Episode 403: Why All Perfectionists Need A Growth Goal + The PGSD Experience with Jenn Baswick

In today’s episode, I interview PGSDer Jenn Baswick all about her Growth Goal and experience inside PGSD.

Our most successful PGSDers are business owners who LOVE being productive and yet find themselves struggling to make the most of their time due to their perfectionism handbrake.

And this was definitely the case for Jenn.

Jenn is a registered dietitian and before she signed up for PGSD in December 2022, she’d tried everything she could to build her business.

She invested in business programs to help her setup her business correctly and market it the right way plus she tried every productivity tool from to-do lists to time blocking to Asana to Notion. 

And yet her business still wasn’t growing in the way she knew it could…

Even though Jenn ‘knew’ what she needed to do, she wasn’t able to turn her knowledge into business growth – even though she was always busy working.

In today’s episode of The Perfectionism Project, you’ll hear from Jenn and I discuss…

✔ The hidden reason why to-do lists, time blocking, asana and notion didn’t work for Jenn

✔ All the ways releasing her perfectionism handbrake has made Jenn more productive

✔ When Jenn realised that releasing her perfectionism handbrake was a must for her business

Jenn also shares how PGSD helped her make double her revenue goal – all while navigating the transition from offering 1:1 services to a group program.

Find the full episode transcript and show notes at samlaurabrown.com/episode403.

P.S. I know how scary it can feel to set a Growth Goal and go all-in on your business. 2018 was the year I got sick of getting in my own way and decided I needed to either go all-in or quit (and I was never going to quit). So I want you to know that inside PGSD you will be fully supported in setting your Growth Goal and showing up consistently for your business without burning out.

PGSD doors are currently open for the FIRST time this year – and close on 18 June at 11:59 New York Time

Featured In The Episode:

Announcement: PGSD is open for enrollment for one week only

If you feel behind on your $100k goal, it’s just because nobody’s taught you the different productivity rules that apply to perfectionists.

To make $100k you need to work smarter, not harder. And to do that you need to get your perfectionist mindset on your side. 

If your week is filled with lost time even though you’re always busy working, it’s time to take control of your productivity. The process for getting out of your own way is simple – plan properly as a perfectionist, get into a growth mindset and release your perfectionism handbrake. And it’s easy when you know how!

My group coaching program Perfectionists Getting Shit Done (aka PGSD) is designed to get perfectionist entrepreneurs to $100k. Inside you’ll get the coaching and productivity tools that address your perfectionism head on so you can create sustainable, long-term productivity – and build your business to $100k and beyond.
The doors to PGSD are now officially open for one week only. To find out more about the program and sign up before the doors close at 11:59pm New York Time on 18 June, click here: samlaurabrown.com/pgsd.

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Hi and welcome to another episode of The Perfectionism Project. A podcast full of perfectionism advice for entrepreneurs. My name is Sam Laura Brown, I help entrepreneurs release their perfectionism handbrake, so they can get out of their own way and build a fulfilling and profitable business. I’m the founder of the Perfectionist Getting Shit Done group coaching program, which is otherwise known as PGSD. And for even more perfectionism advice to help you with your business. You can follow me on Instagram @perfectionismproject.

Sam Laura Brown (Guest introduction)

Okay, so in today’s episode I am interviewing PGSDer Jenn Baswick. Now what do I mean when I say PGSDer, I mean that Jen is in PGSD, which is the abbreviation for my group coaching program called Perfectionist Getting Shit Done. She signed up in December 2022. So not too long ago, and in this episode, she is sharing with you how PGSD has helped her release her perfectionism handbrake and get into a growth mindset so she could finally execute the strategic plans that she has to build the business.

And we cover a lot in this interview. So I’m not gonna say too much in this introduction. But if you are a perfectionist, it is really important to know how perfectionism is coming up for you and really begin to see how perfectionism and solving for that isn’t just a nice to have when it comes to building your business. It’s a must if you have your perfectionism handbrake on, you’re overthinking, you’re procrastinating, you’re burning out, you’re in the all or nothing mindset, you’re scared of judgment.

It doesn’t matter how good your marketing strategy is. It doesn’t matter how much work you do. When it comes to manifestation and money mindset, you are going to be getting in your own way, and stopping yourself from achieving the goals that you have for your business. Whether that’s 100k, like our PGSDers or beyond that, you need to be aware of how your perfectionism is stopping you from achieving that goal. And then do the work to release your handbrake get into a growth mindset and execute those strategic plans that you’re able to develop to build your business to the success that you know, it is capable of achieving, like if you can relate to this podcast. You know, you have a lot of potential. You’re smart, you’re intelligent, you know a lot about business.

And yet right now, your business isn’t reflecting your potential. And a big piece of that is that you aren’t being as productive as you could be. Because your perfectionism handbrake is on and is making you get in your own way. So in this episode, Jenn is sharing her experience inside PGSD and with her perfectionism handbrake, what that journey has looked like for her.

So a little bit about her. She is a registered dietitian, with two businesses. The first is the Intuitive Nutritionist which helps women overcome binge eating over eating and emotional eating. So they can find food freedom. She also has nourished by design where she is a brand and website designer for other dietitians and practitioners. So as I mentioned, she signed out in December 2022. When she signed up, she set her growth goal of $100,000. She had that renewed, oh my goodness. Tongue tied today, she had that reviewed and improved, so that not only those milestones were supportive of her growth and where she wants to take the business.

But also she was able to have outcomes specific to each quarter that she could really check in with someone and make sure that they were actually serving her and she had a plan for the year that was going to lead her to success. And in the first quarter inside PGSD, her goal was 10,000 in that quarter. And she made 20,000 doing that while transitioning from one on one services to a group format and doing that without the burnout, and having more freedom than she had ever had before just having such a different experience when it comes to the day to day of her business.

And I think it’s so important to hear examples like this, where it is normalized, that you can be making more money and having more freedom. It’s not that you have to either enjoy your life, enjoy your business and okay, you’re not making as much money but it’s worth it. Or that you are making a lot of money and burning yourself out you can actually be making a lot of money and not burning yourself out.

And so I want you to hear as many examples of that as possible. My life is an example of that, but I want you to hear from others too. So you really truly get that it is possible for you as well. So we talk about what Jenn tried before PGSD when it came to productivity and solving for that piece time blocking to do lists, Asana, notion like she tried everything we talked about why that didn’t work. And also she was in business programs to help her with setting up the business and things like that.

But we talked about why that didn’t help her with the perfectionism piece and the productivity piece and why she really needed a solution for her productivity that was specifically created for a perfectionist and really has the support in built into it, so that you don’t just have these bursts of productivity, but you’re able to sustain that. And to really be able to focus on what’s most important and have yourself doing the big, brave, scary things that need to be done. And that not then resulting in like this kind of burnout hangover that TED talks about having before.

