Episode 125: How I Transitioned From Full-Time Work To Full-Time Entrepreneurship

Episode 125: How I Transitioned From Full-Time Work To Full-Time Entrepreneurship

This episode has been a long-time in the making and I still can’t quite believe I’m recording it. When I started my blog in August 2013, I never thought that I’d be able to get my business to a place where it could support me full-time – be here we are!

Along this wild ride, I’ve constantly searched for resources and advice to help me figure out how to transition from full-time work to full-time entrepreneurship. I haven’t had the confidence to take a blind leap of faith so I’ve scoured the internet for wisdom on how to navigate this uncertain time. And to be honest, what I found was a little lacking! So I hope that by sharing the nitty gritty of my experience I’m able to help you figure out when to take your own leap and how to do it.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Why I started my blog even though I didn’t feel confident
  • How I balanced full-time accounting and growing my blog
  • The investments that changed the trajectory of my business and career
  • How I knew the time was right to leave my full-time job and then my part-time job
  • Why resenting your day job will slow your entrepreneurial journey down
  • What my finances have looked like throughout this process
  • Why I was scared to go full-time in my business and how I overcame that fear
  • My next steps now that I’m full-time in my business

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In this episode, I’m getting into the nitty gritty of how I’ve transitioned from full-time accounting to full-time entrepreneurship. I hope that hearing the details of my story helps you figure out when to take your own leap and how to do it.

Author: Sam Brown