10 Pieces of Advice For Your Twenties

3 Ways To Stop All-Or-Nothing Thinking

I’ve always admired the people who are brave enough to share their own quotes and writing on Instagram, but have always been too afraid to be one of them. Until a few weeks ago.

Here are some of the quotes I’ve shared on my Instagram so far, rounded up as 10 pieces of advice for your twenties. I hope they help you reflect on your life, show yourself compassion and take everything to the next level! And if you like them, make sure to follow me on Instagram for more! 

1. Embrace the messiness

So many of us put an ungodly amount of pressure on ourselves to have it all figured out, even though no one does! And I’ve always been scared to take that pressure off for fear it will mean I achieve less. But what I’m finding is that allowing the uncertainty doesn’t remove my ambition and I enjoy being where I am in my life so much more. Embracing the messiness and uncertainty, rather than resisting it, makes all the difference.

Related: 20 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Twenties

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2. Create self-confidence

In the last few months, I’ve done a lot of work on myself to stop self-sabotaging and procrastinating. And the impact it has had on my self-confidence has been absolutely HUGE! Self-confidence comes from doing, even if we don’t know what the hell we’re doing.

Related: 5 Ways To Build Self-Confidence In Your Twenties

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3. Act on your intuition

We always get told to trust our intuition, but what about acting on it? I’ve found that acting on my intuition doesn’t feel as good as it sounds. It feels scary and intimidating and uncertain. But acting on my intuition, even if it doesn’t turn out to be ‘right’, is helping me develop my own wisdom and grow as a person. And that’s reason enough.

Related: How I Quit My Full-Time Job For Blogging

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4. Be supportive

It’s easy to criticise those around us for not living their lives the way we think they should, but it’s important to realise that criticism and judgement and shame are never healthy motivators. And not only are these things not helpful, but they’re also a display of our insecurities and limitations to the world. Be supportive of those around you, always. Even if you wouldn’t do it yourself.

Related: How To Make Friends In Your Twenties

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5. Be willing to fail

This is something I’m working on everyday – being willing to try my hardest and it not be good enough. And to not make that mean anything about me as a person.

Related: How To Overcome Perfectionism

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6. Don’t rely on motivation

The best thing I ever did was learn how to stop relying on motivation to stick to healthy habits and achieve my goals. The key is to stop buying into the myth that we need to feel like it. The only way to get what you want is to commit to the goal and being willing to do whatever it takes, not whatever you feel like.

Related: How To Stay Consistent Even When You’re Unmotivated

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7. Live beyond your comfort zone

Fear and self-doubt serve a purpose, but they are never an indicator that we shouldn’t progress.

Related: How To Overcome Fear of Failure

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8. Stay organised

I often find it’s the little things I do that make the biggest difference in my life. If I create an environment that has at least some semblance of control, I can feel on top of the world. And it only takes a few minutes.

Related: How I Get Myself Out Of A Slump

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9. See the world

Travel is best used as a source of wonder, rather than a method of escape.

Related: Should You Travel In Your Twenties?

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10. Learn and grow

All that matters is that we learn and we grow. And we never, ever, ever give up.

Related: 365 Days of Personal Growth

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Like these quotes?

Make sure you follow me on Instagram!

Sam xx

P.S. If you’re a procrastinator, keep reading to learn about my online course for procrastinators called Get Out Of Your Own Way:

Take your life to the next level

Four years ago, I found myself trapped in a vicious cycle of procrastination and guilt. Whenever I tried to do simple life tasks (like going to the gym, eating right and organising my time) it felt like I was trying to move mountains!

After work, I was too exhausted to do anything more than make food and lay in bed watching another episode of my favourite show. I kept telling myself I deserved a break, but I never enjoyed it. I felt guilty for wasting my time but I didn’t stop (and when I did find myself with time to do the things I wanted, I just kept procrastinating – gahh!).

And I wish it stopped there, but then I beat myself up for procrastinating! I felt like I was behind everyone else and letting everyone down, so I procrastinated even more.

No matter how many hours I spent reading motivation articles on Pinterest or how many times I filled out a new planner, I just couldn’t make myself change – even though I knew I was the one stopping myself from progressing. And I had all the advice right in front of me!

And because this whole situation was frustrating AF (and I knew I was better than that, even though I didn’t have the evidence to prove it) I dedicated myself to figuring out how to stop sabotaging my own success.

After trying hundreds of different things, it finally clicked! And this year I’ve been able to quit my full-time job for blogging, I’m more productive and focused than I’ve ever been in my life and I’ve finally stopped feeling like I’m behind! Plus it’s actually easy to workout everyday and eat healthy (which I never thought would be possible).

And since everything I’ve learned has COMPLETELY changed my life, I decided to put the very best of it together in a step-by-step course!

Get Out Of Your Own Way-6

My online course for procrastinators

Get Out Of Your Own Way is a self-paced online video course that gives you the tools and mindset shifts you need to stop procrastinating, follow through with all your plans and have the courage to finally pursue your dreams – even if your life is totally overwhelming and you have no idea what you want to do!

I’ll just let you know that this course won’t be for you if you’re looking for quick-fix procrastination tips (let’s be real – you’ve seen all those already and they haven’t worked) or you’re afraid to dig deep and uncover the real reasons you’ve been holding yourself back.

But if you’re ready to make a change and need someone to guide you through the very first step – it could be just the thing you need!


Advice for millennials, twenty-somethings and women in their twenties to help them make the most of their twenties

Author: Sam Brown

  • This advise is exactly what everyone needs to hear! Couldn’t agree more with the point about motivation – discipline is exactly what we need to achieve things in life after a certain point xox

    maria whatismaria.com

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