In this interview, we go into that. So stay tuned for that. And we also talk about why this isn’t a personal development thing. Like I obviously love personal development. Jenn does, too. I think we all do. But this isn’t about personal development. This is about productivity and getting shit done. And being someone who’s able to go all in on their business show up fully. And yes, there’s lots of amazing mindset work that happens.

But it’s ultimately knowing that this is about having you be more productive and getting more done in less time without burning out. So we talk about why having PGSD to support Jenn all the way to her 100k goal is so invaluable like why, even though she’s had an incredible first quarter, why she is so grateful to have PGSD for the remainder of the year for her growth goal, and also why Jen makes the effort to be on all the coaching calls, even though she isn’t always getting coached, personally, and why she’s chosen not to use a PGSD forum.

So if you’re a lurker, stay tuned for that. And she’s still be able to have incredible breakthroughs with her productivity. And with her perfectionism, without using all of the different things that are available in PGSD. And she also talks about how she made the time for PGSD when she already felt like she had such a full plate of commitment. She already had so much going on. As I mentioned, she has two businesses. She’s got a full life and being a perfectionist, we love to put a lot on our plates.

So you might be thinking like I want to sign up, but literally how will I find the time for this? I’m already doing more than I can handle. So we talk about all of that. So that’s where I will leave this introduction. I really hope you enjoy this interview with PGSDer Jenn Baswick, all her links will be in the show notes as well. And also if you are thinking about signing up for PGSD, just a reminder that the doors to PGSD are open this week. So you can go to samlaurabrown.com/pgsd to find out more and join us in there. Join myself and Jenn and everyone else. So yeah, here is the interview with Jenn Baswick.

Sam Laura Brown
Hi Jenn, welcome to the podcast. I’m so excited to be interviewing you today. To start let’s get into when you realize you are a perfectionist and for you, was this something that you realize before or after you started your business?

Jenn Baswick
Yeah, I thank you so much, Sam, I’m so excited to be here to talk about this to share all the things and, you know, a little glimpse into my journey as well. But when I realized I was a perfectionist, I would say it probably came more to mind when I start my business. But I definitely noticed that I was before. In the past, I think that just running my business obviously brought a lot of this stuff to light more. But even if I think back to when I was in university, definitely the procrastinating rushing to get things done last minute, you know, pushing them off trying to make it really good.

And this like crunch time that I did have feeling super uber stressed about it, and you know, ending up still being fine. So I think it was just this pattern of, oh, if I push it off, like it’s okay, and then I can avoid it for as long as possible. And then I just go hard and stress myself out, and then everything’s fine. So that definitely was a pattern of mine. Even before I started my business in university, I can reflect back and be like, yeah, that definitely was going going on. But I think when I started my business, it showed up a lot more.

Especially and just being a little more afraid to do things and not wanting to be seen it like imperfectly and you know the imposter syndrome, part of starting a business and being a professional that someone would want to work with and all those items, that gets a little bit vulnerable. Right. And I guess that’s where the shame piece comes in. But yeah, I think it just heightened things a lot more when I was in my business. And then yeah, finding actually this podcast may be confirmed. Yeah, this is what’s happening. Like, I’m not crazy. This is a common thing. And I’m just kind of stuck in these patterns. So yeah.

Sam Laura Brown
Did you realize in the beginning of your business, that it was perfectionism that was making you unproductive and making it hard to put yourself out there and do certain things in the way that you wanted to do? Or did you think it was maybe something else? Like, what was your awareness, like, when it came to your perfectionism?

Jenn Baswick
I don’t think that I kind of had it click that it was perfectionism. I think there was a lot of really mean the inner self talk of like, Oh, why can’t you just do this? Or why can’t you just, you know, show up consistently, I think that’s been a big thing for me. Because, you know, all of the marketing or Instagram gurus are like, show up consistently. Like, that’s what you have to do, like, every day, show your face. And I’m like, why can’t I do that? And it just felt like something, I guess felt like something was wrong with me.

And I’m like, this is just, you know, I’m, I’m stuck. I don’t really know. And understand. But same thing similar to what I said about university. It was still work out. It just felt really off. And I was just kept stressing myself out and working a lot. I think that’s a pattern I got into of really bleeding through my boundaries and working a lot in the evenings or on the weekends and feeling like I had to do everything under the sun to make things right. But I definitely didn’t realize it was perfectionism in the start. No.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. And so was it coming across this podcast or something else that made you realize like, Hmm, it’s like, it’s not that there’s something wrong with me. It’s just I’m in this mindset, and it’s making me get in my own way.

Jenn Baswick
Yeah, I don’t know what initially sparked it. I feel like I was listening to other types of, you know, entrepreneurship, business type podcasts, and I feel like your podcast came up as a recommended at some point. I was like, oh, like, that sounds interesting. So I gave it a listen. And like, automatically was like, yes. Sam’s speaking to me. And that’s like, what it feels like all the ways you describe the handbrake on and everything else about, you know, being a perfectionist. So I don’t know what the initial spark was. But that definitely was a big confirmation for me of okay, this is something that is, you know, not just me, it other people are going through this and struggling with this, too. Obviously, there’s a whole podcast about it, and its program and everything. So it’s not just me, which, which was very validating.

Sam Laura Brown
Can you tell me a bit about before joining PGSD, what you were doing to help yourself be productive and as you mentioned, like consistency, everyone’s talking about being consistent like what kind of things we joined to try to be consistent to manage your time to build your business like what was that looking like for you before PGSD?

Jenn Baswick
I was trying like everything under the sun. I think. Just like all of the things, I tried a variety to share what they have been was time blocking, I feel like a lot of people talked about time blocking, and tried that tried having different days for my business, like, Oh, this is like CEO day, this is called day, this is content day. Like I tried that, like more in the macro aspect of time blocking I tried like two hour chunks of certain, like, creative time or whatever. With that, which was in you know, my calendar, but never really worked for me because it was vague, right, I know that I know that now.

Time blocking, definitely a lot of to do lists a lot of varieties of to do lists, whether that was digitally or physically, just the ones where you can check them off. And like the Apple notes, or writing it out on a piece of paper or in a planner, stuff like that. Or even I tried to do that with a digital one, like an order of importance. So I had like this big long to do list, but there was like high importance, middle importance and like low importance. And that still was just too much too overwhelming to tackle and then kind of stemming from that. I tried a lot of project management software’s like Clickup, Asana Notion, you name it, tried a lots though.

Sam Laura Brown
You tried everything.

Jenn Baswick
I tried it all, I tried it all and even like forcing myself into things like doing like the Pomodoro timer, like the 25 minutes on, I’ve been off like trying to do that. Because that was something that forced me into studying when I was in university. That’s what I would do. I was like, Okay, we’ll just do that. And then I have to do whatever it is, in that time. Still felt made me feel like I was burnt out with not actually getting things done. So yeah, lots of things.

Sam Laura Brown
And what was the result of all of that? Because my guess is that, like, you’ve mentioned that you were able to push things off to the last minute and still kind of worked out. So things were obviously still going okay. But what made you realize that that was actually like, an issue with how productive you were being and your perfectionism?

