Five years ago, I started a blog and called it Smart Twenties.
It wasn’t a name I loved but I decided it would have to do – and it did! I’ve been able to quit my full-time job for blogging, find work I truly love, make a positive impact on thousands of lives and start a thriving business. And for that I will always be grateful.
As time has gone on; my blog and business has grown. Smart Twenties has become a less and less accurate description of what I do. Yes, I’m still in my twenties, but I don’t really talk about how to make the most of your twenties. I talk about personal development for Type A perfectionists like me.
It’s hard when I think of leaving the name Smart Twenties behind. To be honest with you, the idea of re branding has brought up a lot of fear and doubt.
What if I lose readers, followers and listeners? Suppose no one likes my new website? What if I overlook something major in the transition? I imagine it’s a huge mistake. What if, what if, what if?
I know those fears are normal part of growth, as uncomfortable as they may be, it doesn’t mean those fears will come true. If those fears do come true, I’ll be OK. It will suck at first but the world will keep spinning and I will recover. If not, I’m employable (though I hope it wouldn’t come to that) and won’t end up out on the street.
Even with that knowledge, the fear feels real. Ha! I feel like that’s the way it always is, isn’t it? You don’t have anything to be scared of and yet you still feel scared AF. I wanted to paint the scene for you – this is something that is exciting for me but scary too.
With those fears screaming at me, I’ve decided to take a leap of faith and leave the name Smart Twenties behind. It’s going to happen eventually so why not do it now? There are other what ifs I should be putting a little more weight on (which are sometimes easy to overlook).
What if I can make a bigger impact? Imagine, if everyone loves my new website? Suppose that everything goes smoothly? Turned out, it’s the best decision I’ve ever made? What if, what if, what if?
Sam Laura Brown
From now on, I’ll be going as Sam Laura Brown. My blog will be The reason I’m using my middle name is because I have a super common name and there are multiple famous Sam Browns in the world! But I also love the Sarah Jessica Parker vibe too and think Sam Laura Brown has a nice ring to it. I’d love to know what you think!
If you forget and happen to search for Smart Twenties, don’t worry. There’s a redirect in place that’ll take you to my new blog. It’s all good.
On Instagram I’m now @samlaurabrown.
If you were following me at @smarttwenties you don’t have to do anything except look out for the new name (I’ve just changed the name of my account). Make sure you follow me if you weren’t. I share lots of advice on my Instagram account that I don’t share anywhere else!
The Perfectionism Project
I hope you love the new name as much as I do, I think it’s a better fit. If you were subscribed, you don’t need to do anything except look out for the new name. Now might be a good time to start to subscribe if you have never listened to my podcast before!
The Smart Twenties Community Facebook Group will also be changed to The Perfectionism Project and my Pinterest, Twitter, etc will be getting changed to Sam Laura Brown.
Most of these changes have been made but over the coming weeks there will be a few loose ends. Thank you for your understanding as I do my best to get my shit together during this transition!
The name Smart Twenties will still appear in different places on my blog, podcast, Instagram etc. It takes a while to change 5 years worth of work. I’ll be leaving the old name in some places (like previous podcast episodes) so I can focus my time on moving forward.
So that’s the news! Thank you SO much for supporting me up until this point! I’m so excited for what’s to come and hope you are too.
Sam xx
Listen to the episode on the player above, click here to download the episode and take it with you or listen anywhere you normally listen to podcasts – just find Episode 51 of The Perfectionism Project Podcast!