In this episode, I’m interviewing Kristen Cain, a style coach and committed PGSDer, on all things perfectionism and Power Planning.
Kristen heard me talking about PGSD on this podcast for an entire year before she signed up.
Kristen listened diligently to every episode, worked hard to apply what she learned to her business and started to make progress with her perfectionism handbrake.
If anyone was going to change their life with the help of the podcast, it was Kristen.
During that year as a podcast listener she rebranded her business, created a new website, started offering mini styling packages and began showing up on instagram more often (though she still ghosted her followers from time to time).
But in Kristen’s words, she was in a familiar place for perfectionists: “I was doing all the pretty, fun things so that I didn’t have to do the scary stuff that would actually help me be successful”.
Here’s what happened once she joined…
Within 3 months of being inside PGSD, Kristen was planning properly as a perfectionist:
✔ Kristen had a clear goal that gave her direction, clarity and focus
✔ She created pricing that she felt confident in AND got her styling clients better results
✔ She started signing styling clients with her new packages and pricing
✔ And she made her investment back
Within 6 months of being inside PGSD, Kristen was having her most successful year in business (ever).
She was consistently uploading videos to her YouTube channel every week, sending her weekly newsletter without fail, confidently promoting her services and was even approached by a random person at the grocery store who’d been loving her IG lives.
And 1 year after joining PGSD, Kristen is signing $2,000 styling clients directly from her YouTube videos.
This is something she never thought would be possible for her.
This kind of growth is possible for you to…
To build your business to $100k you need to get out of your own way. And anyone can learn how inside PGSD.
If you resonate with what Kristen and I talk about in this episode – and what I talk about on this podcast – and you’re ready to get out of your own way then I invite you to join us inside PGSD.
Find the full episode transcript and show notes at samlaurabrown.com/episode404.
In This Episode You’ll Learn:
- What ‘getting in your own way’ looked like for Kristen
- The reason Kristen signed up for PGSD even though she ‘couldn’t afford it’
- Where perfectionism work fits in when it comes to building your business
- Why Kristen felt overwhelmed when she first started Power Planning
- The difference between listening to this podcast and being in PGSD
Featured In The Episode:
- Sign up for Perfectionists Getting Shit Done (PGSD) – samlaurabrown.com/pgsd
- Book a sales call – calendly.com/pgsd/call
- Kristen’s instagram: @kristencainstyle
- Kristen’s website: kristencainstyle.com
- Kristen getting coached – Episode 280 of The Perfectionism Project
- Sign up for daily Perfectionist Power-Ups – samlaurabrown.com/power
- Follow me on Instagram @perfectionismproject
Announcement: PGSD is open for enrollment for one week only
If you feel behind on your $100k goal, it’s just because nobody’s taught you the different productivity rules that apply to perfectionists.
To make $100k you need to work smarter, not harder. And to do that you need to get your perfectionist mindset on your side.
If your week is filled with lost time even though you’re always busy working, it’s time to take control of your productivity. The process for getting out of your own way is simple – plan properly as a perfectionist, get into a growth mindset and release your perfectionism handbrake. And it’s easy when you know how!
My group coaching program Perfectionists Getting Shit Done (aka PGSD) is designed to get perfectionist entrepreneurs to $100k. Inside you’ll get the coaching and productivity tools that address your perfectionism head on so you can create sustainable, long-term productivity – and build your business to $100k and beyond.
The doors to PGSD are now officially open for one week only. To find out more about the program and sign up before the doors close at 11:59pm New York Time on 18 June, click here: samlaurabrown.com/pgsd.
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Hi and welcome to another episode of The Perfectionism Project. A podcast full of perfectionism advice for entrepreneurs. My name is Sam Laura Brown, I help entrepreneurs release their perfectionism handbrake, so they can get out of their own way and build a fulfilling and profitable business. I’m the founder of the Perfectionist Getting Shit Done group coaching program, which is otherwise known as PGSD. And for even more perfectionism advice to help you with your business. You can follow me on Instagram @perfectionismproject.
Sam Laura Brown (Guest introduction)
Okay, so in today’s episode I’m interviewing PGSDer and style coach Kristen Cain, we are talking all about PGSD and productivity and power planning. And really as well helping you get a feel for what results you create in your business. When you release your perfectionism handbrake, you don’t have to release it fully, just even releasing it a little bit makes such a big difference. With things like content creation, with selling, it really has such a ripple effect on your business, your day to day experience, the amount of money you’re able to make.
So we talk about that in this episode. And it’s also really going to help you get a feel for why you need to be in PGSD, versus just being a listener of this podcast. Kristen was listening to this podcast for about a year before she signed up for PGSD. We go into it in this episode, but she was someone who was really in that mentality of like, I know what I need to do. And I’ve heard Sam talking about perfectionism, and I understand the concepts intellectually.
So I’m just going to really be diligent about applying them and she did make progress in her business. But she wasn’t able to make the kind of progress that she’s made inside PGSD by herself. And we go into exactly why that’s the case. Why perfection is really need to hear other perfections entrepreneurs getting coached and really understand how perfectionism fits into business growth. This isn’t a personal development pursuit. That’s a nice to have on to your business’s where you want it to be.
This is about unlocking growth in your business. And getting out of your own way right now you know, that you are the main thing that is standing in the way of business growth, and Kristen, she is so generous with what she shares and her experiences and what she has learned. And it’s going to be so helpful for you to hear. So I hope you enjoy this interview with PGSDer Kristen Cain, and I also want to mention that the doors to PGSD are open for this week only.
So it’s for our July 2023 cohort. So you can find out more at samlaurabrown.com/pgsd. And the doors are closing at 11:59pm New York time on the 18th of June. So I want to make sure if you can relate to what I talked about in this episode with Kristen, that you go and find out more and you make a decision about whether or not to join us because it really makes such a difference when you get out of your own way. So I hope you enjoy this interview with Kristen.
Oh, and before we get into it, I just want to flag and mention to you that this interview was recorded in January 2022. I am sharing it with you because it is still incredibly relevant. And I know it’s going to be so helpful. But if you do hear any references to time and dates and things like that, know that that was from past me interviewing past Kristen, at the beginning of 2022. And Kristen has only gone on to achieve even more success with her style coaching business and with her perfectionism handbrake, so it’s so fun to share this interview and to listen back and to see how much Kristen has grown since then. But yeah, I just want to let you know that this was recorded in January 2022. So just be mindful of that if it relates to any times or dates that are mentioned in this episode.
Sam Laura Brown
In this episode, I’m interviewing PGSDer and style coach Kristen Cain on all things perfectionism, power planning and PGSD. If you’re thinking about joining PGSD, or even if you’re not, this episode is really going to help you understand how perfectionism comes up in business, and were doing work on perfectionism fits in. Because it can feel like there are so many things we need to focus on and learn about, like marketing, for example, how do we find the time when should we find the time to work on our perfectionism?
