Episode 474: Power Planning When You Have Big Goals + A Busy Life with Eliška Krajickova

Eliška already had a 7 figure jewellery business when signed up for Perfectionists Getting Shit Done. But she was EXHAUSTED. And there was no extra time for anything else. Her dreams of starting a coaching business had been on the backburner for years. And having a second child felt like too much to handle.

Fast forward to today and Eliška has two successful businesses and is 8 months pregnant with baby number two. Thanks to her success, her husband was able to quit his job as a CEO to be at home with the kids.

Power Planning allowed Eliška to simplify everything she was doing and find time for more.
That means more time with her family, more connection with her husband and more business success too.

Once Eliška got her perfectionist mindset working for her instead of against her, making space for what matters became easy. This is why Power Planning works for entrepreneurs at all levels of income. When your perfectionist mindset is on your side, your business grows no matter what stage you’re at.

In today’s episode, Eliška shares her experiences with perfectionism, Power Planning and PGSD.

We talk about:

  • The incredible impact that PGSD has had on her businesses and her family life
  • Why Power Planning improved her relationship with her husband
  • How Eliška stays productive even when her son is home sick
  • How to use the PGSD Private Podcast to get all of the coaching you need
  • Eliška’s thoughts if you’re on the fence about signing up for PGSD

Find the full episode transcript and show notes at samlaurabrown.com/episode474.

Featured In The Episode:

Join the 12 Week Power Planning Challenge inside PGSD  (starts Monday)

Getting out of your own way just got a whole lot easier. In just a few days, our first ever 12 Week Power Planning Challenge begins inside Perfectionists Getting Shit Done.

Everyone will be learning Power Planning together as a community. And the challenge is going to be full of support, accountability and simple step-by-step instructions to get you Power Planning with ease.

The Power Planning Challenge begins on Monday, 1 July 2024. And it’s the perfect way to give yourself a fresh start and a clean slate without having to wait for the 1st of January.
We’ve already started receiving excited messages about the challenge from PGSDers who are inside the program. To join us for the challenge, simply sign up by 11:59pm New York Time on Sunday, 30 June at samlaurabrown.com/pgsd.

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Hi and welcome to another episode of The Perfectionism Project, a podcast full of perfectionism advice for entrepreneurs. My name is Sam Laura Brown, I help entrepreneurs release their perfectionism handbrake so they can get out of their own way and build a fulfilling and profitable business. I’m the founder of the Perfectionist Getting Shit Done group coaching program, which is otherwise known as PGSD. And for even more perfectionism advice to help you with your business. You can follow me on Instagram @perfectionismproject.

Sam Laura Brown
Today, I have the best episode for you. It is an interview with one of our PGSDers. Her name is Eliška Krajíčková, and she is a two time business owner. So she has a jewelry business, an e commerce store, and then she also has a coaching business as well. She is a mom of a son and another little daughter on the way, she is about eight months pregnant at the time of recording this episode, so I am so grateful to have her on the podcast and to just really be speaking to how to power plan when you have a busy life, you’ve got a lot on your plate, and you’re also someone who really loves working, who has a hard time resting. In this episode, Eliška shares about how she was able to make time to start a second business, and also to be able to have a second child as well, which just felt like too much to handle with everything that she had going on before she was power planning.

And I love the way that power planning works, that it allows you to find time for things that you simply couldn’t find time for before, and you’re able to do more without having to work more so now, Eliška has more time with her son, more connection with her husband, and also more business success too. Not only is her first business more successful and she’s so much more organized and calm about it, but she now was able to have a second business as well and get that off the ground and have that be successful. And so anyway, Eliška shares all about it in this episode. I know you’re going to find it incredibly helpful and incredibly inspiring as well.

And if you want to be inside PGSD, I highly recommend signing up now because we are doing a 12 week power planning challenge inside PGSD. It is the first time that we are ever doing this, and it is going to be so amazing. It give you so much personal support, accountability and simple step by step guidance through your first 12 weeks of power planning. After the challenge is complete, we will continue supporting you to get out of your own way with the remainder of the pgsc process you work on, self trust, self image. There is just so much that we can support you with in PGSD, but power planning really is the essence, the main tool that we use. And so you’re going to have your first 12 weeks in PGSD doing the 12 week power planning challenge prep week for the challenge get started on the first of July, and then we officially kick off our power planning on the eighth of July.

So to be part of that challenge, you do need to be signed up for PGSD by 11:59pm New York time on Sunday the 30th of June. So you can go to samlaurabrown.com/pgsd, to sign up for the challenge inside PGSD, it’s going to be amazing. And if you have been someone who has been getting in their own way, if you know what you need to do, but you just can’t get yourself to do it, or you are doing it and you are exhausting yourself in the process. You are burned out, you were scattered. You just know that you’re not actually operating at your fullest, because you just aren’t able to actually have enough focus or to just do something through to completion and then move on to the next thing. I really want to help you and support you inside pgsd, and I know how to do that. So I hope you enjoyed this interview with Eliška. She also speaks about her decision to sign up for PGSD, and what she would say to someone who is on the fence about signing up for PGSD as well. So stay tuned all the way through. If you are thinking about joining us inside PGSD, we would love to have you be part of our 12 week power planning challenge.

Sam Laura Brown
Hi Eliška. Welcome to the podcast.

Eliska Krajickova
Hello everyone. Hello Sam, thank you for your kind invitation to this podcast.