Jenn Baswick
Mm hmm. I think a variety of feelings made me know that things just weren’t going right. So whether that’s the like feeling of nothing’s ever done. And that really stresses me out. This on going rolling long to do list. Just felt like it was like looming over me all the time. That doesn’t feel good. When you’re just like, it’s like, every time I open it, like I feel my whole body tense up. And I don’t want to feel like that. Right. And I think maybe also important to know about me, I’m definitely an intuitive person, definitely energetic and can like feel energy and things like that.

And my, my energy was very constricted and not feeling good, I guess you would say like, very in my masculine. And it was just, you know, sucking a little bit of life out of me. And I think the biggest sign for me, that things weren’t working is I really have wanted to be an entrepreneur for a long time, long time before I started my business for the freedom of it and like creative freedom and time freedom and financial freedom and all the things and I was feeling completely opposite of free. You know, like, I do not feel free. I’m working all the time. I feel like I’m just like running my battery to empty all of the time. And I don’t have anything left for the other areas of my life that I wanted to be an entrepreneur to be able to do those things more. And it just yeah, it just felt like I was just running myself too thin all the time.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, I hear that so often. And like my experience as well with my business is that when you have perfectionism handbrake is on like you don’t get the freedom that comes with having a business, it just feels like you are in the most stressful under appreciated role that you’ve ever been in your life. And yeah, it’s so disheartening to experience that and because so many people experienced that it kind of gets normalized like well, you know, having your own businesses stressful, there’s a lot of responsibility and all that kind of thing when actually it doesn’t have to be that way. I’m glad that you did join PGSD and you’ve had the experience you have had to be able to see the other side of that but also just before we talk about why you signed up for PGSD before you were in PGSD, were you investing in coaching? Like, what did that side of things look like?

Jenn Baswick
Yeah, yeah, I did invest in coaching. And I will say that it was really helpful, like the coaching that I did was more of like business coaching, focused and like getting things with my programs really set up in the way that I wanted them. And it very much so helped in that aspect of being like a confused entrepreneur of am I doing things right? Like, how do I actually make this business thing work. So that was very helpful.

But I do feel like it didn’t necessarily get me out of my own way, in terms of how, you know, we would describe the perfectionist handbrake being on, and all those things I just shared, I still was, you know, overworking and overthinking things and spending a lot of time on things or doing the tedious little procrastinate working tasks, always, instead of taking bigger action that was moving the needle. So I mean, I did I feel like this, the whole experience has been before like, just like, trudging through the mud. Like, I’m moving forward, but it’s just feeling a little bit slow and sticky. Whereas, you know, letting go of a lot of this and working on it has opened that up a little bit more, unable to move forward without all of the mud holding me back, or whatever we want to describe it.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, tell me a bit about why you did sign up for PGSD when you signed up?

Jenn Baswick
Mm hmm. I think it, it was definitely something that I thought about for a long time, like I shared with you, Sam, before we started recording, I’ve been listening to this podcast for years. Even before I was like, actually really doing my business. It’s just been something that has been like in the back of my mind. And every time I would hear you talk about PGSD, I was like, Yeah, that would be nice. Like, that would be nice to, to be in that space. But I think like, you know, having being more of a newer entrepreneur, if you will, and then having the other coaching and things I’m like, Well, maybe not not net, like I don’t maybe I don’t really need it.

And it just became one of those things where I’m like, maybe it’s okay, like, I’ll figure it out. And then, you know, fast forward, years later, like, two and a half years later, like, No, I do need this. And I think, I think it was, yeah, one of the times where you were launching PGSD. And I was just like, yeah, that’s it like, we’re, we’re doing this, but enough is enough. It’s been too many years of me just struggling in this way. And I don’t want to anymore. And I know, like I have listened to you so much. I’m like, I know I can learn from Sam, because I already have through the podcast. So I was just excited to finally find a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel.

Sam Laura Brown
You mentioned that feeling of maybe I don’t really need it. And like that’d be a nice thing to have. But it’s not essential. Like, what was it for you that made it feel that way? Like could you tell me a bit more about that, because I feel like there are going to be so many people listening who really relate to what I talk about on the podcast and like PGSD would be nice. But actually there’s other things in my business that are more important for me to focus on right now. So can you tell me a bit more about what that looked like for you? And then kind of moving into like, actually, this isn’t just a nice to have this is something that is essential?

Jenn Baswick
Yeah, oh my gosh, yeah. Like, I wish I had it sooner. It would have made all the other things I was trying to do a lot smoother, a lot easier to progress forward, instead of just feeling like resistance with everything. I mean, I don’t I wouldn’t say that there’s ever going to be no resistance. But like at least knowing how to navigate that and move forward quicker because I feel like I was the person or thing holding my business back from growing at a better rate, if you will, this whole time.

And if I could have gotten out of my own way, then I feel like if things just would have been a lot smoother, but I think what clicked for me was more so not feeling aligned with my business, in the sense of it, it. I’m doing the work that I love, and I’m really passionate about the work that I do, but I don’t feel like completely fulfilled in the work that I’m doing because I feel like I’m just draining myself all the time. And it’s becoming more of a burden than the exciting thing that I really want to do and feel lit up about.

And I was maybe you could even say, almost starting to resent my business a little bit. And I was like, what is going on? I do know that I love this work. And I love what I’m doing. I just, yeah, I was really overworking myself. And just that feeling of it, almost becoming something that I was trying to push away more. But like authentically, knowing know what, like, I do want to do this business. But there was this weird dichotomy of like, trying to pull me apart from it, because I just like my body, my self, my everything was just like, No, we can’t work like this.

Like, this is not, we can’t keep up with this pattern of working so hard. And for what? This is not this is not it. This is not it. So I think that just that feeling of really being sick of the hustle, and being feeling like I was holding myself back really made me be like, No, this is something that I need. And I think it was something I was listening to you on the podcast as well of, you know, you can do all these marketing courses and different things and learn all these pieces.

But like, your perfectionism is a piece of that too, in order for you to take the action on all those things and be courageous and do the big, like needle movers. I’m like, yeah, that’s it, because there’s so many things I put off for so long. Probably just because I felt scared to do them or like it wasn’t perfect yet, or whatever. And I was just sick of overworking, holding myself back. And I’m like, No, this is this is something that I do need. And it only makes everything else, quote unquote, essential, right? Like you were saying, like what we think of, I don’t know, setting up the business structure or something, it only makes that stuff work better. And it’s needed in order to make it work efficiently.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, can you tell me more about you mentioned that you were putting things off? And all of that, can you tell me a bit more about maybe something that you were putting off and you’d be like, you know, I’d love to do that thing, but you’re just not able to pull the trigger for whatever reason. And then what that has been like for you once you are inside PGSD?