That’s what we cover in this episode, as well as Kristen’s personal experience with power planning and being inside PGSD. Also, I wanted to mention that if you recognize Kristen’s voice, it might be because you have heard her on the podcast before. So in Episode 280, we shared a coaching call replay recording, from inside PGSD. And on that call, I coach Kristen, on what direction to go in with her business, what to price her services at and a whole lot of other things that she was feeling overwhelmed about.
So as well, if you’re like, I don’t know what the PGSD coaching calls are, like, make sure you go back and listen to that episode, it’s gonna give you a really good idea of what kinds of things that we coach on inside PGSD and also how beneficial it is to hear other perfectionist business owners getting coached. I want to also mention that Kristen is a coach, as am I but PGSD is not just for coaches inside PGSD. We have artists, we have writers, we have graphic designers, photographers, we have Etsy sellers, ecommerce store owners, there are so many different kinds of business owners in PGSD, have been getting a lot of questions about whether PGSD is just for business owners?
The answer to that is yes. And that is so that we can ensure that everything we coach on, on our coaching calls is relevant to every single PGSDer. So if you have any questions about PGSD, you can email support@samlaurabrown.com And I hope you enjoy this episode with Kristen. And she is linked up in the show notes as well. You can find her on Instagram, her website and everything like that. Enjoy.
So today with me, I have Kristen on the podcast, Kristen Cain. She is a style and mindset coach and also a PGSDer we’re going to be chatting about perfectionism and power planning and PGSD and all the things today. And part of the reason that we’re doing this episode is because Kristen reached out to our support inbox and said, Hey, you have an upcoming launch? And I want to tell people about PGSD. And is there anything I can possibly do to help and you send that email to us. I don’t know a couple of months ago now. And so I wanted to have this conversation with you, so that you had the opportunity to tell people about it.
And also so that we can talk about where the perfectionism work fits in when it comes to business. And also like how it came up for you and what changed from you know, going from being a podcast listener, you were listening to the podcast for about a year prior to signing up for PGSD. And then you signed up and then things really started to change. So yeah, I just want to chat about all the things. But could you tell us a bit about you and who you help, and also how you realize that you are a perfectionist?
Kristen Cain
Absolutely, yes, thank you. So I’m Kristen Cain, and I am a style and mindset coach, and I help women who are tired of getting dressed and not feeling amazing. Learn to change that I help them create wardrobes that they love wearing, help them get clear on how they want to present themselves to the world, and learn to build outfits that really light them up. And so getting dressed can be fun.
And how I realized I was a perfectionist. About almost two years ago, February of 2020, I was in my garage cleaning out my garage listening to another podcast and you were being interviewed. And you were the guest on the podcast and you were explaining kind of what a perfectionist is, and I truly had to stop what I was doing. And just focus on what you were saying because I had never ever seen myself so clearly. It was it really just I couldn’t do anything else but listen, I was riveted and I thought this can’t be possibly true. You know, I can’t possibly have lived 50 years and not have realized that this is how I operate.
And so then I, you know, searched you a little bit as a result of whatever the link in the show notes was, and you had a kind of a three day maybe video series that came into my inbox that I signed up for that had the 10 Surprising signs, you might be a perfectionist, and I truly just again, I could not, it was, you know, they talked about a light bulb moment, it was such a vivid bright light, I couldn’t even believe it. So I printed out, I typed up the 10 things, and I printed them out and I kept it on my desk, and I made my two closest friends. And my mom and my daughter and my husband all watched the video, that was the 10 Surprising signs that you were perfectionist.
And they all basically said, you know, I Okay, but none of this, none of them are perfectionist. So it was very clear and very telling to have them see me in a new way and have me see them have me understand why my husband’s methods never worked for me when it was, you know, when there was a task to do, and he would give me his input. And I think it was just validating for me to recognize that though no one in my family or in my really close circle operates this way, that I wasn’t alone, that you literally everything you said was so 100% like you were in my brain, that it just, it was so life changing, for lack of a better word, because I thought this, I’ve never ever explored this.
And I never could understand why I was so stuck. Even though I kept researching and kept learning and kept trying to come up with all the information I would need to take action and be successful in that business. But the perfectionist piece, I never saw that I never understood it. I didn’t have language for it. And so you gave me that. So it was not quite two years ago. And it was the biggest aha moment literally of my entire life.
Sam Laura Brown
I love that and what did what did getting in your own way look like for you? So you said you tried other things when it came to business to build your business. What were those things that you tried that just weren’t working for you?
Kristen Cain
I shouldn’t say tried probably because what I actually tried as in took action and did was probably very little in comparison to what I researched and learned and read and watched and listened to. I really didn’t intellectually understand its what I was doing. But I was trying to learn my way into a successful business, I was trying to accumulate all the intellectual knowledge and all the kind of wisdom around what could be read or learned, you know, that way. And I guess on some level, I just assumed that I would finally you know, like a sponge soak in enough that I would wake up with a successful business without having to take any action, which now just sounds so preposterous, but I really think that’s what I was doing.
There was never, I never got to the point prior to PGSD, where I thought I had learned enough to actually take action. I always felt like there must be one more thing I need to learn one more thing I need to research, or one more thing I need to change on my website or one more way I need to update the way I’m doing something before I can actually take action and be successful. Yeah, so there was a lot of procrasti-everything learning researching, tweaking, you know, creating, but not a lot of doing.
Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, I love that you said about like the procrasti-learning and also feeling like if you just learned enough, then you’d be able to make it work. And I think that when it comes to that, that we know that we need to do things, but we just don’t feel ready yet. We think well, I need to do it the right way. And especially when there’s so many people offering so many alternative ways to do business, and different things to focus on that we feel like okay to say to a full lay of the land and to know everything.
And then once I know everything, I can figure out the right thing to do. And of course, as you know, as I know that that is like this endless hamster wheel. And then we just get more and more frustrated because it feels like we’re putting so much effort into the business and that we should be further along. When actually in terms of the action we’re taking in the showing up we’re doing it’s not that much. But it really feels like we are doing things like did it feel like that for you?
Kristen Cain
Completely, I’m nodding as yes as you speak it completely. There were so many different people giving their tools and techniques and strategies. And so I just felt like I hadn’t nailed the right one yet. If I could just find the right person to teach me the right method, then it would work and all of that learning and researching I felt like I was working on my business you know that I was working in and on my business and that I should be further along.
And yet there was nothing that I was doing to generate income or to attract clients because it was all behind the scenes me trying to take in more information so that I could have everything lined up perfectly before I presented myself, you know, to the clients with the services, and and I was stuck there for longer than for a shamefully, long amount of time, you know, to the point where it really started to feel like it’s embarrassing to even say I have a business because I’m not actually doing what I’m capable of.
Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, did you find that you are as well like stopping and starting, because something that I actually haven’t talked to you about, I was looking at your YouTube channel the other day, and I saw that you have a video with 6 million views. And you have like 11,000 subscribers on your channel, which you’ve never mentioned in any other times, like coach you or anything like that. were great at discounting things that have gone well, and I’m sure you’ve put that down to a fluke.
And it was in trend at the time, the Marie Kondo folding and whatever. But were you working in these like spurts of you know, doing things and putting yourself out there and then kind of restoring and going into hiding? Or like, what did that look like for you? Because you did do things like you were doing things, as well as a lot of procrasti-learning. But it seems like it wasn’t consistent and yeah.
Kristen Cain
Correct. And the in my, in my journaling, and my year in review, stopping and starting is actually one of the bullet points that I wrote, because there was definitely a lot of stopping and starting, and there was a lot of all or nothing, you know, if I can’t have all of the video equipment that I need to make a YouTube video, then I’m not going to make a YouTube video, until I really realized that okay, I can shoot the video on my phone, it doesn’t need to be edited. I am just going to edit out the beginning when I walked to click the button and edit out the end when I walked to click the button to turn it off.
The stopping and starting and the falling off the wagon, I can remember being out on runs with you in my ear on the podcast and having you talk about stopping and starting and falling off the wagon and that there isn’t any wagon and just act like you never left and just show up again on YouTube or Instagram or whatever. And really laughing out loud and thinking she just knows exactly what’s happening here, the stopping and the starting on the wagon and the needing to perfect it all and come up with this really amazing way to reenter whatever the social media situation was.
And YouTube, I did kind of feel, I think I always there was always an element of self sabotage. You know, I would I did the YouTube thing, because we did the Konmari method in our home and my son, you know, is cool, good with videos and photography and stuff. So he was like, Mom, you could make YouTube videos. And so I made a few. And then I made a few more and then I made a few style videos and and then I kind of decided, okay, I don’t really know what I’m doing. So I probably ought to get better equipment. And you know, and then I let that sit for a while and moved on to you know, tweaking my website or doing something else.
And then Marie Kondo had her Netflix special, and some of my videos started to trend and they were, you know, all of a sudden, it was just absurd the amount of new subscribers and new viewers and all of that. And then I just dismissed it as a fluke. Well, the only reason that they watched the videos was because it was trending, you know. And so then I just paused for a really long time and was now I’m back on YouTube, I’m proud to say there’s consistency.
You know, thanks to PGSD, I am showing up consistently on YouTube, I post a new video every Friday. But there was no question that the stopping and starting on both Instagram mainly Well, it was everything. It was Instagram, it was my email list. It was YouTube, it was pretty much anywhere you could show up, I would show up and then I would decide, Oh, it feels it’s feeling a little scary. It’s feeling like I can’t be consistent. What if this actually takes off, and then I won’t have time to work for any clients, even though I wasn’t fully booked with clients. So I had plenty of time to be showing up on social media. But I would put the brakes on I mean, that handbrake analogy is just so incredibly accurate, because I would you know, in hindsight, now I see I would just put that brake on, as soon as it felt like things were starting to build some momentum.
Sam Laura Brown
And what kind of stuff did you do to train stay consistent before you joined PGSD when it came to social media? Did you have any kind of techniques or strategies that you were trying to help you show up consistently and to not go into hiding? Or were you just trying to rely on motivation? Or what did that look like for you?
Kristen Cain
I think I tried well, I mean, I researched a whole bunch of, you know, different folks who showed up on YouTube or on Instagram, and they I would print out their content calendar and I would, you know, know someone else, you know, a friend even who had a successful business, who would have a certain, you know, way that she would do it or certain prompts for captions or prompts for stories. And so I would think, Okay, I’ve finally found it, this is the ticket, you know, I’m going to use this and then I will show up consistently, and it honestly was nothing any I now realize now that I am finally on the inside of PGSD.
I now realize that any one of the tools that I had learned prior probably could have worked, had I been able to get the perfectionism under wraps, you know, like under control. It’s not that any of those methods were flawed, they’re just flawed for someone who thinks the way a perfectionist thinks because they you can have all the methods in the world but until you really understand how to release that handbrake. None of the methods are going to work.
So for me, the starting to show up consistently only happened once I was once I was inside PGSD. And realized that there really is no big secret, the way you show up consistently is to show up consistently, like, it’s such a kind of a joke that there really is nothing more to it other than actually doing it. And once you’ve done it, and you keep doing it, all of a sudden, you’re someone who shows up consistently which I again, I knew intellectually, I understood it, I’d watched other people do it.
But I just couldn’t fathom that. That’s how it actually worked. I was sure that you had to just keep learning more and then show up all at once in, you know, this kind of big entrance, instead of showing up imperfectly, and then next week, imperfectly, and next week, a little less imperfectly, maybe or even more imperfectly, you know, that, that it really is just as simple as showing up over and over and over and over again.
Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, what would you say to someone who’s listening to that and are thinking, okay, well, Kristen just told me what they do in PGSD, which is, you show up you like you do the things that we talk about on the podcast. And so why would I join PGSD? If that’s like, Kristen just told me the whole thing? Like, why would I join and I’m smart and intelligent, like, everyone listening to this is, like, for the most part, someone who did super well at school, who’s a great learner who can like figure things out.
And a lot of us as well, like love, you know, really having that self image around, being someone who’s independent and someone who, you know, can get there on their own and that kind of thing. So what would you say to someone who’s like, okay, Kristen just said, like, I just have to, like, show up and do it. So I’m just going to do that. And, you know, I might drink PGSD later, maybe, but I’m just going to focus on doing that. So what would you say to someone who’s kind of in that mentality currently?
Kristen Cain
I love this question. Okay, I guess first, I would say that, yes, I said, you just show up and do it. But my guess is that if you’re a perfectionist, and you’re listening to this podcast, you’re not showing up and doing it, which I certainly was not. So there’s a big huge difference between knowing it and actually doing it. And so, you know, for me, if I can back up one second, just to say, Why, what made me sign up for PGSD, like what was kind of the final straw for me, and then I will be happy to share why one should be in PGSD versus not in PGSD out on the outside, peeking in through the fence.
So I spent, you know, over a year, 14 months or whatever, listening to the podcast, I knew that PGSD was a thing, I had decided, in my mind due to my own money, mindset stuff that I couldn’t afford it. And I didn’t need it, because I could just learn from what you were talking about. And I could, you know, stalk and do all the research on my own and take action, which I didn’t, as I said, and so I think after that year mark, where I had listened to everything you had ever said, you know, I had really soaked it all in. I finally at the year mark, something, you know, little kind of that early pandemic, when I think it worked in my favorite that we were headed into a pandemic, because everything changed, like all of us had to kind of start to reevaluate what was important and what our lives were going to look like.