Sam Laura Brown
My pleasure. So to get started, do you mind just sharing a bit about yourself and the two businesses that you have and yeah, just what your situation is at the moment?

Eliska Krajickova
Yeah, yeah, for sure, I am founder of jewelry business. It’s called Sparkle Moments, and I founded it when I was having also a full time job. It was 2018 I believe. And since then, I scaled the business to seven figures with 10 employees. And also I was kind of a bored a bit like, why not to have even more work to do? So I launched my second business in 2022 Yeah, I think so. And I am helping there and other e commerce founders, and I do focus only on female founders. Sometimes I got some, you know, I get some bad comments on Instagram from the man public publicity, but I do really believe in, like, profitable scaling and having enough space for another roles. And that’s what I think it’s very special when you are a woman with a lot of life roles. So. I do specialize only on females with my membership. And I also do have a son and a new one on, on the way coming. I don’t know when, in few weeks soon, maybe two, maybe three weeks. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, that’s it.

Sam Laura Brown
Amazing. So a jewelry business and a coaching business, and when it comes to perfectionism, do you mind sharing a bit about like, when you realized you were a perfectionist? Was that a recent realization? Have you always thought you’re a perfectionist? What has your journey been with perfectionism?

Eliska Krajickova
I would be the person who would always say on the interviews in my previous corporate jobs, like, what is your strength or weakness? And I will be always. I’m the perfectionist, you know, I do everything perfectly, and I thought that it’s really about being perfect in everything, until I found you, and I don’t know who shared your podcast, and I start following you on Instagram when you were talking about way more topics, how you can see that you are struggling with perfectionism. And I think it was more about like, you want to do everything perfectly. You want to do everything last minute, to really, like, have the pressure on you are also like, postponing lot of things you are. And it was really about like, we all as a perfectionist, need to like, plan differently. We are not like a normal people. And I really had those moments of like, you are talking about me, this is me, and that is me, and that Instagram life is about me, and that email is about me.

So I think I thought it’s something before I met you, and then when I found you online, I realized, like, how broader it is, and how more, how in more areas of your life, it is like, you know, coming and it is just not about doing things perfectly. I think it’s like the smallest issue you have, or the thing to overcome, the challenge to overcome. And I was definitely the person who will say, just 10 minutes and I will come for dinner and it’s never 10 minutes. Yeah, you know, I was the one who was still trying to have, like, empty calendar, until I joined the PGSD. And now I know that it’s not the goal, and it’s not even possible. And it’s not like it should not. I should not aim for like a perfectly done to do list, because that’s not gonna ever happen. And the perfectionist, we always want to be done with everything, you know.

And then if we are not done, we will be doing it a bit longer, just a bit, and then from a bit, it’s two hours, and we will skip some meetups with friends or the gym or something, because we need to get it done. So I’m definitely that kind of perfectionist, because I also think that in the PGSD as well, there are like, more kind of like personalities, or like, you know, people struggling with different challenges and you are just holding space for everyone and like, the different scenarios. So I’m that one, the one like, I can skip gym and from two minutes, it’s gonna be 20 minutes and maybe two hours.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, for sure. So with business particularly, how did perfectionism show up for you? Like you mentioned about leaving things to the last minute and that kind of thing, like, where was perfectionism holding your business back? How did you know that was going on?

Eliska Krajickova
The biggest thing I noticed was for me waking up not knowing what to do. I didn’t even know how to plan in a way that I know what’s gonna come today, in a week, in a month, in a year, I was just the person, like, creating those to do list based on my mood in the morning and then adding even more in the night, and just I did not really have any kind of, like, long term, sustainable approach to it. So for me, what was the biggest challenge before was I really don’t know what I’m gonna do. Like, it depends how well I will sleep and what I have a taste for, you know, and maybe just due to my like, discipline and like being able to do a lot of things for long enough of period time the business was thriving, the jewelry business. But if I wouldn’t join PGSD, I would never launch the coaching business, because I wouldn’t have the time for it. I wouldn’t know how to plan another business into my first business, plus with the baby. So this was the like, the biggest challenge that I wanted to solve with PGSD was like, I want to even know what to put in my calendar, because at this moment, I have no idea what will I work on today or tomorrow.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, I’ve heard that so often that, like someone described it so well, like feeling behind before you even open your eyes in the morning, and not knowing where to even start. And there’s so many things things to do, but you don’t even know what’s most important. So for you, what made you actually sign up for PGSD. Instead of just like, following along on Instagram and listening to the podcast? Why did you actually decide to join the program?

Eliska Krajickova
Yeah, to be honest, I think I just, like, rewarded myself with it because I was like, I am hustling so much I want to change it, and I hustle so much that I deserve to treat myself and my inner person with transformation that will help me to work less and honestly, like I do have a husband that is the quite opposite in everything what we do. So if I am the hustling business or the little bit easy, growing, maybe lazy employee. So for me, I really wanted to progress and transform, also for our relationship. So I was always the one thinking about the business, always the one being late for dinner. It’s always the one like saying that the high priority in my life is my business. And then he was like, Yeah, but it’s not really a true like there is a family part, there is like a holiday.

