Episode 350: How To Get On Top Of Your Life Admin + Never Fall Behind Again

Episode 350: When To Say No To A Business Opportunity + How To Do It Without Being Rude

Perfectionists often struggle with life admin tasks. There always seems to be something to clean, fix or take care of in our day-to-day lives – tasks that won’t take too long to do individually, but seem never-ending.

If you feel like your life admin tasks are never-ending loose ends, this episode is going to help!

I share about my experiences around feeling behind on my life admin, discovering I was using my life admin loose ends against myself, and the specific changes I’m making to my Power Planning and clean rest to address it.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • What to do if you always feel like you’re scrambling to get things done
  • What hasn’t been working with my Power Planning and changes I’m making
  • How to tell if you’re using your life admin loose ends against yourself
  • How to get your life admin done without being dramatic about it
  • Why it helped me to take two days off without any business or life admin

PGSD is opening to new students on 26 October 2022:
The PGSD Process will have you getting out of your own way in your business and planning properly as a perfectionist. The doors to Perfectionists Getting Shit Done will be opening at 6am New York time on 26 October and closing at 11:59pm New York time on 1 November 2022. To find out more about the program and be the first to know when the doors open, join the waitlist here: samlaurabrown.com/pgsd.

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Hi, and welcome to another episode of The Perfectionism Project. A podcast full of perfectionism advice for entrepreneurs. My name is Sam Laura Brown, I help entrepreneurs release their perfectionism handbrake, so they can get out of their own way and build a fulfilling and profitable business. I’m the founder of the perfectionist getting shit done group coaching program, which is otherwise known as PGSD. And for even more perfectionism advice to help you with your business, you can follow me on Instagram @perfectionismproject.

Before we get into today’s episode, I want to make sure you know that the doors to perfectionist getting shit done. My coaching program for perfectionist entrepreneurs is now open for enrollment. So the doors opened at 6am, New York time on the 27th of July and are open for one week only closing at 6am New York time on the second of August. So if you resonate with what I talk about on this podcast, if you are a perfectionist entrepreneur, maybe you are an artist, a writer, a graphic designer, a stylist, an e commerce store owner, maybe you’re a coach like me, maybe you are trying to think who else we have inside PGSD, maybe you’re a dancer, a performer, maybe you’re a real estate agent, if you can relate to what I talk about on this podcast.

And you really want to actually apply all of these concepts in your life, in your business. And you’re really ready to get out of your own way to make that three month commitment to power planning and to really begin showing up fully for yourself and for your business. I want to invite you in so samlaurabrown.com/pgsd is where you can find out more about the program. And it’s also where you can sign up. So I want to invite you to go there to join us for this enrollment period of perfectionist getting shit done.

And I would love to coach you. And also I wanted to mention that we are strict with the deadline to sign up for PGSD. Every time we open the doors, we get people emailing us. Classic perfectionist behavior, so we expect it but people who were like I was waiting to the last minute and then I just forgot or I missed out for some reason something happened in their life and they didn’t sign up. And we then in that case would have you wait until the next enrollment period. So if you know that PGSD is the next step for you in your business, then I want to invite you to go and sign up today. So again, samlaurabrown.com/pgsd is where you can sign up for perfectionist getting shit done.

In this episode, I want to talk to you about what to do when you always feel like you have loose ends to be tied up. Maybe those are loose ends that you have in your business projects and tasks that need just a little bit more to be done to them before they can be considered complete. Or maybe it is in your personal life that there are errands and little tasks that need to be done. So that you can finally relax and enjoy your life. So I was quoting a PGSDer on this. And as I was coaching her, I was sharing some of my own experiences with this.

Because I have found particularly since having Lydia so made it 2021, that I have been using loose ends in my personal life as a way to create some drama and interest and distraction, I guess or overwhelmed in my personal life that stops things from feeling too good, particularly after Lydia was born. And fair enough, I had a new one. But I found myself with these lists of things in my personal life that needed to get done just little minor tasks that would probably each of them take maybe 10 to 15 minutes.

But writing and rewriting these to do lists. And it’s just I wanted to share this as well, because I use power planning in the business. And I also do it to some extent for my personal life. But I’m still mastering using it for life admin, and I find myself sometimes being in these to do lists that I talk about not being helpful. And so it’s okay, if you’re still working on things. So am I. But I find myself with these to do lists of life admin stuff. I tend to keep mine as a list in Trello. But I do that, and then I use it as an excuse to feel overwhelmed and behind.