Jenn Baswick
Hmm, yeah. So I have actually a great example. That changed a lot when I started PGSD. So actually, I have a few but I’ll stick with the one that popped into my mind first. That being I really had this idea for a long time that I wanted to start a quiz. And I mean, like, a year and a half. It was that I was like, yes. Gonna make this quiz I even did. I do have a quiz. Now I host my quiz through try interact.

And they had a whole workshop thing going on to teach you how to launch a quiz. And I even did that. And I outlined a quiz. And then the question like did the whole thing. It was basically there been like, a year and a half goes by this quiz goes nowhere not live it, I have the account, I have all the things. And just for whatever reason, I wouldn’t finalize it. Like it just stayed in draft form from whatever I did in that workshop, I wouldn’t, you know, actually take that action and hit publish.

And just take the messy action. It just sat there. And then I kept coming up on my like to do list and like get quiz finished, like finish the quiz and put it out there. And I wouldn’t do it for like over a year. And then I you know, flash forward to now and I joined PGSD. I remember when I was setting my growth goal and my milestones and like the outcomes that I would do within them. I think I was talking to Michelle about it on a coaching call. And I was like, okay, like I have these different outcomes. And I don’t really know maybe what to put where, and because there was you know, finish my quiz, build the email funnel for it.

And also I wanted to get my new sales page up. And I was trying to like piece those across different quarters. And I think she asked me something along the lines of like, well, could you get those things done in less time? Like, technically, probably, yes. So I think that would just like unlocked it for me. I was like yeah, why can’t I just get these done? And do it so then I did and I’ve never got so many things done in such a short amount of time I think ever like so many bigger things, if you will, like the things that were or more of those courageous pieces of having the quiz building a email funnel for it, putting out a sales page, like all this stuff, and I got it done in like less than two months. Why did I hold on to that for over a year and a half? So that’s a good example of something that has shifted. And I actually took the action and did it. And the quiz has been great. It’s brought in lots of leads, and even clients from from that. So yeah.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, amazing. And when you mentioned about, like, getting so much done in that initial period, is that something you feel because you mentioned before about hustle, and not wanting to hustle and overwork and like that kind of mentality, the stress and pressure that we perfectionists often experience when we are working? If we’ve got the handbrake on and that like for you, when you were getting all of that done. What was your experience like did it feel like it was sustainable to continue working on those important things? And like, continue that on? Or did it feel like having a best of productivity, but then, you know, fall off and need to go back to how things were?

Jenn Baswick
I think in that, because this was in the first little bit of manpower planning, I think there was a little bit of a learning growth curve with it all. I think there definitely was some excitement behind it. But also, I think, the power planning and practicing that, while and a little bit before I actually dove into these bigger things really helped me to, you know, understand what’s actually doable in, in my week, in my days. I think like, in general, that was very confronting, because I have been, up until this and actually doing power planning, trying to cram so much in all the time that I was like, Oh, my gosh, when I outline it like this on my calendar, like, I can’t do anything, nothing on here from what I was, you know, thinking I was used to.

But it really was helpful, because at the same time of me being like, oh my gosh, like, I can’t, what do you mean, I can’t put all the things and I can’t get all the things done into my calendar. Like there was that part of me that was still fighting for that a little bit like screaming, like, I want to get everything done just make more time for it. But at the same time actively being like, no, no, we honor our boundaries. We’re not doing that we’re trying this new thing like that’s reel ourselves in and actually knowing that those tasks like those bigger ones were my needle movers allowed me to make the space and time for those and letting some of those other little, you know, tedious things that weren’t necessary to happen immediately like they could you know, happen of course, we have responsibilities that need to happen.

But yeah, knowing that those were my needle movers and really prioritizing them and knowing like this is a non negotiable for me, and I’m going to do this when I say I’m gonna do it. Definitely helped and I don’t think like I didn’t have the I don’t know what you would call it maybe like a burnout hangover after because I feel like that really happened for me whenever I would do something bigger in my business before I would just like feel just so awful for so long after finishing it. Like yeah, kind of like a burnout hangover, I guess. And I didn’t feel that way. So yeah, definitely different, different in a really good way.

Sam Laura Brown
And it’s so funny to how our brains, like, I think this is quite a common experience that when we actually look at the reality of how much time we have, and also needing time to sleep, and eat and do all the other things that it can be confronting, because our brain is under this delusion that when we have the overscheduled, calendar, or long to do lists that we were actually getting it all done, and we were being productive. Like when you say it, like you did about, you have that quiz just sitting there probably 80%, complete for a year and a half.

And yet, when you actually take an approach that is going to get it complete, and have that needle mover happen for you, your brain is like oh, no, but I need to have it just feel so comfortable with having this packed to do list or calendar, that even though you are more productive, far more productive with being confronted with that reality, and then making peace with it and then optimizing for it ultimately, that our brains like have that initial freakout. Like, we just think that we were getting so much more done. Like, if we don’t have that long to do lists, then the chances of us being productive have dramatically decreased when obviously, that isn’t the case.

But it’s just so interesting to hear how our brains do that, because a lot of PGSDer had that experience. And I’ve been through that experience myself. And it’s just, yeah, it’s really interesting that we think that way. And we continue to believe that we were being productive with things that weren’t actually having us get things finished and get the important things finished. When you say about, you know, with Power Planning, like I’m going to do what I said I would, and that’s come off the back of periods of times where you’ve had, like, lots of plans, but they haven’t all been completed, like you’ve had that quiz kind of looming over you for so long.

How did you get into this space where you were able to feel like I am able to do what I said I would do? Like, what was that transition, like going from someone who would probably make a lot of promises to themselves, but not get it all done to someone who’s actually able to say, I’m getting this thing done, and then getting that thing done?

Jenn Baswick
I think it was not an easy transition, I will say it like, like I was saying, I feel like the part of me, that’s holding on to the perfectionism and whatever sort of way continues to like scream and was like really like, trying to hold on for dear life. As I was learning power planning and trying all the things, I definitely feel like at first. It did make me feel really confronted and like stressed that I was, you know, doing all the power planning, looking at all my tasks that I had brain dumped. And then I’m like, okay, I can pick like the needle mover ones. And we’re going to just go with that. And then I’m going to leave some of these behind.

So I think it was just yeah, very confronting a lot of learning and a lot of growth into how long do things actually take me because I never really knew. And I think that’s where the trying to stuff so much in came in. Because I wasn’t really clear on how long things would take me and I’m like, Yeah, I can do all that in a day. Sure. No, I definitely could not like I’m a human and think this makes me realize more of like what is actually doable for one person. And being able to look at it in this way in like the power planning way was very confronting, made me feel like the first couple of weeks that I did it.

It was like a block of a lie. I felt very anxious. I was like, this makes me feel anxious. And I’ll just need to keep going like it’s fine. I’m learning. I’m growing. And I’m so happy that I did. I actually had a week where I didn’t do my power planning and I was still working that week. And it was awful. I was like, that was the worst. Why? Because I just felt so scattered. I felt like what did I even do with my day? Like I was working all day, but like, did I actually accomplish anything? No. Like, I just it felt so flustered and scattered. And I’m like, oh, that’s what I was feeling like before. And I don’t want to do that again. So now I’m like, I love my power planning.