So I really wanted to change for him as well, because I knew that it’s gonna benefit me. So for me, it was not like a life or die scenario. For me, it was like I hustle so much, and I do it every single day on the repeat alone in my business, that I deserve this program that will help me, you know, to become comfortable in day to day, knowing what to do, being able to rest, not perfectly yet, but at least in some capacity. So yeah, my decision was just like, I deserve it, and I know and maybe the decision really was for me, like I know I will transform my life. It was not like, yes or no, I might try and see I really went for the program, knowing and being decided that I know that I want to change the business, I want to change my life, and I kind of like self trusted my decision that the PGSD will help me. I don’t know if it doesn’t make sense. Eight months pregnant, I never know, got a cow out of my mouth, but hopefully it does make sense?

Sam Laura Brown
It does make sense, it does. It definitely does. And it’s so powerful to approach investing in PGSD or any investment that way, and that’s the same way that I approach it, too, of of like, yes, I want to invest in something that I know is going to be so helpful, and also I know that I’m going to show up and do the things that I need to do, and I’m not going to do it perfectly, but I am willing and I am committed, and I want that change for myself, and I want that growth, and I don’t want to just stay the same. So I love that you had that approach with signing up for PGSD and beginning power planning and just going for it, and I think the results that you’ve had as well from PGSD and power planning really speak to that so much. Do you mind sharing a bit about with power planning? Like, what was that like for you in the beginning, we talk about the three month commitment, really as a way to just get into the growth mindset about it, that it is a new skill you’re developing and to not expect, as we perfectionists do that, as soon as you do something for the very first time, you should be really, really good at it. So what was that first three months like for you, going from the to do list and not knowing what you were working on, and just being so overwhelmed and also exhausted with all the action to then beginning to power plan.

Eliska Krajickova
Do my if I just like, add something to the previous one, and then jump back, of course, to the question? I just wanted to add for everyone listening that this program was my very first in whole life experience, like higher investment than just like courses and like those digital products. So I just wanted to share here like it was courageous things. I was very scared when joining and it was like, after our Christmas season in jewelry business, and I was like, I’m just rewarding myself. And oh, my God, I send those money. So I just wanted to say that it was, it was still a big decision for me, and just wanted to share that it’s like 10 times the investment came back in return. So just to everyone, like, know, if you are scared of the investment, it’s not like, $29 program or, like, yeah, freebie, but it is really worthy. And the transformation, I don’t think so it can be even, like, calculated, you know, by that price.

So I just wanted to get back to that, yeah, everyone knows. I’m very self aware, into investment, like with higher programs, and the question, yeah, I think that the most important thing, which is something, what you mentioned inside the program, is like, it’s if it’s 80% let’s celebrate if it’s like 80% done 80% perfect, like 20% of things will never get down. It’s fine. That’s like, what probably like kept me really like going that there were weeks when I didn’t do the weekly review. They were weeks when I when my son got sick and I had to postpone the whole working day. So I think, like, being kind and really not expecting from myself, like, 100% first week I will power plan, and we’ll just make it amazing. And it’s the skill. So the more you practice, the more like, the better you will get in it. So definitely, I will not say it was easy. It was not the beginning. It’s like click, creating the goal, starting. You know, the first power planning that’s gonna the Power Hour. It’s gonna take you around with more than an hour. But then it’s really getting easier and easier, and once it’s just became the routine for you, and you cannot live without it. Yeah, that’s, that’s it, those 80% it’s like, the key to, like, stay motivated on the way.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, the 80% follow through. I just want to talk about it for a little bit. I’m glad you mentioned it, because when we will, even as you, continue with power planning, but in the beginning, especially focusing on 80% follow through and trying not to be in the all or nothing mindset of like a they need to follow my plans perfectly, or there’s no point, really makes such a difference. And one way to think about it, too, for anyone who does have any resistance to that, is to our perfectionist brain, what is 100% is actually like 200% and what is 80% is actually 100% so if we’re actually aiming for 80% we really get 100% of what needs to be done, done, but because our brain just always wants to do more, it won’t feel like 100% and it’s why we can then really celebrate as well, not just showing up and doing that perfectly, or not doing it at all, but really celebrating.

I’m showing up and I’m keeping on going. And as you said, there are weeks where you don’t do the weekly review, or you don’t do your power hour, or whatever happens, but you just keep going, and then over time, you develop a habit with it. And really, I love seeing PGSD in the persistence logs when people like I didn’t power plan this week, and I could just feel it that I didn’t do it. And I’m going back to doing it again, and I have that experience still where my brain’s like, oh my god, I just don’t want to have to plan out the week and think about it, and I’d rather just, like, get in there and get things done. And it always is way less productive and way more stressful, and, yeah, just nowhere near as good. Have you had experiences like that?

Eliska Krajickova
Yeah, I wanted to say, if you will skip the Power Hour, you will regret it for the whole week, really like a game changer of your week. So I think I skipped it like twice in two years. And really those weeks were rough. I do power running, even with my son getting sick, and the first thing when I see he is sick, and I know that tomorrow is no daycare, I will just make a coffee, I will, like, put him to his bed, and I will have like, 32 hour to really repower plan the few next few days, because there is no point into, like, doing the work once the baby is at home, and I know that I would just like, be very hard on myself. So I just like, breathe. I’m bit sad for a bit, and then I just repower plan, because there is no point into going for the week with the exam. Flexible you need to be the more things happening in your life that you don’t know or you could not predict, the more I think you will use the power planning as a tool that will always ground you, and will always be like the tool to really navigate those days and circumstances that you could not really predict.

