Episode 79: The Final Update On My 2018 Impossible Goal + My 2019 Goals

Ep 79: The Final Update On My 2018 Impossible Goal + My 2019 Goals

For 2018, I set myself an ‘impossible’ goal. And that goal was to make $500,000 in business revenue (which was more than 10X what I’d ever made before).

The point of this goal wasn’t necessarily to achieve it but to grow into the kind of person who could achieve, to learn to go after something all-out (even when it’s not going to plan), to get comfortable with failure and to see what I’m capable of. And I have to say – setting this kind of goal, and working towards it for an entire year, has been completely life-changing for me!

In this episode, I’m sharing exactly how I went with my impossible goal. And I’m not just sharing the lessons, but also a behind the scenes look at my revenue, profit and expenses too (down to the dollar).

I hope you find it helpful!

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This is the podcast episode I’ve been looking forward to recording for the last 12 months - a final update on how I went with my impossible goal: what I learned, what worked, what didn’t, what I made (down to the dollar) and what’s coming next!

Author: Sam Brown