Sam Laura Brown
I can you tell me a bit about your growth goal journey that you’ve had so far. So you would have set your growth goal when you joined PGSD. Could you tell us about what that goal is and how it’s been going so far for you?

Jenn Baswick
Yeah, yeah. So my growth goal was $100,000 in the year. And then as you know, each quarter is like incremental to that. I’m currently in quarter two because I actually started on the like January. So I’m kind of in alignment with the actual quarters. So yeah, my quarter one actually went really, really well. I doubled my quarterly milestone in quarter one. So that was 10,000. And I ended up making 20. So that felt really exciting. Yeah. Oh, that’s awesome.

But I do remember bringing it up, though, when I was setting my growth goal, like, okay, like $10,000 in a quarter. Feels doable, because I have done that before. And I’m like, okay, that feels doable. So is this like, okay, but then I’m like, but the other quarters. On the other hand, like, looking forward to like a 30,000 or $40,000 uuarter, I’m like, I don’t know about that. Like, that doesn’t feel like something that’s doable. But anyways, quarter one, prove to me that 20 is doable. So that was, that was pretty neat.

And I think, a big thing for me, even with setting the growth goal, and I think, talk through this and coaching and things like that, that I was, I think it was along the lines of like, Oh, that 10,000 seems doable, like am I am I representing this, right? I don’t really understand that piece, but more. So how it’s not really about the income, if you will, like there’s more. So the mindset shifts that we’re making, especially in the beginning, right?

That is coming out of doing the power planning, really looking at, you know, what’s happening, and doing some self coaching and things around all of this stuff. And I think that really helped me to reframe it a little bit of, okay, you know, whatever I make, actually, income wise is fine. But my real goal here is to make myself grow. And my mindset grow and the way I function in my business, you know, evolve into what I want it to be. So, yeah, it’s been going well.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, amazing. So funny that you are like, oh, I can do the 10k with a 20 30 40. Seems like a bit much, and then you’re able to just do 20. Have you had a $20,000 quarter before?

Jenn Baswick
I’m close to it, but not quite. So it was yeah, it was a good uhmm a good expansion for me. Yeah.

Sam Laura Brown
And this is it’s so important, like with this, I mean, there’s so many different things, different ways I want to take this, but when it comes to having our goals, and all of that to know, like, yes, there are mindset shifts that need to happen. But also, sometimes we can go down this path of like, it’s fine that I’m like, not hitting my goals, because I’m just learning and growing. And like, we can go into that kind of procrasti-learning avenue, and that it can feel really great that we’re like learning a lot of things.

And maybe in that period, like listening to lots of podcasts, or reading books, or doing different programs and things like that, but we’re not actually doing things, we’re not actually getting shit done so that our business doesn’t actually reflect how much knowledge we have, and how our mindset is changing. And so for you, how have you like, obviously, that mindset shift has been able to already translate into more revenue in your business. So what would you attribute that to?

Jenn Baswick
Yeah, I think the focus on needle movers has been a big shift in that of, I think I just naturally want to do a lot of things because I am a very multi passionate person. And as you know, running a business, there are all of the things right, you wear all the hats, and we’re in all the different departments as a one person when you don’t have a team yet, right. So I think really breaking down, I don’t have to be doing quote unquote, all these things that I think I should be doing. So letting go a lot of those shoulds and really refocusing myself back to okay, what are actually the needle moving tasks in my business?

And how can I place more of my focus and energy there, instead of on all of these, like, more tedious little busy work type tasks, that’s just keeping me busy. It feels easy. So I think really just helping myself and pushing myself along the way of let’s do the courageous things, let’s do the needle moving things more often. And shifting in that way and just showing myself that I can. So yeah, I think that’s that’s been the biggest thing just like really that refocus and pushing myself a little bit along the way. Gentle, gentle pushes towards that.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. And needle movers obviously incredibly poured in. And I’m just curious with that, if someone’s listening to this, and I think you’d like called Jenn said, do the needle movers. So I’m just going to take that away, and I’m just going to do the needle movers that I don’t need to sign up for PGSD. Maybe I’ll do that if I can’t do the needle movers by myself. But I’m gonna give that a try. Like, you’ve obviously heard me talking about needle movers. And were familiar with that kind of concept before. But what was it about being in PGSD that actually had you doing the needle movers and doing them consistently?

Jenn Baswick
Yeah, I think a big part of it was actually fully understanding power planning. And, you know, doing all the modules and pieces in the back end, because I will say, I tried power planning, before actually joining PGSD from listening to the podcast, and just taking little tidbits away. Like, yeah, I can, I can try this. And it never really worked out this way. I just, I didn’t have the actual, you know, true guidance in it. And I think a big piece of it, too, is just actually getting out of your own way. And I would say to that the coaching has really helped, in the sense of showing me a little bit of my blind spots, and gently being like called out on like, even that example I gave earlier of, I’m just going to spread these like bigger things out over the quarters and being like, or getting coached on or what if you didn’t want if you did these in quarter one, my brain wouldn’t have been like, Yeah, let’s do that. Unless someone actually nudged me along in that direction.

So I think, in tandem, actually learning the real ways to identify these things. And also getting coached on it really has progressed me along a lot smoother, easier, really understanding it and doing it in a way that works for me. It’s just been yeah, so helpful to actually get that guidance and almost like gently be called out on on some things when they’re feeling tough. Like, just voicing like, you know, I’m feeling stuck with this and getting some guidance from in PGSD, it makes a big difference. It really does. Yeah, yeah.

Sam Laura Brown
Could you say a bit more about your experience with the coaching aspect of PGSD? What has that been like for you mentioned, obviously, getting coached by Michelle on one of the calls and things like that, but do you tend to go to all the calls, like, what has your experience been like? And have you done? Say, one on one coaching, for example, or other group programs? Like, what has the group coaching aspect of PGSD been like for you?

Jenn Baswick
Mm hmm. Yeah. So I try and go to as many calls as I can, I would say I’ve only missed maybe a handful, since I’ve started PGSD. So I try and be there. Even if I don’t have anything, you know, to say or share myself, I just, I’d like to be there. And it’s almost like, and I’m learning to do this with myself, right? Like I have this time on my calendar. This is a commitment that I’ve made, and I’m gonna show up for this thing.

Unless like, because it happens in the evening for me if something else is actually going on. Otherwise, I’m like, I’m gonna be there. And maybe my partner knows, because it’s usually on Tuesday nights, Tuesday nights is like, you know, I’m a bee, in my office on the PGSD coaching call. So I think just making that commitment to showing up is helpful. Because even just listening to everyone else to and what they’re getting coached on, is so helpful to be like, oh, yeah, like, I didn’t think about it that way. And even last night, I was on the coaching call, and someone had shared a little practice that that they do, and I want to do that practice that’s really going to help me and like myself coaching.