And I also want to say, like all of us in the PGSD, we are not like a magical people going for the program, and it’s more about this constant support that you will get from the podcast episodes you can re listen or from the forum when you and your team are always like reminding to Celebrate, to be great. So like, for your work, for the 80% and somehow, you know, it’s gonna train your brain in a weeks, weeks and months, to really be celebrating 80% and I think that if it would be only just like one lesson in the module and then never spoken about, it wouldn’t probably, like, hit us all that hard, but since it’s topic that it’s, you know, a lot of awesome I think mentioned on the calls, or we have the support in the forum, I think like, that’s when the transformation really happens, that the program is with you on the go for as long as you need. And I definitely don’t think you need the lifetime access, which is great and convenient, but if you will stick with everything in the program, I think you will see the results like, way, way, way, way faster.

Sam Laura Brown
100% yeah, it’s lifetime access, but not because it takes a lifetime to get to the result, but just so that everyone, especially like we perfectionists, were like, hey, I need to find the perfect time that I can use it and make the most of it. Like, no, you can just sign up and get access and then use it when it makes sense for you. But I love how you shared about that, because we really work hard to create a culture like a growth minded culture inside PGSD of celebrating the effort and the courage and putting yourself out there and giving it a go and doing that so that we can keep persisting and then continuing to succeed. And yeah, we can just be so in our heads about it didn’t work right away, and so I should just stop doing it. And like, No, you’re doing a great job. You just have to do it for a little bit longer.

But I love as well what you said about planning like when you have an unpredictable life, that that is the best time to do power planning, because I hear from so many people who are like, I love the sound of power planning, but I just have too many interruptions, or I have a health condition, or I have little ones, or I’m caring for my parents, or my motivation really ebbs and flows, or I have phone calls at all weird times, like there’s always like we all have life circumstances, and very few of us are like I have every day, uninterrupted, perfect health, no one to care for, no one to care about, no one else can impact me, and I can just be productive all the time. We all have those things that we need to contend with. So could you say a bit more about how if your life is unpredictable, that’s the best situation to be power planning?

Eliska Krajickova
I wanted to mention that one of the most challenging things in the pgsd, which I totally get, why is it like that is when you share like, there is no one perfect calendar I can teach you. And when I was not in PGSD before, and I asked you, I think it was on some Instagram Live, like, how much clean rest I should get, and what to put in the clean rest? And you are like, Yeah, it’s hard to say. It depends, really, on your life circumstances. And like, what do you like as a clean rest? And I know I remember, like, Where, where is the like, the example, like one calendar, and that’s why I think it works so well, because it’s gonna teach you the method that you can take for a full time job, for a side hustle once you have a baby, once you have a second baby, because you just know how to do the work, and you have the skill.

So I just wanted to mention the lifetime access that when some big change in your life is going to happen, you can always come back to it and see, and I sometimes really relisten on the modules that are like the part of the core program, and I feel like, you know, I’m listening after six months, and I’m already on different kind of, like, part of the journey, yeah, and it clicks in some different way. And then I will listen pregnant, and it’s another. Then I have five new people in a team, and then I’m just like, yeah, now I can use it for my life in a different way. So I just wanted to mention that, and I can see it with my all or nothing friends who are usually like, oh yeah, my my son, he stayed at home, and I’m just done with the whole day.

And I think that if you are having the skill of power planning, you can still, you will still do way more than everyone around you, because it will just teach you how to create the space, how to create resources for yourself, how to have the clean rest. That’s the hardest part for me. So I think the more you don’t know what’s gonna come, the more you need to power planning. Because if you don’t have the skill, I think you will be just stuck in the middle waiting for this, like perfect circumstances coming to your life exactly. I have eight hours of, you know, clean work time where I can finally do the work. And I think, like that’s waiting for something what’s probably never gonna come. And the soonest we will admit ourselves that life happens, changes happens, challenges happens, and how can I support myself? The sooner we will see the results. And honestly, it’s like the same with the to do list, right? And the calendars, if you are waiting to have all done it’s never gonna happen, you know?

And the power planning will teach you how to have life outside the work. Because, anyway, what’s the point? It’s never gonna get done. All of it from, like, business owners. We like, Yeah, we like building things we like, like, you know, self development, things, new projects, new tasks. So anyway. In the end of the day when everything is done, I think we all have like, backlog of 10 ideas, you know, to launch and like to work on. So I really think it’s like the emergency thing you need, like, if people that are sick need hospital, I think that the business owner just needs power planning if they, like, want to have some life outside the work, and they don’t want to be this annoying friend who is only about the business, or this annoying wife that is always complaining about not having enough time.

And that’s what I love in the forum as well, that I get very often reminded of, like, let’s decide that you have the time you need. And like, what are you gonna do with that? And, like, lose the idea of there is not enough time in my calendar that such a powerful thought that we get reminded, you know, in the forum and in the course that I already forget, what was the first question? But I think it was about power planning when you don’t know what’s gonna happen. Yeah, yes. I think the more unpredicted things you have in your life, the more you need the skill. Because like being able to plan your perfect eight hours day week, it’s just not anything like challenging or anything you would need a big support with. So the more side jobs, babies, whatever it is to businesses you have, the more I think you can benefit from the whole program.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah and I love how you talked about going back to the lessons and the modules, and really like reacquainting yourself with what power planning is each time you go through a life transition or a business transition. And for me, my power planning has dramatically changed as I have gone through different life stages as well, from not having any kids to then having one to then having three, and also wanting to work a more condensed work week and have clean rest. But then my clean rest looks very different to how it used to look before I had kids, when I could just read my book for a few hours and do things like that, and now I don’t do that. So just figuring out, what does clean rest look like for me in this season of life, like I’ve it is so powerful to be able to have that skill set of creating your own plan for yourself.