So I think that was sort of good timing for me, because it made me think, okay, you’ve just spent a year and do you want to be in the same place a year from now still listening to the replays of the podcast and not actually taking action. And so I heard you say something about protecting our potential. And I spent 50 years being the queen of protecting my potential like I, I was all about, I have the potential and I’m not going to do anything that’s going to actually let anyone see that there’s a crack in that potential. And it might not be all I keep thinking it is.
I’m just going to keep waiting until one day miraculously, that potential is going to turn into a successful business. And it was after a year of seeing I have all the tools she’s telling me exactly what to do she is she has given me such clarity about how I think and how I behave and how I operate. And I have not yes, my business has made little creeps like it has, you know, over that year, it’s not that I did nothing. And you know, I certainly had clients and I was you know showing up on Instagram sometimes and showing up on YouTube maybe and but it wasn’t doing what it was capable of doing.
And it was kind of that final straw for me. I finally saw a year plus after I thought you keep talking to your family about this perfectionist stuff and these tendencies and these habits and you’re going to change them. But are you did you like have you changed them? And I would hear people getting coached on the when you would put a coaching call on the podcast, I would hear that and think, okay, there that coaching is helpful because not only is the coaching helpful for the person, I would assume, but the coaching is helpful for me on my walk around my block.
So it has to be helpful once you’re inside to really be able to be in that coaching community on a regular basis. And so it was kind of like I’m so sick of myself that I am ready to make a big scary investment and hopefully that will be enough to make me start to take action like I don’t spend money easily, money easily I don’t spend money on myself, I don’t really invest in myself or my business. I thought you, you just absolutely need to do this, it scares you. And that’s why you need to do it.
Because it seems like you can’t afford it, it seems like you know, it’s not going to be a good idea. And yet, you’re not doing what you know you’re capable of on the outside. So I signed when I was ready to sign up, you know, got the email that said, we’re offering this and it’s this much, and you can sign up and here’s the end date, I pretty much immediately knew that I had to do it. If there was there was not I was not wishy washy. I was not, you know, kind of undecided.
And I remember saying it to my husband, and he said, You know, that’s a lot of money. And I kind of just dismissed him. I was like, Yeah, okay, that’s fine. If I have to put it on a credit card, and I have to, you know, babysit to make them you know, I will, I’m going to pay for this, this is important to me. And I remember mentioning it to someone else who knows me pretty well and understands the perfectionist thing. And she said, Are you sure this isn’t just more research, like more learning? Are you sure that this isn’t you just trying to sign up for one more thing that’s going to, you know, be a distraction from actually working in your business.
And I immediately like in my gut, I was like, no, like, I am 100% clear that if I don’t get a handle on the perfectionism, I am never going to be as successful as I believe I can be, I’m never going to take action, I’ve proven that I’ve now listened to all of this valuable information for a solid year and I have not actually taken much action, I have not set a goal I have not tried to or if I have set a goal, it’s been vague. And I haven’t really had any specific ways to get to it or even looked at, you know what it would feel like or look like to get to it.
So once I had that brief discussion with her, and I could feel the conviction, I was like, no, nobody can talk me out of this. I am 100% in. I didn’t wait till the last minute, like I have done with other things. You know, in my life where I had that kind of indecision. I thought I am all in. I’m signing up now. I’m not giving her a chance to say wait, I changed my mind. We’re closing the doors early, you know, you missed a chance. And so yeah, so then I was in.
And then because I had invested, I was like I am all in I whatever I am drinking the Kool Aid, whatever they want me to do, I’m going to do, because I am so tired of the inaction. And I truly still believe in my potential. So I’m doing it. And there was a little bit of embarrassment because I thought, okay, you’re over 50 like, chances are most of these women are like, way younger than you and they have a running head start in the chronological age thing. And, and by 50, you probably should have figured this out.
And that definitely was a voice. And I thought okay, but you haven’t so are you going to wait till you’re 80? And then wish you would join 5o like, like, you know, let’s get moving here. So once I was in PGSD, I mean, it’s magic, it is literal magic, the coaching calls are, you know, I joined right as the PGSD process for the first time was starting. And so I was and I like, as you know, do most perfectionist, I like a start date, you know, like, I like a deadline. I like all of that the parameters worked for me. I was like, Okay, I’m gonna, you know, however many weeks this is I’m going to do you know, I printed out the workbooks at, you know, FedEx, so that they were pretty and bound and I was like I am, this is like school, I’m doing this.
And the first coaching call with you, Sam, I remember thinking, okay, okay, you know, we talked about my impossible goal, I shared my impossible goal. You said, Okay, well, when you divide it out for quarters, what does that look like? I thought, I have no idea i, how many clients would you need? I thought I have absolutely no idea. This is where my brain shuts down. You know, not only am I not, you know, in naturally a numbers person, but I thought I don’t want to think about that. Because it it endangers my potential. Like, then then I have to look at well, if you don’t earn, if you don’t have that many clients and you don’t earn that much money in this quarter, well, then you’re not working, you know, you haven’t made your goal, you know, you haven’t achieved your goal.
And so I remember in that conversation thinking, Okay, you you’re already getting your money’s worth, because you needed to hear that because you have never set a goal I have never set a goal and looked at it with such such practicality and such lack of emotion, like, you know, my goals were always wrapped up in the emotion and the shame of not achieving them. And so to have someone like you just very matter of factly say, Okay, well, how are you gonna get there? Let’s divide it out. Let’s look at how many clients you would need, how much you would have to price your package.
It just became an equation that wasn’t emotional and didn’t make me feel bad about myself and about past goals that I hadn’t achieved. It all of a sudden felt like okay, well, this seems attainable. And then the biggest joke is that it kind of becomes less important whether you achieve the monetary goal or not, because so much changes in the way you operate during those chunks of time that are the quarters you know, the quarterly milestones you become such a different person that It’s not, you know, because I didn’t meet my goal, my financial goal.
And the old pre PGSD me would have been very disappointed, and it would have shut me down and kind of prevented me from ever setting another goal again. And instead, I the, yes, the money matters. And yes, that is something I’m still working toward. But it has become so irrelevant in the process of what I have learned and what I have accomplished, aside from the money that that part is also just magic. Yeah, it. So the the idea of being able to do it on your own, you know, just do it, it’s fine, if you’re actually going to do it. Otherwise, PGSD is the best thing that’s ever happened to me and to my business.