And it wasn’t even like, you know, my coaching that was happening. So, yeah, it’s been so helpful. And I’ve done, like masterminds or one on one coaching with coaches before, as well. And I think it’s just in this sense, it’s nice to have the focus and community of people who identify with struggling with the same things and the same like lines of thinking and little mind traps we get stuck in and all that. So it’s just a great space to not only bring up things that you’re struggling with, if that happens to be the case and you’re getting coached or just listening to everyone else talking about what they’re doing, even if their business is totally different than mine. It’s still helpful because like our lines of thinking are very aligned.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. And coming back to your growth goal, in terms of having said that initial like making 20k instead of the 10k. That was planned, which is amazing. And then looking at the remainder of the year. What Do you think or how do you think you’d be feeling if you didn’t have PGSD to support you with the remainder of the growth goal this year?

Jenn Baswick
Mm hmm. Oh, gosh, I like if I was trying to be like, Yeah, I’m gonna make 40,000 in a quarter. I feel like In what world come on. So I think I would be continuing to almost play small and not take like the scary bigger action towards what I do want for myself and for my business. So yeah, I think if I didn’t have PGSD and the community and coaching, to get me through it, and almost keep me accountable to keep looking at my perfectionism in a way, because I think it’s a really good reminder of, oh, yeah, okay, we got to foster a little bit of this self coaching on a weekly basis or a day to day basis.

And just Yeah, really good reminders to keep you on track in terms of continuing to move forward instead of getting stuck. Because I think that’s how it would be before even when, you know, I’ve ended, say, a coaching with like a one on one coach, and I’m like, Okay, now what? You know, all right now, I’m back in my own ways of continuing to play small. But yeah, it’s really just helping those lines of thinking that are, you know, trying to keep me in a safe zone and not do the scary big things to make me grow.

Sam Laura Brown
What are those scary big things for you? Do you have a hunch? Or are you aware of what those things are going to be that you’re going to need to have some courage to do? Or like, what’s your business model? Are the changes that are happening there? What’s that side of things looking like for you?

Jenn Baswick
I think a big thing for me when I started PGSD was that I was transitioning away from one on one coaching in my own business towards more just group coaching. And that felt scary, because I’m like, okay, most of my bigger revenue has come from one on one coaching. And now I’m letting that go. So what does that mean? My business and it proved to me, obviously, with that quarter, one milestone being surpassed that I could do it, like it do worked out just fine to be doing group coaching.

And I actually feel more fulfilled in my business because of it. So I knew I wanted to do that for a long time. But I think being in PGSD just helped me along the fear side of it a little bit more. And then I think, now like looking forward, I have shared in on the coaching calls and things, I actually have two businesses. So I have my Intuitive Eating business that helps people with binge eating, emotional eating. And then I also have a website design business where I do branding and website design for other dietitians and practitioners.

So that side of my business has been very much so behind the scenes, up until now, my Intuitive Eating business as the Intuitive Nutritionist has been, you know, I’ve been being seen in that capacity. I’ve been out there, I’ve been like, you know, putting my content out there, putting my face out there and really sharing a lot of that for years now. And the website design business has just happened behind the scenes like through word of mouth, and people I know, and I haven’t actually done any marketing or putting my face out there, if you will, for strangers, which I do all the time.

In my other business. I have this goal where I want to take that side of my business a little more seriously, because I love doing it. And I would love to have it be more of a thing where I’m out there, and people can find me and work with me if they want to. And it’s not just like, oh, this word of mouth here. And they’re like people I connect with a no. So I want to take that more seriously. And I think that feels a little stretchy, a little scary. Just because it’s a newer space, even though I’ve done the things in my other business, it’s just yeah, looking at things and a little bit of a different light.

So that it feels a little stretchy. And then also within my Intuitive Eating side of my business, just kind of thinking about rejigging some of the structure of the business as a whole. That feels scary to think about how do we want to do like launches and different pieces and adding things on or like changing a little bit of the structure and all of that, you know, bigger stuff, bigger thinking type stuff, and yeah, it all feels a little bit stretchy, but in a good way. But I think PGSD is definitely helping me get closer to those big scary things, if I you know, rather than if I didn’t have it and I was just like, oh, yeah, that could wait. That could wait just like the quiz. We could push that off.

Sam Laura Brown
And I just wanted to celebrate you as well, maybe this is or isn’t something you’ve realized. But in PGSD, we have a lot of different kinds of business owners. But as far as a coaching or a service or things like that go that it is harder to sell a group coaching program than a one on one service. And the fact that you were able to make that transition and also, like double that milestone to make $20,000 is so impressive.

And I think that we perfectionist, I know that we can be in the mindset of like, well, you know, I could do better and like, we completely downplay it. But I just really want to celebrate you for that. And just the courage it takes to like when something is working enough that you’re able to make $10,000 in a quarter and things like that, and then you’re able to say, but I have a bigger vision for myself, and like I can really feel this potential that I have. And I’m really committed to living into that. So I’m willing to let something go that is currently working in order to pursue something that I don’t yet know how to do. And it’s a little bit scary to be able to do that.

And at the same time, be able to make the money that you made is just such an incredible feat. So I hope that you’ve taken the time to feel proud and you celebrate everyone, but I just it Yeah, we don’t celebrate ourselves enough. And you remind us to do that, but anyone listening to just take a second and celebrate something that you’ve done that so often other people like That’s amazing. Like, yeah, thank you. That’s nice of you to say but you know what, I’ve got other things I’m focused on right now. But like, I just want to really celebrate you with that when it comes to PGSD and the forum, the PGSD form that we have, is that something that you’ve used or what has your use of that been like as it relates to PGSD?

Jenn Baswick
Yeah, I think I live in the coaching side of things a little bit more. And I have, you know, the forum is something that I’ve tried to get myself into a little bit more often. But it’s one of those things that I’m like, I guess I’m not like giving myself time for it. So it’s not happening, if you will. So it’s not on my calendar, like the coaching is I’m like, yes, that coaching, I’m going to the coaching, that’s something we’re doing. And I don’t necessarily have that time in my power planning, maybe to go over into the forum. So I don’t necessarily use it as much. I have chatted there a little bit back and forth about my growth goal. But yeah, not not as consistent with that side of things.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, and the beautiful thing is that you don’t need to be like, I’m not being like, Oh, you need to put that in, like, we have PGSD set up. So that there are some people who prefer the coaching call, there are some people who just listen purely to the replays, they don’t go to the calls live, if they choose not to all the time doesn’t work for them, but they just get all the benefits from the replays. And then people who partake in the forum all the time. And like just, you get to choose your own experience with it.

And I love that it’s set up so that you don’t have to be doing everything perfectly. In order to get the results you’re able to like, just be on the calls and be doing your power planning and getting coaching when you need it and hearing others getting coached. And still get all the benefits of it. So it’s important for lurkers as well, when it comes to like online communities that a lot of us can be lurkers. And we’re like, that sounds great. But I’m never gonna pose so you don’t need so, but in terms of like the time and, and fitting PGSD, and so to speak, that for someone who might be thinking about signing up.