Instead of me saying, like, I get a lot of questions about this, like you were saying of like, okay, can you just show me you know, how much clean rest? What do I do in my clean rest? What time should I start my day? What should I work on first? And like, I could make something up and tell you, but then, when your life circumstance changes, I have to tell you again, and you have to always be reliant on me. And I love teaching self reliance and that skill set of all I can actually figure out through that experience of the Power Hour and the little tweaks in the weekly review, I can figure out when works best for me to work and what to prioritize, and what are my needle movers, and what I need to adjust and how to keep things flexible. And it’s just so empowering once you have that. Do you mind sharing a bit more about going from having one business to then being able to have time for another business. How did power planning help you with that?

Eliska Krajickova
Yeah, that’s a brand new history I will try to remember. But I think it all really started with yeah, just knowing what to work on and then when you power plan, you will see, like, here and there is free spot in my calendar, you know. And I wanted to do it for like, two, three years before. Prior to that, I already was thinking like, I would like to start some business for a woman and help them with their e commerce stores. So I had this thought, but I never knew, like, how to put it into my life, because I was already, like, overwhelmed with the E commerce business. So I think what it really created, in some way, was it’s really different. When you wake up, you don’t know what to do, and you randomly choose tasks, and then there is a very different way, how Power Plan will teach you, and the Power Hour will show you how to effectively work with your calendar, how to choose what to work on, how long it should take, and everything that somehow I don’t know. I think it just happened, like naturally that I saw, like, it’s manageable now, like, I know what to work on. I know this. Can I delegate?

Because the power planning, it’s not only about your calendar, but like, what you can delegate, where you can automate, where you can delete, so that it’s just naturally, somehow progressed. I don’t really remember, in a way of like, yeah, I am not so overwhelmed anymore. Let’s have more fun. Let’s like, let’s add a new project. So I think it was really like, based on few weeks of routines and really keeping the power planning and sticking with it, that it’s just somehow unlocked. I don’t really remember, like, one moment you know that it would be. It’s just somehow it stopped feeling the way of, like, I would like to do it, but I don’t have a single minute for it, yeah, because I think it was like, I can do it. I have the time. I just will need to do some adjustments. I will need to switch makes, delegate some things, and like, let’s have this thought of I can do it, and how can I power plan the another project you know into the calendar.

Sam Laura Brown
Do you mind sharing a bit about with your relationship? Because you mentioned about wanting to not be working all the time, or saying, like, Hey, I just need 10 more minutes and then you’re still working a couple of hours later. What impact has it had on your relationship to be power planning all the while, like adding another business and like your life circumstances changing as well, so you have more on your plate than when you first started. But what’s happened in your relationship because of the power planning?

Eliska Krajickova
I think there is, like, a big part of it that, like no one can see and my husband cannot see because you cannot really and let’s be great so that it cannot be seen sometimes, how often and how much we are thinking about our businesses. So you know, some transformation happen inside that I can enjoy the movie, or I can really listen during dinner what you are talking about, because I am not thinking about the business. So this is like the big inner change that happened, and my husband would never tell that it happened, because he never knew how much I was like out of his world, thinking about my businesses. So that was the first big change that I could be present with him, not just physically, but mentally as well.

And there are, like, a little changes that my husband would claim, like we are on holiday and in the plane right away we sit. You are still working on your business. I don’t get it. You are, like, obsessed. But for me, the big change happened that I was not really anymore thinking about, like, those little daily tasks. And I do use, like holiday transportation and things to like strategize and things about the vision and something what I would have never like, ever even like a small amount of time in my life. And so for him, again, he would see it, maybe I’m working again. For me, it’s really like unbothered, not stressful as a reward time in the plane. And, yeah, mainly, I think it’s also about the power planning gave me a space. I had the space already, but I didn’t see it, so it gave me the space for the clean rest. And I think that once you can energize yourself, and you are creating resources for yourself. I think you automatically just show up as a better, you know, wife or husband, because you are resourced. You are not trained. You had your time for the rest. So then you can hold space for your husband, you know, after the work, because it was not 12 hours of work in your calendar, and you did the gym.

So now you are someone who can actually, you can actually want to be with and spend afternoon with, you know, because I am not this overwhelmed. I don’t have time. I cannot just do it today. Let’s go on the Kinder the playground without me, because I can just go. I created the space and I can go. Plus, what it gave me is I can also do some me time, and then I have the power and the energy to spend it with my family. So I think it’s just supports me in a way, to be a better wife for him. And I think, to be honest, I always say I could not ever live with me. It’s very hard. And I think with a lot of business founding women, it’s really hard to live with them. So like, Let’s appreciate our men that they can do it with us. So, yeah, what it gave me is, like, I think I truly am, like, a better wife for someone who is not that much into business, you know, as I am. So it’s like helping me to really, like, go into like, regular life of regular people, how they go through the day. And, yeah, I think that was, like the main change really happened, like, inside of me, and how I show up, you know, as a wife, and that our conversations are not 90% only about my businesses anymore, yeah, which must be drained, draining for someone else.