Sam Laura Brown
It’s been so good to have you in PGSD. And you’ve mentioned about how you already intellectually knew a lot of the things that we talk about in PGSD, like you didn’t get in there. And you’re like, Oh, my goodness, I’ve never heard any of this set before. So when it comes to say, for example, with power planning, because that is something that we teach in PGSD, and have you practice and have you making a three month commitment to so what has your experience been when it comes to power planning and using power planning to help you do your perfectionism work and get out of your own way and show up consistently, like, what’s that been like for you.
Kristen Cain
In addition to being the queen of protecting my potential, I was the queen of to do lists, and rather enjoyed writing a to do list pretty regularly and then rewriting it so that it was pretty and rewriting it again, so that it looked nice the week after, when I’d scratched a couple things out. So power planning, I was ready to power plan, because I could see that what I was doing was not working. And I had heard you talk about power planning on the podcast. So I was actually really eager to get inside PGSD and really understand the tool.
And so I, I felt overwhelmed the first few times I did it, and I remember hearing you say repeatedly, you know, it takes three months to really get, you know, get it down. And even after that, there’ll be weeks, you know, where it doesn’t flow as easily. And that’s okay. And so the first few weeks that I did it, I was really overwhelmed, because my list was just a monster. And I thought there is no way I’m ever going to get all of this done. And I don’t even understand there. And they really weren’t things that I could delegate, like if I couldn’t delegate the laundry, or couldn’t delegate the groceries or, you know, there, there were things on the list, in addition to work, things that were just life admin kind of stuff.
And I thought, How on earth does any person get this done. And I found it really helpful, you know, as part of that overwhelm, to be on the forum inside PGSD, where you have this immense community of women who are ready to jump in and an answer and help and provide tools that have helped them, you know, on their steps, you know, as they’ve gone down the path to be better at power planning. And so that’s kind of where I started, I was like, Okay, I’m just going to type this into this thing and hope somebody, you know, has a better answer than what I’m coming up with here.
And so I got lots of good feedback back, both from the coaches inside PGSD, and also, you know, from the member from the other PGSDers. And so power planning was overwhelming initially, in the beginning. And as a true perfectionist, I like lists, I like calendars, you know, I like color coordinated things. So I was all in, I thought I can figure this out. And I had used a calendar in the past, but never effectively, I always had the list running at the same time that I had the calendar going and you know, things still weren’t getting done in time still was being wasted.
And so power planning for me was is a magical tool that eliminates that to do list. Over the course of a few weeks, or the first couple of months, my list started to get shorter, not necessarily even because I had done all the things on it, but because I started to realize how irrelevant some of the things were and I could stop writing them down because I finally had you know, each week when I would write down kind of the thought download of what was going to go on the on the calendar, I would think okay, Kristen, this is one of those items that you are never planning to do.
So stop writing it down, you know, like stop keep stop adding this to your list every week if either handle it today or get it off the list altogether, or shelf it for you know, six months from now, six weeks from now. So the Power planning it became easier as I did it of course, because I started to see where I was wasting time both just in making the list and also in what was going on my calendar because it it’s I always enjoy the list making the calendar because it was nice in theory, but it wasn’t actually helping me get anything done because I was avoiding all the things that would move the needle.
I was doing all the things that were you know, I kind of most of my adult life had this idea that all the loose ends needed to be tied up before I could do any actual work. And so I would spend all the time doing all the loose ends whether it was straightening up the you know, coat closet or folding the laundry or you know cleaning up an area of my house or you know writing back to people who weren’t clients and I didn’t really even need to reply to their email. But it was like all these loose ends that I felt needed to be tied up.
Before I could sit down and work at this perfect clean office space, you know, at this desk that was going to run this, you know, great business that I was creating. But then the end of the day would come, I’d be exhausted, totally burned out, have to go pick up one of my kids or, you know, be involved in dinner or laundry or whatever. And I would think, Okay, another day where I didn’t actually do any of the things that were important, okay, tomorrow, I’ll do those things, or Monday, I’ll do those things, only to realize that for years and years and years, I was stuck in this cycle of awful loose ends need to be wrapped up before I take action.
So power planning has shown me exactly where I waste time exactly what I avoid exactly what I need to move to the top of the list. Because it’s so clear on my calendar, you know, what I’m not doing and what I keep moving every week. So the power planning tool has been incredibly valuable to me. And the other thing that power planning has done for me personally, which I have heard you coach enough people through that I realized I am not alone in this, it has made it crystal clear how much clean rest I do not take. And that resting without guilt is an enormous issue for me.
And it is going to be you know, in 2022 that is going to be one of the things I’ve even in the last two weeks, I have been more conscious of it and paid more attention to it. It has been a huge problem for me over the course of my lifetime. And I have since I joined PGSD, I have watched it. I’ve watched it unfold where I you know, have a plan and I work it and I work it and I work it and I get myself burned out and I can feel the burnout coming but I don’t take any rest and I feel the burnout coming and then I think okay, here we are, we’re at burnout, you didn’t rest you know exactly why you got here, you know, I didn’t ever understand it prior to PGSD.
But once inside, I was like, Okay, you’re you just practice this to see if it was at if it would actually happen. And now you’re here. So how about we add some clean rest. So the PGSD or the entire planning process has been, I get things done. I mean, I literally, I amaze myself right now with what is actually possible. Not only just the power planning, but certainly because of power planning. And because of all the other tools that I have learned inside PGSD to the point where I now am so consistent in my you know, the emails I send to my list every week and my YouTube video posting and my Instagram that two or three weeks, at least two and possibly three weeks of the last, let’s say six or eight weeks.
I have gotten my own email in my inbox on Monday morning. And it has surprised me, I think, where did that come from? Because I so ahead of the game, and I have actually written it and proof read it and scheduled it and forgotten about it. And then it pops up. And I think what is this? What is this email? Why did it what you know, I almost think it’s the two times that I vividly remember it happening. Even just this Monday, you know, to date yesterday, I I really kind of stopped myself and thought is that? Is that an error? Like what is that in my inbox, only to then take a breath and think Wait, this is because you now operate differently.
So you you actually got this done, and it’s scheduled and it went out on time. And you didn’t have to think about it again, because you didn’t keep it on your list to keep going in and tweaking the font and tweaking the color and tweaking the photo and tweaking what you were saying you actually just handled it because it was on your list for that day. You know, it was on your calendar for that day you handled it, you scheduled it and it was done.
But I am being 100% honest, when I tell you that it has appeared in my inbox, and I have been surprised at my own email because the old me would never have actually gotten to the point where it was sent consistently. And this may does. And so it’s been kind of a fun, you know? Yeah, but kind of a fun thing to see how power planning actually can change how I spend my day in a really positive way.
Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, and I love like all the things you talked about in PGSD. One of them is self image. And I love when soon you’ll be at the point where it’s not surprising anymore. Like you’re in that stage at the moment where you’re still like, wait, but I’m not like I’m not fully yet believing I’m someone who’s consistent. So you’re like, oh, what’s his email that’s popped up. And very soon you’ll be like, of course, I have already written the email. And here it is.
And I can barely even remember what it says because past me wrote that and now I’m reaping the rewards of that. And I also really appreciate what you said about clean rest. And I think this is why the impossible goal and power planning and clean rest works so well for perfectionist is because there’s so many layers to this work. It’s not just like you learn a bunch of things you you know, spend a few weeks doing personal development stuff and productivity stuff and whatever. And then you’re done.
It’s like, there are these layers there. And with each layer, we get more and more out of our own way and our businesses get more and more successful and we have a better relationship with ourselves and all of those things. But like you first of all when you came into PGSD you weren’t taking action. You weren’t doing that consistently and power planning your impossible goal. Like, also, like when I coached you, and we coach on having packages instead of like charging per hour, and like that kind of thing, like there was some things that needed to be cleaned up, and then getting you taking action.
And so that happened. And then now you’re in such a great place with that. It’s that next layer of, okay, let’s stay consistent and do that, and be getting a whole lot of clean rest and like all of these other pieces as well. And so it really is about being committed to doing this work. And also, like, as you said, this work needs to be done for the other things to actually be impactful. Like when it comes to marketing, and that kind of thing. Is there anything you’d say to someone who is thinking, Oh, but I’ve just, you know, heard about this other marketing strategy.
And I think maybe that’ll be the thing that gets me to actually be consistent because it feels in alignment with me. And I really like what they’re saying, and that kind of thing. Like, as you said, there’s nothing wrong with the marketing strategies, but to someone who can really relate to what we’re talking about in this episode. And what I talk about on the podcast generally, is there anything you’d say to someone who’s thinking of it, maybe I should just try one more marketing course first, before I do the work on my perfectionism.
Kristen Cain
Don’t do it. Do not do it. You’re prolonging the inevitable, in my honest opinion, you, it really would just be such a decision. And as someone who really felt when I joined PGSD, like I had wasted so much time that I had, I knew what to do, and I wasn’t doing it. And I really got to a point where it was, it was painful, because I was beating myself up so much, because I had not taken the action I knew I should be taking, I had all the information, I had all the tools and I wasn’t doing it.
And so I think that I know I could have I could have spent 2 4 5 10 more years signing up for other things that would not have gotten me any good, I would never be who I am sitting here right now barely six months into PGSD. Had I not chosen this over something else. I what one of the most beautiful things about PGSD is that it has eliminated my need and desire and compulsion and obsession with all of the other learning. I now even find myself if something pops up on Instagram or something pops up in my inbox.
And I think, well, that’s kind of interesting. Almost immediately, I think, Kristen, you don’t need that, like you are on a good path here, you know exactly what you need to do, you do not need the clutter in your mind have more techniques and more strategies, what you are doing is working it is you, you might still sometimes feel impatient, you might still feel like you’re not, you know, earning enough money toward your goal yet, but what you are doing is working and this groundwork has to be laid both physically in the action I’m taking, you know, or whatever you want to call that in the action I’m taking.
And also in my mind, you know, the shift in my mindset. And as you said that the self trust and the self image, if those don’t change, it doesn’t matter how expensive the course is, who teaches it, how long it is how if they come to your house and get you out of bed every morning and you do not believe it will make a difference until you are surrounded by methods and people who who really will walk you through it. And I think that’s the other thing about PGSD.
In other programs, I always felt a little more embarrassed or ashamed, because they didn’t think like I did. And you know, and not that I got to know any of them super well. But it was like I couldn’t make it work. And it just felt like more info that I was taking in but I wasn’t still taking action. We’re in PGSD, there’s no shame because we all you know, some on some level, we all think and operate the same way or we have. And so when someone’s getting coached on something, you know, I had heard I had heard you say this on the podcast before I ever joined that when someone else is being coached, you will find it valuable you will you know get an answer in their coaching experience.
And there was part of me that was a little skeptical, like, well, if you’re not answering my question, like how are you actually going to you know, how am I going to get anything out of that? Well, that’s the biggest joke ever. Because we all are thinking and operating the same way to the point where literally I message people in the forum. I’m like, what you just talked about on this episode, like literally you could have been coming out of my mouth like I just it’s fascinating to me how when you have the right community of like minded people, there’s no judgment, there’s no shame everybody is truly just trying to elevate each other and give each other you know, share the tools and share the wins.
And, and yeah, I really, I would urge anybody to not spend one more dime or one more hour on a program that is not designed specifically for perfectionist, specifically PGSD I can speak to because this is the only one I’ve ever done. And I would never need another one because it it’s so clear how to do things differently once you’re inside and have the right tools and the right community and you know the right coaches to kind of walk you through it. Just no question.
Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, I have to laugh because before we started recording, Kristen had said I want to like, I won’t hard. So I kind of wanted to say to over the top, and I said, no, this is for people who want to do the perfectionism work. They want to get out of their own way. They like want to take this to the next level. And yeah, I just like for anyone listening is like, what has said VEDA to be able to say all this about PGSD, I think…
Kristen Cain
No. I mean… Exactly, I paid you and I’m happy I happily paid you. And it’s like anything. It’s like a shampoo that you love, or a movie you watch. Like, when you find something that is amazing. You want to share it with people. And so the people who aren’t perfectionist, there’s no reason to share it with them. And people in my life who don’t operate like I do. I can talk about this all day long, but they’re never going to sign up because it’s not something that would benefit them.
Or, you know, they don’t feel that it would benefit them. But there is no question that if someone listens to your podcast, they and they listened to it more than once. They already identify on some level as someone who would be helped by PGSD. And I think that you again, you know, I, I could I could do the hard sell, I could stand up on the rooftops. Shout it out, I think two things are the same thing kind of two ways. If you’re younger than in your 50s. There’s no reason to wait, by the time you’re in your 50s you could have this all nailed and have the most successful business you could imagine and the most amazing life because you’ve let go of the handbrake and got out of your own way and actually started to take action and stop self sabotaging and all of that.
And if you are in your 50s I am proof that it is not too late that you might as well join now and not wait till you’re in your 60s 70s 80s or if you’re already in your 60s or so you know that it’s not too late, you know that I there was part of me that wonder that like have I have I just literally waited too long. They learned for too long and and not take an action. And now there’s no point. And I I am happy to say that that’s not the case, either.
Yeah. So wherever you are in the age spectrum, I would not waste another dime or another minute trying to learn or do anything else on your own. Because honestly, this is that good. And it’s that good because it’s simple. It’s clean. And it’s simple. It’s not like 10,000 more pieces of information you have to learn and digest and figure out, it relies on a lot of what you already know. And the tools to start to build that self trust and self image that is different than what you’ve been living with and beating yourself up about for so long.
Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, I think like when you’re talking about it really being, I don’t know, just something that like, we know what to do, and we’re just not doing it. And we can really just stay in that like procrasti-learning and just wanting more information and thinking like, well, if you know everything in PGSD is a stuff Sam already talks about on the podcast, like why would I join but as you said, there’s so much more to it.
And we want to have you actually doing the things and PGSD is designed to get you out of procrasti-learning. One question I get quite a bit is, well, how do I know that signing up for PGSD isn’t just me procrasti-learning. And you already answered that. But I just wanted to say as well that like we design it, so that you’re not then just spending like a whole year watching all of these videos and doing workbooks, it’s really designed so that you are learning what you need to know in the most simple way.
And a lot of times like we want it to be like we’ve had PGSDers, who want it to be complicated and confusing, and hours and hours of videos and me saying all these things you’ve never heard before, because they don’t want to get out of their own way. They just want to keep learning and learning and learning. And it’s designed like in and of itself to help you start getting out of your own way and into that growth mindset by the very fact that it’s so focused on taking action and being there to support you through the ups and downs that come with having a business and it’s not just about okay, let’s learn a heap of stuff together.
So I’m really glad that you have mentioned all of that and your experience with power planning as well that yeah, like the first few weeks typically are gonna be overwhelming, because you’re going to try and do it in the perfectionist way. And that’s really to help build up that self awareness so that you can start changing the way that you plan and actually plan properly as a perfectionist. But I’d love because you mentioned about the year and review and reflecting on that, like what were some of the wins that you have had because I know that you’ve shared?
I think you shared it in the forum about how you just like it’s the little things that really make you realize how much you change and that there was I think you did an Instagram Live, which that alone was like a big thing and then it didn’t work and then you had to like do all of these things to just like keep persisting with it when previously you would have just like I don’t know does not like not being able to continue with it. and probably decided not to do any more Instagram Live. So for you like what were some of your wins, like when you did your year in review? What were some of the wins that came up for you? And some of the lessons just a couple?
Kristen Cain
Year in the review year in review, what were my wins. So joining PGSD was the first thing on my wins list, because literally nothing else would have changed. Had I not done that first. So that is truly I’m looking at my journal as I speak. That was the first thing I wrote down. I am back on Instagram, I’m back on Instagram, consistently, I am recording YouTube videos and scheduling them and posting them every Friday.
I actually communicate with my email list instead of being afraid to write to them ever. I have created packages, I’m no longer working hourly, I have actually started to promote that I have packages and that I work with people. I, I have really, I have a different identity like I really, I see myself differently. I don’t, I don’t see myself, as someone who doesn’t show up consistently, I don’t see myself as someone who doesn’t, you know, do what she said she was going to do now I still have issues with my power planning where you know, there’ll be a day where I need to really keep it workable and move things around.
And because I just am not actually doing. But then I have the tools and the community if I need to lean on the community in the coaching. But I understand that I understand why I didn’t do the thing, you know, and then I have to look at okay, are you not doing the thing because it’s scary, or you’re not doing the thing because it’s unnecessary, or you know, whatever. So power planning has been a win too, because it has changed the way I operate and the way I show up.
But I really think that it’s and it sounds so silly. But as you that as you change that self trust and that that self image, you really kind of don’t recognize your new self, and you don’t recognize your old self like now, I would never not send an email on Monday, you know, I mean, not that I would never there certainly could come a time. But it’s not scary anymore. It’s it’s only not scary, because I did it once and then I did it twice.
And then I did you know. Yeah, so the winds have been really all PGSD related. Because it was so time for me to do something different. And, and none of those wins would have happened, I can truly, you know, honestly say none of them would have happened had I not joined back in May like it changed the trajectory of my business. And the way I operate and the way I get things done, you know, more than anything else I’ve I’ve ever tried, hands down.
Sam Laura Brown
Amazing. And in terms of lessons and like things to focus on for next year, is there anything in particular that came up besides a clean rest?
Kristen Cain
Clean rest, like blinking neon lights. Yes, clean rest is that the absolute top of the list, because I have been historically terrible at it. Because I, I got to the point where I, I just really didn’t even know what I like to do. So folding laundry would be clean rest, because I didn’t I like to fold laundry. And I didn’t recognize the clean rest really shouldn’t also maybe be productive all the time. And mine was usually linked to some sort of productivity.
So clean rest is at the top of the list for the new year, as is consistently promoting my services and becoming much more comfortable. I’m perfectly fine. Talking about what I do and what I offer if someone asks, but it has taken me, you know, the last few months to really get more comfortable offering it and saying that I actually do it, and that someone can pay me for it.
And so there will be more of that in the new year. You know, I recognize that, that that needs to happen in order for the goal that I’ve set to actually be achieved. And so I’m thrilled with all the things that I have achieved so far. And I still want this to be a lucrative business. So I’m ready, you know, I’ve laid the groundwork, and I feel like that groundwork is working in my favor. And now the next way I need to get out of my own way is by avoiding the clean rest and avoiding promoting the services.
Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, and I asked that question because I really just want to emphasize that it’s like a continuation, like I have things that I’m still working on. Of course, we all do. And it’s really about like doing those layers of work and using the tools to help with that. And the main tool being like planning properly, like having that impossible goal. Doing the power planning that, especially for a lot of PGSDers first of all, it’s just like showing up consistently and like doing the things and then it’s beginning to do that in a more intentional way with actually thinking about, like selling and getting people to your products and your services and that kind of thing that initially like it just feels so much in the beginning to even just show up consistently and not mention it that like once you’re doing that then you can start showing up consistently and telling people about how you help them.
What they can buy from you and all of that kind of thing. So it’s such a normal progression that I see. And I think so many times when we just try and go from like nothing to then like confidently promoting services consistently or a product or whatever it is, it’s such a big leap that it’s so helpful to instead just like, hey, start showing up. And then we don’t want to say that for too long, where you’re like, Okay, well, you know, if I just show up and add value, then people will buy for me, you have to tell them, like, we’ve talked about this a lot in PGSD, on different coaching calls, I think I’m currently on it a bit as well.
But we get to that point, then we’re like, Okay, actually, I am going to start telling people about it. And getting to that point where I know, you’ll be very soon we’re like, oh, it’s actually easy to tell people about it, even if no one asked me a specific question about it. So anyway, all that to say, this is a ongoing journey. That’s where you get lifetime access to PGSD and all the coaching and all the things because there’s layers of personal development that go on.
