kind of income. So I know, it’s I know, it’s doable. It’s just I put the brakes on and kind of, you know, I don’t push anybody away specifically, but energetically, that’s what I’m doing. Like, I don’t say no, I don’t want to work with you. But I know that that’s what I’m putting the energy that I’m putting out which then you know.

Sam Laura Brown
Okay, so we have two options. In that case, we could either keep dialing it up and saying, Okay, how do you feel about 150 200 250 like, kind of going from there? Or we could just double check and make sure like, it can be tricky to tell, because sometimes it feels like we really believe it’s possible. When we don’t believe it’s possible for us. Well, like I agree with where you are, you’re like, I can see it, I can do the math. And if I look at like, I’ve had weeks that equal that over a year if you added it up, so it feels really possible. But right now, it doesn’t sound like you believe it’s possible for you to maintain that kind of income. For that whole period of time like that it can add up to that, like you can have spurts where you make what would equate to 100k every year, but to actually have that 100k come through your bank account. Doesn’t feel possible from the sounds of it because of this stop starting all or nothing. That energetically pushing you…

It feels like right now. I would sabotage it, right?

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. So we can either say 100k, or we can bump it up some more.

Bumping it up sounds terrifying. Like there’s something comfortable about the 100k. Maybe because it’s sort of been in my mind a while and I just feel like I kept holding back, maybe one, I’m going to start doing that, and then I’ll be able to do it. Any higher than that does sound terrible like then it feels a little like, Oh, my God. And at the same time, I think well, okay, if you can get to 100, then I’m 100% clear that it could be higher than that. Because the the block is between where I am and 60. Not, you know what I mean? More so than beyond 100? I think.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah and what we could do to say, if we and there’s like, in this situation, we could say, Okay, let’s bump it up. So for anyone who’s listening, like, oh, like, what should I do with this situation, the choice is yours. And really, like, it’s so powerful to make a choice and to not be like, but if we said we kept the 100k, the same. And then you can overachieve on that. So you can make more than a 100k , you could make that 100k quicker than 12 months. So that’s always an option. It’s not like you’re saying, Okay, now the maximum you can make is that amount.

Right? Right. That makes sense.

Sam Laura Brown
But it sounds like for you, that you intellectually believe in its possibility. But you don’t believe you could do it? And you kind of…

I believe there’s a lot of mindset work that needs to happen. Like, that’s why I’m here because I do believe I can do it. But I can’t do it without shifting the way I think about things and without learning to not put the brakes handbrake in this case on Yeah, definitely.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. It’s like you believe in your ability to do that. But you don’t like your current version of yourself?

Right. That’s it because the clients are there. I believe it’s not that I believe that what I do isn’t something people want, right? It’s the current version of me is not feeling like she could consistently show up in a way that would get her there. Because she’s, yes, has been doing this for decades.

Sam Laura Brown
Okay, so if we said 100k. And we’ve been recommending that the deadline for the goal be the 30th of June 2022. Right? All right. Just so we can all line up out impossible goals. So have you looked at how to break down the milestones? It’s pretty

Not really, because I’ve been too afraid to even say that milestone out loud, you know, say the impossible goal out loud. So not really.

Sam Laura Brown
that’s all good. So it’s pretty simple with 100k. What we want to do is just have it increase every quarter, right? So it’s 10k in quarter 1, 20k in quarter 2, 30K in quarter 3, 40k in quarter four.

Got it.

Sam Laura Brown
So that we have time to, like really set a handbreak and get going 100 divided by 25.

Which is what my right that’s how mine feels like it should be 20. Right? Exactly. My brain thinks it would have to be quarterly, which would then sabotage me from the beginning. Because the first month the first quarter wouldn’t be 25. And then I would Yeah, exactly. This makes much more sense.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, with this as well, when we say 25 and a quarter, that’s the same as saying 100k in a year. So it’s like, we have to just immediately jump to that future version of ourselves, we can do it, right. But when we do it like this, it’s kind of like we create a little ladder of okay, we’re gonna do 10k in the first quarter, which would equate to 40k in a year, then we’re gonna up and up and up. So that we can really not try and get ourselves to go all the way to the mindset that we need to be in and just give ourselves that chance. So it’d be…

Makes sense.

Sam Laura Brown
10k by 30th of September? Yeah. So what we want to do…

Yep exactly.

Sam Laura Brown
When we’re setting these milestones, is we want to have the exact dollar amount, and we also want to have the exact date. So not like just the month or just quarter, but the actual date. So that is December 2021, 20k. Is by the 31st of December 2021, 30k. Okay, so what we want to do once we’ve done that, just forget about the 100k. That’s being done. Right? So did that. And now we’re just looking at the 10k in the quarter. Because otherwise, what we what happens a lot is we set the goal, and then we’re like, oh, my god, I can’t actually do it. And we don’t actually allow ourselves to use those milestones, to take those tests our goal, we’re just like, oh, I don’t know how to get all the way there.