Sam Laura Brown
Energizing for you, though, But, um, with the like, it’s such a great point about physical presence and then mental presence, and that I can relate to that as well. Definitely at times, if I haven’t been switched off that I’m like, I’m with everyone, but I’m still thinking about things and being able to develop that skill of being able to. You not be thinking about all the time and actually be present with everyone makes such a big difference. And I do think they do feel it, even if they don’t have as much awareness as we do that, like I can actually fully listen to you and be 100% present in the conversation and not be like, Oh, what if I did this with that, or what if I did that? So it’s incredible, and just being able to spend your time, for example, if you’re on the plane or things like that, strategizing and doing that big picture thinking, because you don’t have to be worried about all of the little things or like, trying to keep this to do list in your head.

Because when we do work from a really long to do list, ultimately we have to keep everything in our head and constantly go back and prioritize, or what about this? Or what about that? Because we don’t really have, actually a system that we can use, even if it is beautifully organized in notion or in a color coded calendar, but it’s like time blocking. It just it makes such a difference. I’m so glad you shared about just those like transformations that from the outside, it might look like you’re still working a lot because you are someone who really enjoys working, and you’re spending a similar amount of time with your family, maybe, but there are big changes that have happened. So yeah, I love hearing that that’s so important.

Eliska Krajickova
There is, like, another part, like for with the relationship with my husband, but there is a big difference if you are, like, with your kids and you are just there, or if you are with them, like, fully present. So for me, it was also important, like, not to go to playground, because I know that I can be on my phone, dealing with emails, you know. So I would say, like, the equal change in the partnership was for my son as well, that I do not like drag the work, you know, throughout the whole day, until the night, and then next day again. And I can really be like, now I am in my role, like, if I will do and I 90% do, like, the little tweaks in the end of the work day, I can then, like, either switch, you know, into the second role.

So I think the need was even bigger to change how I plan and how I try to work with myself once you have another role, which is in one role, which is like this huge one. And I had a mom, and she, who used to be so much at work that I am like, if my son will ever say, Mom, you were at work all the time, that’s gonna be like my biggest loss I did in, you know, in my life. So I am very aware of, like spending time with him, and it’s different for me, like being with him I just enjoy and like being in my head, you know, running falls around the business, so I think it will, just, like, transform everything in your life, and not just your business or the partnership. It will just, I think will transform you as a whole in all roles that you have.

Sam Laura Brown
Thank you for sharing that with PGSD in particular, before we started recording. And I said, I just want to share a bit about your experience in the program as well, for anyone who’s thinking about signing up. And you said, How honest can we be? And I said, you could share anything you want to share about PGSD. And you said you really wanted to talk about the coaching calls, and because you’re in Europe and the call times don’t work for you, and we do have European PGSDers who attend the calls. But also there are PGSDers in the states which our call times are suitable for, but it conflicts with something they already have on, or it’s just not at a good time for them. And there are some PGSDers who attend the calls, which is optional, and many who don’t, but who still get so many amazing benefits from being in PGSD. So I’m just curious what you wanted to share, because you said you want to talk about, like, what your experience has been with not attending many of the calls.

Eliska Krajickova
I like it. Also it’s depending on the season of life. It was like two years ago, so I was still breastfeeding, and my son was waking up, like four or fives time a night. So I I did really have to prioritize the sleep, like two hours and the call. And I usually…

Sam Laura Brown
I support that.

Eliska Krajickova
So but what I was really enjoying were the like, the recording from the previous course, because I think you mentioned it somewhere in the in the forum, that you don’t really have to go, like, from the episode number one, and like up and to be like, updated. And I really, like in the beginning, just chose based on what it was like, something, what I am struggling with, or something what? Yeah, this is similar to my life circumstances. So what is great about the podcast is that there’s just so many recordings.

Sam Laura Brown
Sorry, are you talking about the podcast?

Eliska Krajickova
Yeah the private podcast. So there will be, like, definitely for 10 your life scenarios. There will be like 10, like coachings, and you can just listen to it. And I think that there is a power, I think you are mentioning it as well in the forum, that sometimes it’s way easier to see or like to get your support when you are listening and you are not being coached, because when you are getting coached, you are, like, a little bit stressed. Maybe, you know, if it’s like me, my English is not my native language, right? So there’s already some barrier. But when you are listening, it’s just, I think, really like, on different deeper level, because you don’t have this emotional attachment and stress and everything around the life goal. So for me, yeah, I was just like, digging deep into the private podcast in like, first three, four months, because every second one was like, Yeah, that’s me, or this is someone I can relate to. Oh, yeah.

And, you know, the topics are not like, they are somehow personalized, but yeah, if it’s about the growth goal, like, we all can somehow, like, take it for our life and learn from it. So for me, it was to be honest again, in the beginning, I was like, yeah, like, there are some recordings, like, whatever, I might listen to them. Like, I don’t know what is the hype about it? I will give it a shot. I will probably never attend in next two years life. And then I got pregnant again, so now I am sleeping as well for for upcoming newborn. And it really is very, very, very, very like valuable resource that you will get there. And as I said, there is so many of them by now that there is no zero nothing. There is no chance that you will not find a call that will support you today with your exact problems without being coached, because someone 99% already got coached. And it was probably not once. There are, like…

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah they already got it.

Eliska Krajickova
Yeah there is like way more episodes about that one. So yeah, definitely, that was something what I did not think in the beginning, when joining can be a beneficial like, yes, some recordings. But those topics, you know, it’s not really about, like, what works now, it’s Facebook ads, and then in six months, it’s old and outdated and no one cares. But it’s really like, I can listen in 10 years, you know, and still find it very valuable. And, like, updated. So, yeah, definitely, I definitely undervalued, and then it already works.