And I want to talk about some things you can be thinking about, and just paying attention to and even creating awareness around this alone can be so transformative, to just notice that you’re doing it. And I’m definitely at that point where I’m noticing when I’m doing it. Because I didn’t notice a few months ago, when I was doing it I really didn’t notice until it was like why do you keep rewriting a list the same thing, like just do the things and I was like, oh, something’s going on here.

And I may have even done a previous podcast mentioning this at some point, maybe of my personal growth updates, my growth call updates. I’m not sure. But I wanted to talk about it with you because I know that the other PGSDers listening to that coaching could relate I could relate. So there’s a very good chance that you could relate you can relate as well. So these loose ends that we have that stop us from allowing ourselves to feel on top of things like we don’t give ourselves permission to feel on top of things.

A lot of times, I think that really is about us not wanting things to feel too good to be true, too easy, we’re not comfortable with work feeling done, whether it’s in the business or in our personal life, that we’re in this constant state of feeling inadequate, and things aren’t good enough. And even if you have been working on your perfectionism, like I have, for a decent amount of time, it’s not an all or nothing thing that we’re either fully in the growth mindset or fully in the perfectionist mindset, it is a spectrum, it is something that we are moving towards.

And so it’s okay. If you have been on this journey for a while, and you still find yourself doing this at least that I really just hope this episode helps to normalize, that it’s okay to still be working on things throughout your whole entire journey. That’s why in PGSD, you get lifetime access, not that it takes a lifetime to change, but that you will evolve and there will be new levels of work to do and new layers to the work to do.

And so when it comes to these loose ends, that this can be one way that basically we manifest a distraction for ourselves from something else that might be more uncomfortable. And a lot of times that thing that’s more uncomfortable is just been in that feeling of adequacy of sufficiency of something being complete. And with life admin stuff, it’s very easy to add more and more and more to that list and to kind of set our standards higher and higher and higher, so that we never feel on top of it.

And we can tell ourselves, well, this month is a busy month. And I’ll just wait till the month is over. And then I can get on top of things and get all caught up. And then next month, I can really focus on the business or whatever else we’re doing. We’re telling ourselves, we’re giving ourselves this hoping this promise that once things settle down, or once we have less life admin to do, then everything will be okay. And it’s not to say that there aren’t things that need to be done. But we have so much power when it comes to the way that we choose to think about it.

And this PGSDer that I was coaching, she was saying that everything had just kind of ballooned, and that she had a lot going on that she couldn’t control. And I know for sure that our experience can be like that, that things are beyond our control. But it’s so powerful to instead say, I’m deciding. So if that’s going on for you, you’ve got maybe things going on in your personal life, I’m deciding to prioritize this over working on my business or over a particular project or whatever it is to make it our decision instead of something that’s happening to us. Because how we do one thing is how we do everything.

So if you’re thinking about things that way, in your personal life, there’s a very good chance when it comes to business, you are thinking that you don’t control whether you get customers and clients and people coming to you that you just have to wait patiently and see whose hands up because it’s not, you know, you can do the work and post the content. But ultimately, if you’re feeling like you are not in control of your business, and the amount of revenue you’re making, then you’re probably in your personal life as well.

Feeling like you’re not in control of how you’re spending your time again, I know that you might be listening to this and thinking but Sam, you don’t know what I’ve got going on and all of this but to just recognize it’s a choice, it doesn’t mean you have to choose, like working in your business over say if you have a family thing that comes up but to recognize that you are deciding to spend your time there to spend your energy there. And to also when it comes to these loose ends, to recognize that yes, things might need to be done.

But we can think about it in a way that really helps to serve us to practice being in the discomfort of having things done and feeling on top of things and feeling sufficient and feeling adequate and feeling good enough, quote unquote, that it was so funny that we spend so much time just like doing all these things to try and feel good enough and yet when it is so available to us all the time which it is, we deny ourselves of that and create all of these rules around feeling adequate and I wanted to share because this is what I shared on that coaching call that I had been telling myself that the same story that I had all of these life admin things I needed to do so if it means specifically, we have the wedding coming up and planning for that, and booking certain things and having conversations with different people about different things.

And just organizing all of that and figuring out at the house because we’re getting married at a house, where are we going to have this ceremony? And where will I walk in from and where are the drinks gonna be in the food truck and all these different things. So all that needs to get done. And then Lydia need stuff for winter. And then toys that are developmentally appropriate. Now, she’s kind of in the next age bracket and all of these little bits and pieces and then there’s like, all the ongoing week to week, things that need to get done.