So I’m just going to do nothing and get to overwhelmed. I’ll be doing it the first milestone will be just consulting. And so the way this works, the impossible goal, isn’t like it’s not a normal goal, but bigger. It’s a different kind of goal. So it’s putting failure on the table. It’s putting disappointment on the table. It’s putting all those things that we try to avoid on the table, and it’s going to bring up where that handbrake is on. So the beginning can feel like this goal really sucks. I just want to have a realistic goal and downgrade my goal and there’s all these things that go on and they’re all just normal rites of passage but what we want to do now is really focus on the 10k in quarter one.

Trust your future self is going to figure out the rest. So then that can help us figure out what to do next, as you said, You’ve been a bit stuck with like, you know, I want to do all the things, and then at the same time, kind of do all the things and not really doing anything fully. So if we looked at 10k, in that first quarter, for you, what would be like, if we come up with a hypothesis as to how that would be achieved? Like where that money would come from? What would it be for you? Would it be from clients you work with…

Be from client? Yes, it would be from one on one. One on one clients, I guess, because that’s the one I’m most familiar with, from a paid standpoint, I’ve done a lot of clinics and that sort of stuff. And if they’ve been paid, they’ve been paid, you know, $10, you know, it’s been someone else’s event, and I make the $10. And I get paid by the person who’s running the event. But it’s not a high ticket item that anyone’s attending in person or online, or I’m just doing it, you know, as a kindness to someone who’s asked me to volunteer to talk to their group, and I’ve done it. So I’m most familiar with one on one work with women, you know, building wardrobes, and editing closets, and that sort of thing. And I’m also very comfortable talking to groups or running clinics, I just haven’t been charging for those. And it you know, I was January, February, and beginning of March, I was traveling for work, and I was doing things in 2020.

And then COVID hit and of course, I used it as a very good excuse to kind of step back, which in some ways, I think it was because who was buying clothes, you know, and I need just and I finally did pivot and helped women come up with, you know, outfits, they could be cozy and comfortable at home, you know, with what they already owned, not needing to buy anything. But I didn’t pivot as early as I maybe could have and I didn’t you know, create a business opportunity out of what was happening in the pandemic with women’s clothing. So I kind of feel even more but you know, there’s, there’s a bit more impatience with myself, because I think okay, now you’ve had a whole year where you could have been doing, you know, growing things and you haven’t, right now I am pretty steadily busy, women are ready to get back out in the world, they’re ready to shop for clothing, they’re ready to get rid of what they’re not going to wear what doesn’t fit any longer. And in spite of myself, I’m busy, and I’m earning money. So I feel like it’s a good time to be unlearning the things that you’re teaching me to unlearn? Because if I don’t, I’ll be right back where I’ve been for the last eight years.

Sam Laura Brown
Okay, let’s quickly clean all that out. Because if you go into this thinking, oh, now I’m having to like, course, correct. Because I did such a shitty job last year in the pandemic. It’s gonna be not fun, even if you succeed at the goal. And it’s still going to be like, oh, yeah, I should, because I did such a bad job in 2020. And I should have made a pivot sooner. And I should have done this. And I should have done that. And, yes, I made the most of it. But also, like I did that.

I hear all of that I don’t hear it when I say it. But as soon as you say it, and the should list, I hear it loud and clear.

Sam Laura Brown
So let’s reflect on the pandemic. Why did you show up in the perfect way? Like, how is that exactly how it needed to go for you?

It was exactly the way it needed to go. Because I really didn’t feel comfortable talking about clothes, given all that was happening in the world, pandemic and other you know, injustices. It just didn’t it felt frivolous and unnecessary to help women right then with clothing, and all of my three big kids were home because college changed. And you know, my daughter was actually in Australia on an abroad and was brought home early in. So family time became more important, which in hindsight, was such a gift to have everyone home. And yeah, I think those are the main reasons it didn’t feel authentic to me to try to be selling anything, during, you know, the most of that time till the fall, when I finally did reappear and start to, you know, share my my services. And it was important for us as a family to kind of just be here together and you know, to not really be doing a whole lot of work. So I think in that respect, it was, you know, it was the right choice to back up a little.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, and sometimes it feels scary to frame things that way, because we’re like, oh, now I’m gonna, I’m gonna be motivated to change, right? Because I’ve just, like, let myself off the hook. But when we beat ourselves up, that’s us letting ourselves off the hook. It doesn’t help. Like, it doesn’t help with the motivation to be shooting ourselves and shaming ourselves and saying, I did that. So wrong. And now let’s try and do it right. It’s not like that. It’s, you did it exactly how you should have done it. And we reconcile that so we can release. Right and move on. Yeah. And now we’re making 100k. Right? So we want to make sure we’re not like dragging the past in with us and our not even the past our shitty interpretation of it. Because when you said it like, okay, it didn’t make sense. Like it didn’t feel authentic to you. And also, like, moist, like when navigating going through a pandemic, as a business owner for the first time. That’s challenging, like not many people have been through a pandemic, as a business owner. So we have to give ourselves some grace, like family time. There’s so many reasons that you did exactly what you were meant to do.