And they might be like, well, like, yeah, I want to sign up. But how am I going to fit this in? Like, I’m already like you someone who was putting a lot on their plates, and they’ve already got like, they’re feeling overwhelmed already by how much is going on? So how are they going to possibly be able to fit PGSD in when they’re already behind? And they’re already overwhelmed? So what was your experience like with being in that place where you were, like, struggling to get things done, and like working all the time, but don’t really feeling like things were getting complete and all of that to them being able to make time for PGSD and get the results. And like, have it be there to support you and having more freedom in your business and all the things.

Jenn Baswick
Yeah, I think it definitely comes with commitment to yourself, especially in the beginning, when I was very much fumbling along my way and figuring things out. Power planning, and I didn’t have it down yet. And the way that is working for me now. So I think that commitment of you know, this is something I am committing to and this is a non negotiable and really having that outlook of it was helpful for me.

And just having it in my calendar, I think, you know, you hear that a lot. Like if you have an appointment, if you will, with someone else, you’re gonna honor that more often when we honor our own plans. So I think that does, you know, stand true a little bit gets me to the coaching calls. Not that like I’m dependent on to be there because I’m not it’s going to happen regardless if I’m there or not.

But just knowing that, that is something that I really value being there for, or listening to or whatever it is because I know that that connection, and hearing others talking out loud voicing, you know, my own thoughts and having someone reflect them back to me is really helpful for me. And I know that being there, just yeah, it’s just something that I’m like, I’m committed to doing that. And now I can see, the old me wouldn’t see it this way. But I can now truly see that doing that. And committing to doing the work with PGSD is just making everything else run smoother and quicker, more efficiently than it was before.

So it’s almost like scary in the beginning to commit that time. Because you’re like, Well, I don’t have any time. How am I supposed to, how am I supposed to fit that into like, what, but it’s like you’re doing that and then taking the scary time chunk out to do that at first, to be able to feel more calm about about it later on. Because it’s like no, now I have autonomy over my time or, and I don’t have to be doing all these things all the time.

That’s just bogging me down like I can do the things that are important to me. And that’s what I’m going to focus on. And this is you know, one of those things that’s just helping everything else run better. And I don’t think you see that when you’re not in it. You don’t you’re like none other than Oh, I got it. Do all the other things. And those are more important. And we got to get those done. So how am I supposed to do this self growth work? I don’t know. But yeah, making the commitment and doing it, it just pays off tenfold afterwards.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. And really like I think, for perfectionist really getting like that is the self growth and personal development aspects of what we do in PGSD. But also fundamentally, it’s called perfectionist getting shit done, and we help you be productive. And that when, like, when people are experiencing this, like, I don’t have enough time to get it done. Like to be in PGSD, I’m already so overwhelmed with everything else, that feeling that way is a result of the perfectionism.

And so if you don’t solve for the perfectionism, you’re not going to be able to be more productive, and get all the things done. Or as you mentioned, getting the most important things done, even if you’re intellectually aware, like you were like, you had it on your to do list, I need to do that quiz. I need to do that quiz. But it just wasn’t happening, until you started to solve for the perfectionism piece. And not just through the podcast, but really being committed to doing that into learning how to get your perfectionist mindset on your side.

And then through being able to do that. Now you have, like, all the time to be able to be there and do it and a way less like, yeah, just feeling that sticky stuck in the mud, kind of feeling that… Yeah, it can feel like how do I get myself out of the mud, because I’m so stuck. But at some point, you just have to decide, like, I’m getting myself out, I’m making the commitment to doing that. And in terms of like the the actual time it does take to do what’s in PGSD. What would you say to someone who is in that place of like, okay, but like, what is the actual time commitment? Like, how much time practically speaking, do I actually need?

Jenn Baswick
Yeah, I think it’s like, maybe a little bit more upfront, but it doesn’t have to happen. Many, like in any timeframe, right, you could spread things out, just in the sense of learning, you know, the first module of like, getting things and figuring out your growth goal and figuring out power planning and getting started in that way. And then making that, you know, three month commitment, obviously, watching the modules and doing that at first takes a little bit more time. But they’re not long, like, it’s not like you’re sitting down for hours and hours and hours watching it.

So yeah, those those didn’t take too long. But I would say that took a little bit more time up front of doing that. And I really just would let myself watch like one video a day until I got through it. And it was easy to me in that sense, because sometimes there were five minutes, or maybe it was like 15, or whatever the the video was, and that’s not that long. No, that was fine. And I’m like, good enough. And I’m like, I don’t need to, you know, stress about writing every single thing down in my workbook.

Like we’re gonna watch it, I’m gonna absorb the information, I’m going to take whatever notes I can and then I don’t have to, like, redo things. And like, you know, I was trying to get out of my own way. That sense already. So yeah, just watching those. And then now, since I’ve been doing Power planning for a while, it really only takes me like, I do my weekly review with my Power Hour kind of together. And it really only takes me an hour. On any given week, it took me more like, you know, hour and a half at the start, which you say, Well, I’ve heard you say that.

And I’m like, Yeah, okay, sure. Sure. We weren’t really training. Yeah, yeah, it truly did only really take that long, longer at first, because you’re learning and then it becomes more efficient as you go. And then I spend, you know, what an hour on the coaching calls weekly whenever I can. And then I try, I’m trying and I’m still learning, right? Still working on all these things. But I’m trying are trialing now putting in some time for self coaching into my weeks. So that’s something that I’m like, still getting a good handle on.

But I’m trying to put in like little random 15 minute chunks here and there to coach myself through, you know, some things that come up, or if I’m feeling like a scary task is coming, and I might try and put it off, like my brain might try and put it off. I’m trying out putting some more self coaching time to really like work myself through those scenarios more. So yeah, I think that that could be here or there. But it truly doesn’t take like that much time. It was fine. I didn’t feel like I displaced all of my other work. You know, learning the things and doing PGSD. It’s definitely not that way. And it’s only helped right, me being more productive. Now that I’ve taken the time to do it and learn it.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. And just to wrap things up, would you mind just painting a bit have a picture. And obviously like our life is there’s always ups and downs and all of that kind of thing. But what is like your day to day experience with your business you mentioned before it was like hustling, overworking feeling like you’re just walking through mud and like just resenting your business, even though you like the content of your business, like the intuitive eating all that you love talking about, but you just weren’t feeling in alignment with your business. What does it feel like for you at the moment? And like, how are you feeling when you wake up on a workday, for example?

Jenn Baswick
Yeah, it feels a lot lighter. And I say you know, lighter in kind of like an energetic sense of lighter, like, I just feel a lot more or a lot less bogged down, if you will, not not stressed, like waking up. And I had this often where I would wake up and like panic of like, oh my god, I have so many things to do. And I don’t, I don’t have that, I get like a little bit like that if I overschedule calls in a day. Like if I have too many like FaceTime calls and, and things in a day, I’ll get a little bit like, oh, gosh, I have so many calls.