And just I had really been telling myself like, Okay, once, you know, we’ve had the wedding and like all of this, it’d be just so nice to not have any big kind of project and my personal life because before the wedding, we had the renovation and also having a daughter, now that that’s a project, but that is something that is, you know, it requires a lot of time investment and commitment and all of that kind of thing. And so I was just kind of fantasizing with myself about, okay, well, once all of that is done, that we can just relax and feel on top of everything. And so anyway, last week, I was I had two days scheduled for work where Lydia was at Steve’s mom’s place, and instead of working, I decided to take those days off.

And I didn’t allow myself to catch up on any live admin stuff, or do any life admin or any of those things that I felt not particularly behind on, but I felt like they needed to get done. And that I was telling myself, you know, I don’t have enough time for this. And anytime I do get, I need to spend it on that. So I told myself, I’m not going to spend any time on that, at all, I’m not allowed to do any of that stuff. And I’m not allowed to do any business stuff. And I’m just gonna like be in the energy of, if I had all my loose ends tied up.

And so it was just fascinating to notice how uncomfortable it felt, to not have, you know, SOMETHING TO TINKER AWAY AT, or something that needed to be done. And with clean rest, so resting without guilt, this is something that I talked about, we talked about, so much PGSD, we all practice it as part of planning properly. And there’s still layers of work that come with practicing clean rest. And so I’ve made a lot of progress. And at the same time, this is really the next layer of work for me is really noticing, when I am using like, kind of differentiating time off the business.

And then really what is true clean rest instead of just having a big chunk of clean rest in my calendar and figuring out what I want to do in that time as the day goes, which is how I have been doing it for the most part to instead be specific with my life admin. And not just that, for me, it’s been committed. So in the Power Hour, the 10th step, the final step that we do that we go through, is committing to what is in the calendar. And for me, when I have put in clean rest, I will put in, you know a couple of things that go within that. That might be say, for example, with the wedding, that might be email, makeup artist, or whatever it is.

And I’m not committing to it the same way that I commit to what I put in my power planning when it comes to the business, when it comes to the business. And I’ve done my power hour and I look at my calendar. And I know that’s all getting done. Because I am committing to it 100% is getting done. And that doesn’t mean there won’t be little tweaks and things might get me wrong, but I’m committing to that. Whereas my clean rest, if there’s any life admin tasks that kind of go with that.

I’ve definitely noticed, especially during my weekly reviews, well, not that I’m just, it’s more like wishful thinking and hoping not being committed. And especially if I will, you know, have some of those tasks in the clean rest after my work day that I already know that I’m not going to feel like it and then I’m not really committed to doing it then, because I haven’t decided to be. And so it probably won’t get done. But I’m like, well, it needs to get done at some point.

So I’m going to put it in there instead of being committed. And it seems like such a trivial thing. Like of course you need to be committed to it, but I just hadn’t been. And so I’d been allowing myself to create this drama around life admin loose ends, and then not allowing myself to actually get them done like not using all the strategies I already know, to get shit done. When it came to that because it was comfortable not feeling on top of things and comfortable feeling like there was always stuff to be done.

And it’s really just for me getting more inquisitive and curious around, okay, when all the loose ends are tied, like I been reading fiction books and like I have my clean, rest stuff that I do, but really figuring out for me what is what are the other things that I like to do? And exploring that. And yeah, just being honest with myself about when there’s that sneaky productivity coming into things or when I’m creating the loose end just to have a loose end. And I’m adding like at the same rate that I’m taking things off my life admin to do lists. I’m putting new things on there. Because there’s, it’s like with business, there’s always more that could be done.

And so I’m just yeah, when I had that day, it was two days that I wasn’t allowed to do life admin and I wasn’t allowed to do business stuff to just really be with oh, this is what I have been avoiding. Like this is what the untied loose ends helped me avoid is this feeling of like, okay, what am I going to do? And I was at the house alone, so Steve was at work. Lydia wasn’t here. Cotton was here, but he was just snoozing. I was like okay, and I have been like fantasizing about just having time by myself alone at the house to just, like have nothing to do.