I appreciate that, that I hear that.

Sam Laura Brown
Make sure we did that. Okay. So with that said, quarter 1, so one on one clients, how much would you make per client?

And that I think is part of the issue, I have been working hourly, pretty much the whole time I’ve ever with the exception of like one course that was really just a course online that I didn’t really have much to do with it was all recorded and evergreen. And I don’t sell I’m not currently selling that I have always worked one on one with women, because that’s just what felt safest in the beginning. Now I realize over the last probably six months, I realized I’m kind of doing them a disservice at hourly, because we often don’t finish what I would consider kind of the whole transformation before. It feels like we’ve spent enough hours on clothing, kind of, you know, either either from my interpretation of okay, wow, I’ve spent enough of their money on this, you know, I’m going to back out now, or because they have a budget, and we’ve used up their budget, but we haven’t finished the transformation.

So I have been, you know, I have lots of notes and lots of information on creating a package packages, a signature course, whatever. I feel like I need to be doing something other than hourly, because I don’t feel like I’m doing the client the best service for hourly. And I don’t feel like I’m I mean, I could keep bumping my hourly rate up. But I feel like there’s a better way to service her. And so that kind of I’m still hourly, I have a client I was with yesterday online, and I’m going to her house tomorrow to pack for a three week vacation. And I’m still charging her hourly. So I think that’s part of my sticking point, too. It’s like, do I do a package? Do I not do a package? Do I do some big signature program? You know? Or do I just keep doing hourly? Because I can’t come up with what to do differently?

Sam Laura Brown
Okay, well, it sounds like you know the answer to that.

Yeah, I feel like there should be a packaging.

Sam Laura Brown
A lot of those signs behind you that says all the answers are within you.

I’m in my daughter’s room. And actually, the Opera House is right next to her in Sydney. I mean, my daughter’s room and she’s got the best signs, I should make one of those for myself and put it in my room. Exactly.

Sam Laura Brown
What you did is you told me why you should do a package. And then you said, but I don’t know if I should do a package

Right now I should do a package, I believe I should at least try a package. I mean, I guess if it doesn’t work at all, then I will know that maybe hourly makes more sense for these women. But I believe that they too would like to know, here’s the amount. And here’s what I’m getting for this amount. And when we’re done, there will have been completion instead of right now where it’s sometimes feel like feels like we didn’t actually finish putting the closet back together the way I would have liked because we ran out of the hours when they were trying on the clothes or you know, whatever. And I’ve done it long enough that I believe I can create what that package would look like, even if then there were an add on for the hours. You know, this is the package. And if you need an extra hour, you can buy it, you know, this amount we can extend it on or whatever. Yeah, so that said, go ahead. Yeah. I was just gonna say, you know, it would be one on one clients is my guess. And I would think that each client would be somewhere in the 600 to $1,000 range 500 to 1000, depending on, you know, what the final package looked like, but I don’t know exactly what’s in it. So I don’t know what what I would charge for it, you can see how this is layers and years of all of this.

Sam Laura Brown
500 Okay, $200 to a thousand.

$99 special.

Sam Laura Brown
So, um, with this, it’s so powerful to get away from the hourly pricing. Because my guess is they would pay more to have it done in less time. Yes, like, they don’t want it to take 50 hours. For example, if you could do the same transformation with them, and like make over their wardrobe and have them feeling confident in their clothes in three hours. That’s more valuable than having it done in 50. Right, like they want the transformation in the least amount of time, I guess is a total of things going on. They don’t want to have to try and all these different, like, the shorter it can be. Right, the more valuable it is.

But when we’re in this alley pricing, we’re keeping them connected to like, you need to spend a lot of time to get this transformation, we think, Oh, if I need to, if I’m going to charge more, I need to add more hours. But the best thing we can do if I’m charging more is to reduce the amount of time and homework and tedium and all of that that it will take for them. Which then allows you to have your business be more scalable, because you can condense what it is, so it’s less from you, but it’s more valuable to them. And also they’re not thinking like we spent this last hour just trying on clothes and then they’re putting pressure on themselves after like the close up. I don’t know how it goes. But right if we can have it be that package as you said, it makes a lot of sense. Because they want that.