And I know before, just to wrap things up, you said about the financial goal and that you like that, it becomes irrelevant, that you’re not hitting the financial goal, even though of course, money still important, all of that kind of thing. That like, you are in such a better position now to achieve all of your financial goals and are more financially successful in your business than before this, and I think we can really get into this place of like, well, yeah, like, this all sounds great.
But I really do want to make more money, so I can go full time in my business or whatever it is. But really recognizing that, even if you can like, this is why we have the impossible goal. And like if we’d set a realistic goal for you probably would have achieved it, that when you have that impossible goal, you have to get out of your own way, at least a little bit in order to achieve it. Where when we set these like realistic goals, and it probably sound better for you to come on here and say, Oh, I set a financial goal and I achieved it.
But that’s kind of not the point of what we’re doing. And you’re going to have so much more financial success in your business, because you’re learning how to not be attached to your goals and use it against yourself, how to actually show up and be willing to like navigate the ups and downs, instead of just always needing this, like instant gratification of like setting this little goal achieving it like we do that in the power planning.
The power planning is about having those realistic weekly plans that you follow. But in terms of the financial side of things, like even for my own, I’ve never actually achieved my full impossible goal. And yet, like, I’ve achieved my one that I set in 2018, but I didn’t achieve it in 2018. But I know if I hadn’t set my impossible goals, then I probably would still be in my accounting job. I’d be like not making any money at all not helping anyone either.
Because I’d be so busy with my full time job. And yeah, I just wanted to mention that because I know like myself, I’ve been like, Well, yeah, oh, this sounds great. But I need to make money. So I can feel like my business is legitimate, and all these different things, especially when, like we haven’t even talked about like the side of perfectionism, that is the people pleasing and fear of judgment and all of that kind of thing that we just like, want to have our business be successful, so we can feel like it’s legit.
And to really like set the impossible goal and have it be above what you currently know how to achieve and being okay with get like we want to be focused on achieving that goal. Like it is important. But also it’s who you become in the journey, we need that worthy destination to have a worthy journey that’s really going to create a whole lot of change. But yeah, I’m glad that you mentioned that it does kind of become irrelevant. But then also like, I know, none of us want to hear like, oh, yeah, but you won’t really care about it. But that like it’s how it works. And yeah, the impossible goal isn’t like a normal goal that’s just a bit bigger. It’s like a different kind of goal. Have you got any last words to say about like the impossible goal or anything else?
Kristen Cain
Yep. A couple of quick things. So, yes, it became irrelevant, but it didn’t become irrelevant forever. Like, it’s not like I’m saying, Oh, well, I don’t even care if I make any money ever again. It’s fine. It only became irrelevant. Wow, I’m kind of in this space of getting to have a different identity and a different, you know, self trust and all of that. It’s irrelevant, because I know it’s a hit, you know, I know it’s actually now possible where before I knew the potential I knew I had the potential I was protecting that potential, you know, but I now actually really understand.
I can see it now where before I couldn’t see it. I did that’s why I didn’t make goals because I couldn’t even fathom how I could get there. So yes, it’s irrelevant, but it’s irrelevant in the very best way because the other things are so much more important because I’ve seen how much those changes have already made me show up differently. And I think that I think that the the idea as perfectionist, I think we always look at it as this huge exponential gigantic leap enormous thing that is going to just be way too exhausting and way too time consuming and way too big to try to, to change or do the things that we know we have the potential to do or achieve the success or whatever.
And just in the last six months, I see how untrue that is because I see how each action makes the next action not only easier, but more fun because you now trust yourself. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t still times when I do something in my business where I’m kind of scared. And I think, Oh, God, I’m not sure I really want to do this. This feels awful. But it I know that I’ve lived through the other things that used to feel awful, that don’t feel awful anymore.
So I think before I joined PGSD, it felt like this big giant thing, I was gonna get thrown into an oh my gosh, what if I can’t hang on, I can’t make it happen. And now I see that it is such and again, I knew this intellectually, because I had heard it a million other places. It is incremental steps that all of a sudden gets easier and easier and easier and easier to offer. And you’re like, wow, I sent myself an email. I didn’t even know I wrote this email. And it was scheduled, you know. It pops in my inbox. So it’s not daunting anymore. That doesn’t mean I won’t keep stretching and trying new things and trying to grow bigger and probably, you know, cried to you on a coaching call about how awful it feels. It’s not as scary. And I think that surprises me that it really is not as scary as I was making it for a decade plus.
Sam Laura Brown
Yeah. Well, thank you so much for everything that you’ve shared on this episode. I know that to someone listening and probably sounds like we’ve just set the whole thing up. But you emailed me and you’re like, as I mentioned earlier, can I tell people about PGSD? So that’s what we’ve done in this episode. I hope it’s been incredibly helpful for everyone. So where can people find you? Going back to you and what you help people with? Where can people find out more about you and reach out and learn from you?
Kristen Cain
Yeah, absolutely. I am on Instagram @kristencainstyle, k r i s t e n c a i n style. And my website is also kristencainstyle.com. And if you want to DM me on Instagram and ask if you know if you have any PGSD questions, and you want an outlet, you know, an opinion that isn’t Sam’s, I’m happy to give it I honestly have never spent money better. I mean, truly, I have a lot of money mindset issues I have had a lot of lack and, you know, limited beliefs around money. And so this was a big leap for me and every single penny I have already not only physically earned back as a result of the actions I’ve taken, but I truly have. It is invaluable. And if you’re a perfectionist, and any of you know what Sam says resonates, you should absolutely get yourself in there. Anyway, so I’m kristencainstyle on Intagram and that’s my website and get reached out. I’d love to help you with your clothes.
Sam Laura Brown
I love how I asked about where people can find you. And then you ended up, just say alot of things about PJSD again. But Kristen, is a style coach. And if you feel like when you look at your wardrobe, you have nothing to wear and you’re just not happy with like, you know, when you go out and you’re just feeling self conscious because of the way you dress and then you keep buying things and it’s not the right things.
And if that is your problem, Kristen can help you so we will link up her Instagram and her website in the show notes. Thank you so much Kristen for everything you shared and also for being in PGSD. We love having you in our community. And I think we can both say like we’d love to welcome anyone who can really relate to what we’ve talked about in this episode and do this work on perfectionism. So thank you so much, Kristen.
Sam Laura Brown (Outro)
Okay, so that was my interview with PGSDer Kristen Cain, I hope you found it incredibly helpful. So PGSD is open for enrollment right now. And we aren’t going to be opening again until we are doing our intake for our October cohort of PGSD. So to find out more about PGSD, you can go to samlaurabrown.com/pgsd. The doors aren’t open for much longer if you’re listening to this when this episode is going live, the doors are closing at 11:59pm New York time on the 18th of June. So make sure you go ahead and you sign up and you get yourself in PGSD for our July 2023 cohort.