And when I was in that experience that I had created from I wasn’t on top of everything that that wasn’t my experience, but I decided I’m not going to do the stuff that I am telling myself I need to do, just how uncomfortable it felt, and just how it’s like fantasizing about, Oh, it’ll be so much better when XYZ and then like, when we actually allow ourselves to get there, it’s, it’s so shattering to that whole illusion. And that whole idea that we promise ourselves that things will be better when XYZ happens. So when the loose ends are tied, and then subconsciously, we don’t allow ourselves to tie the loose ends, and keep ourselves apart from the life that we’re telling ourselves, we want so badly.

And it was really eye opening for me to have those days. And it meant that I ended up I had a bath, which I haven’t actually had a bath, since moving into our house, had a bath, read a book, a fiction book, I did that and just kind of it was just so interesting that I didn’t even know what to do with myself. And I ended up I’ve been wanting to look like figure out with my wardrobe, what I’m going to wear that’s been a journey with going through being pregnant and postpartum, and all of these different things.

And it’s something that I kept bumping down my to do list and even then you could say like, that’s still a productive thing. And yeah, it probably is. But it’s also something that I had completely de prioritized. And it was always like, Oh, no, that’s too hard, or I don’t want to put that much thought into it or whatever. So I ended up doing some of that. And it just felt so good. And it was so interesting, actually with that, that I’ve been feeling like, with my wardrobe and clothes, like I just don’t know what I even would need to do to have an order that I love.

Even though I’ve definitely watched a lot of videos about it, like consumed a lot of content about it, bought books about it, I have friends who teach on that, all of that kind of thing. And for me, a big realization I’ve had that I’ve probably shed at this point multiple times on the podcast is how well I do with a big picture version of things. And so when I zoomed out, and I just wrote down a list, basically like a capsule wardrobe kind of thing. But I wrote down like, Okay, if I was starting from scratch, what kind of items would I buy. And I could just easily come up with that list.

And then I could just easily see what I needed. And what I already had that worked and where the gaps weren’t what the problem was. But when I was approaching it from ground level, and I didn’t have that bird’s eye view, I was unable to see it. So anyway, just like everywhere, I really seen how, where I just zoom out and have that bird’s eye view at something. And even with this with my wardrobe that I could just so easily solve it and not be in any overall more drama about it.

So anyway, I just wanted to mention that. But with all of this, I’m just sharing my experience. So you can be thinking about, are you telling yourself you have all these loose ends, and then not allowing yourself to tie them up. And what I said to this PGSDer. Is because she was saying, like, you know, I could do the same and just have a couple of days where I let it be okay, that my loose ends tied up.

I was like, hey, but also, and that this was like me go to myself at the same time, basically. But also, what if you recognize that the loose ends are tied. And that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to go buy a new vacuum cleaner, or whatever it is. But that that’s an extra. And it’s not like this minimum standard that we create for ourselves, it’s so high that we can never really get there because there’s always more to be added that instead it’s like, okay, actually, the loose ends are tied, like an example that she was sharing is that her adult children are coming home soon.

And she needed to declutter and organize the house and like this whole big thing. And I was saying, like, what if they just turn up on your doorstep tomorrow? And she’s like, Yeah, that’d be completely fine. Like, we just have all these rules for ourselves about all these things have to be done to then everything can be perfectly organized, and I can handle anything. It’s like, we only trust ourselves to handle things when we live in this perfectly organized life.

And so I think for me, that’s part of it is that I’m thinking like, everything needs to be so organized so that I can handle anything that comes my way instead of building myself trust around being able to handle something regardless of how organized I’m telling myself that my life is. So recognizing that in that situation, for example, that actually everything is prepared for them. And like everything can be, you can trust your future self to figure out anything that might need to be figured out. And there might be extra things that you want to do like maybe some decluttering, organizing, you know, whatever. And that that’s an extra like a bonus. It’s not a minimum requirements.

And so when I think about my loose ends that way, that I can really recognize that there aren’t really any loose ends to be tightened. I think the wedding is such a good example of this because there are still things to be organized. In terms of, for example, a celebrant, we don’t have a celebrant yet, we need to decide who that will be and take those next steps. But thinking of that, as an untied, loose end, keeps it being an untied loose end, instead of recognizing that that’s just a decision that needs to be made.

Putting it in my power planning, committing, like doing the Power Hour and committing the final step in the Power Hour, committing to it being done at the time that I said it would, and then doing it like it’s so different to thinking of it like this untied, loose end. And if you think about this is I guess, maybe weird image with there being like physically something that needs to be tied up like these loose ends, and just there being so many of them.