Because that that package would allow me to include the pieces that we often that often don’t seem important enough to spend it to pay for another hour for but then the closet would actually look like I want it to look like like you know, like the transformation would be finished. If I charge differently. I believe that like I in the last you know, like I said easily last four months. I I’ve seen okay, this could be done differently, and they would get more out of it. And I could charge more.

Sam Laura Brown
And it could be instead of, as you said, like, Okay, if we need extra time touch for an extra hour, instead of that saying, okay, winter jackets aren’t included, if you want to do that, that’s an extra, right? X amount. Makes sense? Yep. Back to ally, it’s just their pain, to have their closet be a certain way and to feel a certain way about their clothes and themselves, period. And then that’s a good point. So yes, instead of having it be hourly, we really want to get away from houely as much as possible. Because then they’re like, oh, I don’t even know how long it’ll take. So what’s the budget for and as you said, that kind of under budgeting, how long it’s going to take and that kind of thing. So with that in mind, what are you going to charge? Because?

Okay, so that I guess that’s, that’s kind of where the, the next sticking point is? Is there one package only because it’s what I do, it does seem like every woman needs something a little different, you know, some women have tons of clothing, and they truly need to go, we need to go through it all and edit it out and make sure that they’re only left with the pieces that fit someone and don’t need to try on a single thing. They just want me to come to their closet and make new outfits with what they already own and tell them what they might be missing in order to wear their clothes, you know, in a better way.

Some women want me to edit their wardrobe, then shop with them in a store or online, then go back and help incorporate the arrangement of the pieces they purchased with their existing wardrobe. Yeah, some women want literally their closet cleaned out and reorganized. So it’s like there are these ala carte things that women want that not every woman wants all of them. And so I think that’s where I have lots of notes on packages, but I’m always like, Okay, do I have three packages? One package to package 10 packages? I don’t really think 10. But yeah, that’s kind of my next sticking point. 10 seems to many, somewhere between one and three seems probably likely. And then I’m not sure how to break them up.

Sam Laura Brown
Okay, so instead of approaching this as us trying to guess what women want. There’s a lot of women out there, like what do you enjoy providing the service around, like if you had to pick one of those. And I’d say you have to just pick one great demo.

I enjoy editing the closet and making outfits with what they already own, I guess are the the top two well, and I enjoy shopping with them. So because I’m a good shopper, so I enjoy the shopping part of it. But I don’t feel that’s necessary to help a woman have a great wardrobe. Because most women already have plenty of clothing in their wardrobe, you know, to wear. So my favorite part I think is the editing out what isn’t working and helping them boil you know, the contents of their wardrobe down into the pieces they truly love and look great in and helping them put those pieces together in new ways. With shopping kind of it as an if you want to shop, you know, then we then shopping maybe is is added on in in some way.

Sam Laura Brown
Alright, so how do you feel about that, because that sounds pretty good.

That feels that feels realistic. Yes, that feels like actually what I do and what I like to do.

Sam Laura Brown
Because if we instead of going, oh my god, there’s all these different things and ala carte and all of that if we say okay, here’s what I do, I help you, like, take what you already have, and actually make it wearable. And if doing that we identify there are some big gaps, we say like you don’t have any basic top right, we can go out shopping and like that’s an extra thing. But I can come shopping with you. And so they know that they’re not just like going shopping, and they’re going to end up in the same massive, right? I have all these clothes, and I don’t know how to wear them. It’s like we do that.

And then if we identify gaps, we go out, we show up, we fill the gaps. So it’s gonna work with your wardrobe. And then you’re gonna feel amazing. Yep, exactly. And then if someone comes to you and says, Hey, actually, I don’t want that I just want I love what I have, I know how to wear it, I just can’t organize it, then you can make something up when that comes up if you want to do that. So we don’t need to go like here’s all the options, because then like, which do I want? It’s like, here’s how I help people. Right? Here’s why you already had the things and like, so we can do that. So that’s the transformation. So do you recognize how valuable that is for someone to have that?

Not always know, I mean, I do in the moment when I’m helping. But because it’s what I do, and I do it in my you know, it comes easy to me. So it’s difficult for me to see you know why other women why it doesn’t? It doesn’t it’s not difficult for me to see. But like anything when you’re good at it, it seems like Well, why would anyone pay me to do that? It’s just kind of, you know, it’s not that hard. Recognizing that there are things that are hard for me that other people find easy so I know the answer to that. And yet there are still times I think less right now like right now I am I am in a spot where I 100% believe that what I offer is valuable and I like what I do and I see the transformation and I get the emails and the testimonials and so I’m it’s now a matter of actually doing you know taking it to the place where it’s actually a business that continues to, you know, to do its thing on a regular basis, instead of stop, start, stop, start, stop, start.