Sam Laura Brown
Yeah, I’m glad to hear that, because having the PGSD private podcast is one of my favorite parts about the program, because I have as a client benefited the most from hearing others getting coached, and it’s why I moved away from doing one on one coaching to doing PGSD as a program, because everyone just was telling me how alone they felt and that they were the only ones struggling, but I was just saying the same things again and again. And also, the main thing that I love about hearing someone else getting coached is because I would have never brought a certain topic to a coaching call, or I didn’t even have the awareness that I needed support with it. So if I was getting one on one coach, we wouldn’t have even talked about it, but hearing someone else, I’m like, Huh, that’s what I’m going through, but I couldn’t have even articulated it. So I love how you share about the podcast. And so what would you say for someone who wants to be in PGSD and is like, either I don’t like being on calls or I don’t think the call times will work for me. What would you say to that person who is in that situation?

Eliska Krajickova
So to get the full experience, I signed up for coaching once, and I so I know how it works, and like what it can really bring you. And I think, like in most scenarios, you will just benefit more from the recordings and like, let’s be glad that there are other people who are joining and signing up for the coaching so you don’t have to, and you can just listen about it and find yourself in it, you know. But then, yes, if you think it’s very specialized, the problem is, like, never been solved in PGSD, there is always an option to ask for the coaching. That’s great. But for me, like waking up at 2am it’s it’s just not possible. Maybe it’s going to be in three years now. And to me, it’s really like, I do see only benefits at this moment. I don’t have to wake at 2am I don’t have to think what I need to get coach on. I can just do cleaning and, like, find the topic based on the naming of the private episodes with something what I am now struggling with. And then I can just, like, easily have those aha moments without the need of being present there. You know?

Sam Laura Brown
That 100% is optional to attend, and there are people who will attend who want the coaching, and everyone else gets to benefit. We’ve really designed the program to be friendly for lurkers who just want to learn from the shadows or not be on the call, so that you really don’t have to interact with everyone else if you don’t want to, but you do get the benefits from hearing everyone else interact and getting coached.

Eliska Krajickova
What I would add. And so the one thing is that I don’t know like from what countries people are listening this podcast, but for example, in my country in Europe, there is more like the common ground practice is like life coach, or the coach in general, is someone who will just ask you questions, like, what is your goal? Where do you want to go? Where do you see yourself in three years? How do you will create a plan? And they don’t really supposed to have an opinion, and that’s what’s really been taught like on those, like educational programs. But what I really like, and what’s something, what people cannot get out of the the public podcast is how spicy you can get. I mean, you as a coach, like, sometimes you will just like, we will be like, going around the circles, and Sam will come and she will ask one very direct question.

And you can just, like, listen the silence of like, okay, this is the thing I’m avoiding. And she just found it in me. And I don’t know how she done that, and now I have to reply back. So sometimes what I really laugh, and what’s not very visible, I think, outside the program, is that you don’t you are not afraid to ask, like, I wouldn’t say, like uncomfortable questions. They are not uncomfortable, but they are not, like, shallow questions. They will just go deep very quickly. Like, you don’t need to have a coaching call 15 minutes I am learning about you. You will just, like, ask three questions, and then you are just digging deep with your questions, like, we don’t have time, let’s get to it. So this is what I really love, and it’s something what’s not often, that seen, you know, in the public podcast episodes, and I say you should be celebrated more.

Sam Laura Brown
Oh my God, I’m dying. That’s so hilarious. And that something is a coach I do like about my coaching style in the sense of and I guess I don’t really talk about it much, but I do like to give a bit of, like, tough love and directness when it’s needed. I could also be very like, have a gentle approach as well, but I like to get to the point. And really we can tend to kind of just want to talk about everything around the thing and not talk about the actual thing. So thanks for sharing about that with PGSD, beyond power planning, because we’ve talked about power planning and we won’t chat for too much longer. I just want to be respectful of your time. But with PGSD, there’s obviously power planning that you learn and the growth goal and clean rest. But are there any other elements of PGSD? Because there are other topics we talk about that we haven’t even touched on. But is there anything else that’s been particularly helpful for you?

Eliska Krajickova
For me, based on the life circumstances I’ve been through the last year, plus the experience from the forum, for me, it was really practicing the self trust the most, and I think, like, really self trust, and maybe I think it’s not the part of like the official training library, but like the kindness to yourself and being able to celebrate yourself and not only see what else I I haven’t get done this week, but like, really getting back the support of, like, Yeah, but like you have done this, or like you survived with your sick son, that’s the thing we should celebrate, and not like, be all or nothing, because I haven’t done any work three days in row, you know?

So I think it’s like the side effect of the whole program is that it’s gonna teach you also like how to appreciate yourself and how not to think only about I am not doing enough. I am not good enough. I should be more productive. I should this or I should that, and it’s really gonna teach you really to like self trust and celebrate you in your all the seasons of life, and also the self awareness and being able to evaluate your work and everything you do after your Power Hour based on the life circumstances and everything. So I really, I know that you focus on business owners, but also the program goes way far the business. You know, it’s not going to change your business. It’s going to really go and change all areas of your life. So I would say, like, as a side effect definitely self trust.