But that’s not like, you know, planning my like work, that’s more of like, okay, I overscheduled myself a little bit with like actual, like FaceTime calls today. And that’s maybe something that I can learn for next time. But on any given day, it feels a lot lighter, I feel like I can tackle the day ahead, and that I’m not like holding my breath all day. Like just trying to get through it all. And I think a big piece of this too, is I really love my mornings. And I like taking my time in the mornings and having my morning routine and walking my partner to the subway when he goes to work and taking a little stroll through the park before I come back.

And then taking my time making my breakfast and making my coffee and not rushing into work. And I am actually allowing myself the space to do that now or I’m not like, well, I have to start work immediately when I get back or like eat breakfast while I’m working or not even doing like a morning routine because I’m like I have so much to do, I just gotta like jump right in. So it’s definitely, you know, different in that sense where I’m, I’m giving myself the space, I love my mornings, I’m gonna savor my mornings. And then just going through my day of following along in my calendar and adjusting as I go and not making it mean anything about me if I need to adjust things or something takes a little bit longer, like, whatever, that’s okay.

And just trying to finish things like, quote unquote, imperfectly in the time that I allocated for it and being like, yeah, that’s good enough, and I’m okay with that. And we’re gonna move on from that. And I think it’s just it’s so funny, because I would spend so long just like perfecting like, a little, you know, template or graphic in Canva. And I do I love doing design, please, I can get stuck. But you know, not anymore. I’m like, No, that’s, that’s good enough. We’re good for like my own things and my own marketing, like we’re good, whether it gets the point across like, we don’t need to tweak it and do all these bajillion little things. And wait until I’m like, Oh, yes, that’s perfect. Okay, now we can do something else. Like, no, we’re gonna get it done.

And it’s going to be done so that we can move on and spend more time and more energy elsewhere. And I think also a big thing in my days now is me being more. I don’t know if strict is the right word, but honoring my boundaries better. In terms of stopping work. When I say I’m going to stop work, and not allowing it to bleed into like my evenings or my weekends. I did that a lot. Right. We worked on like all day, on the weekends a lot. So definitely better about that. And that feels really good.

One thing that I did, when you know after a little bit of being in PGSD is I actually took my first like week off just because so. I never really I’ve never done that. I only took weeks off or time off when I was like for holidays or actually traveling and going on an actual vacation or something like that. They never took the time to just be and take the time off to just like live my life at home. And I did that the first time and it was lovely. Nothing fell apart. It was all fine. And it felt really good.

My business kept running and like that’s, yeah, it just it feels really good to be getting closer to a place of where I feel like I do have more of that permission and freedom that I wanted being an entrepreneur because that felt like It was lacking for so long. And I’m like, Oh, now I can like, you know, get a good taste of it. And I know that I’m like there really and progressing along that in the vision of what I actually want my days to feel like and be like, and spending more time just living my life instead of working. Because I think that’s, that’s really big for me, I really want want that. And yeah, I’m just so thankful that it’s getting me there. And it’s actually happening.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, and I think the most incredible thing is usually when people hear someone saying stuff like that, they’ll also say something like, and the business didn’t make as much money, but I’m okay with that. Because my days feel better, and all of that. And it’s like, that’s all true. And you made double the amount of money that you’d plan to, while also transitioning from one to one coaching to group coaching, and you had a week off.

And it’s like, getting out of this mentality that we’re presented with, which is like, well, you can either enjoy your work day, and just be okay with like making a good amount of money, but like not really having a successful business, or you can be successful. But of course, it’s going to require hard work and hustle and grind and burnout. And that’s just the cost. And just recognizing like, you were able to have such a better day to day experience. And you were able to make double what you’d planned again, while transitioning what you were doing. And all of the things like it’s just, it’s so incredible to hear that.

And I’m just so grateful to you for coming on to the podcast to share this because we need more examples of hearing about people who are actually living this reality. And getting out of this always hearing about people who are like, Yeah, well, of course, you have a business and you work from home. And it’s just you then like your personal life and your business that is going to bleed together. And that’s just part of it of like, actually, it doesn’t have to be that way.

And you can make a lot more money at the same time as having a better relationship with your business and kind of going from it feeling like a hobby to actually being a real business. Like you’re mentioning respecting your boundaries and like actually treating it with respect rather than something you’re always like kind of doing but kind of not doing and that kind of thing. So yeah, I just really want to celebrate you. And I’m so grateful to you for coming on the podcast to share your journey with your perfectionism so far, and your business growth.

And yeah, I’m so grateful we have you in PGSD. To wrap up, or do you mind sharing? If people want to know more about you, and what you do, where they can find you the best places for that we’ll have everything linked out in the show notes, including the quiz that Jenn mentioned, we have the link to that. But yeah, I do just want to let people know where they can find you.

Jenn Baswick
Yeah, absolutely. As, as I mentioned, I do have, you know, a couple businesses. So depending on how you want to connect with me, I definitely spend most of my time hanging out on Instagram. So my Instagram for my Intuitive Eating business is the Intuitive Nutritionist. And the website is the same. So theintuitivenutritionist.com. You can connect with me there on that Instagram page, feel free to send me a message I would love to, you know, connect chat, whatever it may be.

And then also, like Sam mentioned, we could like the quiz is awesome. The quiz is all about, you know why you might be binge eating and what’s holding you back from actually, you know, finding food freedom the most at this time, and how you can move forward from there. So it’s a really cool quiz. I put a lot of love into it. We did it imperfectly, but it’s still very, very valuable for sure. And then on the other side of things, if you want to connect with me in terms of more like design stuff, or if you’re, you know a practitioner yourself and are looking for something like that, or want to connect on that front, my design business is nourished by design. So that’s I’m on Instagram at that handle, and then the website is nourishedbydesign.co.

Sam Laura Brown
Amazing well thank you so much Jenn for being on the podcast and I’ll talk to you soon inside PGSD.

Jenn Baswick
Yeah thanks, Sam.

Sam Laura Brown (Outro)
Okay, so that was my interview with Jenn, I hope you found it incredibly helpful. I am so grateful to Jenn and everything that she shared so openly and honestly about her journey and experience with perfectionism and productivity and building her business. And she is just such a great example of what it looks like to be getting into that growth mindset to be planning properly as a perfectionist to be releasing your perfectionism handbrake. So thank you so much to Jenn. And I want to invite you into PGSD to join us for our July 2023 cohort.

So the doors to PGSD are open for this week only and they will be closing at 11:59pm New York time on the 18th of June that’s only a few days away. So if you want to take control of your productivity, I highly encourage you to join us inside PGSD you can go to samlaurabrown.com/pgsd to find out more if you have any questions you need answered. You can always do the same link and book a sales call. I hope you’re having a beautiful day and I’ll talk to you in the next episode.

Author: Sam Brown