Sam Laura Brown
Okay, so let’s just play with numbers for a minute, if you had to pick the number to choose, let’s say, we’re just looking at, you go and you help them. Or maybe it’s an online consult or whatever, however that works. You help them edit their wardrobe, like and make outfits and like, the transformation for them. If they can actually wear the stuff they’ve already invested in, they already has it right? Instead of feeling like okay, now I have to go out and buy all this other stuff. And I’m not going to be able to wear it because I still don’t know how to wear stuff and what looks good on me. And I still feel like shit every month. Like, that’s the problem.

You’re starting every morning. Right? Like every single morning, it’s a problem for them. It’s an acute problem of I don’t know what to wear. I’m feeling shame that they’re borderless stuff, and they still don’t know how to wear it. And then they go out and meet friends like oh, I don’t feel confident because I like have no idea what I’m wearing. It’s the whole thing. That’s important. I hear it when you say that, that makes sense. Like every day, right? Confidence impacting thing, right? That you’re helping someone solve. And I knew like, it’s easy for me. And for me, it’s not easy for most people. It’s not easy. It’s like someone just tells me what to do.

I’m doing it right.

Sam Laura Brown
And thank you very much. So if we had to choose a number. And this is where instead of like dialing up the impossible goal, we’re going to be dialing this up, but we had to pick a number. And if you did it not as you but as like, say like you were the one giving the advice on what to charge. Because you said you can create a given advice to others, like when I was going through the Tata. So what would you say to charge for that?

I would say, I know No, because here’s where the own personal lack stuff comes in. And I think well, I don’t know that I would pay that. You know, it’s yeah, it was I don’t know that anybody can afford that. Like all of the other chatter comes in. The first number that comes to mind is $700.

Sam Laura Brown
And how do you feel out? 700? Too much? Not enough. Probably not not enough.

Exactly. Yeah, I 700 feels like 500 doesn’t feel like enough.

Sam Laura Brown
Why not? This is important because we kind of just right then.

500 doesn’t feel like enough because when I divide out the hours that I know it takes to do the work, then it doesn’t feel like what I earn hourly, you know, then it doesn’t feel like it would add up to my hourly rate plus the extra work that is you know, the stuff on either side. That’s the questionnaires and the follow up and the pictures and all of that.

Sam Laura Brown
And we want to make sure and this is so I’m so glad you said that because we don’t want to be thinking hourly. But we definitely want to be thinking about, you’re at least making money.

Right, but it’s actually right. Right. Right, that I’m not like, Okay, well, now I make $7 an hour, I was great. The way I divided that all up.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. How many hours roughly? But for you to provide that transformation, obviously, you said it’s different for everyone. Right?

I would say, somewhere in the neighborhood of five or six. Okay. That would be realistically, that would be what I would say, five to six hours total, not all with them, but total for them to have all the information, you know, and, and the follow up and that kind of thing.

Sam Laura Brown
Okay, so let’s go with six hours, which is how, because we want to make sure you’re definitely make when we do them, right? You’re making a good amount per hour, as you said, we’re making $7. Right. So that aside, so 500, doesn’t feel like enough because of that. So what about 700? Because it’s not that much more, it’s kind of like if someone would pay 500 that pay 700? Like, it’s kind of the same mental ballpark. So why not? Why didn’t you say $1,000 for example?

Right? Because when I look at six hours, my rate currently is $150 an hour. And so that’s $900. So then I think well, okay, then you might as well stay hourly, because you’d be making 200 extra dollars on this project, if you were at you know, if this was actually what you were selling a woman. And when I recognize hearing you say and when I actually think about the fact that we get dressed every single day, and we feel better, you know, if we feel amazing in our clothing, we show up differently in our day, all of that makes complete sense. And then it feels worthy of a higher ticket because it is literally helping them in other ways other than just cleaning up the dust bunnies from their closet and getting rid of the jeans that don’t fit. Yeah, so then it feels like $900 or $1,000 for that kind of transformation feels like okay, that actually is worth that, you know, in the long run, I don’t want them to have to need me every two weeks, I want to teach, you know, I want this to be truly a transformation of sorts so that they can wear what they have and love getting dressed.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. And then they know how to shop because they actually feel like they know what they buy. So they can buy more of that. And like right now just even cool. Now that sold that daily problem. It’s like, it hasn’t been kind of exactly, exactly. Recognize that. And we don’t want to like I know, it’s tempting to go into thinking like, oh, but then that would be like a ridiculous hourly rate. And you’d have to be really onto yourself that you don’t try and throw in all this extra time. Right? Have you charged more with like, hey, I can just let’s do an extra shopping trip on me. Like…

They bring it back to where it feels comfortable, right?

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah it’s going to be tempting to do that. But we have to remember, it’s more valuable for them if it takes less time. Right? Right. No, they don’t want all this like extra time at it. Even if they say they do they really want if they could push a button and just have the wardrobe done.