Sam Laura Brown
Self trust is such a important thing that we work on and talk about a lot in PGSD, and it’s definitely one of the side effects of power planning as well. And the clean rest and growth goal is that to be able to achieve your growth goal without putting heaps of pressure on yourself, and to be able to power plan, you do need to learn how to trust yourself and how to have a much better relationship with yourself. And just as you were saying that, I was thinking about how our perfectionist brains are, like you should be doing more and you should be more productive, and it’s still not good enough. And like, even if we are productive and we are succeeding in life, it is miserable to have that inner dialog. And my dialog isn’t like, Oh, my God, you’re amazing. And like, it’s never going to like, it’s not good enough, but it’s dramatically different, and it’s just so much nicer to be with myself now than it was before. And I can actually, like, have my own back, and it’s easier to do scary things and to put myself out there, because I know I’m not going to be a bitch to myself on the other end of it. So yeah, self trust is is everything for perfectionists. That is the work, ultimately, that we’re doing with perfectionism. So thank you so much for sharing everything that you have. Is there anything you want to say any last words to someone who is thinking about signing up for PGSD and joining us inside.

Eliska Krajickova
I think that like first thing is that this is really not the program that, like says something on sales page and then it’s just does not deliver. So if you read something what resonates, you can be sure that it’s that you are paying, and you will get the thing you like in the email or whatever you are reading or listening. And also, if you would be able to, like Pinky promise that you would like do the work, and you will show up, and then you will fail, and you will be fine with that. It’s hard, I know, but it it’s a practice you need to learn. Then I can really, like, you can contact me, and I can, like, promise that I will give you your money back if it’s not gonna work. Because I just

Sam Laura Brown
You pay them.

Eliska Krajickova
I just know that it’s gonna work. Like if you will show up.

Sam Laura Brown
Money back guarantee from Eliska.

Eliska Krajickova
I just know that it’s gonna work. If you will show up, if you will do the power planning, not once, not twice, like you will do it constantly, you will write the reviews in, I don’t know. I don’t care if it’s in your diary or if it’s in forum, and you will do it as it is in the program, and with all those supports, and you can get in pgsd, there is, like, zero chance to fail, like there is zero chance not to make the money back in a very short period of time. So I’m that confident. And there is, like, at this moment, I don’t have every any single reason why shouldn’t you join and if the only thing that’s stopping someone now, it’s really the investment. And I can say, I hear you. It was a lot of conversations at home, because my husband is really not into self developing and education, and I really was like, I’m gonna make it in my business and then invest it. You don’t have to, like, be involved in it. So it was not easy for me as well, and it was my first big investment.

But it’s just, I don’t know, I feel like it. I made it back in like, a month, you know? And then, as I said in the beginning, there is such a huge transformation as a person, and something was also happening inside of you, like, how are you living with yourself, how you are not like, overwhelmed, how you are not being mean to yourself, how you can enjoy other people around and talk about different things and just business. Then I think that the really, the tech, the price tag is like, not existent, because there’s such a big change and transformation, if you are willing to show up, that the price is really it should not even be the objection, because really, everything was said wherever it is, it sounds like what you will get in the PGSD.

Sam Laura Brown
Thank you so much.

Eliska Krajickova
This was not pre planned. No, definitely not. I think, like, the whole episode, this one was great for me to reflect and really, like, stop in the moment and see, like, how far I have come and where I would be I wouldn’t have probably the second business, you know, I said after the first one, I mean the baby, not the business. I said, I’m never gonna do it again in my whole life. Motherhood is hard. Business is easy. I am not gonna go for it anytime soon. And then, thanks to PGSD, I launched the second business. My husband is CEO, Director. In the one corporate company, and now, thanks to my second business, he is able to quit the job. He will stay at home with me. I will be working part time. He will support me as a stay home dad, and that would be never possible. And I said, if you can do it for me, we can have a second one. If you cannot, and I have to stay again full time, Mom, I am not gonna go there. So, you know, when you see the effect, the side effects it has on your life, like the One Small Change of like, joining the PGSD, like, I don’t know where I would been now, and I don’t want to know. I don’t either like, want to think how miserable maybe I would be still feeling with myself. And really the huge part that should be mentioned is the inner feelings you have with yourself, and how are you living with yourself every day, and how you show up for yourself and for the people around and that’s the transformation that’s really for me is, you know, priceless.

Sam Laura Brown
Amazing! Well, thank you so much for sharing all of that, Eliska, I really appreciate it, and we will link up in the show notes, where anyone can go to Eliska for a refund to PGSD…

Eliska Krajickova
No but you can come for and have a specific question if you have something or you still have some objection, and you don’t want to ask Sam, and you want someone who is like in third person out of her Business, then definitely you can contact me, and I will explain very fast how you should join and why, why you should join now and not not postpone and procrastinate of the decision.

Sam Laura Brown
That’s very generous of you. So we’ll link up anyway. If anyone also wants to just follow along with Eliska and her two businesses, we’ll link that up in the show notes. But thank you so much. I really appreciate you.

Eliska Krajickova
Thank you for inviting me and hopefully to see some new faces in the forum and getting to know other perfectionists that will be healed and recovered.

Sam Laura Brown
Amazing. Thank you.

Eliska Krajickova
Thank you.

If you’re ready to start planning properly as a perfectionist so you can follow through with your plans, I invite you to join us inside Perfectionist Getting Shit Done. We will be starting a 12 week power planning challenge on the first of July, and it’s going to be perfect for you if you’re in need of a mid year reset, or you love extra accountability and support. To join us for the challenge inside the program, all you need to do is be inside PGSD by 11:59pm New York time on Sunday the 30th of June. You can find out more about the program and sign up at samlaura brown.com/pgsd.

Author: Sam Brown