And that as soon as we tie any of them up like imagining like all this string or whatever, as soon as we tie it up than someone’s like, and his and basically as ourselves, it is ourselves even if it feels like no, it’s you know, there’s things in my life, I can’t control, but were deciding that is something that I want to do. And so we’re like, constantly just trying to tie these loose ends, but like looking at the wall and not tying any of them and then reorganizing them so that they can be tied instead of just putting in the power planning, committing into it being done.

And getting them tied off, so to speak. But again, the big thing, I think here is to recognize that they’re already tied, like there’s no untied, loose ends, that you’re scrambling to get done or need to get caught up on instead. It’s everything is okay. And here are some things I might like to do that are an extra bonus. And it kind of goes back to that cliche thing of, you know, it’s I have to I should versus I get to.

Thinking of it in that way, instead of it being this, like shooting ourselves with so many little things we need to do in order to have a perfect life so that we can handle anything that might be imperfect, because we can’t trust ourselves to do that. And for sure, I know that like, as I’m talking about this, and I’m thinking about it, that I have been doing this for the business as well that I have been like, I don’t necessarily feel like there are a lot of loose ends being tied.

But I think I’ve been trying to get the business so organized, so that I can trust myself, that the next time that I’m pregnant, and having a baby, God willing, and all of that, that I will be able to have the business I want. And I’m like over preparing in some ways in terms of wanting to get so far ahead with content that I’m creating, and different things like that. It’s like I don’t trust myself to in the moment be able to figure out a solution. So I’m trying to overcompensate or compensate, I guess, with things that I’m doing now. And it’s a fine line.

And it really takes our own self awareness and discernment. Because it’s not to say, Okay, well, you know, all or nothing, I either need to be super prepared or do everything last minute. It’s really balancing like, Yes, I’m going to be prepared. And I’m going to make sure that you know, the systems we have in the business are in the best place they can be. And that we have a plan for if I’m not able to record a podcast episode just because in my first trimester with Lydia, I was I just felt so flat. It just felt like I had no personality.

And we had, like we did, we figured out a plan. We had some episodes, I think I had happened to have pre recorded and then we repurpose some YouTube videos, I can’t remember exactly when maybe we shared a coaching call or something. But we figured it out. And in my mind, I think I’ve been like, well, I want to make sure there’s nothing to even have to figure out then. And it’s like it’s been with this very subtle like I hadn’t even noticed it or thought about it this way until recording this.

But that I haven’t been trusting that I will be able or we as a business will be able to figure out a plan so that we can still meet the commitments we’ve made as a business to our PGSDers and also to you as a listener and that kind of thing, that we’ll be able to keep that even if something happens. And that like I’ve been preemptively tying these loose ends, but not from, I think a place of full sufficiency and it kind of looking like that, to me like a feeling. So on top of the business and so organized, but it’s kind of almost gone too far, in a way when I think about it. And when I’m being honest with myself about it that it’s coming from a place of lack of self trust, in some ways.

And so I think when it comes to these loose ends, that if we’re doing it so that we feel like it’s like a strategy for self trust that will once I’m on top of everything in the business, once I’m on top of everything in my personal life, then I can handle anything that comes my way that I can handle, you know, any kind of disruption or chaos or anything unexpected or any bad news, or any of that if I have like my security blanket of everything being done. It just isn’t effective. It doesn’t work.

And yet we still try to use that other strategy to get ourselves to trust ourselves instead of just directly working on the self trust. And so I just wanted to share this with you and invite you to think about where this might be showing up in your life, in your business, in your relationships. Like there’s so many ways that this idea of loose ends can show up and especially if you just feel like you can never get on top of all of this, these loose ends that you have. And there might be a lot of good reasons for that.

Like, for example, when I had that feeling after Lydia was born, that I was like, Well, I have a newborn and I’m incredibly sleep deprived and like there’s all these reasons. But it really was just I was uncomfortable with feeling like everything was done and being in that place of sufficiency and adequacy. And just like as soon as I allow myself to see that I was choosing to feel overwhelmed about it.

I could get everything done easily within a day after like at least a month of trying to figure out how to get everything done. I got it all done easily within a day, just by noticing that it was giving me like I was subconsciously choosing to feel overwhelmed. Even though I really felt like, I definitely don’t want to feel overwhelmed. That’s the last thing I need. But it was just so comfortable. And so there’s just so many ways that this can come up that that like addiction to feeling behind it feeling over. And it’s not even an addiction in the sense that you can’t ever be free of that.

