Episode 285: 8 Lessons From 8 Years In Business

Episode 285: 8 Lessons From 8 Years In Business

When I was getting started in my business something that really helped me was going back to the beginning of other people’s businesses that I admired and seeing where they started.

When your perfectionism handbrake is on, you don’t want to evolve publicly. You want to evolve in private and come out to the world as this perfect person. And then you want to continue to be a perfect person. 

But by seeing other entrepreneurs’ journeys, it really was empowering to be able to evolve and grow and change in public. I was also able to learn all of these lessons that I’m sharing with you today.

Tune into today’s episode because I’m sharing 8 lessons from 8 years in business. And you’re not going to want to skip this episode.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • How I found the courage to start my business amidst extreme self-doubt
  • Why hitting your next business milestone won’t make you more confident + what will
  • The most counter-intuitive lesson I learned about succeeding in business
  • How my business has evolved over the last 8 years

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I want to share with you some of the most standout lessons I’ve learned in the last 8 years in business. I hope that by sharing these with you, you can take them into your own business and they’ll help you too. Enjoy!

Author: Sam Brown