And have it done. Right. Right. They’d pay $1,000. Easily. Right.

Sam Laura Brown
Exactly. So we want to make sure we aren’t doing that to try and like get this hourly, right. Just totally. So why didn’t you say 1500?

I think because that feels big. Feels extra big. Yeah, I think I don’t know, I It’s such in the minds. The money part of it is so interesting. And so interesting for me personally, because the lack and the scarcity mindset has been a part of my life for so long. And yet, I signed up for PGSD two weeks ago, paid, you know, the price. And that was Tuesday on Saturday, I opened up the mail, and there was a check for literally almost the exact same dollar amount from a life insurance policy that my dad who died two years ago, I didn’t even know this existed. I was not you know, and I’ve heard people say that happens. And I’m like, That’s the dumbest thing ever. I literally it just happened, the money is right back in my account.

So I think okay, Kristen, you know that even these women who say they can’t afford it, can figure out a way to afford it, if it’s important to them, and that they’re going to make the money back by not wasting money on clothing, and not you know, and getting a better job or, you know, upgrading their lives in some other way. So my mind says, Oh, 1500 will be way too high, because and then my the other side of my mind says yeah, but you just invested all this money to do this. And it literally came back within the week. And so, you know, energetically I understand 1500 is probably more realistic. And if I’m, if I could be brave enough to put it out there, I think I would probably have clients, I would surprise myself with clients saying, Yes, I want that. It’s concise. It makes sense. It’s a, you know, set time amount. And on the other side, I’m going to love to get dressed.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. And you just paid more than double for a very, I offer a very similar service to you, and help you take what you already know. And actually, you’re taking the coins they already have and actually work. Right. So you’ve made more than double for that. But it’s so easy when we were in that lack to project it onto everyone total and to do like, oh, they don’t want to. I’ve done that for years. Right If we look at them, they’re buying clothes. And they’re probably buying a lot of clothes. Because…

I work in anthropology, I see them buying clothes. Yep.

Sam Laura Brown
It’s a really big problem for them. They don’t have the solution, because you’re not really telling them about it. So they’re going out there to buy more clothes. And like, maybe if I can just get that really cute dress, then in the morning, I can feel amazing. But then it gets, and they haven’t actually incorporated in to the actual style, what they like to wear or the practicalities of what they do on a day to day basis. And so they’ve got money, then literally, as you said, You’ve you watch them spend money to solve the problem. Yep. Yeah. And now we’re having them put that money where it’s actually going to solve the problem, right?

Sounds so simple.

Sam Laura Brown
Like they don’t have money, literally, they’re already trying to solve the problem with money. Right? Right. And they feel even more shit every time they try and do that, because it’s not working, because they’re not actually getting the proper solution they need. Right? So that’s who we’re helping. We’re not helping people who literally like don’t have don’t care about clothing, right? We don’t have the money like these people have money, right? And when we can remember that we can actually show up and really help them to get the transformation, all the things, but if we think oh, no, we’re helping all these people who have no money, but heaps are closing their wardrobe. That’s the thing to be might be like, I don’t have the money to spend. Yeah, it’s because you spent and now I can help you actually, but they don’t have the money because they have money they’ve spent great. Right. So they are the kind of person who spends money. But we see that as No, they don’t have enough money. When it’s like they do have enough money. And they’re in the habit of spending that currently on a solution that doesn’t work.

Brilliant. Makes complete sense.

Sam Laura Brown
From the outside, when it’s like a little bit, it’s mean, and as you said, like it comes easily to you. And so we can really undervalue it, because we’re like, Well, you know, everyone probably knows how to do this anyway, like, what am I adding? But as you said, like, people don’t ask myself included, like, the pregnancy, for example, someone could just come and tell me like, Hey, where are they? Just be like, take my money. No one came to me and said that. But if we look at this, okay, so we definitely don’t want it to be 500, as you said, and like, doesn’t feel like enough. 700 kind of feels like, basically, you’re kind of doing the math on the hourly rate, and it’s about the same. So if we said somewhere between 1000 to 1500, you could obviously charge a lot more than that. And people would happily pay it. It’s not an issue of like, that’s the limit at all. But we want to kind of walk with what you’ve gotten incrementally increase it. So what price you’re going to say, and this doesn’t include shopping,

Right? What price am I going to say? I know I’m going to take six weeks to pick a price. So no, I’m not I’m going to say a price.

Sam Laura Brown
Think of that future you who makes 100k? What advice would they give you?

Future Me would say…

Sam Laura Brown
The problem like future us…

Future wery silent over there in the corner somewhere.

Sam Laura Brown
Think out loud. Tell me what you think.