It’s more like the familiarity, of not being on top of things and the hope and promise that, you know, if we’re not on top of things that we get to tell ourselves, Well, if I was then everything would feel better. Instead of just letting ourselves be on top of things, and being in that experience, it’s kind of like with the revenge, bedtime, procrastination, and that whole story of, well, if I could just wake up early, or if I could just wake up on my alarm, then my life would be so much better.

And then we subconsciously stop ourselves from doing that. So we can say, well, you know, if I could just wake up early, and then spend all this time trying to figure out how to wake up early, instead of just letting ourselves be without our own adequacy and sufficiency. And being with the discomfort of that and doing the work directly on that instead of these side pursuits that we keep ourselves busy with.

So I want you to think about if, like, just consider for a minute, doesn’t mean there aren’t things to do. But if there are no loose ends to be tied, and also I was thinking about like, life is always going to be like this, there’s always gonna be like, after the wedding, there’s gonna be other things going on. So if I’m in this fantasy of like, well, once this is done, then I’ll feel that way, like I’m, and this is how it works, that we could never actually get to this state that we tell ourselves would feel better.

And then we use that as an excuse for self pity. And to indulge in that to feel overwhelmed and to indulge in that. So that we can avoid really stepping into our full power and our experience that we really want to have as a human that is available to us, if we just stopped telling stories to ourselves, such as, but I have all these loose ends to tie up and I need to get caught up on them in all of that.

And again, I’m sharing this as someone who has been doing that. And so I’m not preaching, I’m not telling you that, you know, you should know better, I know better. And I’m still doing it, and it’s okay. But the more awareness that we can have around it, it’s like the quicker you can catch yourself after you’re doing it. And then you can catch yourself when you’re in it.

And then you can catch yourself before it even happens. And so I feel like I’ve been catching myself after the fact. And now I’m kind of catching myself in it. And then I’m now getting towards being able to catch it before it even happens. So I hope that has been helpful. And I’ve said that no, like 50 times. But it’s also not there’s all or nothing thing with the loose ends and like we tell ourselves like it has to all be done, or practically done nothing at all, to just really be with what it is we need to do.

And I want to do a whole separate episode on this. But overwhelmed I really think just comes from like the story that we have, that has us not deciding what needs to be done. And then committing to when it’s going to get done, like deciding what needs to be done, what’s important, what isn’t, then deciding when it’s gonna get done, and then committing to getting it done, which is what planning the planning properly.

And all of that that’s how it helps to eliminate overwhelm is that it has you answering those questions. But when it comes to that, that we are not allowing ourselves subconsciously to decide what needs to be done. And we create this experience of stuckness. Like if you’re feeling stuck, this is something that I really want you to look at. It’s often this is very all or nothing thinking that we perfectionist love to be in. It’s like either I’m stuck, or I’m completely thriving and there’s nothing in between.

And it’s like the reality is that always are we some things that are working some things that aren’t working and stuck just means we haven’t decided what we’re going to do. It’s not that we haven’t like that. It’s almost like when we talk about being stuck, it’s like that unstuck would happen to us and then that comes from signing up for a program or that that would come from you know, getting having more customers. buying your product or whatever it is. Stuck is a decision and we can decide to be unstuck as well. And that doesn’t mean not to get support. It doesn’t mean not to get shit done.

But when we’re feeling stuck, it’s really that all or nothing thinking and as choosing to be stuck because being stuck, feels so much more comfortable, then trying things that might not work, trying them fully iterating getting a response from the real world out there about how it’s going evaluating that on all of that kind of thing. Okay, I’m gonna wrap it up here. If you found this helpful, please take a screenshot and tag me on Instagram. I’m @perfectionismproject. I hope you’re having a beautiful day and I will talk to you in the next episode.

I hope you enjoyed that episode. And I just want to give you a final reminder that the doors to PGSD are now open, you can go to samlaurabrown.com/pgsd, to become a PGSDer and really commit to getting out of your own way in your business to go from protecting your potential to actually pursuing it. So come and join us. We would love to have you in our beautiful supportive judgment free community of perfectionist entrepreneurs like you and to support you as you get out of your own way in your business. So samlaurabrown.com/pgsd is where you can find out more about the program. The answers to frequently asked questions as well and sign up to join us today.

Author: Sam Brown