Episode 7: How To Stop Procrastinating

How To Stop Procrastinating

In this episode of The Smart Twenties Podcast I’m talking about how to stop procrastinating!

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If you struggle with procrastination, I highly recommend taking my 7-day challenge Get Out Of Your Own Way. It’s a series of 7 video lessons that will help you change your perfectionist mindset, so you can become the best version of yourself that you can be! You’ll find step-by-step instructions and thought-provoking exercises to help you stop procrastination, begin to create true self-confidence and start living the life you wish you had. You can learn more, read the lovely feedback from my students and sign up here.

Get Out Of Your Own Way-4

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Sam xx

Author: Sam Brown

  • I relate so much to everything you just said! That is my current situation. What i`m trying to do in order to stop that mindset is to thing that if i never start studying harder i will never know. Maybe i can be better, maybe i can reach that level that everyone told me i belong to. Loved this podcast, fells so good to see that i am not the only one with this problem.

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