I guess future me says 1250. Like kind of splitting that in the middle and saying 1250 feels? Because then I play with the numbers. I’m like, Okay, well, do I want you know, it to end in a nine? Do I want it to end in a seven, you know, like, then I get all that data information in my head. And I feel like 1250 kind of feels like the right? The middle of those two feels like the right amount. Whether 1250 feels like the best number versus 1222 or 1297? Or you know, I’m not exactly sure. So I guess probably we should just say 1250. So enough to think about that anymore.

Sam Laura Brown
Like all these numbers, stuff makes a difference. But it’s really only on the cusp of things that those numbers make a difference, if that makes sense. If you’re going to mentally round up and round down, right? So it’s really important to look at, like, not important the sentence but really looking at like, Okay, well, it’s only paid $1,250 probably paid 1200 The public paid 700. It’s kind of like, it’s not right at this cost, right? If you just added it up a little bit, then they ran it up to two grand mentally. Does that make sense? It’s kind of like in the middle anyway, so it doesn’t really matter. Right? But for all of us, like it doesn’t really matter. Like just pick a number and go with it. So if we take 10,000 and we divide it by 1250. That’s exactly eight clients. Okay, for the quarter,

Right? Not too much thing, right? That’s completely doable.

Sam Laura Brown
And now it’s just a matter of doing it. Completely doable. The milestones and then we do the math on just the next milestone and we can have a theory about Okay, later on. We’re going to do this and this and this. But if we just go okay, that’s 8 client’s at All 50. And now I just need to focus on getting those clients at 1250. Which our brain doesn’t like. Because then we have to start doing stuff. It prefers to be like, Oh, what do I do what I do what I do, how much do I charge package did? Can you see like, in a very short amount of time we went from, I don’t know what to charge. I don’t know if I should do a package.

We have a price. And we know how many we need to get to that total. Right? Right. Yeah, yeah. So then I guess the next question is, because then my brain is like, Oh, well, before you would charge 1250 for anything, you would need to show up on Instagram consistently. Or you would need to start sending your email list and email all the time or, you know, then there’s that well, what would I you know, I need to be serving in some way and making more content so that it doesn’t feel like I’m charging too much for something when I’m not showing up on social media or in their email in their inbox or anything like that. Realizing that most of my clients don’t find me those two ways, probably anyway.

Sam Laura Brown
Like you’ve already said, clients fall in your lap, right? Like there coming to you. There are people out there like you already have the people around you. There’s eight people you’ve already met them. Or maybe you don’t know you’ve met them, but they know they’ve met you. I do believe now is just saying, hey, sorry, I’ve been really quiet and haven’t actually told you how I can help you in that you’ve having you’ve been going to anthropology and spending hundreds of dollars on clothes you don’t actually wear I’m so sorry, I didn’t tell you about how it could help you sooner. Here’s how I can help you. Here’s why it’s worth it. Here’s like the transformation that you’re going to have. But we want to go on how I need this consistent content.

Right, exactly. My brain is like, Oh, cool. Now we’ll just go do Instagram. And then we’ll revisit this in like, you know, August when we haven’t actually moved one needle forward. You know, one bit of it forward? Yeah, yeah. And I think it’s because all of that other stuff. There’s a should factor where I’ve learned it all. And I understand how to do it. And I, I appreciate when other people are doing it, I enjoy their content, I enjoy watching what they’re doing. And so it feels like I should be doing that as part of a successful business. When really I recognize that’s kind of absurd, because a successful business is Do I have these eight people? And are they paying me? And is that money going in the bank and then getting them what they need? And they’re telling other people, you know, Instagram is really irrelevant in that equation in a lot of ways.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. But we want as he said, It’s like this should have, oh, but if you have a successful business, you should have this kind of social media presence, and you should show up on it this often.

Right? And they should update my website. And I should write all of the Yeah, like, I hear them back there.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. And so what we can do is we can think about future you from the end of quarter one, who has the eight clients who’ve had like that 1200 videos is the best money they’ve spent right? In the last 10 years. They’re telling all their friends like I am. So like, we all have these things. We’re like, I’m so like that money was so well spent. That’s working with you. And so we’re thinking about future us, who has the eight clients, who we haven’t, like, manipulated to get the money, right? That like, please solve this problem for me. And then we think about, okay, what advice would they give me? Would they say, Okay, now we need to just forget about telling people how we can help them and focus on creating all this consistent Instagram content, and then hoping they read our minds and actually, like, go to the website there is still need to update and they’re like, Hey, I’m actually going to tell people, which requires more courage than just consistent content that doesn’t actually talk about how we…

Totally I have been hiding behind that consistent or inconsistent content. Right. For a long time. Yeah, totally. Totally. There’s no Yeah, yeah. The courage there is limited. The Courage is in the this is what I do. This is how I do it. This is what it costs, right? Yeah. Yeah, definitely.

Sam Laura Brown
So does that help to go from like, I don’t know what to do to like, this is what you’re selling? Yeah,

it does. Because I’ve been avoiding this part. Yeah, I’ve been totally avoiding this part. I’ve been avoiding the math, I’ve been avoiding all of this part of it. Because it just, it felt too big and too scary. And then when it breaks down, obviously, it’s not nearly enough, but bite sized piece of it is not nearly as big, you know, and scary as it seems in my head. But you know, when I’m trying to even think of the impossible goal. So yes, super helpful. So now is the next step. I’m assuming, just to focus on finding those eight women in whatever best way all of the knowledge I’ve amassed over decades says to do it, you know, whatever that that promotion looks like.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, if it was easy, what would it look like? That’s what we want to be bringing ourselves back to, you tend to go to if it was complicated and hard and took a lot of time. What would I do? Okay to update all this and I did. Write for example, it could be if this was easy,

right? Yeah. If it was easy, it would be Yeah. And I did last in January of 2020. I did it one of these little if this was easy, and I was like, okay, you know what I have? I have a lot of friends in Arizona and a lot of them have said they want to work with me, you know, acquaintance kind of friends, whatever. And if this was easy, I would just post an Instagram stories that said, I’m coming to Arizona. If anybody wants to work with me, these are the days I’ll be there and Lo Behold, I had enough clients that I paid for my airfare paid for my hotel paid for all my stuff and still made some money. You know, so I, I’ve seen it work, I just am so good, you know, kind of putting the brakes on. So I get the if it was easy, and if it was easy, I would Yeah, I have clients who probably would be willing to pay this, it for the next level transformation, you know, who’ve already paid me something, you know, who’ve already worked with me in the past. And as you said, I am pretty sure that whether it’s on my email list or an Instagram or YouTube, these eight women already exist, you know, I already have interacted with them, probably. And yeah. Can can find them.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. And it’s like, it can be scary, because we’re like, oh, well, say for example, with YouTube, I haven’t posted since last year. So now I need to like everyone up and then tell them, you could just post a video saying, Hey, did you know this is a service I offer? Like, this is a transformation instead of feeling like shit every morning, when you look at your wardrobe, you’re going to feel so confident because you know exactly what to wear, you know, you look good in it. You know, it’s the right colors that it like, right actually painting that picture, which is what we want to make sure we do. We’re not like, oh, it’s X hours for X dollars. Right? It’s here’s how you’re going to feel differently. Here’s how to work with me. And it can be when we ask that question of if it was easy, what would it look like? Cool, I just post once and like everyone would come, you have to be so careful. So like, it can’t be that easy. It literally can’t be that easy. But then if we pause and we hear crickets that we’re like, oh, maybe I need to actually post again, like we keep going.

Instead of like, Oh, I thought it was going to be easy. Sam said it would be easy. And I didn’t get the instant results. So now we’re going into the nothing inside of the all or nothing. Like if it was easy, we’d keep doing it until it worked. Whatever it is we’re doing, right. And we want to find the easiest way. Because normally that’s the most courageous way is the easiest, as in like takes the least amount of time. Right. But really like what feels easiest is a complicated way, because it doesn’t require as much courage and we get to hide behind the the consistent content. If it was easy and simple. What would you do and bring it back to that. And then if that doesn’t have the outcome you want, ask that, again, keep showing up. But you already have so many assets that you’ve built for yourself. And I’m sure there are so many people who are already like, I want to work with Kristen, I’m just waiting for her to sell me on it. Right.

And I know that I mean, if you hadn’t sold this, I wouldn’t have you know, taken the leap. Like I get that I think of lots of different situations in my life where I’m like, Well, if they didn’t offer a product or whatever it was, I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to buy it and I want I liked that product or that service. So I do, again, intellectually understand that, you know, it’s, it’s just actually doing it. So the easy is helpful because I do certainly get stuck in that how complex can we make it so that it doesn’t actually move anything forward? But I like you know, the breakdown of the goal sounds good. The eight clients feels feasible. And now I will come up with what the easiest, you know, most expedient way is to actually get it out there so that I can you know, see what happens.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, and catch yourself when the clients come in. You’re like, Oh, I’m going to change the price or I’m just going to wait a few days to apply. Like all of that stuff. Just be on yourself. know, that’s completely normal. Okay, okay. Just be honest. But thank you so much for getting coach, Kristen.

Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Sam, take care.

Sam Laura Brown
Awesome. Talk to you soon.

The doors to perfectionist getting shit done aka PGSD are now officially open. And inside you’ll learn how to plan properly as a perfectionist with power planning so you can get out of your own way in your business. Enrollment for our January 2024 cohort of PGSD will be closing at 11:59pm New York time on the 12th of December 2023. So to find out more about PGSD and sign up, visit samlaurabrown.com/pgsd.

Author: Sam Brown